Today's post is in the style "something about everything".
Susann postitas Ravelrys lingid oma pildialbumile, kus on rohkem pilte meie kooskudumisest, Pronksi lõngapoe lõngadest jne.
Susann posted on Ravelry links to her flickr photos with more pictures of our knitting together, Pronksi yarnshop yarns etc.
Lingid/links: siin , siin
Väga kena, kui keegi viitsib koos kududa.
It is rather nice if somebody wants to knit together.
Kindlasti küsite, kus on rohelise rätiku pildid. Nagu niisugustel puhkudel ikka juhtub, avastasin, et patareid on tühjad. Panin laadima. Nüüd, kui patareid laetud, on juba pime. Aga pildid tulemata ei jää.
Of course you want to ask about the pictures of the green shawl. As it usually happens, I discovered that the battareys were empty. I recharged them. Now they are rechareged but it is too dark. But there will be pictures.
Veel kirjutati mulle Ravelrys ja küsiti Lehed ja nooled-salli õpetust. Mis õpetus siin olla võibki, kõik tuntud mustrid. Tuleb ainult kombineerida. Aga samas on see mulle au. Tegin õpetuse valmis, kui keegi tahab proovikudujaks, andke palun teada.
I was approached by someone on Ravelry with the request of Lehed ja nooled scarf pattern. Well, is there a pattern? All stitches are well-known. You just have to combine them. On the other hand, I am flattered. I wrote it down, if anyone wishes to test-knit, please let me know.
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