Nüüd jakk on valmis ja võib näidata veel selle aasta sees.
Now the jacket is finished and I can show it to you still during this year.
Võib kanda ka kaelarätiga.
It can be worn with a scarf, too.
Ja võib ka lahti nööpida.
And it can be unbuttoned.
Back view:
Veel mõned pildid:
And some more pictures:
Lõng/Yarn: Aade Lõng Natural 8/3, ~250 g.
Vardad/Needles: 4 mm
Pildi/Pictures: Anu
Nüüd võiks rääkida kuduaastast. Kindalsti teevad seda täna paljud. Vaatasin, et Ravelrys on mul 34 projekti. On veel mõned asjad, mida seal pole, küll aga on siin, nt mõned tellimused. Võrreldes 2009. aastaga on rohkem varrukatega asju, kuigi veste on ka omajagu. Katsetasin mõne uue konstruktsiooniga. Päris uus asi oli koostöö ajakirjade ja lõngafirmadega. Tekkis hulk uusi kudumissõpru. Tänan oma lugejaid! Ilusat 2011. kuduaastat kõigile!
Now a couple of words about this knitting year. Sure, many will make a summary today. I saw that I have 34 projects on Ravelry (finished this year). There are some things that are not uploaded there (some orders etc) but everything is on my blog. Compared to 2009, I have knitted more things with sleeves, although there is a good deal of vests as well. Cooperation with knitting magazines and yarn firms is entirely new. I have some new knitting friends. I am grateful to all my readers! Have a happy 2011 new knitting year!
reede, 31. detsember 2010
teisipäev, 28. detsember 2010
Pärlkude ja pisut teooriat/Moss stitch and some theory
Eile saime kokku Heliga ja kudusime natuke koos. Pildil pole meie kudumist eriti näha, aga ise oleme kenasti peal. Pildistas Eliisabet, Heli tütar. Aitäh!
Yesterday we got together with Heli and knitted a bit. You cannot see our knitting in the picture but we are present. Heli's daughter, Eliisabet, was the photographer. Thank you!
Nüüd postituse pealkirja juurde. Iga kudum õpetab midagi. Mõni seab päris teoreetilisi probleeme lahendamiseks. Otsustasin, et teen enne varrukad, siis jakk on n-ö paigas ja saab näha, milline tuleb pikkus. Nüüd tekkis aga 2 küsimust: 1) mis koes kududa varrukad ja 2) mis pikkusega. Üks on selge, et pitsimuster on hästi rikkalik ja suur (mustrikord 22 silmust), varrukale eiriti ei mahu. Seljas on 2 mustrikorda:
Yesterday we got together with Heli and knitted a bit. You cannot see our knitting in the picture but we are present. Heli's daughter, Eliisabet, was the photographer. Thank you!
Nüüd postituse pealkirja juurde. Iga kudum õpetab midagi. Mõni seab päris teoreetilisi probleeme lahendamiseks. Otsustasin, et teen enne varrukad, siis jakk on n-ö paigas ja saab näha, milline tuleb pikkus. Nüüd tekkis aga 2 küsimust: 1) mis koes kududa varrukad ja 2) mis pikkusega. Üks on selge, et pitsimuster on hästi rikkalik ja suur (mustrikord 22 silmust), varrukale eiriti ei mahu. Seljas on 2 mustrikorda:
Now to the title of the post. Every knitting project teaches your something. Some raise theoretical problems to be solved. I decided to knit the sleeves first, then the jacket is fixed so to say and I can think about the length. However, 2 questions emerged: 1) what stitch pattern is to be chosen for the sleeves and 2) how long the sleeves should be. One thing is clear though: the stitch pattern is rather busy and wide (22 stitches repeat), it would not fit into a sleeve. You see 2 repeats on the back:
Siis mõtlesin, et mõni vähem rikkalik diagonaalne muster võiks sobida. Tegin proovilappe, ikka tundus kõik vale. Pärlkude sobib hästi kokku palmikute ja pitsiga, aga tekitada siia veel teisi pitsimustreid, palmikutest rääkimata, oleks minu arust täiesti vale. Kuna küljes on aga pärlkude, mõtlesin, et varrukas olgu ka pärlkoes.
Then I thought that a less busy diamond pattern may fit. I made swatches but everything seemed wrong. Moss stitch goes well with cables and lace but to create more lace patterns here, to say nothing about cables, would be entirely wrong in my view. Whereas there is moss stitch on the sides, I opted for moss stitch for the sleeves.
See tundus õige. Siis aga teine küsimus: varruka pikkus. Võite küsida, mis pikkus siia puutub. Tegelikult puutub alati, vähemalt minu jaoks. Asi ei ole ainult selles, mis muster millisega kokku sobib või ei sobi. Asi on proportsioonis. Pärlkude on reljeefne. Väga ilus, aga kui seda on väga palju, siis tekib optiliselt raksepärase mulje. Võib-olla see on minu isiklik probleem, aga paljud poodides väljapandud kudumid palmikute ja mitmesuguste reljeefsete kudedega on minu jaoks üle koormatud. Liiga palju erinevaid mustreid pindala ühiku kohta, nii-öelda. Palusin täna Anul, et ta teeks paar pilti. Nüüd näen, et ma ei tahagi siia pikka varrukat. Mitte sellepärast, et ei viitsi kududa, vaid just proportsioonide pärast.
This appeared right. Then to the second question: the length of the sleeves. You can ask of course how the length matters here. It always does, at least for me. It is not only about combinability of stitch patterns or lack thereof. It is about proportions. Moss stitch is highly structured. It is very beautiful but when there is a lot of it, the overall impression is optically heavy and bulky. Maybe this is my personal problem but rather often ready made knitwear in stores is full of cables and varieties of structured patterns that make the garment overloaded in my view. Too many different patterns for a square measure, so to say. Today I asked Anu to take a couple of pictures. Now I see that I don't want a long sleeve. Not because I am lazy to knit but because of proportions.
Paljudele meeldivad kas lühikesed või pikad varrukad. Mulle meeldivad ka vahepealsed. Nii et probleem sai sedapuhku lahendatud.
Paljudele meeldivad kas lühikesed või pikad varrukad. Mulle meeldivad ka vahepealsed. Nii et probleem sai sedapuhku lahendatud.
Many like either short or long sleeves. I like in-between sleeves as well. Thus, the problem is solved so far.
pühapäev, 26. detsember 2010
Jälle jakk/A jacket again
Üleeile alustasin Raasiku 8/3 villasest endale jakki. Tükk aega nägin vaeva mustri valimisega. Ei tahtnud samasugust, nagu tütre oma, kuigi just seda tüüpi mustrid sobivad sellele lõngale. Lõpuks leidsin mustri, mis pole väga tavaline (või vähemalt mulle tundub nii).
The day before yesterday I started a jacket for myself from Raasiku (Aade Lõng) 8/3 wool. For a while I had a major headache choosing a stitch pattern. I did not want the same as in my daughter's jacket, although this is exactly the kind of pattern that are suitable for this yarn. Finally, I picked something that is not very usual (or at least it seems to me).
The back view:
Ja pisut teistsugune eestvaade:
And a slightly different front view:
Kõige õigem värv on alumisel fotol. Mitte päris valge, vaid helehall. Veendusin järjekordselt, et pärlkude ja selle liigid tulevad sellest lõngast hästi. Muide, mõni lõng talub hästi ühekordset pärlkude (1 pp, 1 ph, järgmises reas peegelpilt), aga mitte kahekordset (1. rida: 1 pp, 1 ph; 2. rida: mustri järgi; 3. rida: 1 ph, 1 pp; 4. rida: mustri järgi). Mõni jällegi soosib kahekordset. Ja mõnele sobib nii üks kui teine. Ma ei oska seda seletada.
The colour is rendered most adequately in the bottom picture. Not exactly white but light-grey. Again I had a chance to observe that moss stitch and its subtypes look well in this yarn. By the way, some yarns tolerate moss stitch (k1, p1, the opposite in the back row) but not double moss stitch (Row 1: k1, p1; Row 2: knit as the stitches look; Row 3: p1, k1; Row 4: like Row 2). Some yarns, on the contrary, favour double moss stitch. And some are good for both. I have no explanation to this.
The day before yesterday I started a jacket for myself from Raasiku (Aade Lõng) 8/3 wool. For a while I had a major headache choosing a stitch pattern. I did not want the same as in my daughter's jacket, although this is exactly the kind of pattern that are suitable for this yarn. Finally, I picked something that is not very usual (or at least it seems to me).
The back view:
Ja pisut teistsugune eestvaade:
And a slightly different front view:
Kõige õigem värv on alumisel fotol. Mitte päris valge, vaid helehall. Veendusin järjekordselt, et pärlkude ja selle liigid tulevad sellest lõngast hästi. Muide, mõni lõng talub hästi ühekordset pärlkude (1 pp, 1 ph, järgmises reas peegelpilt), aga mitte kahekordset (1. rida: 1 pp, 1 ph; 2. rida: mustri järgi; 3. rida: 1 ph, 1 pp; 4. rida: mustri järgi). Mõni jällegi soosib kahekordset. Ja mõnele sobib nii üks kui teine. Ma ei oska seda seletada.
The colour is rendered most adequately in the bottom picture. Not exactly white but light-grey. Again I had a chance to observe that moss stitch and its subtypes look well in this yarn. By the way, some yarns tolerate moss stitch (k1, p1, the opposite in the back row) but not double moss stitch (Row 1: k1, p1; Row 2: knit as the stitches look; Row 3: p1, k1; Row 4: like Row 2). Some yarns, on the contrary, favour double moss stitch. And some are good for both. I have no explanation to this.
reede, 24. detsember 2010
Uut algust ei saa veel näidata, mõtlen üht ja teist ja kolmandat, aga loodetavasti saan varsti millestki rääkida. See-eest avastasin täna ühe kena kalendri. See on kalender-märkmik, kus on eestiaegseid pilte. Siis nägin seda:
I cannot show you any new beginning yet, I am considering several things; hopefully, I will soon have what to discuss. This all notwithstanding, I discovered a nice calendar today. It is an organizer with photos from the era of the first independence (1918-1940). And I saw this:
Pealkiri ülteb: Vormsi naised kudumas, taamal pukktuulik. A. Aia erakogu. Vaadake aga ingliskeelset tõlget ja naerge! Sellest hoolimata, pilt meeldis mulle ja soetasingi kalendri endale.
The title says: Women on Vormsi Island weaving, wooden windmill in background. Private collection of A. Aia. You don't have to know Estonian to see what is wrong with the English translation, you cannot help laughing! In Estonian "kuduma" means both "to knit" and "to weave". Despite this I liked the picture a lot and got the calender.
Veel üks kena üllatus. Eile Ravelrys vaadates avastasin selle. Kes Ravelrys ei ole, võite vaadata Bea blogist, kus ta kirjutab pikemalt. Väga kena temast. Võttis kätte ja kudus endale. Tema versioon erineb muidugi lõnga poolest, aga tal on ka soonik (mul on ripskude).
Another nice surprise in store. Yesterday while looking around on Ravelry I discovered this. For those of you who are not registered on Ravelry, here is a link to Bea's blog where she describes it all at length. Very nice of her. Just made up her mind and knitted it. Her version is different of course because of a different yarn but also she has ribbing (where I have garter stitch).
Dziękuję bardzo! Thank you very much! Aitäh!
Ja ilusaid pühi kõigile! And have nice holidays all of you!
I cannot show you any new beginning yet, I am considering several things; hopefully, I will soon have what to discuss. This all notwithstanding, I discovered a nice calendar today. It is an organizer with photos from the era of the first independence (1918-1940). And I saw this:
Pealkiri ülteb: Vormsi naised kudumas, taamal pukktuulik. A. Aia erakogu. Vaadake aga ingliskeelset tõlget ja naerge! Sellest hoolimata, pilt meeldis mulle ja soetasingi kalendri endale.
The title says: Women on Vormsi Island weaving, wooden windmill in background. Private collection of A. Aia. You don't have to know Estonian to see what is wrong with the English translation, you cannot help laughing! In Estonian "kuduma" means both "to knit" and "to weave". Despite this I liked the picture a lot and got the calender.
Veel üks kena üllatus. Eile Ravelrys vaadates avastasin selle. Kes Ravelrys ei ole, võite vaadata Bea blogist, kus ta kirjutab pikemalt. Väga kena temast. Võttis kätte ja kudus endale. Tema versioon erineb muidugi lõnga poolest, aga tal on ka soonik (mul on ripskude).
Another nice surprise in store. Yesterday while looking around on Ravelry I discovered this. For those of you who are not registered on Ravelry, here is a link to Bea's blog where she describes it all at length. Very nice of her. Just made up her mind and knitted it. Her version is different of course because of a different yarn but also she has ribbing (where I have garter stitch).
Dziękuję bardzo! Thank you very much! Aitäh!
Ja ilusaid pühi kõigile! And have nice holidays all of you!
kolmapäev, 22. detsember 2010
Mõned pildid/Some pictures
Kristiina pakkus lahkesti, et võiksime pilte teha. Saime kokku ühes armsas kohvikus, aga selgus, et valgus pole seal eriti hea ja seetõttu on häid pilte vähe. Pealegi vaatan ma siiski enesekriitiliselt, pole kõige parem kudum.
Kristiina kindly suggested that we could do a photo session. We met at a delightful café but it became clear that the light there is not really good and that's why we got few good pictures. In addition to that I self-critically observe that this is indeed not my best knit.
Aga pole midagi. Iga kord saab midagi õppida.
But never mind. Every time you can learn something.
Lõng/Yarn: Alvita Kidsilk, BBB Soft Dream, Lineapiu (25 g/210-24o m), ~>50 g.
Vardad/Needles: 4 mm
Pildid/Photo: Kristiina
Kristiina kindly suggested that we could do a photo session. We met at a delightful café but it became clear that the light there is not really good and that's why we got few good pictures. In addition to that I self-critically observe that this is indeed not my best knit.
Aga pole midagi. Iga kord saab midagi õppida.
But never mind. Every time you can learn something.
Lõng/Yarn: Alvita Kidsilk, BBB Soft Dream, Lineapiu (25 g/210-24o m), ~>50 g.
Vardad/Needles: 4 mm
Pildid/Photo: Kristiina
teisipäev, 21. detsember 2010
Kas see on "minu" kudum?/Is it "my" top?
Kõik võib ju kena olla. "Minu" värvid ja tegumood, aga stiil pole vist minu oma.
Everything may appear nice. "My" colours and "my" construction but the style is not very much my own.
Muidugi räägivad kodused, et mulle sobib. Väga võimalik, et nii ongi, aga siiski pole õige tunne. Mul on üldse probleeme värvide kombineerimisega ühe kudumi sees, ei tee seda heameelega. Erandiks on eesti üleminekulõng.
My family says of course that it suits me fine. This may very well be but still I have a strange feeling. In general I have great reservation about combining colours within one project; I am reluctant do do that. Maybe Estonian variegated yarn is an exception.
Püüan lähiajal teha korralikke pilte, siis vaatame.
I will try to get proper pictures taken in the nearest future, then we shall see.
Everything may appear nice. "My" colours and "my" construction but the style is not very much my own.
Muidugi räägivad kodused, et mulle sobib. Väga võimalik, et nii ongi, aga siiski pole õige tunne. Mul on üldse probleeme värvide kombineerimisega ühe kudumi sees, ei tee seda heameelega. Erandiks on eesti üleminekulõng.
My family says of course that it suits me fine. This may very well be but still I have a strange feeling. In general I have great reservation about combining colours within one project; I am reluctant do do that. Maybe Estonian variegated yarn is an exception.
Püüan lähiajal teha korralikke pilte, siis vaatame.
I will try to get proper pictures taken in the nearest future, then we shall see.
pühapäev, 19. detsember 2010
Muster/Stitch pattern
Muuhulgas õnnestub mul ka kududa. Alustasin alumist osa, mis on vausabakirja mustris. Iga mustrikord on ise värvi.
Among other things, I manage to knit, too. I started the bottom part in horseshoe stitch pattern. Every repeat is in a different colour.
Pilt peeglis, näitab, kui kaugel olen.
The mirror picture shows how far I am.
Ja muster lähemalt.
And a close view on the pattern.
Vausabakirja on palju kiidetud. Ilmselt sobib igasugusele lõngale, mohäärile iseäranis.
The horseshoe pattern has been widely praised. Apparently, it fits with any yarn, especially with mohair.
Among other things, I manage to knit, too. I started the bottom part in horseshoe stitch pattern. Every repeat is in a different colour.
Pilt peeglis, näitab, kui kaugel olen.
The mirror picture shows how far I am.
Ja muster lähemalt.
And a close view on the pattern.
Vausabakirja on palju kiidetud. Ilmselt sobib igasugusele lõngale, mohäärile iseäranis.
The horseshoe pattern has been widely praised. Apparently, it fits with any yarn, especially with mohair.
reede, 17. detsember 2010
Näitan, mida olen vahepeal kudunud. Kudum on enam-vähem taljeni jõudnud. Valgus on väga nigel, seda küll.
I am showing what I have knitted so far. The garment has more or less reached the waist line. The light is poor, that is true.
Jätkan veel mustaga ja siis tulevad jälle muud värvid.
I will do some more in black and then there will be other colours again.
Selline vaade avaneb hotellitoas. Lumi ja vaikus, aga pole külm.
This is the view from my hotel window. Snow and silence but it is not particularly cold.
I am showing what I have knitted so far. The garment has more or less reached the waist line. The light is poor, that is true.
Jätkan veel mustaga ja siis tulevad jälle muud värvid.
I will do some more in black and then there will be other colours again.
Selline vaade avaneb hotellitoas. Lumi ja vaikus, aga pole külm.
This is the view from my hotel window. Snow and silence but it is not particularly cold.
kolmapäev, 15. detsember 2010
Mohäärijäägid/Mohair left-overs
Et lõpetada vestiga, panen lõpuks paar pilti.
In order to get over with the vest, I am posting a couple of pictures.
Lõng/Yarn: Alpaca Superlight (Lang), 25 g/199 m, > 50 g
Vardad/Needles: 4,5 mm
Pildid/Photos: Anu
Ilmselt on tulemas ka õpetus, Ravelrys tekkis hulk vabatahtlikke testijaid.
Probably, a pattern is coming since a whole bunch of volunteering test-kniters emerged on Ravelry.
Nüüd näitan uue töö algust. Eelmises postituses arutlesin, mida alustada, kas soojemat sorti jakki Raasiku villast või midagi õhulisemat Midara siidiga mohäärist. Nagu ikka juhtub, valitud sai hoopis kolmas asi. Mul on nimelt mohäärijääke eelmistest kudumitest: helehall, tumehall ja lilla (tegelikult on tumedam, kui pildil). Kuna olen värvide kombineerimisega ettevaatlik, hankisin juurde veel musta Alvita Silkidi. Must on siis põhivärv.
Now I will show you a beginning of a new project. In the previous post I was pondering about the next project, whether it should be a warmer cardigan from Raasiku wool or something airy from Midara silk mohair. As it happens, I chose an entirely different thing. Namely, I have mohair left-overs from previous projects: light grey, dark grey and purple (it is darker than in the picture). As I am cautions about combining colour, I got some black Alvita Silkid. Thus, black will be the main colour.
Siin on krae ja passe. Põhimõte on nagu Mohääriminimalismil, kuid kasvatused on pisut teises rütmis. Varsti jõuan varrukate eraldamiskohani.
Here is the collar and the yoke. The principle is as in the Mohair minimalist top but increases are distributed in a slightly different way. Soon I will get to the point of separation of the sleeves.
In order to get over with the vest, I am posting a couple of pictures.
Lõng/Yarn: Alpaca Superlight (Lang), 25 g/199 m, > 50 g
Vardad/Needles: 4,5 mm
Pildid/Photos: Anu
Ilmselt on tulemas ka õpetus, Ravelrys tekkis hulk vabatahtlikke testijaid.
Probably, a pattern is coming since a whole bunch of volunteering test-kniters emerged on Ravelry.
Nüüd näitan uue töö algust. Eelmises postituses arutlesin, mida alustada, kas soojemat sorti jakki Raasiku villast või midagi õhulisemat Midara siidiga mohäärist. Nagu ikka juhtub, valitud sai hoopis kolmas asi. Mul on nimelt mohäärijääke eelmistest kudumitest: helehall, tumehall ja lilla (tegelikult on tumedam, kui pildil). Kuna olen värvide kombineerimisega ettevaatlik, hankisin juurde veel musta Alvita Silkidi. Must on siis põhivärv.
Now I will show you a beginning of a new project. In the previous post I was pondering about the next project, whether it should be a warmer cardigan from Raasiku wool or something airy from Midara silk mohair. As it happens, I chose an entirely different thing. Namely, I have mohair left-overs from previous projects: light grey, dark grey and purple (it is darker than in the picture). As I am cautions about combining colour, I got some black Alvita Silkid. Thus, black will be the main colour.
Siin on krae ja passe. Põhimõte on nagu Mohääriminimalismil, kuid kasvatused on pisut teises rütmis. Varsti jõuan varrukate eraldamiskohani.
Here is the collar and the yoke. The principle is as in the Mohair minimalist top but increases are distributed in a slightly different way. Soon I will get to the point of separation of the sleeves.
esmaspäev, 13. detsember 2010
Varrukatega või ilma?/Sleeves or no sleeves?
Tekkis huvitav küsimus, kas kududa varrukad või jätta vestiks. Seekord ütles abikaasa, et varrukad on ülearused. Mõtlesin, et vaatan. Kudusin pool varrukat valmis, vaatasin peeglisse ja veendusin, et tal oli õigus. Milles asi? Lõng pole siiski päris mohäär, kude on paksem, üdlse ei libise. Varrukahakatis näitas selgelt, et kudum tunduks visuaalselt kuidagi kopsakam, kui on tegelikult. Igatahes on nüüd minimalistlik vest, mida võib kanda haaknõelaga, vööga või lahtiselt.
An interesting question came up whether I should knit sleeves or leave it as a vest. This time my husband said that the sleeves would be redundant. I thought I will see about it. I knitted a half of the sleeve and looked at the reflection in the mirror and realized that he was right. How come? The yarn is not a real mohair though, the knitted fabric appears much thicker and it does not slide at all. The beginning of the sleeve clearly showed that the garment would optically appear thicker than it is. Anyway, now there is a minimalist vest that can be worn with a pin, a belt or opened.
An interesting question came up whether I should knit sleeves or leave it as a vest. This time my husband said that the sleeves would be redundant. I thought I will see about it. I knitted a half of the sleeve and looked at the reflection in the mirror and realized that he was right. How come? The yarn is not a real mohair though, the knitted fabric appears much thicker and it does not slide at all. The beginning of the sleeve clearly showed that the garment would optically appear thicker than it is. Anyway, now there is a minimalist vest that can be worn with a pin, a belt or opened.
Pildistamise keskel selgus, nagu ikka juhtub, et patareid on tühjad. Saime ühe normaalse pildi. Nagu näete, ei erine see suurt eelmise postituse piltidest, ainult et vardaid pole sees. Nii et paremad pildid kunagi hiljem. Edasi mõtlen, mis edasi. Kas see?
In the middle of the photo shoot we discovered that the batteries were empty, as it happens. We got one normal picture. As you see, it does not differ very much from the previous pictures, just the needles are absent. So better pictures will appear somewhat later. Next thing is to think what is next. This one?
Või see?
Or this one?
Aade lõng,
laupäev, 11. detsember 2010
Laupäevane kudumine/Saturday knitting
Eelmisest postitusest ei olnud veel aru saada, mida ma ikkagi koon. Nüüd on pilt selge.
It was unclear from the previous post what I am knitting. Now it is all very explicit.
Anu, kes pildistas (aitäh!) ütles, et selline asi on väga minulik. Muidugi, väga lihtne, hall jne. Olen nii läbinähtav! Aga hea on see, et mulle meeldib ja kududa pole igav. Koon veel pisut pikemaks ja teen varrukad.
Anu, who took the pictures (thank you!), said that this knit is very "mine". Of course, it is very simple and grey at that. I am so predictable! But it is rather nice that I like it and the work is not boring. I will knit it a bit longer and then make the sleeves.
Käes on improviseeritud käevõru. Teisisõnu, kuhu panna poolik tokk pooliku kudumi pildistamise ajal? Teine tokk on juba nii kõhn, et keskel on ava ja saab kanda nagu käevõru.
I am wearing an improvised bracelet. To put it differently, where would you place the current ball of yarn during a photo shoot of a knit in progress? The second ball is already so skinny that the hole in the middle is substantial and you can put it on like a bracelet.
It was unclear from the previous post what I am knitting. Now it is all very explicit.
Anu, kes pildistas (aitäh!) ütles, et selline asi on väga minulik. Muidugi, väga lihtne, hall jne. Olen nii läbinähtav! Aga hea on see, et mulle meeldib ja kududa pole igav. Koon veel pisut pikemaks ja teen varrukad.
Anu, who took the pictures (thank you!), said that this knit is very "mine". Of course, it is very simple and grey at that. I am so predictable! But it is rather nice that I like it and the work is not boring. I will knit it a bit longer and then make the sleeves.
Käes on improviseeritud käevõru. Teisisõnu, kuhu panna poolik tokk pooliku kudumi pildistamise ajal? Teine tokk on juba nii kõhn, et keskel on ava ja saab kanda nagu käevõru.
I am wearing an improvised bracelet. To put it differently, where would you place the current ball of yarn during a photo shoot of a knit in progress? The second ball is already so skinny that the hole in the middle is substantial and you can put it on like a bracelet.
Ja siis tuli Terje. Ülemisel pildil koome keskendunult (vähemalt Terje). Seekord läks nii, et mõlemal on käsil mohäär või selletaoline lõng. Alumisel pildil oleme selgelt rahul.
And then Terje arrived. On the top picture we are concentrated on knitting (at least, Terje is). This time both of us were working with mohair or a similar yarn. On the bottom picture we have a very satisfied expression.
Anu, thank you for the pictures! Terje, thanks for your company!
neljapäev, 9. detsember 2010
Sall on valmis ja peaaegu kuiv. Siin on paar väikest vihjet. Enam-vähem õige värv on ülemisel pildi.
The scarf is finished and almost dry. Here are a couple of little hints. The upper picture renders the colour more or less accurately.
Saksamaalt toodud lõngast alustasin midagi uut.
I started something new with the yarn I have brought in Germany.
Võib tunduda, justkui see on mohäär.
It may seem that this is mohair.
Ka mina arvasin nii.
I thought the same.
Siiski silt räägib midagi muud.
Still, the sign says otherwise.
Poes oli proovilapp üsna tihke olemisega. Ilmselt 3,5 mm vardaga. Mul on aga hoopis 4,5 mm. Vahelduse mõttes on hea kududa labases parempidises koes. Sellest tuleb pikkade hõlmadega vest või jakk, olenevalt sellest, milleks lõnga jätkub. Nagu näha, vestihakatis on juba täiesti olemas. Kuna värv on tume ja lõng on suhteliselt karvane, otsustasin, et ei tee mustrit.
A swatch in the shop had been rather tightly knitted. Probably, with 3.5 mm needles. I am knitting with 4,5 mm though. For a change, it is nice to knit in stockinette stitch. It will be a vest or a cardigan with long front parts, depending on how much yarn I have. As you can see, a prototypical vest is already done. Whereas the colour is on a dark side and the yarn is relatively fluffy, I decided against stitch pattern.
The scarf is finished and almost dry. Here are a couple of little hints. The upper picture renders the colour more or less accurately.
Saksamaalt toodud lõngast alustasin midagi uut.
I started something new with the yarn I have brought in Germany.
Võib tunduda, justkui see on mohäär.
It may seem that this is mohair.
Ka mina arvasin nii.
I thought the same.
Siiski silt räägib midagi muud.
Still, the sign says otherwise.
Poes oli proovilapp üsna tihke olemisega. Ilmselt 3,5 mm vardaga. Mul on aga hoopis 4,5 mm. Vahelduse mõttes on hea kududa labases parempidises koes. Sellest tuleb pikkade hõlmadega vest või jakk, olenevalt sellest, milleks lõnga jätkub. Nagu näha, vestihakatis on juba täiesti olemas. Kuna värv on tume ja lõng on suhteliselt karvane, otsustasin, et ei tee mustrit.
A swatch in the shop had been rather tightly knitted. Probably, with 3.5 mm needles. I am knitting with 4,5 mm though. For a change, it is nice to knit in stockinette stitch. It will be a vest or a cardigan with long front parts, depending on how much yarn I have. As you can see, a prototypical vest is already done. Whereas the colour is on a dark side and the yarn is relatively fluffy, I decided against stitch pattern.
teisipäev, 7. detsember 2010
Väike ülevaade/A small review
Lubatud väike ülevaade. Saksamaal on palju kudumisajakirju suuremas või väiksemas mahus. Neid müüakse enam-vähem kõikjal, kus ajalehti-ajakirju müüakse. Eestis on kättesaadav Verena (lausa kolmes keeles, saksa, inglise ja vene), Stricktrends, Sabrina, Diana jms. Lõngatootjatel on tihti oma väljaanded; nad ei ole ehk nii mahukad, kui pärisajakirjad, siiski on üpris kasulikud neile, kes just neid lõngu kasutavad. Seekord sain kaks suhteliselt vähetuntud ajakirja.
A small review, as promised earlier. There are plenty bigger or smaller knitting magazines in Germany. They are available almost everywhere where where press is being sold. In Estonia one can get Verena (and in three languages at that: German, English and Russian), Stricktrends, Sabrina, Diana etc. Yarn producers often have their own periodicals that are not as substantial as "real" magazines but are nevertheless rather useful to those who use the particular yarns. This time I got two relatively less known magazines.
Juhtkirjas räägitakse sellest, et kudumine võib olla lihtne ja ometi rõõmutoov. Pakutavad õpetused ei pruugi olla keerulised, tulemus on aga ikka nauditav. On suhteliselt palju kudumeid palmikutega ja üleminekulõngadest. Siiski peaks ütlema, et üleminekud on võrreldes Raasiku lõngade omadega üpris lühikesed, nii et on oht, et kena muster või palmik läheb kaotsi. Paar kudumit siiski köitis tähelepanu.
The editorial says that knitting can be easy yet satisfying. The suggested patterns are not exactly difficult but the result is enjoyable. Quite a few patterns are with cables and from variegated yarns. Yet I have to mention that colour transitions are short in comparison to those of Aade Lõng yarns; hence, there is danger that a nice stitch or cable gets lost. Still, several patterns got my attention.
A small review, as promised earlier. There are plenty bigger or smaller knitting magazines in Germany. They are available almost everywhere where where press is being sold. In Estonia one can get Verena (and in three languages at that: German, English and Russian), Stricktrends, Sabrina, Diana etc. Yarn producers often have their own periodicals that are not as substantial as "real" magazines but are nevertheless rather useful to those who use the particular yarns. This time I got two relatively less known magazines.
Juhtkirjas räägitakse sellest, et kudumine võib olla lihtne ja ometi rõõmutoov. Pakutavad õpetused ei pruugi olla keerulised, tulemus on aga ikka nauditav. On suhteliselt palju kudumeid palmikutega ja üleminekulõngadest. Siiski peaks ütlema, et üleminekud on võrreldes Raasiku lõngade omadega üpris lühikesed, nii et on oht, et kena muster või palmik läheb kaotsi. Paar kudumit siiski köitis tähelepanu.
The editorial says that knitting can be easy yet satisfying. The suggested patterns are not exactly difficult but the result is enjoyable. Quite a few patterns are with cables and from variegated yarns. Yet I have to mention that colour transitions are short in comparison to those of Aade Lõng yarns; hence, there is danger that a nice stitch or cable gets lost. Still, several patterns got my attention.
Nii tuunika kui sviitri puhul võib ette kujutada mitmesuguseid lõngu. Peenvillane, puuvillane, viskoosi ja puuvilla segu, villa ja mohääri segu jms, olenevalt sellest, kas tahta talve- või suvekudumit või mitte. Valge sviitri palmik meeldib mulle väga, seda tahaks proovida.
Both the tunic and the sweater are imaginable in different types of yarns. Lighter wool, cotton, rayon and cotton blend, wool and mohair blend, you name it; it all depends whether you want a winter or summer garment. I like the cables of the white sweater and would like to try them.
Teine ajakiri on OnLine (vastava firma väljaanne). Eestis pole need lõngad päris tundmatud, siiski pole meil firmapoode, Lätis ja Leedus aga on. Tähelepanu köitis kaanepilt, nimelt palmikud. Päris kena kudum mustast mohäärist!
The second magazine is OnLine (published by the yarn producer). The yarns are not unknown in Estonia but we don't have OnLine shops, while Latvia and Lithuania do have them. The cover picture attracted my attention, namely, the cable pattern. A nice black mohair sweater!
Ajakirja lõpus on pikk OnLine poodide nimekiri. Poode on Saksamaal, Austrias, Šveitsis, aga ka Lätis ja Leedus (aadressid on kenasti kirjas).
A long list of OnLine shops is provided in the end of the magazine. The shops are in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and also in Latvia and Lithuania (the addresses are supplied).
Lõpuks pisike pilt praegusest tööst. Nagu varem öeldud, see on kingitus, seetõttu suuremat pilti ei näita.
Lõpuks, väike pilt praegusest töötst. Nagu mainitud, see on kingitus ja sellepärast suuremat pilti praegu ei näita.
And finally, a little picture of my current project. As mentioned earlier, it is a present and that is why I am not showing a bigger photo.
pühapäev, 5. detsember 2010
Lõpuks pilte/Finally, some pictures
Lõppude lõpuks ürbi pilte tuttavas kohas.
Finally, some wrap pictures in the usual place.
Olen värvi, lõnga ja mustriga väga rahul.
I am very pleased with the colour, yarn and the stitch pattern.
Finally, some wrap pictures in the usual place.
Olen värvi, lõnga ja mustriga väga rahul.
I am very pleased with the colour, yarn and the stitch pattern.
Vardad/Needles: 3,5 mm
Fotod/Pictures: Anu
Tõin Saksamaalt paar kudumisajakirja, väike ülevaade tuleb hiljem. Plaanisin kirjutada sellest eile, aga Finnairi streigi tõttu jõudsin koju alles südaööl. Samuti tuleb juttu plaanidest jms. Seda, mis on praegu töös, ei näita, kuna see on kingitus ja kingisaaja võib aeg-ajalt siin vaatamas käia.
I brought a couple of knitting magazines from Germany and a little review will appear later. I planned to write about it yesterday but due to Finnair strike I got home around midnight. Plans etc will also be discussed. I am not sharing the present project because it is a gift and the recipient may very well visit this site from time to time.
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