First of all I am grateful to my readers and commentators. Unfortunately, some techincal problems prevail: I can post but cannot comment: the system tells me to sign in again and when after having done that I go to the post page in order to comment, it tells me to sign in again. That is why I am answering right here:
Ruth, Diana, AlleRaa, Lidia, Kristiina, Robin, Anett - aitäh, thank you, Danke!
Nüüd midagi uut. Sõna "huvitav" võib olla ka viisakas sünonüüm, et mitte öelda "pentsik". Kuid siin on see mõeldud otseses tähenduses.
Now something new. The word "interesting" may be a polite synonym in order not to say "weird". However, in this case I use it in its primary meaning.
Tavaliselt meeldivad mulle ilma viguriteta lõngad. Tahan ise teha mustreid, mitte seda, et lõng n-ö teeks neid minu eest. Kuid Lianni poes nägin Katia Temis lõngast salli ja kohe tekkis mõte, et sellest võiks teha endale ürbi, mida saaks ka sallina kasutada. Mis see ürp muud ongi kui käeaukudega sall!
Usually I like plain yarns. I want to do patterns myself and not that a yarn would do them instead of me, so to say. However, in Liann yarn shop I saw a scarf from the yarn called Katia Temis and immediately got an idea that I could do a wrap jacket that would be usable as a scarf as well. After all, what is a wrap jacket? It is just a scarf with armholes!
Lõng on eri jämedusega. Kuidas jämedus jaotub, on loterii. Sõltub rea pikkusest ja vardanumbrist.
The thickness of the yarn alternates. Its distribution is a kind of a lottery. It depends on the length of a row and the needle number.
Värvivaliku kohta võib öelda kahjuks sama, mis eelmistes postitustes: värv kas ei sobi või ei meeldi. Vaatasime mehega koos internetist värvikaarti. Olime ühel nõul, et must on neist kõige sobivam.
Unfortunately, what I said in previous posts about the colour choice is valid in this case as well: the colour either does not suit or I don't like it. Together with my husband we looked up the colour choice on the net. We completely agreed that black is the most suitable of them all.