The sweater is finished and, hopefully, tomorrow there will be proper pictures and a story about construction etc. Now a slightly different topic: Anu asked me to knit a swatch, the yarn is Aade Lõng Artistic 8/2. Namely, there are no swatches from the variegated yarn in the shop (there is only 8/1 swatch in solid colours). I hopelessly missed the right light for photographs for today. The yarn is this:
Tegelikult soovitan minna Aade Lõnga kodulehele siia ja vaadata ülemise rea kõige parempoolsemat pilti. See ongi õige.
Actually, I advise you to go the homepage of Aade Lõng here and to look at the most right picture in the upper row. This is the right colours.
Tegelikult meeldib mulle nii muster kui lõnga värv. Kui nägite just vabriku kodulehel värve, siis olete ilmselt nõus, et on kena värvikombinatsioon. Sviitrit niisugusest lõngast enda seljas ei kujuta ette, küll aga rätik või seelik on täiesti võimalik. Ka proovilapist luban paremat pilti.
Actually I like both the stitch pattern and the colour of the yarn. If you saw the colours on the home page of the factory right now, you would probably agree that the colour combination is beautiful. I cannot imagine myself wearing a sweater from this yarn but a shawl or a skirt seems rather probable. I promise a better picture of the swatch as well.
3 kommentaari:
lovely lace pattern :-)) kind of geometrical leaves :-))
This looks like an interesting stitch. Pretty!
Deena, Robin, thanks! I should do something with the stitch.
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