Dear readers, do you recall this?
Too oli prototüüp ja nüüd on pärisrätik.
That one was a prototype and this one is a real shawlette.
Pildid on tehtud Mezgimo zona poe vahetus läheduses, naaberukse juures.
The pictures are taken in the immediate proximity from Mezgimo zona shop, literally next door.
Pildid/Pictures: Sonata (ačiu!)
Lõng/Yarn: Drops Fabel, 75 % vill/wool, 25 % nailon/nylon, 50 g/205 m, 81 g
Vardad/Neeldes: 3,5 mm
Paar sõna lõngast. Suurepärane lõng! On pehme (minu jaoks pole see peamine, aga küllap on palju tundlikke inimesi), samas püsib vormis. Muster on ilusti nähtav. See on küll oluline, sest mulle meeldivad tumedad värvid ja ühtlasi igasugu pitsimustrid. Metraaž on väga hea. Värvikaart on päris viisakas: kirjude lõngade austajatele on päris mitu varianti, samuti minu jaoks on sobiv punane, lilla, must ja rohekas-sinine. Ametlikult sokilõng, tegelikult on rätiku, aga ka kleidi, jaki jms lõng.
Some words about the yarn. Wonderful! It is soft (not terribly important for me but there are a lot of sensitive people), at the same time it stays in shape. The stitch pattern has a great definition. It is relevant because I like dark colours and also all kind of lace patterns. The yardage is very nice. The colour card is rather decent: for fans of multicoloured yarns there are quite a few options and for me as well: red, purple, black and greenish blue. Officially it is sock yarn but really it is shawl, dress, cardigan etc yarn.
12 kommentaari:
super, pozdrawiam
Väga huvitav ja lahe muster!
Looks so great on you :-)) I love how you used this stitch in the shawl What a great idea :-))
Igraszki z włóczką, bardzo dziękuję.
Evelin, aitäh! Muster on tegelikult lihtne.
Diana, thanks a lot! I am pleasantly surprised by the fact that the stitch looks nice on both sides.
Upea tuli tästäkin huivista! Ja todella nopeasti valmista!
Helena, kiitos! Kuvio neulo itseään, se jää helpposti mieleen ja lanka on mielyttävä. Kuten näet, ei huivi ole kovin iso.
How lovely is the outfit together with your turban!
Vera, dank je well!
This is so lovely, and like you wrote in your first post about this stitch-pattern, it would be very versatile.
But... You wouldn't happen to have a chart somewhere? I know I should be able to figure it out just from looking at it...
Tona Aspsusa, thank you. I am afraid I cannot do this beacause it is an order from a clothing designer.
What a loss for us - but good for you :-)
I guess you can't even answer if I'm correct in guessing that this is knit from the middle out?
Seems I must become better at "reading knitting" so I can make my own charts! (And especially better at reading these types of patterns, because I like them a lot, but tend to be a bit too impatient and easily get it slightly wrong and end up cursing and going back to a plain sock...)
Tona Aspsusa, no, it is not knit from the middle but from the corners towards the middle. I guess you can try from the middle towards the corners:).
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