Käisin täna Veimevaka lõngapoes. Tavaliselt sattun sinna harva, kuna see asub kesklinnast kaugemal. Muuhulgas müüakase seal lõngavärve. Päivi, se on sinulle!
Today I went to Veimevakk yarnshop. Usually I go there rather infrequently because it is situated away from the centre. Among other things they sell yarn dye.
Siin on värvikaart:
Here is the colour card:
Värv on sellistes kotikestes, hind on 16 kr kott.
They are sold in such bags, 16 EEK for a bag.
Nagu oligi karta, vajasin kähku midagi mohäärist. Mul on 1 tokk ilusat Camelot Lineapiu lõnga (50 g /500 m), Katyusha saatis kunagi sügisel. Värv on tegelikult veel tumedam. Sellest tuleb pitsimustriga top, ilmselt üks kiirkudum.
As you must have feared I needed something from mohair quickly. I have 1 skein of a beautiful Cmelot Lineapiu (50/500 m) that Katyusha sent me this autumn. Actually, the colour is darker. This will be a lace top, probably a quick knit.
1 kommentaar:
Värvikaart on päris rikkalik!
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