esmaspäev, 23. juuli 2018


Vahepeal vaatasin, et käeauk on liiga lai. Isegi kui arvestada, et sviiter on M-suurusele ja vaba istuvusega, tundus liig mis liig. Harutasin lühemaks ja ühendasin esi- ja seljatüki varem. Otsustasin, et vahelduse mõttes võib kogu kere olla triibuline, aga varrukad labases koes. Olime otsustanud, et olgu 3/4 varrukad, seetõttu läks kiiresti ja sain eile valmis mõlemad varrukad. Selgus, et mõni rida ripskoes sobib hästi viimistluseks, all teen sama (see pole sugugi nii iga lõnga puhul, seetõttu varrukad on hea võimalus proovida, saab ruttu näha, kas valitud viimistlus sobib).
Meanwhile I noticed that the armhole was too wide. Even if you take into account that it is an M-size sweater and with a lot of ease, it seemed too much. I ripped and joined back and front piece earlier. I decided that for a change the torso can be with stripes all over and the sleeves in stockinette. We had decided that the sleeves should be 3/4, that's why it was a fast knit and I finished both sleeves yesterday. It came out that a couple of rounds in garter stitch is a good finishin and I will do the same in the bottom (this does not hold in all cases, a lot depends on a particular yarn, so the sleeves are a good opprotunity to try the finishing because you can see pretty soon whether the chosen finishing is suitable).
Siin on veel 2-3 päeva tööd, siis kirjutan õpetuse, esialgu leedu keeles poeblogi jaoks.
It will be done in 2-3 days, then I will write a pattern, first in Lithuanian for the store blog.

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