Lugu on nii, et mulle kingitakse lõnga aeg-ajalt või disaini eest makstakse lõngas, siis seda koguneb, kui kohe pole ideed. Varud pole väga suured, aga ikkagi otsustasin, et tahan nendest lõngadest midagi valmis saada. Eelmine sviiter oli just kingitud lõngadest. Olen muide selle sviitriga rahul ja muudkui kannan.
The story goes that I get yarns for present from time to time or I am paid in yarn for a design, so the yarn has a tendency to pile up, if I don't have an idea at once. My stash is not very large, yet I've decided to knit something from these yarns. The previous sweater was exactly from such yarns received as a present. By the way, I am quite satisfied with the sweater and it gets a lot of wear.
Aga mul on ka eelmisest Raasiku retkest tumerohelist 8/2 villast. Ja see konkreetne viht on selline, et proovisin nii ja naa, ei olnud õige. Pitsi ma ei tahtnud, reljeefsete mustrite jaoks pole see lõng eriti hea, siis panin sama mohääri juurde, nagu musta sviitri puhul. Ja siis selgus, et kudumistihedus langes kokku peaaegu täielikult. Üks lihtne kraega sviiter ja veel nii haruldast tumerohelist värvi pole kunagi ülearune. Kes tunneb mind, teab, et kurdan alailma, et "minu" rohelisi peaaegu ei tehta. Roheline värv on õige teisel pildil, kus on kaks lõngakera.
But I also have some Estonian wool 8/2 from my previous Raasiku factory trip. And this particular skein is such that whatever I tried, it did not seem right. I did not want lace and this yarn is not particularly good for a textured pattern, so I combined it with the same mohair as in the black sweater. And then it came out that the gauge is almost identical. A simple sweater with a funnel collar and in such a rare green colour at that is never too much. Those who know me, know my complaints that very few manufacturers have "my" kind of green. The green colour is right in the second picture with two yarn balls.
Nagu näha, üks varrukas on valmis ja teine pooleli. Aga nüüd on küsimus, kas mul jätkub lõnga krae jaoks.
As you can see, one sleeve is finished and I am working on the other one. It is not clear whether I have enough yarn for a collar.
Plaanidest kirjutan kunagi hiljem. Võib öelda, et reedesel tunnil õpilased on lähiplaanid paika pannud.
I will write about my plan somewhat later. One can say that in my Friday class my students shaped my nearest plans.
2 kommentaari:
I like this green and this knitting from your stash.
Jsdknits, thank you very much. I don't have a big stash but I am trying to reduce it nevertheless:).
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