It appears that I have yet another reason to write about magazines. I am in Austria. Needless to say, I've already checked whether there is anything interesting in book shops and kiosks. The choice of magazines was not very impressive in the biggest book shop in Graz. As for books, maybe I will write about it sometimes later. In Germany every kiosk carries knitting magazines, also in railway stations. I decided to go and check how it is here. This is true about Austria, too. I got two magazines and one small stitch patterns magazine.
Mulle meeldib väga, et saksa keeles ilmub kogu aeg mustrivihikuid. Muster on kogu kudumise alus. Mõni ei vajagi õpetusi, vaatab mustreid ja valib, mis talle meeldib. Nendes vihikutes on alati mõni haruldane muster. Näiteks mulle meeldib selle jaki muster, tõsi küll, jaki teeks teisiti, aga see on juba väike asi.
I quite like it that such pattern collections appear in German all the time. Stitch patterns are a basis for knitting as such. Some don't need instructions, just browse patterns and pick up what they like. These collections always have some less known patterns. For instance, the stitch pattern in this jacket is to my liking; indeed, I would knit a different jacket but this is not terribly important.
Siin on vana tuttav Stricktrends. Seda müüakse ka Eestis, aga Saksamaal ja Austrias on odavam.Kaanepildi sviiter on jaapani mustriga, mida olen varemgi näinud. Siin meeldib mulle värvilahendus ja pildi stilistika. Kena on ka see, et varrukas on ühevärviline keeruga soonikus. See sobib mustriga kokku, samas ei teki muljet, et kõike on kuidagi liiga palju.
Here is the good old Stricktrends. It is available in Estonia as well but it is cheaper in Germany and Austria. The sweater in the cover picture has a Japanese stitch pattern I have seen before. In this case I like the combination of colours and the styling of the picture. Also the fact that the sleeves are in one colour and in twisted ribbing. This goes well with the main stitch pattern and you don't get an impression that there is too much of everything.
Can I just ignore such a title and a colour combination? Clearly I cannot. The left sweater is a combination of several dark (black and charcoal) yarns. I have had this idea for ages, to use yarns of the same or approximately the same colour but with different textures. Here they have 2 cotton yarn, one cotton and polyamide blend and one cotton, polyamide and silk blend. The second sweater is quite pleasant, too. I can imagine something of the kind from Aade Lõng/Kauni variegated yarns.
Ka siin on vasakpoolne sviiter mitmest erinevast lõngast. Üks on mohäär ja teine hästi peenike metallõnga ja siidi segu. Parempoolne on mohäärist.
Also here the left sweater is from several different yarns. One is mohair and the other is a most thin metal thread and silk blend. The right one is from mohair.
Ajakirja Rebecca Eestis ei müüda. Üldse ei müüda minu teada GGH lõngu, sellest on kahju. Küll aga müüakse nii ajakirja kui neid lõngu Leedus, nii et olen sealt aeg-ajalt ostnud mõlemat. Selles ajakirjas on alati palju mohäärist kudumeid. On meelivaid mustreid. Kudumid ei ole enamasti ülekoormatud. Seekord köitis tähelepanu (muuhulgas) selline jakk. Lõngajääkidele oleks hea rakendus. Mina teeks sakke horisontaalsete triipude asemel, aga see ei muuda asja eriti.
The Rebecca magazine is not on sale in Estonia. To the best of my knowledge they don't sell GGH yarns either, this is a shame. But both the magazine and the yarns are available in Lithuania and there I have bought both from time to time. This magazine always offers plenty of garments from mohair. There are pleasant stitch patterns. Mostly the garments are not overloaded. This time this jacket (among other things) caught my attention. It would be a good way to use yarn leftovers. I would make a zigzag pattern instead of horizontal stripes but this would not be a great change.
3 kommentaari:
Ka mina ostan saksakeelseid ajakirju sageli mustrite pärast ja näiteks Verena Stricken on viimastel aastatel muutunud üha huvitavamaks. Õnneks ka neid mustrilehti müüakse vähemalt siin Soomes, olen ostnud kolm erinevat ja kasutanud mitmeski kudumis.
Thank Anna for the overview :-) Quiet a variety. Here, in states, there is only Vogue, Interweave knits, The Knitter and few other also English language journals that you can buy in the bookstore. I have seen Filati and Verena sometimes too. For anything else I usually look for on the internet.
Ingi, jah, saksakeelsetes ajakirjades on teistsugune lähenemine. Esiteks, meeldib mulle, et seal on skeemid, mitte romaanid:). Teiseks on palju mudeleid minu maitse järgi (igatahes rohkem, kui mõnes tunnustatud ingliskeelses ajakirjas, kirjutasin sellest vastates Inga (Ilukuduja) kommentaarile. Kolmandaks, on suur valik: Verena, Sandra, Diana, Stricktrends, Filati, Rebecca jms. Mõned on mitmekesisemad, mõned on kindla stiiliga.
Diana, thank you! In Estonia we have quite a good choice (advantages of a small country that cannot be very self-centred by definition:)).
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