I am going to show a true beginning now. It will be a skirt. I was thinking about various constructions but, based on the present yarn, I finally decided in favour of a relatively conventional construction. Hopefully, there will be a more insteresting construction from a thicker yarn.
Nagu näha, mustriks on pseudopalmikud. Nende vahele võib väga edukalt kasvatada. Õige silmade arvuga tuli vaeva näha, sest kalkulatsioon proovilapi järgi andis ühe arvu ja katsetuste teel selgus üpris teistsugune. Kuna praegu olen alles 3-nda mustrikorra juures, on veel suht vähe näha. Tehtud on mul just niipalju:
As you can see, there is a mock-cable pattern. You can rather successfully increase stitches between them. I had difficulties with figureing out the right number of stitches because a calculation based on a swatch resulted in one figure and after trying it out I got a completely different figure. So far I have this much:
Nendele, keda huvitab lina, võin nüüd öelda: hind on 89,99 LT kilo eest. Keritakse niipalju, kui on vaja (pole kohustust osta terve pool). Metraaž ei ole markeeritud, lõng on 4-kordne. On midagi Raasiku 8/1 ja 8/2 vahel.
For those who are interested in linen, I have this information: price 89,99 LT for a kilo. They can sell as much as you want (you don't have to purchase an entire bobbin). Meters/grams are not marked, the yarn is 4-ply. Something between Aade Lõng/Kauni/Raasiku 8/1 and 8/2.
8 kommentaari:
I am very curious to see what you came up with for the design of your first skirt :-)) Love the gray :-))
Tõotab tulla kaunis seelik, kiireid vardaid!
Oh, so you got some grey linen. I had trouble choosing colours in that shop.
Deena, thanks, this is my first skirt:)
Triinu, suur tänu, püüan olla tasemel!
Siga, ne, tai ne linas, bet estiska vilna, lino as dar nenupirkau.
That looks very nice. Is it linen?
Annete, this is not linen, it is Estonian yarn (Aade Lõng aka Kauni). I have used it a lot.
ooo, väga põnev!
Inga, tänan! Jah, seeliku kudumine on mulle põnev, sest see on esimene seelik. Võib-olla et hakkab koguni meeldima:)
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