teisipäev, 30. mai 2017

Kavandasin sviitrit, aga tuli topp/I planned a sweater and it ended up as a top

Miks? Sest selgus, et antud lõngakombinatsiooni puhul ei sobi hästi sirge varukas, tekib kott. Koepind tundus paks. Kui lõng ei taha, siis vastu lõnga tahtmist ei saa toimida. Nii et jäi topiks.
Why? Because it became clear that the current yarn combination is not good for straight sleeve, as there apperes some excessive fabric. The fabric appeared bulky. If the yarn does not like it, you cannot act again its will. So it ended up as a top.

Eks siis kunagi tulevad korralikumad pildid.
I hope one day I will have proper pictures.

pühapäev, 28. mai 2017

ERKI Moeshow ja suvine sviiter/ERKI Fashion Show and a summer sweater

ERKI Moeshow toimus eile. Oli üsna palju tugevaid kollektsioone, minu arust rohkem, kui mullu. Vaatajaid oli palju, tuli sissepääsu juures oodata, sest piletite ja nimekirjade kontroll toimus aeglaselt. Siin on saba algus ja teisel pildil saba lõpp (kell oli umbes 17.45, olin kusagil keskel).
ERKI Fashion show took place yesterday. There was quite a lot of strong collections, I think, more than a year ago. The number of spectators was quite high and one had to wait at the enterance because ticket and list check was slow. Here is the beginning and the end of the waiting line (at approximately 5.45 p.m, I was somewhere in the middle).
Nagu alati niisugustel üritustel, oli huvitav publikut vaadata. Kõik läks kenasti, loodetavasti saan varsti promovideot näidata. Maiu tegi minust paar pilti, suur tänu!
As usual about events of this type, it was intersting to observe the public. Everything went smoothly and hopefully I will show the promo video soon. Maiu took a couple of picters, thank you!
Koon suvesviitrit. Meie kliimas on vaja midagi, mis pole palav, aga pikkade varrukatega. Töös on juba tuttav lõng Bodrum (linase ja sünteetika segu) pluss peenike puuvillane (Cotone, 100 g/500 m).
I am knitting a summer sweater. In our climate, one needa something that is not too warm, yet has long sleeves. I am using the familiar yarn Bodrum (linen-polyamide blend) and a thing cotton (Cotone, 100 g/500 m).
Tegin natuke lühikesi ridu ja paar ripsitriipu. Esialgu mõtlesin teha neid triipe rohkem, pind oli kena, aga proovisin selga ja nägin, et ei sobi. Pean olema tekstuuriga ettevaatlik. On välimuse tüüpe, kes just vajavad reljeefseid pindu, ja on vastupidiseid. See on huvitav teema. Selga proovimist pole kunagi liiga palju.
I made some short rows and a couple of garter stitch stripes. In the beginning I planed to make more stripes, the fabric looked nice but then I tried it on and noticed that it does not look well. I have to be careful with textured fabric. There are types of appearance who need some texture and there are opposites. It is an interesting topics. There is no such thing as too much trying on.
Nüüd alustan varrukaid.
Now I am going to start the sleeves.

reede, 26. mai 2017

Mõni pilt/Some pictures

Väga lihtne rätik, alguses labases koes, hiljem tulevad mõned ripsitriibud. Koepind on mõnus.
A very simple shawl, starts in stockinette and then some garter stitch stripes appear later. The fabric is pleasant.
Pole veel kaalunud.
I have not weighed it yet.

kolmapäev, 24. mai 2017

Üht ja teist/Various matters

Mõni aeg tagasi proovisin üht rätiku konstruktsiooni. Konstruktsioon töötaks, aga see lõngakombinatsioon on väga kapriisne, poolpatent ei olnud ilus. Selle konstruktsiooniga koon teisest lõngast, täitsa tahaks proovida. Tegin selle asemel üsna lihtsa ja mitte väga suure rätiku, mis kuivab (pilt on kehv, aga annab ettekujutuse).
Some time ago I tried a certain shawl costruction. The costruction would work but this particular yarn combination is very moody and half-brioche did not look nice. I will knit this construction with a different yarn, I would really like to try it out. Instead I made a rather simple and not a very large shawl that is drying (the picture is lousy but you can get an idea).
Teatavasti ERKI Moeshow läheneb. Kristiina Jeromansi kollektsiooni kohta on juttu siin. Väga kena temast, et ta mainib mind. Moenäitus on laupäeval 27. mail. Panen siia meeldetuletuseks pildi, mida mitmed on näinud.
As you may know, ERKI Fashion Show is approaching. Here is a story about Kristiina Jeroman's collection (sorry, Estonian only but you can see some pictures of the collection). It is so nice of her to mention me. The show is on Satrurday, May 27. To remind, I am posting the picture many have already seen.

esmaspäev, 22. mai 2017

Kooskudumine Ravelrys/KAL on Ravelry

Nüüd koome inglise keeles siin.
Now we knit here in English.
Sadulõlaga topp, õmblusteta, ülevalt alla. Võib teha ka sviitriks.
Saddle shoulder top, seamless and top down. You can turn it into a sweater.

laupäev, 20. mai 2017

Vaatame, mis välja tuleb/Let's see what happens

Üks lõng on tundmatu päritoluga meriino, üsna peenike, ilmselt 100 g/1400-1500 m, teine peenike linane 100 g/600 m. Tahan meriino ära kasutada. Vaatame, mis välja tuleb.
One yarn is unknown merino, quite thin, probably  100 g/1400-1500 m, the other one is 100 g/600 m linen. I want to use up merino. Let's see what will become of it.

neljapäev, 18. mai 2017

Sall valmis/Scarf is finished

Sall on õhuline ja kerge. Pikkusesse venis vähe, laius kannatada ei saanud (~ 2 m x 34 cm).
The scarf is airy and light. It did not stretch much in the length and the width has not suffered (~ 2 m x 34 cm).
Lõng/Yarn: linane/linen, ~ 600 m, 100 g
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm

teisipäev, 16. mai 2017

Auguline linane sall/Eyelet linen scarf

Linase sain Domus Linum poest. See on üsna peenike, kuigi 3-kordne. Koon kahekordselt (siis ühtekokku 6-kordselt) 3 mm vardaga augulist salli, tundub paras. Värv on kuninglik sinine.
I got this linen from Domus Linum store. It is quite thin, although it is 3-ply. I held two strands togethe (it makes it 6-ply) and work eyelet pattern with 3 mm needles, which seems suitable. The colour is royal blue.

pühapäev, 14. mai 2017

Topp linasest ja villasest/Linen-wool top

Topi piltide eest tänan Maiut. Millegipärast tekkis mõnel pildil kummaline valgusefekt.
Thanks to Maiu for the pictures. For unknown reasons some pictures have a strange light effect.
Aga pole midagi, must topp on ikka must topp.
But this is not a problem, a black top remains a black top.
Leidsin internetilehe, kus saab tasuta mängida igasuguste efektidega.
I found an internet site where one can play with various photo effects for free.

Lõng/Yarn: 1) Lino (Katia), 100 % linane/linen, 50 g/150 m, ~ 600 m; 2) Haapsalu (Midara), 100 % vill/wool, 100 g/1400 m, ~ 600 m
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm, 3,5 mm

reede, 12. mai 2017

Pilte/Some pics

Topp on valmis. Mulle tundub, et peenvillase lisamine oli õige samm. Kude on ühtlane ja pärast loputamist päris kena.
The top is fiished. I think adding laceweight wool was a right decision. The fabric is even and quite nice after rinsing.
Praegu paistab päike ja seetõttu pole pildid ehk kõige paremad. Aga näete mustritriipu küljel.
The sun is shining now and this is the reason why the pictures are not of the highest quality. But you can see a pattern stripe on the side.
Kuna linane ei armasta eriti soonikut, viimistlus on igal pool ripskoes.
Since linen does not exactly like ribbing, all finishing is in garter stitch.

Siin on näha, et õlad on kujundatud lühiridadega. Tekib väike kalle.
Here you can see that the shoulders are shaped with short rows. There is a slight slant.
Loodan, et saab lähiajal ka enda seljas näidata.
I hope in the nearest future I will be able to show modelled pictures.

kolmapäev, 10. mai 2017

Topp edeneb/The top is progressing

Topp edeneb. Huvitav, kas tuleb välja 4 tokist (600 m) või oleks vaja veel 1 tokki juurde.
The top is progressing. I wonder whether I manage with 4 balls (600 m) or one more ball is necessary.

Õige värv on esimesel pidil.
The true colour is in the first picture.

esmaspäev, 8. mai 2017

Tegemisi/What is going on

Esiteks, sain valmis rätiku Domus Linumi jaoks.
First, I finished the shawl for Domus Linum.
Teiseks, juba mõnda aega oli ootamas linane lõng (Katia Lino, 50 g/150 m). Proovisin, aga koepind ei olnud ilus. Panin kokku peenvillasega (Midara Haapsalu). Peenvillane ei anna juurde soojust, sest on üpris peenike,  küll aga ühtlustab koepinda. Teen praegu lihtsat toppi.
Second, some linen (Lino by Katia, 50 g/150 m) has been weiting for a while. I tried it but the fabric was not exactly nice. I combined it with a laceweight wool (Haapsalu by Midara). The wool does not add warmth (it is so thin and light) but it evens out the fabric. I am making a simple top now.
Kolmandaks, sadulõlaga topi retsept tuleb varsti ka inglise keeles.
Third, the recipe for saddle shoulder top is coming out in English soon.

laupäev, 6. mai 2017

Sviiter ja moenäitus/Sweater and fashion show

Nüüd rohkem sellest sviitrist. Kristiina Jeromans palus mind kududa tema kollektsioni jaoks. Tema Interlace osaleb ERKI Moeshowst. Temalt tuli üldine idee (lühike topp, natuke 1940-ndate stiilis) ja mina pakkusin disaini (poolpatent, mis läheb üle soonikuks jms). Siin on fotod (ametlik lookbook tuleb hiljem, pärast showd).
Now more about the sweater. Kristiina Jeromans asked me to knit it for her collection. Her Interlace is a part of ERKI Moeshow. She gave a general idea (cropped top, somewhat in the 1940s style) and I offered the disign (half-brioche that changes into ribbing etc). Here are some pictures (the official lookbook will appear after the show). 
Pildid/Photo: Silver Mikiver, Felix Laasme
Jumestus/Make-up: Laura Salla
Stilistika/Style: Kristiina Jeromans
Seelik/Skirt: Kristiina Jeromans
Sviiter/Sweater: mina/myself