Eelmisel reedel oli mul Rahvaülikoolis igasuguste kraede, sh ka sallkraede teema. Rääkisin ja rääkisin ja lõpuks rääkisin end salkraega kampsuni kudumisse. Nii et jutust sai asi. Aade Lõng 8/3 oli kohe võtta, sest hiljuti sai Raasikul käidud; sellest olingi tahtnud jakki. Tulemus on hästi lihtne jakk. Nööbiliistud, krae ja alumine äär on laias soonikus, mis on antud juhul pigem dekoratiivne (mul on tunne, et lai soonik on seda). Homme on vaja veel nööpe hankida ja siis heal juhul saab pühapäeval pildistada.
Last Friday at Folk Univeristy the topic of my lecture was about various collars and shawl collars in particular. I talked and talked and finally talked myself into the knitting a sweater with a shawl collar. So the talk has turned into a real thing. Aade Lõng 8/3 was conviniently waiting from my earlier trip to Raasiku; I had assigned it for a jacket in any case. The result is a very simple jakcet. The button bands, collar and the bottom edge are in wide ribbing that is more decorative than functional (I have a feeling that this is characteristic of wide ribbing). I have to purchase some buttons tomorrow and then in the best case someone can take pictures on Sunday.
reede, 31. oktoober 2014
kolmapäev, 29. oktoober 2014
Mitmeid asju/Various matters
Paar pilti moeshowst (modellid ja mina, sõbrad ja mina; pildid Butterfly Lounge'ilt). Ajakirjanduses on olnud ka üht-teist, näiteks, siin.
Some more pictures from the show (the models and me, my friends and me, pictures by Butterfly Lounge). Something has appeared in the press, for instance, here (Estonian only but you can watch the pictures).
Some more pictures from the show (the models and me, my friends and me, pictures by Butterfly Lounge). Something has appeared in the press, for instance, here (Estonian only but you can watch the pictures).
Varsti on tulemas Nahkhiire-nimelise sviitri retsept ja kooskudumine Ravelrys. Tulemas on ka salli õpetus (pilt all, Hanna, aitäh!).
Soon the pattern recipe for the Nahkhiir (Bat) sweater will be available and I will lead a KAL on Ravelry. There will be also a pattern for the scarf (see the picture below, thanks, Hanna!).
esmaspäev, 27. oktoober 2014
See oli osa meie TFW kollektsioonist. Kuna tuttavad kudujad soovisid õpetust, kirjutasin selle valmis, nüüd see on kättesaadav Ravelryst. Kristiina, tänan piltide eest!
It was a part of our TFW collection. As my knitting friends wanted the pattern, I wrote it up, it is available on Ravelry now. Kristiina, thanks for pictures!
Lõng/Yarn: Angora 2 (Midara), 100 g/750 m, ~ 80 g (2-kordselt/yarn held double)
Vardad/Needles: 4,5 mm
It was a part of our TFW collection. As my knitting friends wanted the pattern, I wrote it up, it is available on Ravelry now. Kristiina, thanks for pictures!
Lõng/Yarn: Angora 2 (Midara), 100 g/750 m, ~ 80 g (2-kordselt/yarn held double)
Vardad/Needles: 4,5 mm
laupäev, 25. oktoober 2014
Meie esitluse pilte/Some pictures of our show
Pilte tuleb veel, hakkan pikkamööda jagama. Meeli Laidvee fotod. Mattis ja mina jälgime laval toimuvat:
There will be more pictures and I will share them in the due course. Photos by Meeli Laidvee. Mattis and myself observing what is going on on the scene:
Modellid, Mattis ja meie tubli jumestaja Raili (istub).
The models, Mattis and our skillful make-up artist Raili (sitting).
Aitäh kõigile! Olen üsna palju õppinud! Ja eraldi tänu sõpradele, kes vaatama tulid.
Thank you all! I have learend a lot! And a special thank you to my friends who came to the show.
There will be more pictures and I will share them in the due course. Photos by Meeli Laidvee. Mattis and myself observing what is going on on the scene:
Modellid, Mattis ja meie tubli jumestaja Raili (istub).
The models, Mattis and our skillful make-up artist Raili (sitting).
Aitäh kõigile! Olen üsna palju õppinud! Ja eraldi tänu sõpradele, kes vaatama tulid.
Thank you all! I have learend a lot! And a special thank you to my friends who came to the show.
neljapäev, 23. oktoober 2014
Tuleb varsti/Coming soon
Tulemas on õpetus Raasiku lõngast pitsilisele sallile. Praegu mõni pilt (paremad pildid kunagi hiljem).
A pattern for a lace scarf from Raasiku yarn is coming soon. A couple of pictures for now (better pictures sometime later).
A pattern for a lace scarf from Raasiku yarn is coming soon. A couple of pictures for now (better pictures sometime later).
teisipäev, 21. oktoober 2014
Tallinna Moenädal/Tallinn Fashion Week
Mattis Meekleri ja minu kollektsioon "Tekstuurid" tuleb esitusele 23. oktoobril kl 23. Pidu algab juba kl 22. Sissepääs tasuta, tuleb ainult broneerida laud klubis Butterfly Lounge. FB sündmus on siin. Toetajad on Tradehouse, Ilusalv PÜ, River Island, Tallinna Tööstushariduskeskus, Debenhams Eesti, Drops Design, Mustrimaailm, Roheline Vihmavari, Vikkel, Hobbypunkt.
Mattis Meekler's and my collection Textures will be presented on 23 October at 11 p.m. The party starts at 10 p.m. Free entrance, only you have to book a table in Butterfly Lounge. FB event here. Sponsored by Tradehouse, Ilusalv PÜ, River Island, Tallinna Tööstushariduskeskus, Debenhams Estonia, Drops Design, Mustrimaailm, Roheline Vihmavari, Vikkel, Hobbypunkt.
Sügis-talvine kollektsioon "Tekstuurid"
Kudumid ja nende kombinatsioonid demonstreerivad erinevaid tekstuure ja nende võimalusi. Kollektsioonis on koos mitmesugused pinnad: siledad ja krobelised, reljeefsed ja ühtlased, hõljuv mohäär ja raskelt langev villane, palmikud ja struktuursed mustrid. Kollektsioon näitlikustab põhjamaist minimalismi. Kollektsiooni märksõnadeks on : põhjamaine, minimalistlik, kantav.
Autumn-Winter collection Textures
Knits and combinations thereof demonstrate various textures and their potential. The collection brings together different fabrics: smooth and with high stitch definition, textured and even, airy mohair and wool with a heavy drape, cables and structured stitch patterns. The collection exemplifies Nordic minimalism. The keywords are: Nordic, minimalist, wearable.
Mattis Meekler's and my collection Textures will be presented on 23 October at 11 p.m. The party starts at 10 p.m. Free entrance, only you have to book a table in Butterfly Lounge. FB event here. Sponsored by Tradehouse, Ilusalv PÜ, River Island, Tallinna Tööstushariduskeskus, Debenhams Estonia, Drops Design, Mustrimaailm, Roheline Vihmavari, Vikkel, Hobbypunkt.
Sügis-talvine kollektsioon "Tekstuurid"
Kudumid ja nende kombinatsioonid demonstreerivad erinevaid tekstuure ja nende võimalusi. Kollektsioonis on koos mitmesugused pinnad: siledad ja krobelised, reljeefsed ja ühtlased, hõljuv mohäär ja raskelt langev villane, palmikud ja struktuursed mustrid. Kollektsioon näitlikustab põhjamaist minimalismi. Kollektsiooni märksõnadeks on : põhjamaine, minimalistlik, kantav.
Autumn-Winter collection Textures
Knits and combinations thereof demonstrate various textures and their potential. The collection brings together different fabrics: smooth and with high stitch definition, textured and even, airy mohair and wool with a heavy drape, cables and structured stitch patterns. The collection exemplifies Nordic minimalism. The keywords are: Nordic, minimalist, wearable.
esmaspäev, 20. oktoober 2014
Eesti keeles nimetatakse niisugust varrukat "nahkhiire varrukas". Näitan pilte. Kristiina, aitäh! Väljas sadas vihma, seetõttu pildistasime poes.
In Estonian dolman sleeve is called "bat sleeve". Here are the pictures. Kristiina, thank you! It was raining outside and this is why we took photos indoors.
Lõng/Yarn: Angora 2 (Midara), 100 g/750 m (30 % akrüül/acrylic, 20 % vill/wool, 50 % mohäär/mohair), ~ 160 g (kahekordselt/held double)
Vardad/Needles: 4,5 mm
In Estonian dolman sleeve is called "bat sleeve". Here are the pictures. Kristiina, thank you! It was raining outside and this is why we took photos indoors.
Lõng/Yarn: Angora 2 (Midara), 100 g/750 m (30 % akrüül/acrylic, 20 % vill/wool, 50 % mohäär/mohair), ~ 160 g (kahekordselt/held double)
Vardad/Needles: 4,5 mm
reede, 17. oktoober 2014
Täna tunnis/In today's class
Räägime just sellest konstruktsioonist, millest oli juttu eelmises postituses.
It is the construction mentioned in the previous post we shall talk about.
Halli lühkese varrukatega topi õpetus ilmus Käsitöös (Suvi 2013), rohelise sviitri õpetus on olemas mu raamatus. Musta sviitri pilte on siin. Uue halli sviitri pildid tulevad hiljem, kindlasti proovin veel mõnest muust lõngast ja väikse mustriga.
The pattern for the short-sleeved grey top appeared in Käsitöö (Summer 2013) and the pattern for the green sweater is in my book. The pictures of the black sweater are here. As for the new grey sweater, pictures will appear later and I will definitely try another version from a different yarn and with a little stitch pattern.
It is the construction mentioned in the previous post we shall talk about.
Halli lühkese varrukatega topi õpetus ilmus Käsitöös (Suvi 2013), rohelise sviitri õpetus on olemas mu raamatus. Musta sviitri pilte on siin. Uue halli sviitri pildid tulevad hiljem, kindlasti proovin veel mõnest muust lõngast ja väikse mustriga.
The pattern for the short-sleeved grey top appeared in Käsitöö (Summer 2013) and the pattern for the green sweater is in my book. The pictures of the black sweater are here. As for the new grey sweater, pictures will appear later and I will definitely try another version from a different yarn and with a little stitch pattern.
kolmapäev, 15. oktoober 2014
Konstruktsiooni arendus/Construction development
Jutt on sellest konstruktsioonist. Algsel kujul on ta hea lühikese varrukatega toppide jaoks, kuigi ka pika varrukaga sviiter on võimalik.
It is about this construction. In its initial form it is good for short sleeved tops but also a sweater with long sleeves is possible.
Sellest konstruktsioonist räägin reedesel tunnil Rahvaülikoolis. Korralikud pildid ilmselt nädalavahetusel. Kudusin valmis 4 päevaga, sest kududa ja selga proovida oli päris põnev.
I will talk about this construction during my class on Friday at Folk University. Proper pictures probably on the weekend. I made it in 4 days because it was fun to work and to try on.
It is about this construction. In its initial form it is good for short sleeved tops but also a sweater with long sleeves is possible.
Sellest konstruktsioonist räägin reedesel tunnil Rahvaülikoolis. Korralikud pildid ilmselt nädalavahetusel. Kudusin valmis 4 päevaga, sest kududa ja selga proovida oli päris põnev.
I will talk about this construction during my class on Friday at Folk University. Proper pictures probably on the weekend. I made it in 4 days because it was fun to work and to try on.
esmaspäev, 13. oktoober 2014
Sviitri pilte/Pictures of the sweater
Õnneks ilm lubab pildistada õues. Haruldaselt soe sügis. Kristiina, tänan piltide eest! Niisiis, tütre sviiter, omanik asub Tartus ja oli piltidega rahul.
Luckily, the weather allows to take pictures outdoors. It is an exceptionally warm autumn. Kristiina, thank you for the pictures! Hence, a sweater for my daughter; the owner is in Tartu and was satisfied with the pictures.
Lõng/Yarn: Cashmere Gold (Madame Tricote), 55 % vill/wool, 5 % kašmiir/cashmere, 40 % akrüül/acrylic, 3 tokki/balls
Vardad/Needles: 3,5 mm, 4 mm
Luckily, the weather allows to take pictures outdoors. It is an exceptionally warm autumn. Kristiina, thank you for the pictures! Hence, a sweater for my daughter; the owner is in Tartu and was satisfied with the pictures.
Lõng/Yarn: Cashmere Gold (Madame Tricote), 55 % vill/wool, 5 % kašmiir/cashmere, 40 % akrüül/acrylic, 3 tokki/balls
Vardad/Needles: 3,5 mm, 4 mm
laupäev, 11. oktoober 2014
Reljeefne muster/Textured pattern
Viimasel ajal kogun igasuguseid reljeefseid mustreid. See on üks lemmikuid. Selle mustriga sviiter kuivab praegu, loodetavasti saab homme ka pildile. Sviiter on tütre tellimus ja muster on temaga kooskõlastatud.
Recently I've been collecting all kind of textured stitch patterns. This is one of my favourites. A sweater with the pattern is now drying and, holpefully, tomorrow will be photographed. The sweater has been ordered by my daughter and the stitch pattern approved by her.
Värv on pildil absoluutselt vale.
The colour in the picture is totally wrong.
Recently I've been collecting all kind of textured stitch patterns. This is one of my favourites. A sweater with the pattern is now drying and, holpefully, tomorrow will be photographed. The sweater has been ordered by my daughter and the stitch pattern approved by her.
Värv on pildil absoluutselt vale.
The colour in the picture is totally wrong.
neljapäev, 9. oktoober 2014
Nüüd see on ametlik/Now it is official
Mattis Meekleri ja minu kollektsiooni "Tekstuurid" esituse kohta siin.
On the collection "Textures" by Mattis Meekler and myself see information here.
esmaspäev, 6. oktoober 2014
Uued ja vanad mõtted/New and old ideas
Tore on kududa koos, siis saab asju arutada. Kõik õpivad kõigi käest! Kuna hiljuti sai käidud Raasikul lõngavabrikus, arutasime Mallega kudumeid, kus oleme neid lõngu kasutanud. Mainisin, et mul on üks lihtne rätik, kus on koos Aade Lõng 8/3 (jämedam villane, 100 g/270 m) ja üks mohääri-segune lõng, sviitri jääk. See on nn Teekonna rätik, kuna sain selle valmis möödunud aastal Saksamaa reisi ajal. Rohkem juttu sviitrist ja rätikust siin.
It is nice to knit together because you can discuss things. Everyone learns from everyone! As we've been to the Raasiku factory recently, together with Malle we've been discussing knits where these yarns were used. I mentioned a simple shawl of mine that combines Aade Lõng 8/3 (a thicker wool, 100 g/270 m) and a mohair-blend yarn, a left-over from a sweater. This is the so-called Teekonna rätik (Travel shawl) because I completed it during my last year trip to Germany. More about the sweater and the shawl here.
Nüüd Malle on tekitanud sarnase kombinatsiooni, üks on villane (leedu Teksrena, mis on pisut jämedam, kui Aade Lõng 8/2), teine mohäärisegune ja paljude lemmik Angora 2, millest on palju juttu siin.Ta kirjutab sellest oma blogis ja näitab pilte. Iseenesest pole siin midagi erilist, triibuline rätik ei ole uus leiutis, aga päris õpetlik on erinevaid lõngu kombineerida.
Now Malle has created a similar combination, one of the yarns is wool (Lithuanian Teksrena that is slightly heavier than Aade Lõng 8/2) and the other is the mohair blend, appreciated by many, Angora 2, amply described here. She writes about it on her blog and shows pictures. In and by itself, there is nothing new, a striped shawl is not a particularly new invention, but it is quite instructive to work out combinations of different yarns.
It is nice to knit together because you can discuss things. Everyone learns from everyone! As we've been to the Raasiku factory recently, together with Malle we've been discussing knits where these yarns were used. I mentioned a simple shawl of mine that combines Aade Lõng 8/3 (a thicker wool, 100 g/270 m) and a mohair-blend yarn, a left-over from a sweater. This is the so-called Teekonna rätik (Travel shawl) because I completed it during my last year trip to Germany. More about the sweater and the shawl here.
Nüüd Malle on tekitanud sarnase kombinatsiooni, üks on villane (leedu Teksrena, mis on pisut jämedam, kui Aade Lõng 8/2), teine mohäärisegune ja paljude lemmik Angora 2, millest on palju juttu siin.Ta kirjutab sellest oma blogis ja näitab pilte. Iseenesest pole siin midagi erilist, triibuline rätik ei ole uus leiutis, aga päris õpetlik on erinevaid lõngu kombineerida.
Now Malle has created a similar combination, one of the yarns is wool (Lithuanian Teksrena that is slightly heavier than Aade Lõng 8/2) and the other is the mohair blend, appreciated by many, Angora 2, amply described here. She writes about it on her blog and shows pictures. In and by itself, there is nothing new, a striped shawl is not a particularly new invention, but it is quite instructive to work out combinations of different yarns.
laupäev, 4. oktoober 2014
Viimasel ajal meeldivad mulle reljeefsed mustrid, neid on palju erinevaid. See on kahepoolne, tuleb otsustada, kumb pool on parem pool. Või kududa nii, et saaks kanda mõlematpidi.
Recently I have become fond of textured patterns, there is a great lot of them. This one is reversible and one should decide which side is the right side. Or to knit so that the garment would be wearable on both sides.
Õige värv on alumisel pildil.
The bottom picture renders the true colour.
Recently I have become fond of textured patterns, there is a great lot of them. This one is reversible and one should decide which side is the right side. Or to knit so that the garment would be wearable on both sides.
Õige värv on alumisel pildil.
The bottom picture renders the true colour.
neljapäev, 2. oktoober 2014
Raasikul/In Raasiku
Üle hulga aja Pärli ja Lõnga meeskond (Tiina ja Malle) ja mina sõitsime Raasikule. Nüüd on plaan Aade Lõnga toodangut müüa Pärlis ja Lõngas, samuti tulevad uued õpetused, üritused jne. See kõik nüüd lähimal ajal. Mul on juba vähemalt ühe kudumi ja õpetuse idee olemas.
After a long while Pärl ja Lõng shop team (Tiina and Malle) and myself made a trip to Raasiku. Now there is a plan to sell the products of Aade Lõng factory at Pärl ja Lõng and there will be new patterns, activities and campains as well. All this will happen in the nearest futrue. I already have an idea for at least one knit and pattern.
Me in front of my favourite yarns (8/2 and 8/3 greys).
After a long while Pärl ja Lõng shop team (Tiina and Malle) and myself made a trip to Raasiku. Now there is a plan to sell the products of Aade Lõng factory at Pärl ja Lõng and there will be new patterns, activities and campains as well. All this will happen in the nearest futrue. I already have an idea for at least one knit and pattern.
Malle (vasakul) ja Tiina uurivad lõngu ja rõõmustavad.
Malle (left) and Tiina exlore yarns and are happy.
Mina oma lemmilõngade (8/2 ja 8/3 hallide) taustal.Me in front of my favourite yarns (8/2 and 8/3 greys).
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