Paistab, et eelmine jakk meeldis paljudele. Ilmselt tuleb ka õpetus, aga pean veel mõtlema. Mulle tundub, et proportsioonid jms on selged ja alustasin kohe veel üht jakki, sakilise mustriga ja Shetlandi villasest.
It appears that the recent cardi was liked by many. Propably, there will be a pattern but I need to think it over. I think I have mastered proportions etc and I started another cardi at once, with a zigzag pattern and from Shetland wool.
Siin on pestud proovilapp. Lõng ei veni, aga muutub üsna pehmeks. Kui tahta väga langevat asja, siis see ei sobi, aga antud juhul pole see oluline. Pestud koepind meenutab tviidi.
This is my swatch after washing. The yarn does not stretch, it becomes rather soft. If you need a drapy fabric, this is not a yarn for it, but in my case it is not important. The washed fabric reminds of tweed.
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