Ilmselt kujuneb välja peaaegu iga kudujal oma erakeel. Nt on hulk mustreid, mida nimetan enda jaoks "pseudopalmikuteks". Seda tüüpi asi, nagu alloleval pidlil, on minu jaoks
ürp. Võib-olla mängib rolli, et inglise keeles on see
wrap. Kuigi "wrap" oleks eesti keeles pigem "mähik" (et mähid end sisse), "ürp" on hästi ilmekas ja kõlab sarnaselt. Ravelrys on selle asjanduse nimi
Anna ürp.
Probably almost every knitter develops a kind of private language. For instance, a certain class of stitch patterns are "mock cables" or "pseudo-cables" for me. The garment as shown in the following picture is ürp for me in Estonian. Maybe it matters that it is wrap in English. Although a different word in Estonian would correspond better to "wrap", "ürp" is rather expressive and sounds similar. The garment in question is called Anna ürp on Ravelry.

Rohelisest Evilla 8/2-st koongi parajasti ürpi. Siin on äär, kahekordne pärlkude (1 pp, 1 ph, järgmises reas mustri järgi, kolmandas reas vastupidi 1 ph, 1 pp).
I am indeed knitting a wrap now from the green Evilla 8/2. Here is the edge, double moss stitch (k 1, p 1, next row as the stitches show, third row p 1, k 1):

Siin on pilt mustrist. Püüdsin näidata kohta, kus on näha värvide üleminekut, aga tumeroheline on siis hall.
Here is a picture of the main stitch pattern. I was trying to show the point where colour transition takes place but dark-green looks gray here.
Pilt sellest, mis mul on kootud (selja osa ja esitükid, mis saavad varsti kokku):
Here is the picture of what I have by now (the back part and the front parts that are about to meet soon):
Erinevalt esimsest ürbist on siin teistsugune konstruktsioon. Enamik sedasorti õpetusi käsivad kududa äärest ääreni. Mina aga alustasin keskelt (elagu abilõngaga loomine). Seda kahel põhjusel: 1) et muster oleks sümmeetriline (kuigi nooled võivad just taotluslikult vaadata ühes suunas) ja 2) nii on kergem tabada õiged proportsioonid. Teine põhjus on siin kaalukam.
Differently from the first wrap this one has a different construction. Mostly wrap patterns would tell you to knit from front edge to front edge. However, I started in the middle (long live provisional cast-on). This was done for two reasons: 1) the pattern would be symmetrical (although the arrows can look in one direction on purpose) and 2) in this manner it is easier to get the proportions right. The latter reason is weightier.
Miks nii? Oletame, et alustan vasakust esitükist, teen käeaugu, koon edasi, selg on valmis, siis teen teise käeaugu, alustan paremat esitükki ja näen, et ei istu hästi või et esitükk on liiga lühike/pikk jms. Siis tuleb palju harutada. Kui alustan seljast, koon mõlemas suunas. Kui mõlemad käeaugud on valmis, saan selga proovida ja näha, kui palju on veel kududa jne.
Why so? Suppose you start sideways from the left front, make the armhole, knit further, make the back part, make the second armhole and see that the whole thing does not fit or that the front part is too short/long. Then you have to frog a lot. If you start from the middle of the back, you can knit in both direction. When both armholes are done, you can try on and chek how much you have to knit etc.
Loodetavasti on siin veel paar päeva tööd, siis saab juba seljas pildistada.
Hopefully there is a couple of days to knit and then it will be possible to make pictures of the finished wrap.