Jõudsin käia Mezgimo Zonas ja Diteksases, käin kindlasti veel palju kordi. Praegu hakkasin MZ jaoks kuduma rätikut, sellest räägin mõnes järgmises postituses ja näitan algust.
I had time to visit Mezgimo Zona and Diteksas and will do it more on several occasions. Right now I started knitting a shawl for MZ; I will discuss it in a future post and show the beginning.
Üleval on jämedam mohäär (must), minu selja taga kašmiiri ja villase segu ning puhas kašmiir.
On top there is some thicker mohair (the black one), cashmere and wool blend and pure cashmere is behind my back.
Topp on muide valmis, aga ilm on niiske ja kuivab väga aeglaselt. Loodetavasti saan järgmisel nädalal pildistatud.
The top is finished, by the way, but the weather is so damp and it dries very slowly. I hope to have some pictures taken next week.
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