neljapäev, 29. september 2011

Rätiku pilte/Pictures of the shawl

Rätik on valmis. Avele meeldib ja sobib selline värv ning ta nõustus lahkesti poseerima. Kodus pole mul kedagi, kellele värv sobiks, nii et modelliga vedas. Rätiku muster on lihtne, konstruktsioon on selline, et silmuste arv väheneb, lõng mõnus, ühesõnaga, koob ennast ise!

The shawl is finished. Ave likes the colour and it suits her well and she kindly agreed to model. I don't have anybody at home on whom this colour looks well, so I am lucky with the model. The stitch pattern is easy, the construction is such that the number of stitches decreases, the yarn is pleasant; to make it short, it knits itself up!

Ka n-ö pahupool pole üldsegi paha!

There is nothing wrong with the so-called wrong side!

Lõng/Yarn: Rowan Kidsilk Haze, 25 g/210 m (70 % mohair, 30 % silk), ~2,5 tokki/balls

Vardad/Needles: 4 mm

Modell/Modeling: Ave

Nüüd tuleb kirjutada õpetus ja loodetavasti saab selle varsti Lõngamaaniast.

Now I have to write up the pattern and hopefully it will be available soon at Lõngamaania.

teisipäev, 27. september 2011

Rätik edeneb/The shawl in progress

Meie laupäevasest kooskudumisest võib lugeda veel Mia blogis. Aga nüüd näitan räätiku pilte. Teine pool on juba tublisti kasvanud.
You can read more about our last Saturday's knitting together on Mia's blog. Now I will show pictures of the shawl. The other half has grown considerably.

Siin on näha, mil määral seda juba on.

Here you can see how much of it I have by now.

Nurk ei ole terav, kuna kahandused ei toimu otse servalt. Samas ei ole terav nurk obligatoorne. Kindlasti võib mõelda, kuidas kududa, kui tahta just teravat tippu.

The corner is not sharp because the decreases are not situated on the edge. On the other hand, a sharp corner is not obligatory. Of course it is possible to find a way if one wishes a sharp corner.

pühapäev, 25. september 2011

Kooskudumine/Knitting together

Eile oli vahva kokkusaamine ja kooskudumine: Mia ja Helena tulid Helsingist Tallinna, kampa tuli veel Ave. Jõudimse lõngapoodides käia ja koos kududa. Siin on paar pilti. Istusime Kehrwiederi kohvikus, mis asub keldrikorrusel, seetõttu on selline veider valgus.
It was a lovely meeting and knitting together yesterday: Mia and Helena came from Helsinki to Tallinn and Ave joined us as well. We had time to visit yarnshops and to knit together. Here are a couple of pictures. We sat in the Kehrwieder cafeteria that is situated in the basement, that is why the light is so strange.Ave tehtud pilt/Picture by Ave:
Minu pilt/My picture:
Oli tõest vahva koos kududa ja tahaks sel sügisel uuesti kokku saada.
It was so pleasant to knit together and I wish we get together again during this autumn.
Aitäh! Kiitos! Thank you!

Siin on aga juba tuttav rätik. Üks pool sai valmis, koon parajsti teist. Nurk ei ole eriti terav, aga vardal on veel üsna palju silmuseid, ei saa näidata koepinda korralikult. Alumisel pidlil on üldvaade.
Here is the shawl you are already familiar with. One half is finished and I am knitting the other one. The corner is not exactly pointed but there are still quite a few stitches on the needle and I cannot yet properly show the fabric. A general view is in the lower picture.

reede, 23. september 2011

Jaki pilte ja midagi uut/Cardi pictures and something new

Nüüd on valmis! Täna Kristiina tegi hulgaliselt pilte, mul oli raske valida. Ei tea, kas valisin õigesti.
Now it is finished! Today Kristiina took a bunch of pictures and it was hard to make a choice. I don't know whether my choice was right or not.

Stitch patterns:

The collar:

Pildid/Pictures: Kristiina

Lõng/Yarn: Mano (Lana Grossa), 50 g/150 m, 90 % cotton, 10 % polyamide, ~ 300 g

Vardad/Needles: 4 mm

Nüüd midagi uut. Teatavasti on olemas internetipood Lõngamaania. Loodan väga, et varsti lisandub sellele pärispood. Poe kodulehelt hakatakse müüma kohalike kudujate õpetusi, sest ega kusagil pole kirjas, et Dropsi ja Regia ja ükskõik mis firma lõngadest võib kududa ainult vastavate firmade õpetuste järgi. Õpetused tuelvad mitmes keeles, eesti ja inglise keeles kindlasti, aga võib-olla lisandub keeli veelgi. Alumisel pildil on rätiku hakatis. Mõtlesin teha midagi niisugust, mis oleks algajale jõukohane ja samas mittestandardse konstruktsiooniga.

And now something new. Maybe some of you know about the Lõngamaania internet yarn shop. I am hopeful that soon a "real" yarn store will follow. Knitting patterns designed by local knitters will be available for purchase on the home page because nobody has ever said that you can knit Drops or Regia or whatever yarns only according to the patterns provided by that firms. Patterns will be available in several languages, Estonian and English for sure and maybe some others. The picture below features a beginning of a shawl. I decided to make something that is suitable for a beginner and, at the same time, has a not exactly usual construction.

neljapäev, 22. september 2011

Pisut pilte/Some pictures

Eile kudusin täie hooga. Kui tahtsin pildistada, siis oli juba üsna pime. Ostsustasin, et siis pildistan juba valmisasja. Nüüd kuivab.
Yesterday I knitted rather intensively. When I decided to take a picture, it had already become quite dark. Then I decided I would photograph the finished thing. Now it is drying.

Juba mainisin mõnele kudujale ja ka kodusetele, et see kudum on tõepoolest probleemivaba. Ei mingit harutamist, kõik klapib. Tõsi küll, disaini mõttes pole siin midagi erilist, tehniliselt on kõik lihtne ja läbi proovitud. Olen väga rahul mustriga.
I mentioned to several knitters and to my family as well that this knit is really unproblematic. No ripping, everything fits together. It is true that from the point of view of design there is nothing special and technically everything is easy and done many times. I am very fond of the stitch pattern.

Avastasin täna, et ka pahupool pole paha. Kui vähendada parempidiste silmuste riba, siis on see kahepoolne muster, võib sobida rätikule.
Today I discovered that the wrong side is not bad at all. If the knit stitch sections are narrower, then it is a double-sided pattern that is suitable for a shawl.

Korralikud pildid tulevad lähiajal.
Proper pictures to come in the nearest future.

esmaspäev, 19. september 2011


Eelmise kudumiga oli nii, et oli väga huvitav, uudne jms, aga hõlmad tegin ümber 4 korda. Mõni kudum on jällegi probleemivaba, nagu praegune. Muudkui kood, kõik tuleb välja nagu iseenesest.
The previous project was most interesting, with a new construction etc but I had to re-knit the front pieces 4 times. Some knits are, nevertheless, unproblematic, like the current one. You just knit away, everything comes as if by itself.

Lähipilt. Mõtlesin, mis mustrit kasutada krae ja nn nööbiliistudele. Kartsin, et tavaline ripskude on ilus, aga võib välja venida. Riskisin muidugi sellega, et on liiga palju erinevaid mustreid, kuid tulemus on viisakas.
A close view. I was pondering what stitch pattern should be used for the collar and so-called button bands. I was afraid that plain garter stitch is beautiful but can be too stretchy. Of course I was risking ending up with too many diverse stitches but the result is decent.

Oli mure ka lõnga pärast, et kas jätkub. Kerele ja kraele kulus peaaegu 4 tokki. Nüüd võin rahulikult varrukad kududa, kuna mul on veel 2 tokki.
There was a concern about the yarn, whether I have enough. Almost 4 balls was used for the torso and the collar. Now I can knit the sleeves without any worries, as there are 2 more balls.

laupäev, 17. september 2011

Jälle midagi uut/Something new again

Näitan uut alustatud kudumit. Alustasin üleeile õhtul. Lõng on Lana Grossa Mano, 50 g/150 m, 90 % puuvill, 10 % polüamiid. Väga meeldiv, nagu öeldakse, koob ennast ise. Seda lõnga on mul 6 tokki, loodan, et jätkub sallkraega vesti jaoks. Plaanis on ka lühikesed varrukad.
I will show you a new beginning. I started this day before yesterday in the evening. The yarn is Lana Grossa Mano, 50 g/150 m, 90 % cotton, 10 % polyamide. It is very pleasant and, as they say, knits itself up. I have 6 balls of the yarn and hope it will be enough for a vest with a shawl collar. There are supposed to be short sleeves.

Eest on praegu küllalt vähe näidata, sest krae + nööbiliistud tulevad hiljem.
It is not a lot to show of the front because the collar + button bands will come later.

Ja muster eraldi. Mulle meeldib ripsi ja mustri kombinatsioon.

And a separate view of the stitch pattern. I like the combination of garter stitch and the pattern.

neljapäev, 15. september 2011

Katia-kampsun/The Katia cardi

Nagu Arnikai laheksti pakkus, võiks tormi auks kampsuni nimi olla Katia. Kampsun on hästi soe.
As Arnikai has kindly suggested, the name of the cardi could be Katia after the yesterday's strom. The cardi is very warm.

Varruka muster:

The stitch pattern on the sleeves:

Lõng/Yarn: Aade Lõng Artistic, 8/2 (100 g/400 m), 204 g.

Vardad/Needles: 4 mm

Pildid/Pictures: Anu
Ravelry link.

kolmapäev, 14. september 2011

Väljas on torm/It is storming now

Väljas on torm, ei taha kodunt välja minna, seetõttu vaid selline pilt. Loodetavasti saan homme juba õige fotograafiga kokku. Nagu näha, olen üht-teist ümber teinud. Nimelt kogunes kaeluse juurde liiga palju n-ö kangast, kõik lotendas. Siis mõtlesin välja, kuidas seda vältida, kudusin hõlmad uuesti. Konstruktsiooni tuli muudatus, sain loodetavasti targemaks.
It is a big storm outside now and I don't want to leave home, that is why this is the only picture for the time being. Hopefully, tomorrow I will be able to get together with a proper photographer. As you can see, I've changed several things. Namely, there was an excessive fabric around the neck. Then I invented how this can be avoided and re-knitted both front pieces. The construction was changed and hopefully I am wiser now.

esmaspäev, 12. september 2011

Teine varrukas/The other sleeve

Ega pole mingit erilist juttu, näitan teise varruka algust.
There is nothing special to discuss, just to show you the beginning of the other sleeve.

laupäev, 10. september 2011

Nüüd on näha/Now it is visible

Nüüd on tõepoolest selge, et see pole rätik.

Now it is completely clear that this is not a shawl.

Vaatasin eile ja otsustasin, et varrukad tulevad kindlasti. Muidu on all liiga palju kõike (diagonaalid, voldid jne), peaks millegagi tasakaalustama. Ei tea veel, võib-olla on alumine osa tõesti üsna raskepärane, aga eks see selgub lõpuks.

Yesterday I pondered and decided that the sleeves are obligatory. Otherwise the lower part is too busy (diagonals, drape etc) and it should be balanced with something. I am not yet sure, maybe the bottom is really too overloaded but we shall see in the end.

neljapäev, 8. september 2011

See ei ole rätik/This is not a shawl

Eile oli mu uus kudum kolmnurkse kujuga, seetõttu pidin mitu korda vastama eitavalt küsimusele, et kas see on rätik.
Yesterday my knit had a triangular shape, that is why I had to give several negative replies to the question whether this was a triangular shawl.

Praegu on pildi järgi raske aru saada, mis see on, kuid on juba selge, et rätik see tõepoolest ei ole.
It is hard to get an idea from the picture what it is but it is already clear enough that it is not a shawl.

teisipäev, 6. september 2011

Must kampsun tütrele/The black jacket for my daughter

Lõppude lõpuks saan näidata musta kampsuni pilte. Suur tänu Kristiinale pildistamise eest!
Finally, I am able to show pictures of the black jacket. I am very grateful to Kristiina for the pictures!

Kuna tütre soovil on mustrid minimaalsed, siis üks pilt alumisest mustrist:

As my daughter wished a minimum of patterns, here is a picture of the lower stitch pattern:

Lõng/Yarn: Schoeller + Stahl, Palermo (60 % cotton, 40 % polyamide), 50 g/100 m, ~500 g

Vardad/Neeldes: 4 mm

Pildid/Pictures: Kristiina

pühapäev, 4. september 2011


Jakk kuivab. Kusjuures lõpetasin eile õhtul, tegin märjaks ja panin kuivama, ta on kuivanud terve öö ja pole praegusesksi veel kuiv. Loodan siiski, et homme saan juba nööbid ette õmmelda ja lähiajal enda seljas demonstreerida enne, kui jakk Tartusse sõidab.
The jacket is drying. By the way, I finished it yesterday in the evening, moistened and put to dry and it has been drying for the whole night and is not entirely dry even now. Still, I hope that tomorrow I will be able to sew buttons and to demonstrate it before it will travel to Tartu.

Uus kudum tuleb eesti lõngast. Praegu ei oska rohkem rääkida, on vaja veel nuputada ja kalkuleerida.
The next knit will be from the Estonian yarn. I do not have to add anything at this point because I have to think more and to calculate.

reede, 2. september 2011

Vanad ajakirjad/Old magazines

Paar päeva tagasi nägin Tallinna Ülikooli Akadeemilises Raamatukogus vanade raamatute ja ajakirjate müüki. Ei tea, miks neid asju ei taheta enam alles hoida. Nägin ajakirja "Eesti Naine" 1935.a. komplekti ja jäin vaatama. Teatavasti meeldib mulle 1920-ndate-1930-ndate mood ja olen alati valmis vastavaid pilte vaatama.
A couple of days ago I came across a sale of old books and magazines at Tallinn University Academic Library. I do not know why these things are not wanted anymore. I noticed the 1935 issue of the magazine "Eesti Naine" (Estonian Woman) and stopped to have a look. As you know, I like the 1920s-1930s fashion and am always eager to see pictures of that period.

Muuhulgas on seal natuke käsitööd ka. Näiteks sellised kootud salvrätikud.
By the way, there is some handicraft there as well. For instance, these doilies.

Nüüd tean, et skeemid olid kasutusel juba tollal ja tähistused on täiesti tänapäevased.
Now I know that charts were in use already then and the signs are completely modern.

Veel üks artikkel rääkis rahvuslike mustrite kasutamisest moes: tolle ajastu täiesti moodsa lõikega riideid rahvuslike motiividega.
Another article described national ornaments in fashion: completely up to date (from the point of view of that time) cut with national motives.

Kudum edeneb, on peaaegu valmis.
The project is progressing and is almost ready.