As it often happens, initial plans are subject to substantial changes. In the beginning I planned a wrap jacket; however, as this yarn has 60 % of wool, the fabric does not drape well. The stitch pattern that looked good on the swatch proved to be somehow heavy looking (definitely, this would be different with a 100 % wool yarn). Still, I am sticking to my initial intention to play out the beauty of the colour and to leave aside complicated stitch patterns.
Kaelus on ripskoes, ülejäänud labases parempidses. Keskel on jällegi ripskoe riba.
The collar is in garter stitch and the rest is in stockinette. The central panel is in garter stitch again.
Kujutan ette, et võiks kanda nii:
I imagine I can wear it this way:
Kujutage ette, esimene tokk pole veel kulunud, aga vestihakatis on juba olemas! Hoiatan, et lõnga metraažiga on suur segadus. Nimelt, see on Teksrena vabriku lõng. Nagu kirjutasin suvel, lõng jõuab poodidesse enamasti siltideta, Leedus paneb iga edasimüüja oma sildi. Seetõttu on Ravelrys segadus, sama lõng on andmebaasis erinevate nimede all ja metraaž ka erineb. Pronksi poes on selle lõnga nimi Any ja metraažiks näidatud 100 g/140 m. Aluseks on edasimüüja info. Teksrena kodulehel on aga 100 g/200 m, Vilniuseski oli poes sama info.
Imagine, I have not finished even one ball and I already have a vest prototype! Warning: there is a big confusion with the weight of this yarn. Namely, it is produced by Teksrena factory. As I wrote in summer, the yarn comes to stores mostly without labels and in Lithuania every distributor tends to put a different label. This is why there is a confusion on Ravelry, the same yarn in the data base under different names and with a different metrage indicated. In the Pronksi yarn shop it is named Any and the metrage is 100 g/140 m, based on the information provided by a distributor. However, Teksrena home page says 100 g/200 m and in the Vilnius store I got the same information.
5 kommentaari:
A very pretty and simple style to show off the lovely wool. Nice!
Very cute and stylish as always. The brooch is very pretty too.
great constructions :-)) I think this will be very wearable sweater :-)) The yarn looks great in plain st. st. :-)
Lihtne ja kena! :)
Mul mõlgub mingi sarnane kaelus meeles, ja tahtsin kohe uurida, et kas ilma prossita sellist asja ka kanda saab? See oleneb vist lõngast, kas selline kaelus hoiab kehast eemale või mitte?
Robin, thank you! I am glad I found a suitable construction for this yarn.
Evelyn, Danke!
Deena, thank you! I hope it will work. The colour is lovely and it is the main reason why I got the yarn.
Kristiina, aitäh. Oleneb muidugi lõngast ja oleneb sellest (ei tohi olla liiga lörr), kuidas kanda, nt mingi topi peal jms. Aga lõplikult saan midagi öelda siis, kui kere osa on valmis ja kõik on n-ö paigas. Kui kardad, et on liiga riskantne, võib lõhiku natuke varem kokku kududa. Ilmselt tuleb mul teha eraldi postitus selle konstruktsiooni kohta.
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