Yesterday and today I visited the newest yarnstore Mezgimo zona in Vilnius. The store has a quite informative homepage (so far in Lithuanian only but hopefully there will be more languages) and the owner is a Ravelry member.
Alustame sildist:
Let us start with the sign:
Lahtioleku ajad:
Working hours:
Vitriinides on palju vaimukaid asju, näiteks sellised padjad:
There are many hip things on the display, for instiance, pillows like this:
Lõnga sortiment pole kõige odavam. Kõige paremini on esindatud Drops ja Noro, mingil määral Rowani mohäär, Regia, Opal, Rosario, Schoppelwolle. On ka maavillast Zakopanest, ainult et see on hästi kare, meie Raasiku lõngast palju karedam.
The goods are not exactly on the cheap side. Drops and Noro are represented best and there is some Rowan mohair, as well as Regia, Opal, Rosario, Schoppelwolle. There is some country yarn from Zakopane but it is rather coarse, much more than our Raasiku (aka Aade Lõng aka Kauni) yarn.
Leidub ka leedu lina kõikviõimalikes värvides (ülemine rida):
There is Lithuanian linen in all kind of colours (the upper row):
Päris korralik raamatukogu:
Quite an impressive library:
Raamatud ja ajakirjad on jagatud rubriikide järgi, siin on näiteks mustrid ja tehnikad:
The books and magazines are grouped according to topics, for instance, here are stitch patterns and techniques:
Veel lõngu:
More yarns:
Perenaine jõudis hiljuti Eestist tagasi:
The owner has just returned from Estonia:
Mainisin, et pood pole kõige odavam. Kuid oluline on õhkkond. Neljapäeviti käib koos kudumisklubi (huvitav, kas tuleval neljapäeval tuleb keegi, sest näiteks täna lubati kuni 36 kraadi sooja?). Võib niisama sisse astuda ja juttu ajada, laua ääres kududa, vaadata raamatuid ja ajakirju, küsida nõu.
I mentioned that the store is not very cheap. Still, it is the atmosphere that counts. On Thursdays a knitting club comes together (interesting, will anybody come next Thursday because, for example, today's forecast was 36 degrees?). You can just go in and have a chat, knit at the table, leaf trough books and magazines, ask for advice.
11 kommentaari:
Very fun to see yarn shops from your trip! Hope you had a great time and discovered something pretty for yourself.
Looks nice - I love the sign and the opening hours especially!
That is my favourite yarn store ever. And it is nearly a perfect one as well. Moreover, the owner is the friendliest person and a very passionate knitter.
Argh... I want to move back!
Anna, thank you for showing us the store. I love the colors of the linen on the top shelf. Very summery and bright :-))) It will make a lovely summer shawl ;-))) I bet you will pick red or gray ;-))) Now I feel like exploring my neighborhood yarn store. :-)))
Robin, thank you, I am going to visit this shop again.Fist, I like it and may pick up something, second, there are some matters to discuss with the owner concerning Estonian yarns and third, it is such a nice place in this unbearable heat:).
Fridica, yes, these are cute things, I quite agree with you.
Siga, ir man labai patiko, as butinai griziu. Persikelk atgal i Lietuva:)
Deena, thanks. Well, they carry more linen and I was thinking about deep green or purplish blue as well:). Please do tell me about your neighbourhood store, I am always curious to know how the matters are in other countries.
Reisikirjad ja tutvustused on alati nii huvitavad! Sinna tahaks ise ka käima minna, ja natuke linast osta, nii ilusad värvid ka! Ega sa oska öelda selle linase nM suurusnumbrit?
(loodan et äkki hakkas silma;)
Monica, aitäh, olen praegu tööga hõivatud, muidu kavatsen veel siinsetest poodidest kirjutada. Linase lõnga jämedust ei näinud, aga kuna see lõngapood jääb minu n-ö käiguraja peale ja kuna me hakkasime müüjaga sõbrustama, astun sinna kindlasti veelgi, võimalik, et homme. Siis panen kirja. Kui soovid, võin Sulle osta, värve on tõesti palju, pildil on vaid üks osa.
Oi kui põnev! Suur tänu Sulle! Äkki sa paned korraga ka poolil oleva koguse ja selle hinna kirja koos jämedusega? Praeguse kuumaga tunduks üks lahe linane kudum päris mõnus eksole!
That seems to be a very interesting shop!
Annete, ja, ganz gemütlich und interessant!
Oh Im so glad this shop is near where I live! Finally there is a shop with that quality yarn, plus a huge library, plus a fantastic person working. Look forward to go there as soon as Im back. See u there, Anna :)
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