pühapäev, 30. jaanuar 2011

Lõpuks ometi!/Here it is finally!

Lõpuks ometi pilte! Need kenad ripatsid, mida sõrmitsen, on klaasist. Pronksi poega samas keldris on veel Hansaklaasi pood, kus on klaasist ehteid ja vitraaže.
Here are some pictures, finally!These nice pendants that I am looking at are made of glass. Pronksi yarn shops shares the cellar with the Hansaklaas shop that carries glass jewelry and stained glass.

Black and white:

Kanda võib nii:
You can wear it this way:

Ja naa:
And in another way:

Back view:

Ja oma lemmikkeega:
And with my favourite necklace:

Lõng/Yarn: Karabella Lace mohair (50 g/ 500 m), Alvita Kid mohair (25 g/250 m), ~15 g, Monique (viskoos + polüamiid, peenike pitsilõng/rayon + polyamide, laceweight yarn).
Vardad/Needles: 4,5 mm
Kaal/Weight: 138 g
Pildid/Photos: Anu
Hiljem peaksin jäägid kaaluma ja siis täpselt arvutama, kui palju kulus Alvita mohääri ja viskoosisegu.
Later I should weigh the leftovers and then precisely calculate, how much Alvita mohair and rayon blend I have used.

reede, 28. jaanuar 2011

Üldpilt/General view

Mõned pildid, kahjuks ainult hotellitoa valguses.
Some pictures, unfortunately, only in the hotell room light.

Mees arvas, et siia sobiks lühike varrukas (ajalugu kordub).
My husband believed that a short sleeve is right (history is repetitive).

Ilmselt hakkangi kandma mõne kontrastse pluusiga.
Probably, I will indeed wear the wrap with some contrasting shirt.

Luban kirjutada rohkem pühapäeval.
I promise to write more on Sunday.

kolmapäev, 26. jaanuar 2011

Jälle varrukad/Sleeves again

Mõned lugejad hakkavad juba naerma seda pealkirja lugedes, sest varrukate üle otsustamine on minu jaoks võib-olla kõige raskem. Siiski, nagu näha, varrukaga on alustust tehtud. Mõtlesin, et mingid varrukad peaksid ikka olema.
Some readers would laugh while reading the title because for me to decide about sleeves is probably the most difficult part. However, as you can see, I have started the sleeves. I thought that some kind of sleeves is needed here.

Miks on varrukaid vaja? Põhjendus on taas teoreetiline. Kui kudum on eest lahti, siis "tiivad" lehvivad just puusade piirkonnas, juhtides tähelepanu kõige laiemale kohale. Seega tuleb ülemine ja alumine osa tasakaalustada. Kasvõi lühike varrukas aitab seda teha.Veendusin selles, olles selga proovinud isegi niisuguse varrukahakatisega. Töö käigus otsustan pikkuse üle.
I had a chance to prove it after having tried on even with such an initial sleeve. Why are the sleeves needed? The reason is a theoretical one. When the garment is not pinned together, then the "wings" are just about the hips area and bring attention to the widest part of the figure. Thus, one has to balance the lower and the upper part. Even a short sleeve would do the job. During the process I will determine the length.

Homme sõidan jälle välismaale ja ilmselt ei saa kirjutada. Loodan siiski järgmise nädala alguseks valmis saada ja siin näidata. Siis tuleb ka lubatud postitus konstruktsioonist. Võrreldes varasemate ürpidega, siin on üks uuendus.
Tomorrow I again travel abroad and possibly will not be able to post. Still, I hope to finish the wrap at the beginning of the next week and to demonstrate it. Then there will be a promised post on the construction. Compared to my earlier wraps, there is an innovation here.

esmaspäev, 24. jaanuar 2011

Hakkab ilmet võtma/It is getting shape

Nüüd hakkab must kudum ilmet võtma ja on rohkem ürbi moodi. Koon juba teist hõlma.
Now the black wrap is getting shape and looks more like a wrap. I am knitting the second front piece already.
Nagu näha, mohäär + viskoos on hea kooslus, kui tahta langevat koepinda. Teine hõlm on veel vardal, pole nii hästi näha.
As you can see, mohair + rayon is a good combination if you want the fabric to fall. The second front piece is still on the needles and you cannot see it very well.
Back view:
Tegelikult pole koepind läbipaistev. Pilt on vastu valgust ja valgel taustal, et reljeefne muster paistaks.
In reality the fabric is not transparent. The picture was taken against the light and against white background so that the structured stitch pattern would be visible.

laupäev, 22. jaanuar 2011


Käsil on must kudum. Jällegi pildistamiseks kapriisne värv. See on ürp, nagu näha, jõudsin juba seljatükki alustada. See oli hommikune pilt, nüüd on mul kootud juba 8 mustrikorda, umbes pool selga.
I am knitting something black. Again, I have picked a difficult colour to photograph. This is a wrap, as you can see, I have started the back piece. This picture was taken in the morning and by now I have 8 repeats, almost a half of the back.

Lõng on mohäär, mille sain Robinilt, lisaks on nimetu viskoosi-nailoni segu Pronksi poest. Too viimane on mingisuguse tundmatu Itaalia vabriku jääk, pooli peal, sildilt loeb vaid nimi Monique, metraaži pole.
The yarn is mohair that I have got from Robin and some unknown rayon-nylon blend from the Pronksi yarn shop. The latter yarn is a remnant of some obscure Italian factory production, sold on bobbin, the sign says just Monique and no yardage indicated.

Teadsin varemgi, et mohääri ja viskoosilõnga ühendus on päris hea. Nüüd sain proovida. Viskoos annab raskust ja koepind langeb ilusti, mida ongi ürbi jaoks vaja. Annab ka reljeefsust. Jämedam on viskoosi-nailoni segu ja peenem lõng on mohäär. Loodan, et saan lähipäevil nädiata rohkem ja kindlasti kirjutada konstruktsioonist.
I have known that mohair and rayon combination yields a good result. Now I had a chance to try it. Rayon gives heaviness and the fabric drapes well, exactly what you need in a wrap. It gives stitch definition as well. Rayon-nylon blend is the thicker yarn and mohair is the thinner one. I hope to be able to show more tomorrow and to write some words about the construction, for sure.

reede, 21. jaanuar 2011


Olen pärast reisi jälle kodus. Mul polnud mahti seal kirjutada ega pildistada. Tänan kõiki, kes punase seeliku kohta nii kenasti kirjutasid! Luban, et homme näitan midagi uut, mis on parajasti töös.
After a trip I am at home again. I had no opportunity to blog or to take pictures. I am grateful to everyone who has commented on the red skirt so nicely! Tomorrow I promise to show a new project under construction.

teisipäev, 18. jaanuar 2011

Leheseelik/Leaf stitch skirt

Nüüd on ka pilte.
Now some pictures.

Ja lähivaade mustrist.
And a close view on the stitch pattern.

Vist kõige õigem värv on siin:
The colour is probably rendered most accurately in this picture:

Lõng/Yarn: Aade Lõng 8/2, ~160 g
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm, 3,5 mm
Pildid/Pictures: Anu
Kiidan seda lõnga ikka ja jälle. Väga hea pitsimustrite jaoks.
I praise the yarn all the time. It is excellent for lace patterns.

esmaspäev, 17. jaanuar 2011

Kui palju lõnga kulub seelikule?/How much yarn is needed for a/the skirt

Eile tekkis mul kahtlus, kas lõnga jätkub või peaksin juurde ostma. Kui palju lõnga seelikule kulub? Sellele kulus 160 g ja kuigi lõng on sama, siin on rohkem kasvatusi ja teine kalkulatsioon.
Yesterday I was in doubts whether I have enough yarn or need to buy more. How much yarn is needed for a skirt? I used up 160 for this one and although the yarn is the same, there are more increases here and the calculation is different.
Nagu ikka, kasvatasin pahempidiseid ribasid.
As usual, I increased the purl sections.
Lõpuks sain kasvatatud niipalju, et kahe mustrikorra vahele mahtus veel üks mustrikord, nõnda tekkis mustriline äär.
Finally I got enough increases to insert a pattern repeat between two repeats and thus I have a lace edge.

Ühest mustrikorrast all oleks olnud vähe. Küsimus oli aga, kas pean paari rea pärast uue vihi muretsema. Ei pidanud, lõnga kulus pisut vähem kui 160 g ja järele jäi 2 g!
One pattern repeat in the bottom would have not been enough. The question was whether I would have to buy a new skein for a couple of rows. I had not, the skirt took slightly less than 160 g and 2 g left!

laupäev, 15. jaanuar 2011

Seelik, proovilapp ja mustriraamat/The skirt, the swatch and a pattern book

Kõigepealt näitan seelikut. Umbes pool seelikut on olemas. Sellel pildil on värv enam-vähem õige.
First of all I am showing the skirt. Approximately a half is done. The colour in this picture is rendered more or less accurately.

Juba ammu kootud proovilapp on nüüd Pronksi poes. Lõpuks sain mahti pilidstada. Värvid ei ole pildil päris õiged, kuid muster on nähtav.
The swatch I knitted some time ago is now at the Pronksi yarn shop. Finally, I managed to take a picture. The colours are not exactly right but you can see the pattern.

Ja lõpuks midagi veel. Otustasin vaadata, mida huvitavat on meil Akadeemilises Raamatukogus. Leidsin sellise raamatu:
And finally something else. I decided to look up what we have in our Academic Library. I found this book:

Autorit pole. Väljaandja on OÜ Heili Kirjastus, Pärunu, 1997. Kujunduse järgi saab aru, et see on nn üleminekuperioodi raamat. Sees on mustrid ja skeemid, alguses tingmärgid ja seletused eesti, vene ja saksa keeles.
No author indicated. The publisher is OÜ Heili Kirjastus, Pärunu, 1997. Looking at the layout you realize that this is a book from so-called transition period (mid-1990s). It contains stitch patterns and charts; chart symbols in the beginning are explained in Estonian, Russian and German.
On palju tuttavaid mustreid, kuid on ka midagi mitte nii tavapärast:
There are many familiar patterns but also something not so common:

Mulle meeldis väga tagakaas. Päris hea mõte!
I liked the back cover a lot. Quite a clever idea!

neljapäev, 13. jaanuar 2011


Sel sügisel käisin Raasikul 2 korda. Ostsin muuhulgas erepunast 8/2 lõnga. Plaanisin kohe, et sellest tuleb seelik. Nüüd saigi alustatud.
This Autumn I visited Raasiku factory twice. Among other things, I got there bright-red 8/2 yarn. I immediately decided it will be a skirt. Now I've started.

Kootud on värvel ja peaaegu 2 mustrikorda. Tuttav lehemuster, kasvatan pahempidiseid mustrikordade vahele.
I have the garter part and almost 2 pattern repeats. This is a familiar leaf stitch pattern and I increase purl stitches between the repeats.

Sain veel proovilapi tellimuse. Seekord on peenike villa-puuvilla segu. Pildistatud koos 3 mm vardaga. Koostis on hea, kahju vaid, et poes pole teisi värve.
I got one more order for a swatch. This time it is a lace weight wool-cotton blend. Photographed together with 3 mm needles. The fiber composition is nice, only that the shop carries it only in white.

Ja lõpuks veel midagi valget. Sain Brendalt lõngavahetuse kaudu sellise mõnusa villa-alpaka segu. Aitäh!
And finally, more white. I got this pleasant wool-alpaca blend from Brenda. Thank you!

teisipäev, 11. jaanuar 2011


Täna oli meil elektrikatkestus, ei olnud võrku ega pildistamiseks valgus. Proovilapi luban pildistada ja näidata hiljem. Nüüd pärast pesemist-pingutamist on muster väga kena. Räägin selle asemel viimase sviitri konstruktsioonist. Piltide eest palun vabandust, ei oska veel arvutiga joonistada.
Today there was a major problem with electricity and there was no Internet neither light to take pictures. I promise to photograph the swatch later. Now after having been washed and blocked the stitch pattern is especially nice. Instead of this I will discuss the construction of the recent sweater. I apologise for the drawings because I am still a novice in computer graphics.

Sellel pildil on selline passe nagu Mohääriminimalismi-nimelisel sviitril. Mõnda aega koome toru, siis järsult kasvatame, nt kahekordistame silmuste arvu. Huvitav, et passe kasvatamise kohta on erinevaid valemeid. Olen lugenud, et kõige laiem koht = kaelus x 2,6, samuti ka x 2,3. Miks saan hakkama x 2-ga, pole mul aimu. Võib-olla sõltub siiski lõngast, kehaehitusest, tegumoest. Kui keegi teab, oleks tänulik vastuse eest.
In this picture you see a yoke like in Mohair Minimalist sweater. In the beginning we knit a tube, then we abruptly increase, for instance, double the number of stitches. It is interesting that there are different formulas as far as yoke increases are concerned. I have read that the widest place equals collar circumference x 2.6, also x 2.3. Why I am fine with x 2, no idea. Maybe it depends on yarn, body frame, model. If you know, I would appreciate the answer.

Teine pilt on minu viimase sviitri kaeluse pilt. Kuna alguses pole toru, vaid riba, siis järsult lisatud silmused jaotuvad nagu pildil. Tekivad justkui diagonaalsed jooned. Kudusin sama võttega: esialgu oli mul 65 silmust, siis kahekordistasin ja oli 130. Pärast ei teinud enam mingeid kasvatusi.
The second picture is the yoke of my recent sweater. Whereas the collar is not a tube but a stripe, the abruptly increased stitches become distributed as in the picture. As if they were diagonal increases. I knitted in the same manner: there were 65 stitches in the beginning and then I doubled the number and got 130. After that I did not make any increases.

pühapäev, 9. jaanuar 2011


Nüüd lubatud pilte. Tekkis tahtmine mängida värvidega, minu arust must-valge on mõnikord päris hea lahendus.
Now the pictures I promised. I wanted to play with colours and black-and-white is sometimes quite a satisfactory solution in my opinion.

Värvilist siiski ka:
Still, there are some colour photos as well:

Lõng/Yarn: Teksrena, 60 % villa/wool, 40 % polüamiid/polyamide, 100 g/200 m, 250 g
Vardad/Needles: 5 mm, 5,5 mm
Pildid/Pictures: Anu
Kee/Necklace: Ruth
Konstruktsioonist: tegelikult on aluseks vana hea Mohääriminimalism. Kui lugejatel on soovi, siis kunagi hiljem kirjutan täpsemalt. Mis oli aga antud juhul väga oluline: õigeaegne varda vahetus. On teada, et ringselt kududes on labase parempidise koe tihedus suurem, kuna enamik koob parempidiseid silmi tihkemalt, kui pahempidiseid. Ja ringselt kududes on siis ainult parempidine. Ripsiga võib olla vastupidi, kuna ringselt kududes tekivad pahempidised read. On veel paar tähelepanekut: kudumistiheduse muutus sõltub (1) tõenäoliselt ka lõngast (mohääri puhul pole midagi niisugust märganud) ja (2) päris kindlasti kootava toru ümbermõõdust. Mida väiksem ümbermõõt, seda suurem kudumistiheduse vahe. Kui kere osa kududes jätkasin 5 mm-ga, siis varrukate puhul oli kohe näha, et tuleb võtta 5,5.
On the construction: actually it is based on old good Mohair minimalist top. If my readers wish, I can post more details later. What is important in this case, is that you should change needles on time. It is known that while working in round the gauge of stockinette stitch is tighter than while working flat because most of knitters work knit stitches tighter than purl stitches. And when you knit stockinette in round, you have knit stitches only. It may be the opposite with garter because when working in round you have purl rows. There is a couple of other points: the change in gauge probably depends (1) somewhat on the type of yarn (I have not noticed this for mohair) and (2) for sure on the circumference of the tube. The smaller the circumference, the bigger the gauge difference. I continued the torso part with 5 mm but it was quite obvious that I need 5.5 mm for the sleeves.

Nagu näete, on Pronksi poes uusi lõngu. Jõgeva vabrik olevat pankrotis, kuid midagi ilmselt toimub. Ülemisel pildil on üleminekulõngad, all on naturaalselt. Küll on alumine pilt eriti ilus!
As you see, Pronksi shop has some new yarns. Jõgeva yarn factory is said to have gone bankrupt but apparently something is going on. The upper picture has variegated yarns and the second one natural colours. The second picture is especially beautiful!
Ja eilne proovilapp on kasvanud. Mõtlen nüüd, mida selle mustriga kududa.
And the yesterday's swatch has grown. I am thinking what to knit with this stitch pattern.

laupäev, 8. jaanuar 2011

Kiirpostitus/A quick post

Sviiter on valmis, loodetavasti saab homme korralikke pilte ja siis tuleb pikem jutt konstruktsioonist jms. Nüüd on pisut teine lugu: Anu tellis mult proovilapi, lõngaks on Aade Lõng Artistic 8/2. Nimelt pole poes üleminekuga lõngast proovilappe (on ainult ühevärvilisest 8/1-st). Täna on pildistamiseks sobiv kellaaeg lootusetult möödas. Lõng on selline:
The sweater is finished and, hopefully, tomorrow there will be proper pictures and a story about construction etc. Now a slightly different topic: Anu asked me to knit a swatch, the yarn is Aade Lõng Artistic 8/2. Namely, there are no swatches from the variegated yarn in the shop (there is only 8/1 swatch in solid colours). I hopelessly missed the right light for photographs for today. The yarn is this:

Tegelikult soovitan minna Aade Lõnga kodulehele siia ja vaadata ülemise rea kõige parempoolsemat pilti. See ongi õige.
Actually, I advise you to go the homepage of Aade Lõng here and to look at the most right picture in the upper row. This is the right colours.

Tegelikult meeldib mulle nii muster kui lõnga värv. Kui nägite just vabriku kodulehel värve, siis olete ilmselt nõus, et on kena värvikombinatsioon. Sviitrit niisugusest lõngast enda seljas ei kujuta ette, küll aga rätik või seelik on täiesti võimalik. Ka proovilapist luban paremat pilti.
Actually I like both the stitch pattern and the colour of the yarn. If you saw the colours on the home page of the factory right now, you would probably agree that the colour combination is beautiful. I cannot imagine myself wearing a sweater from this yarn but a shawl or a skirt seems rather probable. I promise a better picture of the swatch as well.

neljapäev, 6. jaanuar 2011

Uusi lõngu/New yarns

Juhtus nii, et eile saabus kaks pakki korraga. Teadsin, et nad on tulemas, aga sisu kohta ei teadnud. Nii et kena üllatus! Siin on Robini saadetud lõngad. Pildil on igast liigist üks tokk, n-ö esindaja, tegelikult igast sordist tokke on rohkem. Suur tänu!
It happened that yesterday I got two parcels at the same time. I had known they had been under way but the contents had been unknown. So it was a nice surprise! Here are yarns sent by Robin. There is one ball of every yarn as a representative, so to say; in fact, there were more balls of each kind. Thanks a lot!

Ja siin on Deena saadetud pitsilõngad. Hästi pehmed lõngad, erksad värvid.
And here are laceweight yarns sent by Deena. Very soft yarns and bright colours.

Aitäh teile, Robin ja Deena! Lõnga vahetus on tõesti kena asi.
Thanks a lot to both of you, Robin and Deena! Yarn swap is a nice thing indeed.
Nüüd tegemiste juurde. Nagu näha, kere osa on valmis.
Now to the current work. As you can see, the torso part is finished.

Jääb otsustada varrukate pikkuse üle (palun ärge naerge, aga see paistab tõesti problemaatiline), sest kõik peab olema õiges proportsioonis. Proportsioon ei sõltu ainuüksi kehaehtiusest, vaid tegumoest, lõnga jämedusest, mustrist jms.
I have to determine the length of the sleeves (please don't laugh, it seems to be a recurrent problem with me) because everything should be in a right proportion). Proportions do not depend only on your body frame but also on the model, yarn weight, stitch pattern etc.