Meanwhile I had no time to write, I am glad I had some time to knit! Yesterday I starte one sleeve and now you can observe what has been done up to this point.
Siin on üldvaade. Praeguseks on kulunud täpselt 4 tokki (50 g/100 m). Varrukat alustasin uuest tokist. Arvatavasti kulub mõlemale varrukale kokku pisut rohkem kui 2 tokki. Siis saab otsustada pikkuse üle.
Here is a general view. As of now exactly 4 balls (50 g/100 m) have been used up. I started the sleeve with a new ball of yarn. Probably, for both sleeves I will need slightly more than 2 balls. Then it will be possible to determine the length.
Uus "Käsitöö" ilmus siis, kui olin Leedus. Täna aga sain kätte oma eksemplarid. Võimaluse juures skaneerin oma kudumitega leheküljed.
A fresh issue of Käsitöö came out when I was in Lithuania. Today I finally got my own copies. When possible, I will scan pages with my knits.
5 kommentaari:
Näyttääpä kauniilta!
I think this is a great little lace pattern for a dark yarn. Lace is a little difficult on eyes to knit on black.
Kiva että kerrot Käsitöö-lehden ilmestyneen. Nyt voin alkaa kytätä lähikauppani lehtihyllyä, että milloinka suomennos on ilmestynyt.
Realy your handwriting, love the shape and the sleeves are great....
Greets Anett
Heli, kiitos!
Diana, I don't mind knitting lace in this yarn because it is not very thin. However, this simple pattern is what my daughter asked for:).
Leena, kiitoksia! Suomalainen versio on jo ilmeistynyt, en tiedä, onko se jo Suomessa saatavana.
Anett, vielen Dank!
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