Shetlandi villast jakk on valmis ja ära kuivanud. Võib-olla õnnestub sel nädalal korralikult pildistada. Kulus alla 300 g (lõng on 100 g/270 m ehk samasugune nagu Raasiku 8/3).
The cardi from Shetland wool is finished and dry. Perhaps it would be possible to take proper pictures this week. I used up less than 300 g (the yarn is 100 g/270 m, which is the same as for the Raasiku factory 8/3).
Õpilaste palvel alustasin midagi Nahkhiire sviitri moodi. Vaatame, kuidas edasi välja kujuneb, võib-olla tuleb mingeid modifikatsioone.
On the request of my students I start something in the spirit of the Bat sweater. We shall see how it evolves and maybe there will be modifications.
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