laupäev, 28. november 2009

Kohtumine Helenaga/Meeting Helena

Täna Helena käis Tallinnas, saime kokku Pronksi poes. Taga on tema sõbranna koos lapsega. Pronksi poes vaatasime lõngu, pärast jõime kohvi ja rääkisime muidugi kudumisest ja lõngast. Helenal on seljas väga tuttav sviiter (Rowan Kidsilk Haze on selleks äärmiselt sobiv lõng, värvgi on suurepärane).
Today Helena came to Tallinn and we met at Pronksi yarn shop. In the background are here friend and the friend's daughter. We inspected yarns at the shop and than had a coffee and a conversation about knitting and yarns. Helena is wearing a very familiar sweater (Rowan Kidsilk Haze is most suitable for this garment and the colour is wonderful, too).

Roheline jakk edeneb, aga pilte näitan hiljem. Kuna lähen homme välismaale, ei pruugi kirjutada eriti regulaarselt, aga koon ikka.
The green jacket is progressing but I will take pictures later. As I go abroad tomorrow, I will not be posting regularly but I will be knitting.
Ravelrys on nüüd halli mohääri topi õpetus täiesti olemas.
The pattern for the gray mohair top is available on Ravelry.

reede, 27. november 2009

Pärlkoe kiituseks ja muud/In praise of moss stitch and other matters

Mulle meeldib pärlkude. Tavalise sooniku vastu pole midagi, aga alati ei taha seda. Õhtuvalguses pole pildid head, siiski tahtsin pildistada ja näidata.
I am fond of double moss stitch. I have nothing against usual ribbing but sometimes I don't want it. It is not wise to take pictures in the evening light, still I wanted to show this.

Õige roheline värv on eilsetel piltidel.
Yesterday's pictures show the right green colour.
Oli jälle meelidv uurida Junganswolle kodulehte. Leidsin niisuguse kena mohääritopi:
It was nice to visit once again Junganswolle home site. I found a beautiful mohair top there:

Õpetus on tasuta, väga selge skeem ja seletus. Esialgu kootakse valmis top, siis võetakse üles kaeluse silmad ja kootakse toru, millest saabki krae.
The pattern is free, the graphs and explanations are very clear. First you knit the top and then pick up stitches around the neck and knit a tube, which eventually becomes the collar.

neljapäev, 26. november 2009


Tänane postitus tuleb piltideta. Teatavasti koon rohelist jakki ja teen seda metallvarrastega. Varraste suhtes on väga erinevaid eelistusi, mõnele meeldivad ainult bambusvardad, mõnele puu-, mõnele jällegi metallvardad, mõni koob nt mohääri puuvarrastega, muud aga metallvarrastega jne. Kudusin peaaegu terve kere osa valmis, metallvardaid oli raske liigutada, eriti pahempidiseid silmi kududes. Hakkasin nüüd pärlkoes kuduma ja võtsin pool numbrid väiksemad vardad, mis on mul juhtumisi plastmassist. Tundub palju mõnusam. Mohääri koon ka plastmassvarrastel. Mõni koob mohääri metallvarrastel, mõni ütleb, et seda lausa ei tohi teha. Mine tea. Eelistan alati ringvardaid, tavalisi sirgeid ei kasuta (sukkavardaid kasutan siiski, kuna koon ringselt ja näiteks varrukate jms jaoks sobivad nad hästi). Huvitav, kuidas kellelgi vardaeelistused välja kujunevad?
Today's post has no pictures. As you know, I am knitting the green cardigan and use metal needles. Needles preferecnes vary a lot, some like only bamboo needles, some like wood, whereas some like metal; some knit mohair with wooden needles and everything else with metal ones etc. I have almost the whole torso part ready, it was hard to move metal needles. Now I've switched to moss stitch and picked smaller needles that happen to be plastic. I like it much more than metal. I usually knit mohair with plastic needles. Some knit mohair with metal needles, while others say that one should not do this. Who knows. I prefer circular needles and almost never use straight needles (but I do use DPNs occasionally because most of my knitting is circular and DPNs are good for sleeves etc). Interesting, how knitters get their needle preferences, so to say?

kolmapäev, 25. november 2009

Kahekordne/Two strands

Eile ja üleeile mõtlesin ja kudusin proovilappe. Suurim dilemma oli: kas ühekordne ja pitsilisem või kahekordne ja jõulisem? Otsustasin kahekordse kasuks. Lõng on Raasiku/Aade/Kauni, 8/2, kahekordne, vardad 6 mm.
Yesterday and the day before yesterday I was thinking and knitting swatches. The biggest dilemma was: 1 strand of yarn and more lacy fabric or 2 strands and more structured fabric? Finally, I preferred 2 strands. The yarn is Raasiku/Aade/Kauni, 8/2, held double, needles 6 mm.

Siin on algus. Tuleb ülevalt alla jakk. Üldidee on olemas, üksikasjad selguvad töö käigus.
Here is the beginning. It will be a top down cardigan. I have a general idea and the details will become clear while knitting.

pühapäev, 22. november 2009

Tuul Tallinnas/Wind in Tallinn

Muidu on ilm rahulik, aga mu soengu järgi võib öelda, et Raekojaplatsis on tugev tuul. Tõepoolest, pildistamise hetkel nii oligi. Demonstreerin lubatud kudumit.
In principle, the weather is calm but looking at my hair you can say that the wind is blowing on Townhall Square in the centre of Tallinn. Indeed, it was windy when pictures were taken. I am demonstrating the top I mentioned yesterday.

Veel mõned pildid (tuul ikka puhub!):
Some more pictures (the wind is still blowing!):

Lõng/yarn: Løve Garn Kid Mohair, ~1,5 tokki/skeins (~35 g).
Vardad/needles: 4 mm
Erinevalt hallist topist otsustasin, et all tahaks mustrit. Mustri kudumine tunduvalt tõstab kiirust, vähemalt nii tundub.
Differently from the grey top I decided to knit a little bit of lace pattern. Knitting lace patterns considerably accelerates knitting, at least it seems so.

laupäev, 21. november 2009

Helsingis ja Provoos/In Helsinki and in Porvoo

Käisin taas Soomes ja kohtusin mitme kudumissõbraga. Esiteks, kohtusin Annega, kellega oleme Ravelrys juba hulk aega sõbrad. Meil on olnud mitu lõngavahetust, ka seekord. Annega koos tuli tema nõbu Mia, kes on hiljuti hakanud kuduma.
Again I was in Finland and met several knitting friends. First of all, I met Anne who has been my friend on Ravelry for a considerable time. We've had several yarn exchanges and this time this happend again. Mia, Anne's cousin, joined us. She has recently taken up knitting.
Pildil Anne koob salli Alvita Kidsilk mohäärist ja Mia vaatab pealt.
In the picture Anne is knitting a lace scarf from Alvita Kidsilk mohair and Mia is observing.

Täna kohtusime Katjaga Porvoos. Käisime selles poes:
Today Katja and I met in Porvoo. We visited this shop:

Kohe ütlen ette, ma ei ostnud üldse lõnga. Vaatasin ja uurisin. Poes saime pikalt vestelda Sirpaga, kes on müügipealik ja tundis huvi Katja ja minu kudumise vastu.
I am saying this at once that I did not buy any yarn. I watched and observed. In the shop we had a long conversation with Sirpa, who is sales manager and wanted to know about Katja and my knitting.

Seejärel sõitsime Lankamaailma Nordia suurde lõngapoodi Helsingis. Seal oli parajasti kooskudumine. Esiplaanil Katja koob valget pitsirätikut.
After that we drove to Lankaamaailma Nordia, which is a large yarn shop in Helsinki. There was a meeting of knitters going on. In the front Katja is knitting a white lace shawl.

Minu vastas istus Mari, kellega ajasime juttu. Mari on käinud Tallinna lõngapoodides, vestlesime ka sellel teemal.
I had a chat with Mari who was sitting accross the table. Mari has visited Tallinn yarn shops and we discussed these.

Nüüd hoopis midagi muud. Hoiatan ette, jälle on jutt lehemustrist.
Now something different. I am warning that the story is about leaf patterns again.
Kõndisin Lindexi poest mööda ja nägin vitriinis midagi ähmaselt tuttavat. Vitriinis oli üks must sviiter. Hakkasin mõtlema, et see on hea vana tuttav, lehemuster, mida olen ise heameelega kudunud, ainult pahupool on ülendatud paremaks pooleks. Sviiter vitriinis oli must, see ongi põhjus, miks pöörasin sellele tähelepanu. Kindlasti tuli minna ja kontrollida, kas hüpotees on õige. Kontrollimiseks ja pildistamiseks on aga valge värv sobivam.
I was walking past Lindex shop and noticed something remotely familiar in the window. It was a black sweater that caught my attention. I started thinking that it was a good old firend, a leaf pattern I had knitted with a great pleasure and apparently the wrong side had been upgraded to the write side. The sweater in the window was black, this was the reason why it atteracted my attention. Of course I needed to go in and to check whether my hypothesis was right. White colour is better for checking and taking pictures.
Parem pool/right side:

Pahupool/wrong side:

Mul oli õigus. Võib-olla valgena ei ole see uus parem pool kuigi huvitav. Aga selle ideega võiks mängida. Tihti on vaja kahepoolset kudet, midagi, mis on mõlemal poolel ilus. Hea küll, ripskude, pärlkude, labane parempidine, soonik ja võib-olla veel mõned, aga see on hea leid.
I was right. Maybe this new write side does not look sophisticated in white. But the idea is worth playing with. Often a revresible stitch pattern is needed, something that looks nice on both sides. Well, garter stitch, moss stitch, stockinette, ribbing and maybe something else but this is a good finding anyway.
Sain valmis oma mohääri kudumi, aga sellest järgmine kord.
I finished my mohair top but this is a topic for a future post.

neljapäev, 19. november 2009


Liannis müüakse hinnaga 14 kr/tokk mohääri jääke. Värve on vähe järel, kuid mõni värv on mulle täitsa sobiv.
Liann Lõngad yarnshop has this mohair on offer, 14 EEK/skein (less than 1 EUR). These are some remnants, not many colours are available, but this one is quite good for me.

Halli topi teisendus: natuke teine silmade arv ja alla tuleb mõni pitsimuster.
This is a modification of the grey mohair top: a different number óf stitch and there will be a lace stitch pattern in the bottom.

Homme sõidan Soome. Plaanis on ka lõngapoed ja kohtumised kudujatega. Loomulikult tuleb ka pilte ja juttu.
Tomorrow I am going to Finland. The plan is to attend some yarnshops and to meet knitters. Naturally, there will be pictures and stories.

teisipäev, 17. november 2009


Nüüd on nii Ravelrys kui siin rohelise bolero ja "Lehed ja nooled" salli õpetus.
Now patterns for the green bolero and "Leaves and arrows" scarf are available here and on Ravelry.
Täna õnnestus teha veel paar pilti rohelisest bolerost.
Today I was lucky to have taken more pictures of the green bolero.

Töös on midagi uut, aga sellest järgmine kord.
I am in the middle of a new project but I will tell you later about this.

esmaspäev, 16. november 2009

Pilte ja arutlusi/Pictures and speculations

Nagu lubatud, mõned pildid. Modelli oskused puuduvad. Pildid tehtud Pronksi lõngapoes. Õiged värvid on alumisel pildil. Siiski, vaade tagant on bolero puhul ka oluline.
As promised, some pictures. I lack modelling skills. The pictures were taken at Pronksi yarnshop. The bottom picture has right colours. Still, the view from behind is also important for a bolero.

Selle asjakesega hakkab väga soe. Muidugi, mohääri ja villa segu.
You feel very warm wearing this thing. Of course, mohair plus wool.
Lõng/yarn: Järbo Gästricke 2-ply (100g/300m), ~ 110 g; Emmebi Kiddy (25 g/ 240 m) ~ 30 g.
Vardad/needles: 5 mm.
Lõngad sobisid suurepäraselt kokku. Ja Katja oskas tõesti valida oivalise rohelise värvi! Aitäh veel kord! Õpetus tulemas.
The yarns matched perfectly. And Katja really succeeded at choosing the wonderful green colour! Thank you once more! Pattern coming.
Nüüd natuke arutlusi. Ilmselt on otstarbekas kohe kududes teha õpetuse toorik. Nädal aega tagasi sain kirja, küsiti "Lehed ja nooled" salli õpetust. Tegelikult on mustrid kõik tuntud, sobita kokku. Tegin õpetuse valmis, see on Ravelrys olemas. Eile kirjutas üks päris osav kuduja ja palus Risti-Rästi bolero õpetust. Tuleb siis tagantjärgi kirjutada. Samas on mõne asjaga nii, et kergem on valmis teha, kui selge õpetus kirja panna. Seetõttu rohelise rätiku õpetus peab ootama.
Now some speculations. Perhaps it would be wise to write a prototypical pattern while knitting. A week ago I got a message with the request of "Leaves and arrows" scarf pattern. Actually, all stitch patterns I used there are well-known and easily available, you can combine what you want. I wrote the pattern, it is on Ravelry. Yesterday quite a prolific knitter wrote and asked Risti-Rästi bolero pattern. I have to write it from memory. At the same time, some things can be knitted more easily than the pattern for them written. That is why the pattern for the green shawl has to wait.

pühapäev, 15. november 2009


Bolero on valmis ja kuivab. Alumise osa muster on selline.
The boloro is finished and blocking. Here is the stitch pattern of the lower part.

Siin on tervikpilt tagant.
Here is the whole view from the back.

Homme saab loodetavasti pildistada korralikult.
I hope tomorrow it will be possible to take normal pictures.
Lianni lõngapoodi on tekkinud uus mohäär. Vana hea tuttav, itaalia mohäär, Leedus pakendatud vms, Alvita oma. Siin on pisut lurexit, sugugi mitte palju. Ainult lähemalt vaadates saab aru, et midagi helgib väga õrnalt. Ongi ainult 3 värvi. Esimest korda elus tekkis tahtmine teha endale midagi valget.
Liann yarnshop has recieved some new mohair. Good old friend, Italian mohair packaged in Lithuania, the firm name is Alvita. It contains a little bit of lurex, a tiny minimum. Only at a very close look you see that something is sparkling rather delicately. There are only 3 colours. For the first time in my life I am considering something white for myself.

reede, 13. november 2009

Jälle lehed/Leaves again

Kõigepealt lõngast. Ravelrys paluti konsultatsiooni Aade e Raasiku e Kauni lõnga asjus. Tõepoolest, nagu eesti vanasõna õigesti ülteb, heal lapsel mitu nime. Värve on palju.
Siin on peenvillane (8/1):
First of all about yarn. I was asked on Ravelry about Aade aka Raasiku aka Kauni yarn. Really, as the Estonian proverb says, a good child has many names. There are plenty of colours. Here is thin laceweight yarn (8/1):

Tegelikult on värve rohkem. 8/1 ja 8/2 värvikaart on sama.
In reality, there are even more colours. 8/1 and 8/2 colour chart is the same.
Siin on pisut 8/2:
Here is some of 8/2:

On olemas ka jämedam 8/3, aga ainult ühevärviline.
There is also a thicker 8/3 yarn but monochrome only.
Nüüd kudumisest. Boolero ülemine osa on valmis. Näitan pilte mustrist. Midagi huvitavat rohkem pole, kuna ülemine osa on üks nelinurkne tükk. Nüüd on n-ö varruka osad kokku õmmeldud ja võtsin üles silmad alumise osa jaoks.
Now about knitting. The upper part of the bolero is finished. I am showing pictures of the stitch pattern. Nothing more intersting so far because the upper part is a rectangle. By now I have seamed the sleeve part, so to say, and picked up stitches for the lower part.

Alumisel pildil on õigem värv, aga siiski pole päris see. Tegelikult pole kudum triibuline. Muster meeldib mulle, jälle sarjast "koob ennast ise".
The lower picture renders the colour better but not exactly. In fact, the knitted fabric does not have stripes. I like the stitch pattern, it belongs to the series "it knits itself".

neljapäev, 12. november 2009

Natuke praalimist/A little bit of boasting

Muidugi on kena, kui sinu kudumeid kiidetakse. Kuigi muidugi peab endale aru andma, et ilu on siiski vaataja silmis. Aga üks tore kuduja Katyusha, kellega sain Ravelrys tuttavaks, hakkas kuduma minu mohääritoppi. Õpetus on tulemas. Oli päris ootamatu avastada oma pilt vene kudumisfoorumis. Tuleb pisut alla kerida.
Of course it is pleasent when somebody praises your knitting. But still you have to realize that beauty is in the eys of the beholder. Anyway, Katuysha, with whom I became familiar on Ravelry and who is a skillful knitter, started knitting my mohair top. The pattern is coming. It was rather unexpected to discover my picture in a Russian knitting forum. Scroll down a little bit.
Roheline kudum, mille hakatust näitasin eile, on boolero. Olen juba kudunud paraja tükki, homme tulevad pildid.
The start of the green thin I showed yesterday is meant to be a bolero. I've already knitted a considerable portion, pictures tomorrow.

kolmapäev, 11. november 2009

Jälle roheline/Green again

Seekord võtsin Katja kingitud ja tema värvitud lõnga ja panin kokku Emmebi Kiddy mohääriga. Katja värvitud lõng on Järbo 2-kordne puhas villane. Kuna lõng on üsna pehme, pole paha talle midagi juurde lisada.
This time I took yarn that Katja had dyed and presented to me and put it together with Emmebi Kiddy mohair. The yarn that Katja dyed is Järbo 2-ply pure wool. While the yarn is rather soft, it would be a good idea to add something.
Praeguseks olen kudunud suhteliselt vähe.
I have not yet knitted much.

Kirjutan rohelise rätiku õpetust. Loodan, et varsti saab valmis. Järgmine on mohääritop. Suur tänu kõigile, kes kommenteerivad siin ja Ravelrys.
I am writing the pattern for the green shawl. Hopefully, I will finish it soon. The next pattern will be for mohair top. I am grateful to all of you who comment here or on Ravelry.

esmaspäev, 9. november 2009

Rohelised rombid/Green dimonds

Nagu eile lubatud, mõned pildid veel. Ei tea miks, aga mulle meeldib rätikuid pildistada vastu aknaklaasi (paistab naabermaja ja lume jäänused). Värv on raskesti pildistatav, tugitooliga pildil on kõige õigem.
As promised yesterday, some more pictures. I don't know why I like taking picutres of shawls and wrap against the window (you can see the neighbour's hows and the remnants of snow). It is difficult to render the colour, the best approximation is the picture with the armchair.

Mõned sõnad mustrist: rombid on kahe mustriga, ütleme, augulisem ja siledam. Alustan augulisemast, kõik uued rombid on alati augulisemad. Niipea, kui lõpetan augulise, selle kohal alustan uut, mis on siledam. Nii nad vahelduvad: siledam augulisema järel ja augulisem siledama järel. Äär on improviseeritud. Vaatan, et mul õnnestuvad rätikumustrid paremini siis, kui vardad on käes, mitte skeemi üleskirjutamisega. Vardad nr 4, kulus u 90 g lõnga.
Some words about the pattern: there are two kind of stitches for the dimonds, let us say, the lacy ones and the more plain ones. I started with the lacy one and every new dimond you add is always a lacy one. Once I have decreased the lacy one and have to start a new one, the next dimond that "grows" from the finished one will be a plain one etc. This is how they alternate: a plain one after a lacy one, a lacy one after a plain one. The edge is improvised. It appears that I am better at designing shawls with needles in my hands rather than with charts. Needles 4 mm, approximately 90 g of yarn.

pühapäev, 8. november 2009

Veel kooskudumisest/More on knitting together

Tänane postitus on stiilis "natuke kõigest".
Today's post is in the style "something about everything".
Susann postitas Ravelrys lingid oma pildialbumile, kus on rohkem pilte meie kooskudumisest, Pronksi lõngapoe lõngadest jne.
Susann posted on Ravelry links to her flickr photos with more pictures of our knitting together, Pronksi yarnshop yarns etc.
Lingid/links: siin , siin
Väga kena, kui keegi viitsib koos kududa.
It is rather nice if somebody wants to knit together.
Kindlasti küsite, kus on rohelise rätiku pildid. Nagu niisugustel puhkudel ikka juhtub, avastasin, et patareid on tühjad. Panin laadima. Nüüd, kui patareid laetud, on juba pime. Aga pildid tulemata ei jää.
Of course you want to ask about the pictures of the green shawl. As it usually happens, I discovered that the battareys were empty. I recharged them. Now they are rechareged but it is too dark. But there will be pictures.
Veel kirjutati mulle Ravelrys ja küsiti Lehed ja nooled-salli õpetust. Mis õpetus siin olla võibki, kõik tuntud mustrid. Tuleb ainult kombineerida. Aga samas on see mulle au. Tegin õpetuse valmis, kui keegi tahab proovikudujaks, andke palun teada.
I was approached by someone on Ravelry with the request of Lehed ja nooled scarf pattern. Well, is there a pattern? All stitches are well-known. You just have to combine them. On the other hand, I am flattered. I wrote it down, if anyone wishes to test-knit, please let me know.

laupäev, 7. november 2009

Jälle värvimine/Dyeing again

Jälle käisin Kaja juures, värvisime lõnga. Värv tuli helehall.
Again at Kaja's place we dyed yarn. The colour is light grey.
Roheline rätik sai valmis, nüüd kuivab. Keskosa:
The green shawl is finished, it is blocking now. The central part:
Üks osa ja äär:
One part and the edge:
Tervikliku vaate katse:
An attempt to chatch the complete view:

Kartsin, et lõnga ei jätku, aga jätkus ja kaelarätikuks kõlbab ta küll.
I was afraid that I had not enough yarn but it was enough fir a small shawl.

neljapäev, 5. november 2009

Kooskudumine/Knitting together

Eile oli Pronksi poes väike kokkusaamine ja kooskudumine. Susann, Petra ja Alice tulid poodi, kus Anu oli juba ootamas. Pildistati ja istuti kohvi/teed jooma ja kuduma, lõngu osteti ka.
Yesterday there was a small meeting and knitting together at Pronksi yarnshop. Susann, Petra and Alice came to the shop where Anu had been waiting. Pictures were taken and yarn bought, then we drank coffee/tea and knitted together.
Vasakult paremale/From left to right: Petra, Susann, Alice, Anu.
Hakkasin uurima Susanni rätikut, tundus tuttav. Pärast selgus, et ongi tuttav: minu Sivilla mustriga, aga hoopis nelinurkne rätik ja veel ise kedratud lõngast! Susanni rätik Ravelrys.
I started looking at Susann's wrap, it appeared familiar. Then it became evident that it was familiar indeed: my Sivilla stitch pattern applied to a rectangular wrap and the yarn has been spun by Susann! Here is Susann's wrap on Ravelry.

Roheline rätik edeneb. Probleemivaba kudum. Pitsini on aega, siis vaatame.
The green shawl is progressing. An unproblematic knit. There is time to think about the edge lace.

kolmapäev, 4. november 2009


Nüüd midagi rohelist. See on Raasiku lõng, värvitud Kajaga koos (vt siin). Seda on u 100 g, seega tuleb kõne alla väike rätik. Pole ammu kudunud kolmnurkseid rätikuid. Muster on täielik improvisatsioon.
Now something green. This is Raasiku yarn (Aade) that we dyed together with Kaja (see here). There is some 100 g of it, thus, a smal shawl is something to consider. I have not knitted triangular shawls for some time. The stitch pattern is a complete improvisation.

Nagu näha, vahelduvad erinevad rombid, päris auguline ja (peaaegu) parempidine. Nõnda talitades (1) kudumine pole igav ja (2) pind ei ole liiga üle koormatud (või vähemalt tundub nii). Lõpuks tuleb mingi ääristus ka. Ilmselt midagi väga rahulikku. Värv on juba selline, et mustriga ei tohiks liialdada.
As you can see, there is an alternation of different dimonds, very lace ones and (almost) plain stockinette ones. By doing this (1) knitting is not boring and (2) the fabric is not too much overloaded (at least it seems so now). There will be some edgeing in the end. Probably, something rather modest. The colour is demanding enough, so you should not overdo with the stitch pattern.

Aitäh kõigile, kes mohääritoppi kiitsid siin ja Ravelrys. Plaanis on kirjutada õpetus. Mõni kena inimene on nõus proovikudujaks. Aga hoiatan, et ma ei tea, kuidas kirjutada erinevatele suurustele. Kui keegi, kel pole suurus S (34-36), on nõus katsetama, oleks väga kena. Tähtis on põhimõte, sealt edasi juba saab tuletada vastava silmade arvu jne.
Thanks to those who appreciated my mohair top here and on Ravelry. I am planning to write the pattern. Some nice people kindly agreed to test-knit. But I am warning you I don't know how to write for different sizes. If someone whose size is not S (34-36, British 8-10) would agree to try, it would be extremely nice. The most important thing is the principle, then you can calculate the right number of stitches etc.
Veel midagi: täna kl 17.30 alates on kooskudumine Pronksi poes (Viru 13). Ravelrys mitmed välismaalased on avaldanud soovi eesti kudujatega kokku saada ja koos kududa. Lõngapood on selleks väga sobiv paik.
Something else: today at 17.30 we knit together in Pronksi yarnshop (Viru 13). Several foreigners visiting Tallinn have written on Ravelry that they would like to meet Estonian knitters and to knit together. There is no better place for it than a yarn shop.

esmaspäev, 2. november 2009

Hall minimalism/Grey minimalism

Nüüd on rohkem pilte ja juttu.
Now I have more pictures and the whole story.

Alati olen dilemma ees: ühelt poolt ei meeldi mulle, kui kudumid ja riided üldse on ülekoormatud, seega püüan minimalismi poole; teiselt poolt tahaks, et oleks huvitav kududa. Püüan siis kuldse kesktee poole. Kurtsin kunagi varem, et labane parempidine on ilus, kuid seda on igav kududa. Antud juhul aga seda probleemi polnud.
I am always facing the following dillemma: on the one hand, I dislike when knitwear and clothes in general are overloaded with embelishments etc, hence my strive towards minimalism; on the other hand, I want the knitting process to be interesting. Thus, I am in search for the middle of the road. I've written elsewhere that stockinette stitch is beautiful but it bores me to knit. In this case I did not have the problem.
See on nüüd selline asjake, mis koob ennast ise. Mõnel kudumil on selline võluomadus. Tegemist oli eksperimendiga, seetõttu otsustasin, et kuigi teoreetiliselt on võimalik teha all pitsimustrit jms, proovin seda kunagi hiljem.
This is one of the knits that literally knit themselves up. Some project have this magic quality. As this was an experiment, I decided against lace stich patterns, although this is theoretically an option. I will try it somethimes later.
Üldidee tekkis siit: Basial on mitu väga ilusat mohääritoppi. Pidasime nõu, kuid tegin oma kalkulatsiooni. Tema kudus 3,5 vardaga, mina aga 4-ga (kuna selle lõnga puhul on mul 4 mm varras kindel valik). Pealegi on "käekiri" erinev. Ma ei tahtnud nii kõrget kraed, kunagi teine kord.
A general idea comes from here: Baisa has several beautiful mohair tops. We discussed this but I made my own calculation. She knitted with needles 3,5, I used 4 mm (because I always use 4 mm with this yarn and it is safe). Also "handwriting" differs. And I did not want a tall collar, probably another time.
On küsitud õpetust. Püüan kirjutada, kuigi ei oska eri suurustele kavandada. Aga siin on oluline teatud valem, selle abiga ehk saab hakkama. Kavatsen proovida teise lõngaga, kuidas töötab. Sellel pildil hoian erepunast Raasiku peenikest lõnga, see on üks mu lemmikuid, äkki saab midagi sellest.
I've been asked for the pattern. I will try to write, although I don't know how to design for different sizes. But here a certain formula is important, maybe this would be helpful. I will try it out with another yarn. In this picture Raasiku bright red lace weight yarn is in my hands, it is one of my favourites, maybe something will evolve out of it.
Kokkuvõttes kaalub see asjake 40 g. Mohäär on tõeline säästulõng!
All in all, this top weighs 40 g. Mohair is a real economy yarn!