Now it is finished! I am in Tartu and, therefore, my usual photographer is absent. This time my daughter took pictures. As you can see, she likes experimenting with the light.
kolmapäev, 29. juuni 2011
Nüüd on valmis! Olen Tartus, seetõttu pole mul oma tavalist fotograafi. Seekord pildistas mind tütar. Nagu näha, meeldib talle valgusega eksperementeerida.
Now it is finished! I am in Tartu and, therefore, my usual photographer is absent. This time my daughter took pictures. As you can see, she likes experimenting with the light.

Now it is finished! I am in Tartu and, therefore, my usual photographer is absent. This time my daughter took pictures. As you can see, she likes experimenting with the light.
pühapäev, 26. juuni 2011
Võilillelehekiri/Dandelion leaf stitch
Mustriga on selline lugu. Diana näitas mulle üht kudumit selle mustriga. Siis tuli meelde, et see on ju tuttav, kindalsti mõni eesti traditsioonis tuntud koekiri. Selgus, et ongi nii.
This is the story about the stitch pattern. Diana showed me a picture of a garment in this pattern. Then it appeared to me that the pattern is quite familiar and it is something known in the Estonian knitting tradition. That was the case indeed.

Kellel on Haapsalu salli raamat, see teab, et tegemist on võilillelehekirjaga. Lihtne, aga päris tore muster.
If you have Haapsalu Shawl book, you know that this is võilillelehekiri or dandelion leaf stitch. It is a simple but nice pattern.
This is the story about the stitch pattern. Diana showed me a picture of a garment in this pattern. Then it appeared to me that the pattern is quite familiar and it is something known in the Estonian knitting tradition. That was the case indeed.

Kellel on Haapsalu salli raamat, see teab, et tegemist on võilillelehekirjaga. Lihtne, aga päris tore muster.
If you have Haapsalu Shawl book, you know that this is võilillelehekiri or dandelion leaf stitch. It is a simple but nice pattern.
reede, 24. juuni 2011
Koon edasi/I am knitting on
Head lugejad, vabandan ebareeglipärase postitamise pärast. Kudumine edeneb, ehkki mitte nii kiiresti, nagu kodus. Näitan asjade seisu:
Dear readers, I apologize for irregular posting. Knitting is progressing, although not as fast as at home. Here is how the things are:

Ei pidanud vastu kiusatusele pildistada peeglist, kui proovisin endale selga.
I could not restrain myself from taking a picture in the mirror while I was trying it on.

Muster on kaasahaarav. Ilmselt on suhteliselt universaalne (sobib paljudele lõngadele). Nagu vastasin juba eelmise postituse kommentaaridele, kujutan ette kudumit eesti villast ja niisuguse mustriga.
The pattern is addictive. Probably it is relatively universal (it looks good on many yarns). As I answered to the comments to my previous posting, I can imagine a garment from Estonian wool in this pattern.
Dear readers, I apologize for irregular posting. Knitting is progressing, although not as fast as at home. Here is how the things are:
Ei pidanud vastu kiusatusele pildistada peeglist, kui proovisin endale selga.
I could not restrain myself from taking a picture in the mirror while I was trying it on.
Muster on kaasahaarav. Ilmselt on suhteliselt universaalne (sobib paljudele lõngadele). Nagu vastasin juba eelmise postituse kommentaaridele, kujutan ette kudumit eesti villast ja niisuguse mustriga.
The pattern is addictive. Probably it is relatively universal (it looks good on many yarns). As I answered to the comments to my previous posting, I can imagine a garment from Estonian wool in this pattern.
teisipäev, 21. juuni 2011
Võrdluse jõud/The power of comparison
Esiteks, tore plakat Tallinna tänavatel.
First thing, a lovely poster in the streets of Tallinn (knitting graffiti is moving/stirring the city).

Teiseiks, alustasin uut kudumit ja jälle linasest lõngast. Seekord on 3-kordne linane.
Second, I started a new project from linen again. This time it is 3-ply linen.

Mustrist kirjutan teinekord eraldi, see on kena lugu.
I will write about the pattern another time, it is a nice story.

Vardad on seekord 2 mm. Milline vahe! Võrreldes 1,5 mm-ga, tundub päris tavaline varras. Kudumine sujub väga ruttu.
This time needles are 2 mm. What a difference! Compared to 1.5 mm it appears as just usual needles. The knitting is going on rather fast.
First thing, a lovely poster in the streets of Tallinn (knitting graffiti is moving/stirring the city).
Teiseiks, alustasin uut kudumit ja jälle linasest lõngast. Seekord on 3-kordne linane.
Second, I started a new project from linen again. This time it is 3-ply linen.
Mustrist kirjutan teinekord eraldi, see on kena lugu.
I will write about the pattern another time, it is a nice story.
Vardad on seekord 2 mm. Milline vahe! Võrreldes 1,5 mm-ga, tundub päris tavaline varras. Kudumine sujub väga ruttu.
This time needles are 2 mm. What a difference! Compared to 1.5 mm it appears as just usual needles. The knitting is going on rather fast.
pühapäev, 19. juuni 2011
Nüüd on valmis, näitan pilte.
Now it is finished and I am going to show pictures.

Now it is finished and I am going to show pictures.
There is a stripe of yarnovers on the shoulder as well.
See on alumine muster. Natuke paistab vastasmaja (see ja viimane pilt on minu tehtud).
Here is the pattern in the bottom. You can see a bit of the house across the street (this and the last picture are taken by me).
As I have mentioned before, linen fabric falls so beautifully.

Lõng/Yarn: eesti 2-kordne linane/Estonian linen 2 ply, 88 g
Lõng/Yarn: eesti 2-kordne linane/Estonian linen 2 ply, 88 g
Pildid/Pictures: Anu
Vardad/Needles: 1,5 mm
Homme lähen jälle reisile, seetõttu ei kirjuta väga tihti. Siiski, üks lühike teade enne ärasõitu: Pronksi poes on 8 uut värvi linast lõnga. See oli kohe esimene, mis mulle täna silma paistis. Reklaamiks ütlen, et poes oli välismaalasi, kes usinalt ostsid just värvilist linast lõnga. Kui viitsite 1,5 mm varrastega jännata, siis võib osta 2-kordset. Lohutuseks ütlen, et pitsi võib kududa ka 2 mm-ga. Aga mõnda värvi on seal 3-kordset, seda võib vist kududa 2 mm vardaga. Ja nagu Ravelry leedu rühma kudumid näitavad, võib edukalt panna kokku 2-kordselt. Seal on seda tehtud 4-kordse linasega, seega 2-kordsega saab ammugi niimoodi toimida.
Tomorrow I am leaving again and will not be posting very often. Still, one short piece of news before departure: in Pronksi shop there is linen in 8 new colours. It was the first thing I noticed today. A little advertising: there were foreigners in the shop who bought quite a lot of coloured linen. If you are ready to toil with 1.5 mm needles, you can by 2-ply linen. Good news is that a lace pattern can be worked with 2 mm as well. But some colours are 3-ply linen and this can probably be worked with 2 mm needles. As the projects in the Lithuanian group on Ravelry demonstrate, one can easily knit with linen held double. They have tried it with 4-ply linen; therefore, for sure you can do the same with 2-ply linen.
ülevalt alla/top down,
neljapäev, 16. juuni 2011
Lühike postitus/A shrot post
Pole aega pildistada ja kirjutada, hea seegi, et saan natuke kududa. Alustasin augulist mustrit. Näha veel pole eriti midagi, siin on alles esimene rida.
No time to take pictures and to write, I am glad I have some time for knitting. I started an eyelet-patern. There is no much to see yet, this is just the first row.
No time to take pictures and to write, I am glad I have some time for knitting. I started an eyelet-patern. There is no much to see yet, this is just the first row.
esmaspäev, 13. juuni 2011
Pole eriliti palju, millest rääkida. Kuna koon varrastega 1,5 mm, ei lähe töö eriti kiiresti. Jõudsin umbes taljeni. Alla tuleb muster, pole veel täpselt otsustanud, milline nimelt, aga midagi augulist.
There is not much to tell. As I knit with 1.5 mm needles, the work does not progress very fast. I have almost reached the waist line. There will be a lace pattern in the bottom, I don't know exactly, what kind of pattern, probably, something with eyelets.

Linane koepind meeldib mulle. Pisut ebaühtlane ning väga ilusti langev ja drapeeruv.
I like a lot the linen fabric. It is somewhat uneven and it falls and drapes very nicely.

Olen umbes 2 nädalat ära, võib-olla ei õnnestu postitada regulaarselt. Igal juhul loodan, et saan selle kudumi valmis järgmiseks nädalaks.
I will be away for 2 weeks or so, maybe it will be difficult to post regularly. Anyway, I hope to finish this garment before the next week.
There is not much to tell. As I knit with 1.5 mm needles, the work does not progress very fast. I have almost reached the waist line. There will be a lace pattern in the bottom, I don't know exactly, what kind of pattern, probably, something with eyelets.
Linane koepind meeldib mulle. Pisut ebaühtlane ning väga ilusti langev ja drapeeruv.
I like a lot the linen fabric. It is somewhat uneven and it falls and drapes very nicely.
Olen umbes 2 nädalat ära, võib-olla ei õnnestu postitada regulaarselt. Igal juhul loodan, et saan selle kudumi valmis järgmiseks nädalaks.
I will be away for 2 weeks or so, maybe it will be difficult to post regularly. Anyway, I hope to finish this garment before the next week.
laupäev, 11. juuni 2011
Avalik kudumine/Knitting in public
Seekord ei näita ma kudumeid, küll aga kudujaid! Täna oli Tallinnas Tammsaare pargis avaliku kooskudumise päev (World Wide Knit in Public). Ka möödunud aastal käisin kudumas. Pildil on Terje, kes korraldas nii mulluse kui tänavuse ürituse.
This time I am not going to show any knitting but rather knitters! Today there was World Wide Knit in Public day, it was held in Tallinn in Tammsaare park. I took part also a year ago. Here is Terje who organized it a year ago and also today.

Samas tegutseb Eestis veel Mustrimaailma-nimeline foorum ja Veronika (paremal) korraldas selle foorumi kaudu kooskudumise samas kohas. Kuna seltskonnad on enam-vähem kattuvad, siis istusime kõik koos.
At the same time there is the Mustrimaailm knitting forum in Estonia and Veronika (right) organized knitting together via that forum in the same place. Whereas the two groups are more or less overlapping, we sat all together.

Siin on kõik koos kudumas ja juttu ajamas.
Here we are knitting and talking.
This time I am not going to show any knitting but rather knitters! Today there was World Wide Knit in Public day, it was held in Tallinn in Tammsaare park. I took part also a year ago. Here is Terje who organized it a year ago and also today.
Samas tegutseb Eestis veel Mustrimaailma-nimeline foorum ja Veronika (paremal) korraldas selle foorumi kaudu kooskudumise samas kohas. Kuna seltskonnad on enam-vähem kattuvad, siis istusime kõik koos.
At the same time there is the Mustrimaailm knitting forum in Estonia and Veronika (right) organized knitting together via that forum in the same place. Whereas the two groups are more or less overlapping, we sat all together.
Siin on kõik koos kudumas ja juttu ajamas.
Here we are knitting and talking.
Terje tegi minu palvel pildi, kus ka mina olen peal.
On my request, Terje took a picture where I am present as well.
Aitäh korraldamast, aitäh koosveedetud aja ja seltskonna eest!
Thank you for organizing this, thank you for the shared time and your company!
reede, 10. juuni 2011
Kingitus ja mitmesugust/A gift and various matters
Räägin täna üsna mitmest asjast. Eelkõige aga armsast sünnipäevakingist, mille sain Robinilt. Kaunis Habu lõng, 14 g/244 m, 75 % villast, 25 % metalli. Olen juba ammu Ravelrys Habu lõngu vaadanud ja tahtnud proovida. Robin kirjutas eesti keeles "Palju õnne sünnipäevaks"! Suur tänu Robinile, see on nii meeldiv üllatus! Lõnga on 2 pooli (siis 2 x 14 g).
There are quite a few matters I will discuss today. First of all, the sweet birthday present that I got from Robin. An exquisite Habu yarn, 14 g/244 m, 75 % wool and 25 % stainless steel. I have been looking at Habu yarns on Ravelry for a long time and wanted to try. Robin wrote in Estonian "Palju õnne sünnipäevaks" (happy birthday)! Thank you so much, Robin, this is such a pleasant surprise! There are 2 cones (that is, 2 x 14 g).

Nüüd veel üks lugu, kuidas Karnaluksis lõnga ostmas käisin. Plaaanis on jälle mohäär millegagi ühendada. On olemas täiesti konkreetne idee. Läksin siis sinna. Probleem on selles, et mohääri valik pole seal kuigi suur. Tõsi küll, Tallinnas on muid kohti, kus mohääri on (kõige parem värvi valik ja mitte ülearu kallis on minu meelest Liannis ja Pronksis), aga seal pole jällegi peenikest viskoosi või polüamiidi. Osta enne viskoos/polüamiid ja minna sellega mohääri vaatama oleks riskantne, vastupidine samuti. Mõtlesin siis, et lähtun sellest, mis on olemas Karnaluksis. Et mohääri värv, jämedus ja faktuur oleks sobiv, piirab võimalusi üsna märgatavalt, aga nõnda välisin välja Austermanni Kid Silki. Nüüd aga oli vaja otsida talle seltsilist.
Now another story how I went to Karnaluks to buy yarns. I have a plan to blend mohair with another yarn again. I have a quite definite idea. So I went there. The problem is that mohair choice is not very big there. Of course, there are other places in Tallinn to look for mohair (the best colour choice and reasonable prices are, in my opinion, in Liann and Pronksi) but there is no thin rayon nor polyamide. To buy rayon/polyamide before and to go looking for mohair afterwards would be risky and the reverse would be also risky. I decided that I will limit myself to Karnaluks. It is not easy to pick up mohair there that the colour, the weight and the texture would be suitable but I was lucky to find Austermann Kid Silk. Now I needed a companion for that.

Pilt näitab, et seltsiline on olemas: 100 % viskoos. Türgi polüamiidi, mida kasutasin varem, ei olnud värvi poolest. See viskoos aga sobis. Küsimus oli aga metraažis. Lõngaetiketil seda pole, sildil ka mitte. Küsisin müüja käest, ta vaatas ringi ja ütles: ega me ei mõõda neid lõngu. Ütlesin, et muidugi mitte! Siis arvasin, et võtan igaks juhuks 4 rulli viskoosi, sest see on jämedam, kui too türgi polüamiid. Riiulis oli aga 3 rulli. Küsisin teie müüja käest, ega rohkem pole. Sain vastuseks, et pole, kõik, mis on, on väljas. Siis tegin uue katse ja võtsin üles metraaži teema. Müüja läks riiuli juurde ja vaatas, et sama firma sama sorti, aga teist värvi lõng, on teistmoodi etiketiga, kus metraaž oli olemas: 240 m. Kuna mohäär on 25 g/220 m, jätkub mulle 3-st rullist! Minu küsimusele, miks ühel on ja teisel pole, vastas ta, et ju siis on uuem toodang. Lõpp hea, kõik hea.
The picture shows that there is a companion indeed, 100 % rayon. There was no suitable colour for Turkish polyamide I used earlier. The rayon was a perfect match. However, the question of yardage remained. Nothing is written on the label and nothing was on the price sign in the store. I asked a saleswoman, she looked around and said: we do not measure these yarns. Of course not, I replied! Then I decided to buy 4 bobbins of the rayon just in case because it is thicker than the Turkish polyamide. There were only 3 bobbins on the shelf, however. I asked another saleswoman whether there was more. She informed me that there was none, everything they had was on the display. Then I made a second attempt and took up the topic of the yardage. The saleswoman approached the shelf and discovered that the same yarn of by the same company but of a different colour has a different label where yardage had been written: 240 m. Whereas mohair is 25 g/220 m, I shall be fine with 3 bobbins! I asked why one label has the yardage and the other has not and she answered that the second one must have been produced more recently. All is good when the end is good!
Siin on minu kudum, pole jõudnud palju kududa. Nüüd läheb aega, sest vardad on peenikesed.
Here is my current project, I have not done much. It will take some time now because the needles are really thin.

Midagi reklaamiks: varsti tuleb uus Moda, kus on minu disain sees. See paks ja suur kampsun.
Something for a preview: a new issue of Moda will appear soon and there is a design by me. This thick and large sweater.
There are quite a few matters I will discuss today. First of all, the sweet birthday present that I got from Robin. An exquisite Habu yarn, 14 g/244 m, 75 % wool and 25 % stainless steel. I have been looking at Habu yarns on Ravelry for a long time and wanted to try. Robin wrote in Estonian "Palju õnne sünnipäevaks" (happy birthday)! Thank you so much, Robin, this is such a pleasant surprise! There are 2 cones (that is, 2 x 14 g).
Nüüd veel üks lugu, kuidas Karnaluksis lõnga ostmas käisin. Plaaanis on jälle mohäär millegagi ühendada. On olemas täiesti konkreetne idee. Läksin siis sinna. Probleem on selles, et mohääri valik pole seal kuigi suur. Tõsi küll, Tallinnas on muid kohti, kus mohääri on (kõige parem värvi valik ja mitte ülearu kallis on minu meelest Liannis ja Pronksis), aga seal pole jällegi peenikest viskoosi või polüamiidi. Osta enne viskoos/polüamiid ja minna sellega mohääri vaatama oleks riskantne, vastupidine samuti. Mõtlesin siis, et lähtun sellest, mis on olemas Karnaluksis. Et mohääri värv, jämedus ja faktuur oleks sobiv, piirab võimalusi üsna märgatavalt, aga nõnda välisin välja Austermanni Kid Silki. Nüüd aga oli vaja otsida talle seltsilist.
Now another story how I went to Karnaluks to buy yarns. I have a plan to blend mohair with another yarn again. I have a quite definite idea. So I went there. The problem is that mohair choice is not very big there. Of course, there are other places in Tallinn to look for mohair (the best colour choice and reasonable prices are, in my opinion, in Liann and Pronksi) but there is no thin rayon nor polyamide. To buy rayon/polyamide before and to go looking for mohair afterwards would be risky and the reverse would be also risky. I decided that I will limit myself to Karnaluks. It is not easy to pick up mohair there that the colour, the weight and the texture would be suitable but I was lucky to find Austermann Kid Silk. Now I needed a companion for that.
Pilt näitab, et seltsiline on olemas: 100 % viskoos. Türgi polüamiidi, mida kasutasin varem, ei olnud värvi poolest. See viskoos aga sobis. Küsimus oli aga metraažis. Lõngaetiketil seda pole, sildil ka mitte. Küsisin müüja käest, ta vaatas ringi ja ütles: ega me ei mõõda neid lõngu. Ütlesin, et muidugi mitte! Siis arvasin, et võtan igaks juhuks 4 rulli viskoosi, sest see on jämedam, kui too türgi polüamiid. Riiulis oli aga 3 rulli. Küsisin teie müüja käest, ega rohkem pole. Sain vastuseks, et pole, kõik, mis on, on väljas. Siis tegin uue katse ja võtsin üles metraaži teema. Müüja läks riiuli juurde ja vaatas, et sama firma sama sorti, aga teist värvi lõng, on teistmoodi etiketiga, kus metraaž oli olemas: 240 m. Kuna mohäär on 25 g/220 m, jätkub mulle 3-st rullist! Minu küsimusele, miks ühel on ja teisel pole, vastas ta, et ju siis on uuem toodang. Lõpp hea, kõik hea.
The picture shows that there is a companion indeed, 100 % rayon. There was no suitable colour for Turkish polyamide I used earlier. The rayon was a perfect match. However, the question of yardage remained. Nothing is written on the label and nothing was on the price sign in the store. I asked a saleswoman, she looked around and said: we do not measure these yarns. Of course not, I replied! Then I decided to buy 4 bobbins of the rayon just in case because it is thicker than the Turkish polyamide. There were only 3 bobbins on the shelf, however. I asked another saleswoman whether there was more. She informed me that there was none, everything they had was on the display. Then I made a second attempt and took up the topic of the yardage. The saleswoman approached the shelf and discovered that the same yarn of by the same company but of a different colour has a different label where yardage had been written: 240 m. Whereas mohair is 25 g/220 m, I shall be fine with 3 bobbins! I asked why one label has the yardage and the other has not and she answered that the second one must have been produced more recently. All is good when the end is good!
Siin on minu kudum, pole jõudnud palju kududa. Nüüd läheb aega, sest vardad on peenikesed.
Here is my current project, I have not done much. It will take some time now because the needles are really thin.
Midagi reklaamiks: varsti tuleb uus Moda, kus on minu disain sees. See paks ja suur kampsun.
Something for a preview: a new issue of Moda will appear soon and there is a design by me. This thick and large sweater.

kolmapäev, 8. juuni 2011
Jälle linane/Linen again
Seekord on eesti linane, pärit Pronksi poest. Värve pole palju, aga õnneks mõni sobib mulle. See on 2-kordne; leedu linane (Biržai vabriku oma, mida olen seni kudunud), on 4-kordne. Praegu pole siin mingit mustrit, küll aga tuleb hiljem külgedele ja alla.
This time it is Estonian linen from Pronksi shop. Not many colours available but, fortunately, some are quite suitable for me. This is 2-ply; Lithuanian linen (the one I have been using so far, produced at Biržai factory) is 4-ply. There is no stitch pattern for now but there will be something on the sides and in the bottom.

Augulised mustrid tunduvad sobivat. Kuna lõng on üsna peenike ja värv on tume, tuleb veel mõelda. Võib-olla sakiline muster sobiks ka. Võrdluseks on pastakas, lõng ja varras (1,5 mm).
Probably, eyelet patterns are suitable. While the yarn is rather thin and the colour is on the dark side, I will have to think it over. Maybe a diamond pattern would be fine, too. To compare, I put side by side a pen, the yarn and the needles (1.5 mm).
This time it is Estonian linen from Pronksi shop. Not many colours available but, fortunately, some are quite suitable for me. This is 2-ply; Lithuanian linen (the one I have been using so far, produced at Biržai factory) is 4-ply. There is no stitch pattern for now but there will be something on the sides and in the bottom.
Augulised mustrid tunduvad sobivat. Kuna lõng on üsna peenike ja värv on tume, tuleb veel mõelda. Võib-olla sakiline muster sobiks ka. Võrdluseks on pastakas, lõng ja varras (1,5 mm).
Probably, eyelet patterns are suitable. While the yarn is rather thin and the colour is on the dark side, I will have to think it over. Maybe a diamond pattern would be fine, too. To compare, I put side by side a pen, the yarn and the needles (1.5 mm).
esmaspäev, 6. juuni 2011
Lõpuks ometi!/Finally!
Nüüd lubatud pildid, lõpuks ometi!
Now the promised pictures, finally!

Võib kanda lahtiselt.
It can be worn without a pin.

Näitan "mustrit".
I am demonstrating "the pattern".

Ja nüüd sallina!
And now as a scarf!

Lõng/Yarn: Temis (Katia), 55 % puuvill/cotton, 40 % akrüül/acrylic, 5 % nailon/nylon, 50 g/112 m, ~150 g.
Vardad/Needles: 5 mm
Pildid/Pictures: Anu
Ravelrys on millegipärast andmebaasis vale metraaž: peab olema 112 m/122 y, mitte aga 124 m/136 y.
For some reason, a wrong yardage is given in the Ravelry data base: it should be 112 m/122 y and not 124 m/136 y.
Now the promised pictures, finally!
Võib kanda lahtiselt.
It can be worn without a pin.
Näitan "mustrit".
I am demonstrating "the pattern".
Ja nüüd sallina!
And now as a scarf!
Lõng/Yarn: Temis (Katia), 55 % puuvill/cotton, 40 % akrüül/acrylic, 5 % nailon/nylon, 50 g/112 m, ~150 g.
Vardad/Needles: 5 mm
Pildid/Pictures: Anu
Ravelrys on millegipärast andmebaasis vale metraaž: peab olema 112 m/122 y, mitte aga 124 m/136 y.
For some reason, a wrong yardage is given in the Ravelry data base: it should be 112 m/122 y and not 124 m/136 y.
pühapäev, 5. juuni 2011
Mõningaid pilte/Some pictures
Kahjuks pole mul praegu pildistajat, sellepärast näitan koduseid pilte. Olen ürbiga juba ringi käinud, päris hea pealeviskamisasi.
Unfortunately, my usual photographers are all unavailable now, hence home pictures only. I have already been walking around wearing this wrap, it is a handy trow-on-thing.

Kanda võib mitut moodi:
It is wearable in a variety of ways:
Unfortunately, my usual photographers are all unavailable now, hence home pictures only. I have already been walking around wearing this wrap, it is a handy trow-on-thing.
Kanda võib mitut moodi:
It is wearable in a variety of ways:
Hopefully, I will soon get modelled pictures.
reede, 3. juuni 2011
Tartus/In Tartu
Ikka veel on tehniline probleem kommenteerimisega. Bloggeri infos öeldakse, et probleemiga tegeldakse, aga kui nii edasi läheb, peakisin ilmselt vahetama blogikeskkonda. Brauseri vahetus ei aita. Kas keegi teab mõnda head keskkonda (ainult mitte Wordpress)? Igatahes tänan kõiki kommeteerijaid, loodan, et varsti saan vastata igaühele eraldi, nagu kord ja kohus.
The technical problems with comments etc are still there. Blogger's Help information says that the problem is being dealt with but if it is going to be like this, I will have to change the blog platfrom. Working with another browser does not help. Does anyone knows any good blog environment (except for Wordpress)? In any case, I thank all commentators and hope that soon it will be possible to answer individually, as it is supposed to be.
Olen Tartus ja korraldasin seal eile väikse kooskudumise. Mari ja Kaja on mõlemad tartlased. Saime koos kududa ühes tänavakohvikus. Ilm oli ilus ja kooskudumine meeldiv. Aitäh teile!
I am in Tartu now and yesterday I organized a small knitting together. Mari and Kaja are both Tartu-dwellers. We were able to knit in a street café. The weather was nice and the knitting together was pleasant. Thank you!

Ürbi selg on valmis, nüüd on käsil hõlmad. Selline on koepinna lähipilt (Kaja pildid).
The back piece of the wrap is finished and I am working on the front halves now. Here is a close picture of the fabric (pictures by Kaja):

Ja niipalju oli eile lõunaks kootud.
And I had this much done by yesterday's lunch.
Lõnga kulub vähe. Mul on praegu üks hõlm peaaegu valmis ja 3.tokk on poole peal.
I have not used up much yarn. By now I have one of the front halves almost done and the 3rd ball is in the middle.
The technical problems with comments etc are still there. Blogger's Help information says that the problem is being dealt with but if it is going to be like this, I will have to change the blog platfrom. Working with another browser does not help. Does anyone knows any good blog environment (except for Wordpress)? In any case, I thank all commentators and hope that soon it will be possible to answer individually, as it is supposed to be.
Olen Tartus ja korraldasin seal eile väikse kooskudumise. Mari ja Kaja on mõlemad tartlased. Saime koos kududa ühes tänavakohvikus. Ilm oli ilus ja kooskudumine meeldiv. Aitäh teile!
I am in Tartu now and yesterday I organized a small knitting together. Mari and Kaja are both Tartu-dwellers. We were able to knit in a street café. The weather was nice and the knitting together was pleasant. Thank you!
Ürbi selg on valmis, nüüd on käsil hõlmad. Selline on koepinna lähipilt (Kaja pildid).
The back piece of the wrap is finished and I am working on the front halves now. Here is a close picture of the fabric (pictures by Kaja):
Ja niipalju oli eile lõunaks kootud.
And I had this much done by yesterday's lunch.
Lõnga kulub vähe. Mul on praegu üks hõlm peaaegu valmis ja 3.tokk on poole peal.
I have not used up much yarn. By now I have one of the front halves almost done and the 3rd ball is in the middle.
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