Mul on Evilla puna-musta lõnga. Iseenesest on lõng tuttav. Ometi on mustri valimine paras pähkel.
I have some Evilla red-black yarn. As the matter of fact, the yarn is familiar. Still, choosing a stitch pattern may be rather difficult. 
Kumbagi värvi on raske pildistada, punane on punasem kui pildil.
It is difficult to capture both colours, the red should be more red than here.
Nüüd mustrite juurde. Mõnikord on nii, et näen mustrit ja see määrab kogu kudumi: lõnga jne. Siiski tavaliselt on teisiti. Minu jaoks on esimene konstruktsioon, mis määrab lõnga ja siis mustri. Või mõnikord on nii, et lõng määrab konstruktsiooni ja mustri. Tuttava lõnga puhul on teada, mis mustrid ja konstruktsioonid sobivad jne. Seega võiks öelda, et polegi probleemi. Ometi peab mul olema äratundmine, et just seda mustrit tahan. Mõned kordused on vältimatud, sest head mustrit tahaks kasutada mitmel pool, erinevates kudumites, erinevates kombinatsioondes jne. Samas tahaks midagi uut ka.
Now to the stitch patterns. Sometimes I see a stitch pattern and it determines the whole project: the yarn etc. However, usually it goes in a different way. For me the first thing is a construction that determines the yarn and then the stitch pattern. Or sometimes the yarn determines the construction and the pattern. If the yarn is familiar, you know what constructions and patterns are suitable etc. Thus, one can say, there is no problem in this case. Still, I have to realize that this is the stitch pattern I want. Some repetitions are inevitable because you want to use a nice stitch pattern in different projects, different combinations etc. At the same time you want something new.

Mõni muster annab end hästi kohendada ja mugandada. Täna hommikul proovisin ka lehemustreid, mis mulle tavaliselt meeldivad, ometi polnud seda tunnet, et on õige. Ei hakka lugejaid väsitama ega loetlema, mida kõike olen proovinud. Lõpuks mõtlesin, et olgu siis selline muster. Et ei oleks igav kududa, võib vahepeal teha mõne rea ripskoes.
Some patterns are easily adaptable and modifiable. Today in the morning I tried several leaf patterns that usually are to my liking; however, I did not get the feeling that these were right ones. I will not bore the readers and will not list everything I tried out. Finally I decided that it should be this pattern. In order to make knitting more exiting it is possible to knit some rows in garter stitch.
Proovilapp on väike, värvivaheldust veel pole. Muide, üleminekulõnga puhul on alati nii, et proovilapp ei anna täit ettekujutust, saab vaid näha mustrit. Proovilapp on väiksem, lõng jaotub teisiti kui päriskudumis, seetõttu värvivaheldus on nagu loterii.
The swatch is small and there is no transition of colours yet. By the way, with a variegated yarn it is always so that a swatch does give you the whole picture, you are only able to see the stitch pattern. A swatch is smaller and the yarn distribution is different than in a "real" project, that is why colour transition is like a lottery.