Näitan midagi uut. Sellest tuleb kõrge kraega sviiter. Värv on kõige õigem esimesel pildil, tegelikult on lillakam.
Here is something new. It will become a turtle-neck sweater. The most realist rendition of the colour is in the first picture, in fact, it is more purplish. 

Lõngast. Mul on 5 tokki Sandnes Kitten mohääri, 50 g /16o m. Seda lõnga on mulle kiidetud korduvalt. Vaatasin Ravelrys ja sain mulje, et 5 tokist saaks küll sviitri, aga kõrge krae osas pole kindel, kas jätkub. Mõtlesin, et ei riski ja ostan uut lõnga, kuna Sandnesi Eestist ei saa ja tuleb nt Soome sõita. Sellepärast hankisin Karnaluksist Patons Studio mohääri, mis on sama (50 % mohäär, 50 % akrüül, 50 g/160 m) 6 tokki.
About the yarn. I have 5 skeins of Sandnes Kitten mohair, 50 g/160 m. I have repeatedly heard positive comments about it . I looked up on Ravelry and got an impression that 5 skeins is enough for a sweater but maybe the collar would be questionable. I decided not to take the risk and to get new yarn because Sandnes is not on sale in Estonia and it would be necessary to go to Finland, for instance. That is why I got from Karnaluks Patons Studio mohair that has the same characteristics (50 % mohair, 50 % acrylic, 50 g/160 m), 6 skeins.
Karnaluksis on lõng tõesti soodne. Aga nüüd üllatus: mul on kootud ütleme pool kere osast ja esimene tokk pole veel päris lõppenud. Huvitav, mitu tokki siis kulub.
The yarn is really cheap at Karnaluks. And now a small surprise: I have a half of the torso part knitted and the first skein is not yet finished. I am curious how many skeins I will use up.Sviitrist. Konstruktsioon on muidugi tuttav, kuid kasvatusi tegin kahes võttes, mitte korraga. Alla tuleb veel muster, pean selleni veel kuduma. Võib muidugi tunduda, et kõik kudumid on enam-vähem samasugused. Aga hakkasin nüüd aru saama, et võib-olla on kõrvaltvaatajale/mittekudujale paistab silma paljude kudumite sarnasus, tegijale aga vastupidi, kuna tegija (antud juhul mina) uurib teatud elementide võimalusi jne.
About the sweater. Of course the construction is familiar; however, I made increases in two steps and not at once. There will be a pattern in the bottom but I have to knit some more. One can think that all my garments are more or less alike. Still, now I have realized that it may very well be so for an observer/non-knitter but an author (me in this case) seeks to explore the potential of certain elements.