It is a big storm outside now and I don't want to leave home, that is why this is the only picture for the time being. Hopefully, tomorrow I will be able to get together with a proper photographer. As you can see, I've changed several things. Namely, there was an excessive fabric around the neck. Then I invented how this can be avoided and re-knitted both front pieces. The construction was changed and hopefully I am wiser now.
kolmapäev, 14. september 2011
Väljas on torm/It is storming now
Väljas on torm, ei taha kodunt välja minna, seetõttu vaid selline pilt. Loodetavasti saan homme juba õige fotograafiga kokku. Nagu näha, olen üht-teist ümber teinud. Nimelt kogunes kaeluse juurde liiga palju n-ö kangast, kõik lotendas. Siis mõtlesin välja, kuidas seda vältida, kudusin hõlmad uuesti. Konstruktsiooni tuli muudatus, sain loodetavasti targemaks.
It is a big storm outside now and I don't want to leave home, that is why this is the only picture for the time being. Hopefully, tomorrow I will be able to get together with a proper photographer. As you can see, I've changed several things. Namely, there was an excessive fabric around the neck. Then I invented how this can be avoided and re-knitted both front pieces. The construction was changed and hopefully I am wiser now.
It is a big storm outside now and I don't want to leave home, that is why this is the only picture for the time being. Hopefully, tomorrow I will be able to get together with a proper photographer. As you can see, I've changed several things. Namely, there was an excessive fabric around the neck. Then I invented how this can be avoided and re-knitted both front pieces. The construction was changed and hopefully I am wiser now.
Postituse kommentaarid (Atom)
6 kommentaari:
Kyllä, se on parempi ilman kaulusta! Upea!
Minustakin parempi nyt :)
Mulle see kamps väga meeldib! Eriti super on minu meelest värvide sümmeetriline üleminek,mõlemad käised on samasugused...imeilus!
Äge tormisinine kamps! Ega selle nimi ometi Katia pole...?
Mia, kiitos!
Anka, dzękuję!
Helena, kiitoksia!
Kai, suur tänu! Värvidega pidin pisut mängima, aga üldiselt see pole üle mõistuse asi.
Arnikai, väga hea, aitäh hea mõtte eest! Panengi nimeks Katia!
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