I had knit quite a big portion of the lower part when I started hesitating. The lower part seemed too dense and, how shall I render it, uninteresting. I discussed it with my husband and he agreed that it would be better to knit everything in the lace pattern. So I ripped the lower part and decided to do it in the same lace pattern. But with one reservation.
See klausel on vöökoht. Need eraldustriibud tundusid õiged.
The reservation is the waist line. These dividing stripes seemed right.
Siin on jälle võimalus kalduda teooriasse. Nimelt on mustrite sobitamine päris suur kunst. Ei räägi isegi tehnilisest küljest (et silmuste arv klapiks), vaid puht visuaalsest. Kardan alati üle pakkuda. Nt mõni teine pitsimuster selle mustri kõrval oleks liig, isegi tagasihoidlikum muster. Selle üle peaks veel mõtlema.
Again there is an excellent opportunity to go into theory. The matching of lace patterns is a great art. I am not even speaking about the technical side of it (i.e., the number of stitches in different patterns matching etc) but about the visual side. I am always afraid to overload. For instance, any other lace pattern in combination with this one would be too much, even a more modest one. I shall give it more thought.
10 kommentaari:
Overload is always a problem - I agree!
I have that sin myself - it is very hard to step back and "edit" the project by making it less elaborate.
I like this top!
Olet ihan oikeassa, tämä versio näyttää paremmalta kuin edellinen.
Väga kena asi valmimas! Paistab sama muster, mida minagi olen kudunud http://www.ravelry.com/projects/Alleraa/lacy-sweater
I love the stripes that kind of break it all up. Sooo cute. This looks like a success now, Anna!
Natalia, thank you. I am always balancing between a wish to make my knitting interesting (hence lace etc) and a minimalist tendency. This puts you in a difficult position, you have to choose carefully.
Päivi, kiitos, luulen nyt, että tämä oli ihan oikea ratkaisu.
AlleRaa, aitäh. Sul on armas kudum, muster pole vist päris sama, aga nad on n-ö sugulased:)
Siga, dekoju. Noriu jau kuo greiciau baigti:)
Nii tundub ilusam jah! Käisin eelmist postitust vaatamas....
Tiina, tänan! Tõesti tundub kuidagi loogilisem.
I love it:) You are a genius:)
Oh great progress, Anna!!! Love the color, it suits you so well!!
Emma, you are extremely kind, I don't know what to say:)
Eliana, yes, the colour is beautiful. I hope to show right pictures soon.
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