Mõni aeg tagasi kirjutasin langevast kraest (vt siin). Praegu tundub, et mul on tuju sellega tegelda. See top on puuvillast (Camilla by Madame Trictote, 50 g/123 m). Korralikud pildid tulemas.
Some time ago I wrote about waterfall collar (here). It appears I am inclined to explore it. This top is from cotton (Camilla by Madame Trictote, 50 g/123 m). Modelled pictures will appear shortly.
Mul tekkis mõte, et sellise krae kalukuleerimiseks võiks tuletada valemi. Nii et iga soovija saaks kududa oma lõngast, oma kudumistihedusega jms, opereerides valemiga. Ainuke nõue on, et kudumil oleks langevust (sobib puuvill, vill, viskoos, linane ja nende kõikvõimalikud segud jms). Plaanis on samas vaimus, aga ilmselt teistsuguse kahanduste paigutamisega top linase ja viskoosi segust. Seejärel panen kirja valemi ja hakkame Ravelrys katsetama.
It occured to me that in order to calculate such a collar, one can derive a formula. So that everyone could knit with any yarn, appropriate gauge etc, based on the formula. The only prerequisit is that the fabric should be draping nicely (consider cotton, wool, rayon, linen and blends thereof etc). The next thing would be a top in the same spirit but probably with a different placement of decreases, using linen and rayon blend. After that I will write the formula and we will start experimenting on Ravelry.
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