Täna oli meil elektrikatkestus, ei olnud võrku ega pildistamiseks valgus. Proovilapi luban pildistada ja näidata hiljem. Nüüd pärast pesemist-pingutamist on muster väga kena. Räägin selle asemel viimase sviitri konstruktsioonist. Piltide eest palun vabandust, ei oska veel arvutiga joonistada.
Today there was a major problem with electricity and there was no Internet neither light to take pictures. I promise to photograph the swatch later. Now after having been washed and blocked the stitch pattern is especially nice. Instead of this I will discuss the construction of the recent sweater. I apologise for the drawings because I am still a novice in computer graphics.
Sellel pildil on selline passe nagu Mohääriminimalismi-nimelisel sviitril. Mõnda aega koome toru, siis järsult kasvatame, nt kahekordistame silmuste arvu. Huvitav, et passe kasvatamise kohta on erinevaid valemeid. Olen lugenud, et kõige laiem koht = kaelus x 2,6, samuti ka x 2,3. Miks saan hakkama x 2-ga, pole mul aimu. Võib-olla sõltub siiski lõngast, kehaehitusest, tegumoest. Kui keegi teab, oleks tänulik vastuse eest.
In this picture you see a yoke like in Mohair Minimalist sweater. In the beginning we knit a tube, then we abruptly increase, for instance, double the number of stitches. It is interesting that there are different formulas as far as yoke increases are concerned. I have read that the widest place equals collar circumference x 2.6, also x 2.3. Why I am fine with x 2, no idea. Maybe it depends on yarn, body frame, model. If you know, I would appreciate the answer.

Teine pilt on minu viimase sviitri kaeluse pilt. Kuna alguses pole toru, vaid riba, siis järsult lisatud silmused jaotuvad nagu pildil. Tekivad justkui diagonaalsed jooned. Kudusin sama võttega: esialgu oli mul 65 silmust, siis kahekordistasin ja oli 130. Pärast ei teinud enam mingeid kasvatusi.
The second picture is the yoke of my recent sweater. Whereas the collar is not a tube but a stripe, the abruptly increased stitches become distributed as in the picture. As if they were diagonal increases. I knitted in the same manner: there were 65 stitches in the beginning and then I doubled the number and got 130. After that I did not make any increases.