Nüüd on rohkem pilte ja juttu.
Now I have more pictures and the whole story.

Alati olen dilemma ees: ühelt poolt ei meeldi mulle, kui kudumid ja riided üldse on ülekoormatud, seega püüan minimalismi poole; teiselt poolt tahaks, et oleks huvitav kududa. Püüan siis kuldse kesktee poole. Kurtsin kunagi varem, et labane parempidine on ilus, kuid seda on igav kududa. Antud juhul aga seda probleemi polnud.
I am always facing the following dillemma: on the one hand, I dislike when knitwear and clothes in general are overloaded with embelishments etc, hence my strive towards minimalism; on the other hand, I want the knitting process to be interesting. Thus, I am in search for the middle of the road. I've written elsewhere that stockinette stitch is beautiful but it bores me to knit. In this case I did not have the problem.
See on nüüd selline asjake, mis koob ennast ise. Mõnel kudumil on selline võluomadus. Tegemist oli eksperimendiga, seetõttu otsustasin, et kuigi teoreetiliselt on võimalik teha all pitsimustrit jms, proovin seda kunagi hiljem.
This is one of the knits that literally knit themselves up. Some project have this magic quality. As this was an experiment, I decided against lace stich patterns, although this is theoretically an option. I will try it somethimes later.
Üldidee tekkis
siit: Basial on mitu väga ilusat mohääritoppi. Pidasime nõu, kuid tegin oma kalkulatsiooni. Tema kudus 3,5 vardaga, mina aga 4-ga (kuna selle lõnga puhul on mul 4 mm varras kindel valik). Pealegi on "käekiri" erinev. Ma ei tahtnud nii kõrget kraed, kunagi teine kord.
A general idea comes from here: Baisa has several beautiful mohair tops. We discussed this but I made my own calculation. She knitted with needles 3,5, I used 4 mm (because I always use 4 mm with this yarn and it is safe). Also "handwriting" differs. And I did not want a tall collar, probably another time. On küsitud õpetust. Püüan kirjutada, kuigi ei oska eri suurustele kavandada. Aga siin on oluline teatud valem, selle abiga ehk saab hakkama. Kavatsen proovida teise lõngaga, kuidas töötab. Sellel pildil hoian erepunast Raasiku peenikest lõnga, see on üks mu lemmikuid, äkki saab midagi sellest.
I've been asked for the pattern. I will try to write, although I don't know how to design for different sizes. But here a certain formula is important, maybe this would be helpful. I will try it out with another yarn. In this picture Raasiku bright red lace weight yarn is in my hands, it is one of my favourites, maybe something will evolve out of it.
Kokkuvõttes kaalub see asjake 40 g. Mohäär on tõeline säästulõng!
All in all, this top weighs 40 g. Mohair is a real economy yarn!