Some readers would laugh while reading the title because for me to decide about sleeves is probably the most difficult part. However, as you can see, I have started the sleeves. I thought that some kind of sleeves is needed here.
Miks on varrukaid vaja? Põhjendus on taas teoreetiline. Kui kudum on eest lahti, siis "tiivad" lehvivad just puusade piirkonnas, juhtides tähelepanu kõige laiemale kohale. Seega tuleb ülemine ja alumine osa tasakaalustada. Kasvõi lühike varrukas aitab seda teha.Veendusin selles, olles selga proovinud isegi niisuguse varrukahakatisega. Töö käigus otsustan pikkuse üle.
I had a chance to prove it after having tried on even with such an initial sleeve. Why are the sleeves needed? The reason is a theoretical one. When the garment is not pinned together, then the "wings" are just about the hips area and bring attention to the widest part of the figure. Thus, one has to balance the lower and the upper part. Even a short sleeve would do the job. During the process I will determine the length.
Homme sõidan jälle välismaale ja ilmselt ei saa kirjutada. Loodan siiski järgmise nädala alguseks valmis saada ja siin näidata. Siis tuleb ka lubatud postitus konstruktsioonist. Võrreldes varasemate ürpidega, siin on üks uuendus.
Tomorrow I again travel abroad and possibly will not be able to post. Still, I hope to finish the wrap at the beginning of the next week and to demonstrate it. Then there will be a promised post on the construction. Compared to my earlier wraps, there is an innovation here.
3 kommentaari:
I agree with you Anna that popular draped knits can look bottom-heavy and unflattering in some circumstances. The sleeves should do very nicely to balance the proportions, I love it so far. :)
There is an innovation in each wrap you've knitted!
Robin, thank you. Of course it depends on a particular body shape. I did sleeves but they are short, still, they do the job.
Helena, kiitos!
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