Jälle tuttav muster. Tundub päris universaalne. Paremalt vasakule, vasakult paremale, alt üles, ülevalt alla - ikka kena.
A familiar stitch pattern again. It seems quite universal. From right to left, from left to right, bottom up, top down it looks beautiful.
Selle mustriga koon vesti. Nüüd on olemas n-ö vestihakatis. Mõtlesin, et võiks suvel olla selline pealeviskamisasi. Konstruktsioon on peaaegu sama, nagu Baklažaani-nimelisel vestil (siin ja siin).
I am knitting a vest with this stitch pattern. So far there is a vest prototype, so to say. I thought I could use something just to throw on in summer. The construction is almost the same as in the Aubergine vest (here and here).
Selja- ja esitüki vahele lõin lisaks mõned silmad, siin jookseb selline muster. Kui on vaja, saab taljes kahandada (kududa mõned pahempidised silmad kokku):
I casted on some additional stitches between the back and the front part, using the following stitch pattern. If it is needed, it is possible to do waist shaping (knit some purl stitches together):
Esitükkidele lisan pikkamööda silmi, nõnda tekib kaelus. Lisatud silmad on sama mustriga nagu küljel:
I am gradually increasing the front parts and thus the collar is being formed. The added stitches have the same pattern as on the side:
Lõng on merseriseeritud puuvill, Drops Muskat, 50 g/100 m, varras nr 3,5. Lõng on tugeva keeruga, aga samas pole kõva. Läige on kena. Õige värv on külje pildil, sinakashall.
The yarn is mercerized cotton, Drops Muskat, 50 g/100 m, needles no 3,5. The yarn has a strong twist but is not hard to touch. The shine is nice. The right colour is as in the picture of the side, it is bluish grey.
kolmapäev, 31. märts 2010
esmaspäev, 29. märts 2010
Ürp valmis!/The wrap is finished!
Valmis! Täna hommikul vaatasin, et ürp oli ära kuivanud, peitsin ära otsad ja panin kohe selga. Nüüd näen, kus on midagi valesti. Edaspidi võiks krae osas teha lühikesi ridu, käeaugud võiksid ka väiksemad olla (esialgu tundus, et on liiga väiksed, aga ei). Värvi, lõnga ja mustriga olen rahul. Läksin kohe praalima, aga aega oli vähe, seetõttu on vähe pilte. Ülemine pilt on tehtud Lianni lõngapoes, pildistaja on Inna (suur tänu!). Kes on Ravelrys, see saab vaadata ka siin.
Finished! Today in the morning I saw that the wrap had dried, so I weaved in the ends and put it on. Now I see where mistakes are. For future: the collar part would gain from some short rows and the armholes could be smaller (it seemed in the beginning that they are to tiny but this was wrong). I am most satisfied with the colour, yarn and the stitch pattern. Needless to say I went to boast at Liann yarnshop but as there was little time, few pictures were taken. The following picture is made in Liann by Inna (thank you!). In case you are on Ravelry, you can look here.
Kuna tahtsin siiski "aru anda" ja siia kirjutada, palusin kodus abikaasat, et ta teeks veel pilte. Ta tegigi, öeldes, et ei oska, aga minu arust ei ole viga! Alumised pildid on tema tehtud. Kohe järgmine on n-ö tegevuses, kui kinnitasin prossi.
As I still wanted "to account" and to write here, I asked my husband at home to take more pictures. Which he did, saying that he did not know how to do it, but it turned out quite decent! The following pictures are made by him. The first one is in the action, so to say, while I was pinning the wrap.
Ka seljavaateid:
View from behind as well:
Finished! Today in the morning I saw that the wrap had dried, so I weaved in the ends and put it on. Now I see where mistakes are. For future: the collar part would gain from some short rows and the armholes could be smaller (it seemed in the beginning that they are to tiny but this was wrong). I am most satisfied with the colour, yarn and the stitch pattern. Needless to say I went to boast at Liann yarnshop but as there was little time, few pictures were taken. The following picture is made in Liann by Inna (thank you!). In case you are on Ravelry, you can look here.
Kuna tahtsin siiski "aru anda" ja siia kirjutada, palusin kodus abikaasat, et ta teeks veel pilte. Ta tegigi, öeldes, et ei oska, aga minu arust ei ole viga! Alumised pildid on tema tehtud. Kohe järgmine on n-ö tegevuses, kui kinnitasin prossi.
As I still wanted "to account" and to write here, I asked my husband at home to take more pictures. Which he did, saying that he did not know how to do it, but it turned out quite decent! The following pictures are made by him. The first one is in the action, so to say, while I was pinning the wrap.
Ka seljavaateid:
View from behind as well:
This garment can be worn without pinning together.
Vardad/neeldes: 3,5 mm
Suures õhinas ei taibanud poes ära kaaluda, seetõttu teadmised lõngakulu kohta puuduvad. Lõnga on veel järel ja vaatan, mida teen sellest. Pole välistatud, et kombineerin seda ühevärvilise tumerohelisega, kuna Evilla teeb umbes seda tooni rohelist, nagu tumedam osa siin.
In a big frenzy I did not remember to weigh the wrap in the store, therefore, no information on the quantity of yarn used up. I have some yarn remaining and will think how to use it. It is not impossible that I would combine it with the solid dark green, as Evilla produces approximately the same monochrome green as in the darkest part here.
Tehnilselt: konstruktsioon on huvitav, võib seda arendada.
A technical remark: the construction is interesting, it can be developed further.
pühapäev, 28. märts 2010
Mõned pildid kuivavast ürbist. Värvid pole õiged, aga muster on näha. Olen lõngaga rahul. Võimalusel tuleb ära kaaluda, palju mul lõnga kulus. Jäi veel mingi kogus, kui seda millegagi kombineerida, saaks rätiku.
Here are some pictures of the wrap that is blocking. The colours are wrong but the pattern is visible. I like the yarn. On occasion it would be good to weigh the wrap and to see how much yarn was used. Some quantity of the yarn is left and I could knit a shawl in combination with some other yarn.
Here are some pictures of the wrap that is blocking. The colours are wrong but the pattern is visible. I like the yarn. On occasion it would be good to weigh the wrap and to see how much yarn was used. Some quantity of the yarn is left and I could knit a shawl in combination with some other yarn.
Siin paistavad ääred pärlkoes ja muster suuremalt.
Here are the edges in double moss stitch and the stitch pattern (magnified).
Lähiajal tulevad õiged pildid.
Lähiajal tulevad õiged pildid.
Proper pictures coming.
laupäev, 27. märts 2010
Ilmselt kujuneb välja peaaegu iga kudujal oma erakeel. Nt on hulk mustreid, mida nimetan enda jaoks "pseudopalmikuteks". Seda tüüpi asi, nagu alloleval pidlil, on minu jaoks ürp. Võib-olla mängib rolli, et inglise keeles on see wrap. Kuigi "wrap" oleks eesti keeles pigem "mähik" (et mähid end sisse), "ürp" on hästi ilmekas ja kõlab sarnaselt. Ravelrys on selle asjanduse nimi Anna ürp.
Siin on pilt mustrist. Püüdsin näidata kohta, kus on näha värvide üleminekut, aga tumeroheline on siis hall.
Probably almost every knitter develops a kind of private language. For instance, a certain class of stitch patterns are "mock cables" or "pseudo-cables" for me. The garment as shown in the following picture is ürp for me in Estonian. Maybe it matters that it is wrap in English. Although a different word in Estonian would correspond better to "wrap", "ürp" is rather expressive and sounds similar. The garment in question is called Anna ürp on Ravelry.
Rohelisest Evilla 8/2-st koongi parajasti ürpi. Siin on äär, kahekordne pärlkude (1 pp, 1 ph, järgmises reas mustri järgi, kolmandas reas vastupidi 1 ph, 1 pp).
I am indeed knitting a wrap now from the green Evilla 8/2. Here is the edge, double moss stitch (k 1, p 1, next row as the stitches show, third row p 1, k 1):
Siin on pilt mustrist. Püüdsin näidata kohta, kus on näha värvide üleminekut, aga tumeroheline on siis hall.
Here is a picture of the main stitch pattern. I was trying to show the point where colour transition takes place but dark-green looks gray here.
Pilt sellest, mis mul on kootud (selja osa ja esitükid, mis saavad varsti kokku):
Here is the picture of what I have by now (the back part and the front parts that are about to meet soon):
Erinevalt esimsest ürbist on siin teistsugune konstruktsioon. Enamik sedasorti õpetusi käsivad kududa äärest ääreni. Mina aga alustasin keskelt (elagu abilõngaga loomine). Seda kahel põhjusel: 1) et muster oleks sümmeetriline (kuigi nooled võivad just taotluslikult vaadata ühes suunas) ja 2) nii on kergem tabada õiged proportsioonid. Teine põhjus on siin kaalukam.
Differently from the first wrap this one has a different construction. Mostly wrap patterns would tell you to knit from front edge to front edge. However, I started in the middle (long live provisional cast-on). This was done for two reasons: 1) the pattern would be symmetrical (although the arrows can look in one direction on purpose) and 2) in this manner it is easier to get the proportions right. The latter reason is weightier.
Miks nii? Oletame, et alustan vasakust esitükist, teen käeaugu, koon edasi, selg on valmis, siis teen teise käeaugu, alustan paremat esitükki ja näen, et ei istu hästi või et esitükk on liiga lühike/pikk jms. Siis tuleb palju harutada. Kui alustan seljast, koon mõlemas suunas. Kui mõlemad käeaugud on valmis, saan selga proovida ja näha, kui palju on veel kududa jne.
Why so? Suppose you start sideways from the left front, make the armhole, knit further, make the back part, make the second armhole and see that the whole thing does not fit or that the front part is too short/long. Then you have to frog a lot. If you start from the middle of the back, you can knit in both direction. When both armholes are done, you can try on and chek how much you have to knit etc.
Loodetavasti on siin veel paar päeva tööd, siis saab juba seljas pildistada.
Hopefully there is a couple of days to knit and then it will be possible to make pictures of the finished wrap.
reede, 26. märts 2010
Jälle Evilla lõngad/Evilla yarns again
Jõdusin tagasi Soomest. Kudumisuudised jäävad homseks, siis tuleb ka pilte. Aga tähtis uudis on see, et 17. aprillil, laupäeval, toimub taas Evilla lõngade müük (Pronksi pood, Viru 13, Tallinn).
I got home from Finland. The knitting news will wait till tomorrow and there will be pictures. An important news is that on 17th April, Saturday, there will be again the sale of Evilla yarns (Pronksi yarnshop, Viru 13, Tallinn).
I got home from Finland. The knitting news will wait till tomorrow and there will be pictures. An important news is that on 17th April, Saturday, there will be again the sale of Evilla yarns (Pronksi yarnshop, Viru 13, Tallinn).
teisipäev, 23. märts 2010
Pühapäeval ostetud Evilla rohelisest lõngast (8/2) hakkasin proovilappe tegema. Vardad 3,5 mm. Ravelrys on selle jämedusega lõngast kootud nr 4 ja isegi 4,5-ga. Tundub siiski, et 3,5 varras on paras. Proovin veel mustreid.
I started swatching from the yarn I bought on Sudnay (Evilla Artistic 8/2). Needles 3.5 mm. On Ravelry many used 4 mm and even 4,5 mm needles for this yarn. Still, it appears that 3.5 mm is a right choice. I will try more stitch patterns.
Värviüleminek ei ole väga järsk. Tumerohelist on raske pildistada. Alumisel pildil on tume värv peaaegu hall, tegelikult on pisut tumedam, kui proovilapi pildil. Heledam värv on erksam.
The colour transition is not very abrupt. It is difficult to take pictures of green. In the following picture the darker colour is almost gray, whereas in reality it is slightly darker than on the previous picture. The lighter colour is brighter.
I started swatching from the yarn I bought on Sudnay (Evilla Artistic 8/2). Needles 3.5 mm. On Ravelry many used 4 mm and even 4,5 mm needles for this yarn. Still, it appears that 3.5 mm is a right choice. I will try more stitch patterns.
Värviüleminek ei ole väga järsk. Tumerohelist on raske pildistada. Alumisel pildil on tume värv peaaegu hall, tegelikult on pisut tumedam, kui proovilapi pildil. Heledam värv on erksam.
The colour transition is not very abrupt. It is difficult to take pictures of green. In the following picture the darker colour is almost gray, whereas in reality it is slightly darker than on the previous picture. The lighter colour is brighter.
esmaspäev, 22. märts 2010
Krae (väga tehniline)/Collar (very technical)
Lubasin rääkida oma viimase topi konstruktsioonist. Asi on nii, et mitu inimest kavatseb testida õpetust. Ilmselt minu väldi-õmblusi-iga-hinna eest-mõtlemine, mis on mulle omane, ei ole omane sugugi kõigile. Kogu aeg puutun kokku sellega, et paljud väga vilunud ja kogenud kudujad ei olegi teinud kampsuneid, sviitreid ja tope ilma õmblusteta. Kudujaid on erinevaid!
I promissed to talk about the construction of my most recent top. It appears that several knitters are going to test-knit my pattern. Probably avoid-seams-for-any-const-thinking that is so characteristic of me is not characteristic of all knitters. I am discovering time and again that many shrewed and experienced knitters have not knit seamless jackets, sweaters or tops. Knitters do differ!
1.Niisiis, kõik algab abilõngaga loomisest. Sinine joon on mõtteline õlaõmblus, kust algab kudumine. Loome abilõngaga, koome põhilõngaga niipalju, kui vaja, et tekkiks selja osa õla keskelt kuni kaenlaaluseni. Käeaugu kujundamisest praegu lihtsuse mõttes ei räägi.
Thus, everything starts with a provisional cast-on. The blue line is an imaginary shoulder seam where we start. Make a provisional cast-on and knit with the main yarn as much as you need for the back part from shoulders to the armpits. For the sake of simplicity, we are not discussing the shaping of armholes now.
2. Nüüd on vaja alustada esitükki. Võtame abilõnga välja (sinise joone otsast kuni punase kaare alguseni) ja paneme õlasilmad vardale, selja keskmise osa (sinine joon punase kaare otste vahel) jätame veel sinnapaika. Aga meil on vaja, et esiosa krae oleks suurem. Võtame veel ühe tüki abilõnga ja samale vardale, kus on õlasilmad, loome veel krae osa (punane kaar). Proportsioonidest võib rääkida eraldi, oleneb sellest, mida tahame saada. Siis võtame abilõnga välja teisest õlatükist ja paneme needki silmad vardale.
Now it is time to start the front part. Remove the waste yarn (the beginning of the blue line until the start of the red curve) and put the live stitches on the needle. Leave the central stitches of the back part on the waste yarn as they are. We need the collar in the front to be bigger. Take another piece of waste yarn and make a provisional cast-on for the hanging part of the collar on the same needle where the shoulder stitches are already sitting (the red curve). We can talk about proportions another time, all depends what kind of hanging collar we want. Then remove the waste yarn from the second sholder part and put the stitches on the same needle.
3. Nüüd koome esitüki. Krae kahandamisest on juttu õpetuses. Nagu mainisin eilses postituses, teoreetilislt on siin mitu võimalust. Koome niipalju, et saaks selja- ja esitüki kaenla all ühendada, siis koome ringselt.
Now knit the front part. The decreases in the collar are dealt with in the pattern. As I wrote in the yesterday's post, theoretically there are several possibilities. Knit as much as you need to join the back and the front part under your arms. Then knit in rounds.
4. Oletame, et kogu kere osa on valmis. Aga meil on veel krae algus kahe abilõnga otsas. Võtame abilõngad välja, paneme silmad vardale. Koome ühe rea (või niipalju, kui on parajasti vaja), kui on vaja, siis võib võtta üles 1-2 silma esi- ja tagatüki vahel. Seejärel koome maha.
Suppose we have the torso part finished. However, the collar is still resting on the two waste yarns. Remove both pieces of waste yarn, place the stitches on the needle. Knit one row (or as much as is needed), if necessary, pick up 1-2 stitches between the front and the back part. Then bind off.
Loodetavasti on mu jutt arusaadav. Mõistagi, sama asja võib kududa väga erinevalt.
I hope my description is intelligible. Of course you can knit the same thing in a very different way.
Ja lõpuks veel Evilla lõngadest: juba räägitakse uuest müügist, ilmselt aprilli keskpaigal. Saime aru, et pühapäev pole parim päev, seega tuleb kas reede või laupäev. Kui on huvilisi, võite mulle teada anda. Kui kindlad kuupäevad on olemas, teatan kindlasti.
And finally more about Evilla yarns: there are talks about a new sale, probably in the middle of April. We realized that Sunday is not the best day, thus, it will be Friday or Saturday. If you are interested, let me know. I will definitely post here when the dates are finalized.
I promissed to talk about the construction of my most recent top. It appears that several knitters are going to test-knit my pattern. Probably avoid-seams-for-any-const-thinking that is so characteristic of me is not characteristic of all knitters. I am discovering time and again that many shrewed and experienced knitters have not knit seamless jackets, sweaters or tops. Knitters do differ!
1.Niisiis, kõik algab abilõngaga loomisest. Sinine joon on mõtteline õlaõmblus, kust algab kudumine. Loome abilõngaga, koome põhilõngaga niipalju, kui vaja, et tekkiks selja osa õla keskelt kuni kaenlaaluseni. Käeaugu kujundamisest praegu lihtsuse mõttes ei räägi.
Thus, everything starts with a provisional cast-on. The blue line is an imaginary shoulder seam where we start. Make a provisional cast-on and knit with the main yarn as much as you need for the back part from shoulders to the armpits. For the sake of simplicity, we are not discussing the shaping of armholes now.
2. Nüüd on vaja alustada esitükki. Võtame abilõnga välja (sinise joone otsast kuni punase kaare alguseni) ja paneme õlasilmad vardale, selja keskmise osa (sinine joon punase kaare otste vahel) jätame veel sinnapaika. Aga meil on vaja, et esiosa krae oleks suurem. Võtame veel ühe tüki abilõnga ja samale vardale, kus on õlasilmad, loome veel krae osa (punane kaar). Proportsioonidest võib rääkida eraldi, oleneb sellest, mida tahame saada. Siis võtame abilõnga välja teisest õlatükist ja paneme needki silmad vardale.
Now it is time to start the front part. Remove the waste yarn (the beginning of the blue line until the start of the red curve) and put the live stitches on the needle. Leave the central stitches of the back part on the waste yarn as they are. We need the collar in the front to be bigger. Take another piece of waste yarn and make a provisional cast-on for the hanging part of the collar on the same needle where the shoulder stitches are already sitting (the red curve). We can talk about proportions another time, all depends what kind of hanging collar we want. Then remove the waste yarn from the second sholder part and put the stitches on the same needle.
3. Nüüd koome esitüki. Krae kahandamisest on juttu õpetuses. Nagu mainisin eilses postituses, teoreetilislt on siin mitu võimalust. Koome niipalju, et saaks selja- ja esitüki kaenla all ühendada, siis koome ringselt.
Now knit the front part. The decreases in the collar are dealt with in the pattern. As I wrote in the yesterday's post, theoretically there are several possibilities. Knit as much as you need to join the back and the front part under your arms. Then knit in rounds.
4. Oletame, et kogu kere osa on valmis. Aga meil on veel krae algus kahe abilõnga otsas. Võtame abilõngad välja, paneme silmad vardale. Koome ühe rea (või niipalju, kui on parajasti vaja), kui on vaja, siis võib võtta üles 1-2 silma esi- ja tagatüki vahel. Seejärel koome maha.
Suppose we have the torso part finished. However, the collar is still resting on the two waste yarns. Remove both pieces of waste yarn, place the stitches on the needle. Knit one row (or as much as is needed), if necessary, pick up 1-2 stitches between the front and the back part. Then bind off.
Loodetavasti on mu jutt arusaadav. Mõistagi, sama asja võib kududa väga erinevalt.
I hope my description is intelligible. Of course you can knit the same thing in a very different way.
Ja lõpuks veel Evilla lõngadest: juba räägitakse uuest müügist, ilmselt aprilli keskpaigal. Saime aru, et pühapäev pole parim päev, seega tuleb kas reede või laupäev. Kui on huvilisi, võite mulle teada anda. Kui kindlad kuupäevad on olemas, teatan kindlasti.
And finally more about Evilla yarns: there are talks about a new sale, probably in the middle of April. We realized that Sunday is not the best day, thus, it will be Friday or Saturday. If you are interested, let me know. I will definitely post here when the dates are finalized.
pühapäev, 21. märts 2010
Evilla lõngad/Evilla yarns
Täna oli Evilla lõngade müük Pronksi poes. Kahjuks läks nii, et link www.evilla.ee ei tööta. Soovitasin Ravelrys vaadata andmebaasi, seal on need lõngad olemas. Ostjaid oli vähevõitu, aga sellegipoolest on mul hea meel, et sain ilusaid lõngu näha ja midagi ka osta.
Today was the sale of Evilla yarn in Pronksi shop. Unfortunately, the link www.evilla.ee appears to be broken. On Ravelry I suggested looking up Evilla in the data base, there are plenty of yarns there. Not many clients walked in but still I am glad that I had a chance to look at beautiful yarns and purchase some.
Siin olen mina, uus top seljas.
Here I am wearing my new top.
Siin oleme Anuga, korvides on Evilla lõngad 8/1 ja 8/2.
Here are Anu and me, in the boxes there are Evilla yarns 8/1 and 8/2.
Siin on lähivaade. Ei peagi ostma kõike, mis meeldib, võib lihtsalt vaadata ja käes hoida, sellest on küllalt rõõmu.
Here is a close view. It is not necessary to buy everything you like, you can just watch and hold the yarns and this is sufficiently rewarding.
Loodetavasti edaspidi tuleb rohkem rahvast lõngu uudistama. Omalt poolt näitasin müügimehele Ravelryt ja soovitasin sinna registreeruda.
Hopefully more people will come to try the yarns in future. I demonstrated Ravelry to the salesman and advised him to register there.
Kodus avastasin, et mul on topi juurde täitsa sobivaid ehteid:
At home I discovered I have matching jewelry:
Today was the sale of Evilla yarn in Pronksi shop. Unfortunately, the link www.evilla.ee appears to be broken. On Ravelry I suggested looking up Evilla in the data base, there are plenty of yarns there. Not many clients walked in but still I am glad that I had a chance to look at beautiful yarns and purchase some.
Siin olen mina, uus top seljas.
Here I am wearing my new top.
Siin oleme Anuga, korvides on Evilla lõngad 8/1 ja 8/2.
Here are Anu and me, in the boxes there are Evilla yarns 8/1 and 8/2.
Siin on lähivaade. Ei peagi ostma kõike, mis meeldib, võib lihtsalt vaadata ja käes hoida, sellest on küllalt rõõmu.
Here is a close view. It is not necessary to buy everything you like, you can just watch and hold the yarns and this is sufficiently rewarding.
Loodetavasti edaspidi tuleb rohkem rahvast lõngu uudistama. Omalt poolt näitasin müügimehele Ravelryt ja soovitasin sinna registreeruda.
Hopefully more people will come to try the yarns in future. I demonstrated Ravelry to the salesman and advised him to register there.
Kodus avastasin, et mul on topi juurde täitsa sobivaid ehteid:
At home I discovered I have matching jewelry:
laupäev, 20. märts 2010
Nurgake/Little corner
"Nurgake" sellepärast, et krae kuju on nurkne.
The name is "Little corner" because the collar forms a corner.
Ja viguriga pilt.
And a somewhat fancy picture.
Nagu ikka, saavad patareid tühjaks kõige huvitavamal hetkel, nii et siin on paar pilti. Kui on laetud, siis tuleb rohkem.
As always, the battery gets empty at the most interesting moment, so only a couple of pictures this time. When the battery is charged, there will be more.
Idee oli mul ammu. Sellise 1920-ndate stiilis krae saaks mitut moodi. Võib kududa alt üles ja kasvatada, aga võib ülevalt alla ja kahandada, nagu minagi tegin. Kasvatada/kahandada saab erinevatest kohtadest. Mul on kahadantud keskelt, aga võib ka külgedelt. Ühesõnaga, seda konstruktsiooni võib veel arendada. Kujutan ette, et mohäär või viskoosisegune või miks mitte mõni eesti maavillane sobiks hästi.
I had this idea long ago. There are several ways to get such a collar in the spirit of the 1920s. It is possible to knit from bottom to top and to increase but you can knit top down and decrease, which I did. It is possible to place increases/decreases at different places. I decreased in the middle but you can do it at the sides. To put it short, this construction can be explored more. I believe mohair or rayon blend or - why not - some Estonian wool would be good.
Mul kulus peaaegu 5 tokki lõnga (~250 g). Müüja arvas, et oleks vaja 7 ja pani mulle varuks igaks juhuks veel 8-nda (et oleks sama partii jne). Nii et tuleb jälle minna Menitasse ja ringi vahetada millegi muu vastu (võimalik, et võtan sama lõnga, aga muud värvi).
I used up almost 5 skeins of the yarn (~250 g). The saleswoman believed I need 7 and put aside one skein for me in case I would need it (to have the same dye lot etc). It means I have to visit Menita once more and exchange 2 skeins for something els (possibly, I will opt for another colour of the same yarn).
The name is "Little corner" because the collar forms a corner.
Ja viguriga pilt.
And a somewhat fancy picture.
Nagu ikka, saavad patareid tühjaks kõige huvitavamal hetkel, nii et siin on paar pilti. Kui on laetud, siis tuleb rohkem.
As always, the battery gets empty at the most interesting moment, so only a couple of pictures this time. When the battery is charged, there will be more.
Idee oli mul ammu. Sellise 1920-ndate stiilis krae saaks mitut moodi. Võib kududa alt üles ja kasvatada, aga võib ülevalt alla ja kahandada, nagu minagi tegin. Kasvatada/kahandada saab erinevatest kohtadest. Mul on kahadantud keskelt, aga võib ka külgedelt. Ühesõnaga, seda konstruktsiooni võib veel arendada. Kujutan ette, et mohäär või viskoosisegune või miks mitte mõni eesti maavillane sobiks hästi.
I had this idea long ago. There are several ways to get such a collar in the spirit of the 1920s. It is possible to knit from bottom to top and to increase but you can knit top down and decrease, which I did. It is possible to place increases/decreases at different places. I decreased in the middle but you can do it at the sides. To put it short, this construction can be explored more. I believe mohair or rayon blend or - why not - some Estonian wool would be good.
Mul kulus peaaegu 5 tokki lõnga (~250 g). Müüja arvas, et oleks vaja 7 ja pani mulle varuks igaks juhuks veel 8-nda (et oleks sama partii jne). Nii et tuleb jälle minna Menitasse ja ringi vahetada millegi muu vastu (võimalik, et võtan sama lõnga, aga muud värvi).
I used up almost 5 skeins of the yarn (~250 g). The saleswoman believed I need 7 and put aside one skein for me in case I would need it (to have the same dye lot etc). It means I have to visit Menita once more and exchange 2 skeins for something els (possibly, I will opt for another colour of the same yarn).
reede, 19. märts 2010
Mitmesugust/Various matters
Olen lõpuks tagasi. Vahepeal sain aru, et mu alustatud kudum ei kõlba kuhugi. Mitte kudum ise, vaid lõng Fonty Angora (angoora-meriino segu). See ajab karva nii, et kõik on nagu tolmuga kaetud. Kujutasin ette, et niisugust asja ei saa kanda. Kusjuures küsisin veel poes, et ega ta karva ei aja, müüja ütles, et ei. Kurb, kui ei saa usaldada. Aga mis siis ikka, olen jälle targem. Siin on aga hoopis uus asi, lõng on sama värvi, kui too eelmine, kuid hoopis teine. See palmik on küljel.
I am finally at home. Meanwhile I realized that the garment I started before is no good. That is, not the garment itself but the yarn Fonty Angora (angora-merino blend). Its little hairs float about in such quantities that everything looks as if covered with dust. I imagined that no one would wear such a thing. What's more, I had asked in the shop whether the yarn had this flaw and the saleswoman reasured me that it had not. It is said when you cannot trust. But what of it, I am a little bit wiser again. Here is a whole new thing, the yarn is of the same colour as the previous one but the fiber is rather different. This cable is on the side.
Ja siin on krae:
Here is the collar:
Veel üks pilt:
One more picture:
Üllatus-üllatus, avastasin puuvilla, mis on mulle täitsa meelt mööda. Muidugi võib ta veel välja venida, aga praegu tundub täiesti korralik. Puuvill on jäme (50 g/75 m), koon vardaga 4,5 ja 5, aga pole kõva. Siin ta on:
Surprise-surprise, I discovered cotton that is to my liking. Of course it can stretch in the future but it seems rather decent now. The cotton is thick (50 g/75 m), I am using needles 4,5 and 5, but it is not hard to touch. Here it is:
Muidugi arvasite õigesti, et Helsingis külastasin Menita poodi ja vestlesin müüjatega. Dropsi puhul ahvatleb rikkalik värvivalik. Mõtlesin, et villast lõnga saab ka Eestis (pühapäeval Evilla väljamüük), aga võtaks prooviks midagi, mida Eestis ei ole.
Of course you guessed right, in Helsinki I visited Menita yarn shop and talked to the people there. Drops is especially attractive because of its vast range of colours. I decided that one can get wool in Estonia as well (Evilla yarn sales on Sunday) and I would try something that is not available in Estonia.
Konstruktsioonist kunagi hiljem, kui valmis saab (loodan, et ikka saab, et lõng ei vea alt, nagu viimasel ajal juhtub).
I will write later about the construction, ones this garment is finished (I hope the yarn will not let me down as it tends to happen lately).
I am finally at home. Meanwhile I realized that the garment I started before is no good. That is, not the garment itself but the yarn Fonty Angora (angora-merino blend). Its little hairs float about in such quantities that everything looks as if covered with dust. I imagined that no one would wear such a thing. What's more, I had asked in the shop whether the yarn had this flaw and the saleswoman reasured me that it had not. It is said when you cannot trust. But what of it, I am a little bit wiser again. Here is a whole new thing, the yarn is of the same colour as the previous one but the fiber is rather different. This cable is on the side.
Ja siin on krae:
Here is the collar:
Veel üks pilt:
One more picture:
Üllatus-üllatus, avastasin puuvilla, mis on mulle täitsa meelt mööda. Muidugi võib ta veel välja venida, aga praegu tundub täiesti korralik. Puuvill on jäme (50 g/75 m), koon vardaga 4,5 ja 5, aga pole kõva. Siin ta on:
Surprise-surprise, I discovered cotton that is to my liking. Of course it can stretch in the future but it seems rather decent now. The cotton is thick (50 g/75 m), I am using needles 4,5 and 5, but it is not hard to touch. Here it is:
Muidugi arvasite õigesti, et Helsingis külastasin Menita poodi ja vestlesin müüjatega. Dropsi puhul ahvatleb rikkalik värvivalik. Mõtlesin, et villast lõnga saab ka Eestis (pühapäeval Evilla väljamüük), aga võtaks prooviks midagi, mida Eestis ei ole.
Of course you guessed right, in Helsinki I visited Menita yarn shop and talked to the people there. Drops is especially attractive because of its vast range of colours. I decided that one can get wool in Estonia as well (Evilla yarn sales on Sunday) and I would try something that is not available in Estonia.
Konstruktsioonist kunagi hiljem, kui valmis saab (loodan, et ikka saab, et lõng ei vea alt, nagu viimasel ajal juhtub).
I will write later about the construction, ones this garment is finished (I hope the yarn will not let me down as it tends to happen lately).
kolmapäev, 17. märts 2010
Helsingisse/To Helsinki
Täna sõida mitmeks päevaks Helsingisse, seetõttu pikemalt kirjutan alles hiljem. Uus kudum edeneb, loodan, et saan mõne päeva pärast näidata pilte. Ja kindlasti ootan väga Jõgeva lõnga väljamüüki!
I am going to Helsinki for several days, thus, I will post later with more details. The new project is progressing, I hope to show pictures in some days. And I am really looking forward to Jõgeva yarns sales!
I am going to Helsinki for several days, thus, I will post later with more details. The new project is progressing, I hope to show pictures in some days. And I am really looking forward to Jõgeva yarns sales!
esmaspäev, 15. märts 2010
Evilla (Jõgeva lõnga) müük/Evilla yarn sales
Sain teada, et Tallinnas Pronksi poes toimub 21. märtsil Evilla lõngade müük (Jõgeva vabrik, infot lõngade kohta saab siit). Vabriku kodulehel on kataloogid, kuid seal pole kõiki värve. Müük toimub kl 10-17. Poe aadress Viru 13. Ise kavatsen kindlasti sinna minna.
I learned that Pronksi yarnshop in Tallinn is organizing sale of Evilla yarns (Jõgeva yarn factory, some information can be obtained here). Catalogues are on the website but they don't contain all colours. The sale will take place from 10 to 17. The location of the store is Viru 13. I am definitely going to be there.
I learned that Pronksi yarnshop in Tallinn is organizing sale of Evilla yarns (Jõgeva yarn factory, some information can be obtained here). Catalogues are on the website but they don't contain all colours. The sale will take place from 10 to 17. The location of the store is Viru 13. I am definitely going to be there.
pühapäev, 14. märts 2010
Panin korra ka pähe, aga rätik on raske!
Some more views:
Kõige õigem värv on järgmistel piltidel:
The most true rendition of the colour is in the following pictures:
Lõng/Yarn: Pallas, 50 g/130 m, ~4,5 tokki/skeins
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm
Rätik alustatud alumisest tipust, äärepitsi silmad on hiljem üles võetud.Rätik pole rangelt öeldes kolmnurkne, pikim külg on pigem kaar. Vahemaa tipu ja kaare keskkoha vahel ~75 cm, küljed ~75 cm.
The shawls starts from the lower tip and the stitches for the edge lace are picked up later.
Strictly speaking the shawl is not a triangle, as the longest side is a bow. The distance from the tip to the central point of the bow ~75 cm, the sides are ~75 cm.
Strictly speaking the shawl is not a triangle, as the longest side is a bow. The distance from the tip to the central point of the bow ~75 cm, the sides are ~75 cm.
Nüüd näitan ka midagi uut:
You can see one of my favourite stitch patterns. To be continued.
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