Yesterday I knitted rather intensively. When I decided to take a picture, it had already become quite dark. Then I decided I would photograph the finished thing. Now it is drying.
Juba mainisin mõnele kudujale ja ka kodusetele, et see kudum on tõepoolest probleemivaba. Ei mingit harutamist, kõik klapib. Tõsi küll, disaini mõttes pole siin midagi erilist, tehniliselt on kõik lihtne ja läbi proovitud. Olen väga rahul mustriga.
I mentioned to several knitters and to my family as well that this knit is really unproblematic. No ripping, everything fits together. It is true that from the point of view of design there is nothing special and technically everything is easy and done many times. I am very fond of the stitch pattern.
Avastasin täna, et ka pahupool pole paha. Kui vähendada parempidiste silmuste riba, siis on see kahepoolne muster, võib sobida rätikule.
Today I discovered that the wrong side is not bad at all. If the knit stitch sections are narrower, then it is a double-sided pattern that is suitable for a shawl.
Korralikud pildid tulevad lähiajal.
Proper pictures to come in the nearest future.
4 kommentaari:
Väga ilus ja naiselik!
Looking forward to the modeled photos!
I agree, the other side is interesting too :-))
Murakamari, tänan!
Lidia, thanks a lot, the pictures are coming1
Diana, thank you, I am going to use the sitch in some other design with another yarn.
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