As usual, I decided to meanwhile make sleeves and then I will know how much knitting downwards is required. The question is how to knit sleeves top down if the sleeve also has a stitch pattern. There are several options. I am not going to discuss the method when you knit the beginning of the sleeve simultaneously with the back and front piece and increase the sleeve all the time, although as far as the incorporation of a stitch pattern is concerned, it is the same calculation as the one I did now. I will discuss the situation when you have a ready armhole and have to pick up stitches.
Reeglite järgi on nii, et korjatakse üles umbes kolmandik silmuste arvust ja "õlaõmblus" (või päris õmblus, kui see on olemas) on keskel. Edasi kootakse nii, et iga rea lõpus korjatakse üles üks silmus juurde. Nõnda tehakse, kuni jõutakse kaenlaaluseni . Siis korjatakse üles kõik silmused korraga, ühendatakse ja kootakse ringselt. See on reeglite järgi, nagu öeldud. Aga kui on muster, kuidas siis teha? Kui lõng on peenike, nagu mohäär või selline linane, millest kudumeid olen siin korduvalt näidanud, ei ole see meetod kohustuslik. Võib korraga korjata üles kõik silmused või peaaegu kõik ja siis ühe kaupa korjata üles silmused kaenla alt. Mohäär võtab üsna ruttu keha kuju, peenikese linase puhul võin öelda sama. Nt rohelise kleidi varrukas on just niimoodi kootud. Olen ka paksemast lõngast kudunud varrukad nii, nagu mohäärist ja linasest. Väga hull ei ole. Mõlemad tütre kampsunid on kootud nii. Kohe korjasin üle silmused mitme mustrikorra jagu. Siiski mõtlesin, et üleskorjatavad silmused võib pikkamööda kaasata mustrisse. Ilmselt iga mustriga niimoodi teha ei saa, küll aga väikeste ja/või diagonaalsete mustritega võib proovida. Võtsin eile õhtul paberitüki ette ja kavandasin skeemi. Ja alljärgnev pilt näitab, et see pole võimatu.
According to the rules you pick up about 1/3 of all stitches in such a way that the "shoulder seam" (or a real shoulder seam, if there is one) is in the middle. Then you knit and pick up one stitch in the end of every row. You go on until you reach underarms. Then you pick up all remaining stitches, join and work in round. As mentioned, this is according to the rules. But what should one do if there is a stitch pattern? If the yarn is thin enough like mohair or linen that I have used many times and shown here, the method is not obligatory. Mohair quickly takes the shape of the body and the same is true about linen.You can pick up all stitches at once or almost all stitches and then pick up underarm stitches one by one. For instance, this is how I made the sleeves in the green linen dress. I have done the same with thicker yarn as with mohair and linen. It is not bad at all. My daughter's both cardigans are done in this way. Still I thought that the increased stitches can be incorporated into a stitch pattern. Probably, it does not work with every kind of pattern but it you can try it with small and/or diagonal patterns. Yesterday in the evening I took a piece of paper and sketched a chart. And the following shows that it is not impossible.
Nüüd on varruka silmused ühendatud ja koon ringselt alla. Mul on hea meel, et proovisin midagi uut.
Now the sleeve stitches are joined and I am knitting downwards in round. I am glad I tried out something new.
1 kommentaar:
Thank you for the post Anna :-)) The sleeve cap looks very nice :-))
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