laupäev, 3. aprill 2010

Peaaegu valmis/Almost finished

Vest on peaaegu valmis. On vaja veel ära viimistleda käeaugud ja otsida õiged nööbid. Ei tea, kas leian.
The vest is almost finished. I have to finish the armholes and to find right buttons. I am not sure whether I will find them.
Kuna kudumis vahelduvad parem- ja pahepidised silmad, on teatud sooniku efekt ja kude tõmbub kokku. Nööbid muidugi parandavad asja. Seni siis mõningaid vaateid siit ja sealt.
While knit and purl stitches alternate, there is a certain ribbing effect and the fabric contracts. Buttons wil improve that. So far some pictures from here and there.

Siin on alumine äär:
Here is the bottom edge:

Esialgu mõtlesin, et kaeluse ümber teen riba kahekordses pärlkoes, aga polnud üldse ilus. Tundus, et kuidagi liiga palju erinevaid asju kokku kuhjatud. Seega piirdusin ripskoega.
Initially I planned to knit around the collar some rows in double moss stitch but it was not pretty at all. It seemed that somehow too many different things were piled up. Thus I kept it simple and opted for garter stitch.

1 kommentaar:

Anonüümne ütles ...

Anna, I love the looks original and complements the main pattern. Looking forward to the finished vest. Good luck with the buttons ;-)))
Deena (deenulya from Ravelry)