I appologize for a lengthy pause, usually I try to update regularly when I am in Estonia. However, yesterday I did not have time to take pictures and also several problems lacked solution at that point. I have mentioned to several in private correspondence that "my hands don't want" to knit summer yarns. One is not obliged to knit in accordance with seasons. If I see a beautiful yarn and if I have a matching idea, then I knit it anyway! Thus, my hands decided that the most suitable yarn for knitting at the moment is mohair. I happen to have dark-green Camelot Lineapiu mohair.
Mida ma siis mohäärist kavandasin? Mõtlesin eksperementeerida, kas Mohäärinurgake (s.o. Nurgake-nimeline top, aga mohäärist) oleks võimalik. Mulle siiski ei meeldinud, kuidas kude langes. Nurgake tahaks konkreetsemat kudet, mitte nii hõljuvat. Või eksisin kalkulatsioonis. Igatahes otsustasin, et antud juhul peaks tegema midagi muud. Mõtlesin siis, et teen topi, mis oleks ülevalt Mohääriminimalismi valemi järgi, keskel muster, alt külgedelt "sabad" (ma ei tea, mis on selle praegu väga moes oleva silueti ametlik nimi; "sabad" tekivad siis, kui külgedelt ühtlaselt kasvatada). Selgus siiski, et nii tume intensiivne värv "sööb ära" igasuguse pitsimustri ja palmikul pole eriti mõtet. Seega jääb vana hea "minimalistlik" ülemine osa ja alla tulevad "sabad". Teoreetiliselt peaks sellise kujuga kudum mulle sobima.
What was I planning with mohair? I was thinking about experementing with Nurgake-type top in mohair. Still, I did not like how the fabric draped. Nurgake requires a well-defined fabric and not a fluffy one. Or I miscalculated. In any case I decided that something else should be done. So I thought to knit a top with the top part according to Mohair minimalism formula, a vertical lace pattern in the middle, and "tails" at sides (I don't know what the official name of this currently popular shape is; "tails" are obtained by the means of regular increases at the side seams). Yet it became clear that such a dark intensive colour "eats up" any lacy pattern and cables don't make much sense as well. Thus, it leaves us with good old "minimalism" at the top and "tails" at the bottom. In theory, such a shape would suit me.
Piltidel on näha, kui palju mul on kootud. Varsti teen käeaugud.
The pictures show how much I have knit so far. I will make armholes soon.
Veel midagi huvitavat. Täna saime kokku Helkaga ja käisime koos lõngapoes. Ta hankis Pronksi poest Raasiku ja Jõgeva lõngu. Siis istusime koos, tal ei olnud kudumist kaasas, nii et kudusin ainult mina. Nädalalõpul saame jälle kokku ja siis koome mõlemad.
And something interesting. Today I met with Helka and we went together to a yarn store. She bought at Pronksi some Aade Lõng and Evilla yarns. Then we sat together and, as she had not taken her knitting with her, only I was knitting. On the weekend wi will meet again and will both knit.
4 kommentaari:
Beautiful color!
I’ am exactly like you, in this case:)
Only yarn gives me an idea to knit, not a season time.
Anna, I love this color :-)) Absolutely gorgeous :-)) The color does not look that dark in the photographs. Maybe if this top is worn with something light colored under, a lace pattern will be visible? I also think this "tail" shape will look good on you :-))
Looking forward to the finished garment :-)
Deena (deenulya from ravelry)
One can never have too much mohair. I'm totally with you here - and the color is just gorgeous!
Basiu, thank you! I think we agree on many things:)
Deena, you are always very kind! The colour is darker than in the photos. I think that this is not a "must" to have lace patterns here, so I am quite satisfied with the current minimalist decision.
Juuli, kiitos, minulle voi kirjoittaa suomeksi:) En koskaan väsy mohairista!
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