neljapäev, 31. mai 2012

Kingitus/A gift

Lugu algas sellest, et Alicja kirjutas mulle Ravelrys. Ta oli hakanud kuduma seda ürpi minu õpetuse järgi ja lõng sai otsa. Lõng oli peedipunane Aade Lõng 8/2. Kusagil polnud õiget värvi, ka  internetipoodides mitte. Lubasin vaadata vabrikust, aga seal ka polnud. Lõpuks leidus üksainus viht Pronksi poes. Vahepeal oli küsitav, kas alustatud kudumist üldse asja saab, aga õnneks sai lõng Alicjale toimetatud. Täna sain ilusa sünnipäeva kingituse, Alicja saatis mulle need kõrvarõngad. Tõesti, täiesti minu stiil.
The story began when Alicja wrote to me on Ravelry. She had started knitting this wrap (my pattern) and ran out of yarn. The yarn was beetroot red Aade Lõng 8/2. The right colour could not be found anywhere, even not on the net. I promised to look up at the factory but they had none. Finaly, a single skein emerged in the Pronksi shop. Meanwhile it was questionable whether the project could be continued at all but, fortunately, Alicja got the yarn. Today I got a beautiful birthday present, Alicja has sent to me these earings. This is really my style.
Aitäh! Thank you! Dziękuję bardzo!
Minu käest on küsitud, mida koon, kuna eelmise postituse pilt oli mõistatuslik. Näitan, et kere on valmis. Praegu on pilt selline.
I have been asked what is it that I am knitting now because the picture in the previous post was cryptic. I am demonstrating the torso part. Here is the picture.

teisipäev, 29. mai 2012

Lühike kohtumine Helsingis/A short meeting in Helsinki

Tallinnast Helsingisse on kerge sõita, ammu ei mõtle enam, et lähen välismaale. Mul oli parajasti sinna asja, leppisime Miaga kokku, et kohtume paariks tunniks. Mia koob jakki, millest on pikemat juttu tema blogis. Lõng on pärit tema eelmiselt Tallinna reisilt.
It is easy to travel from Tallinn to Helsinki and I have stopped thinking long ago that I am actually going abroad. I had some business there and we arranged a short meeting with Mia. Mia is knitting a jacket that she describes at some detail in her blog. The yarn was bought on her previous Tallinn trip. Kiitos seurasta, Mia!
Siin on aga minu kudum. See on suhteliselt uus värvikombinatsioon (muidugimõista, lõng on Aade Lõng 8/2), vabriku kodulehel seda kahjuks pole. Praegu ütlen veel niipalju, et kudum on mõeldud kellegi teisele.
And here is my project. It is a relatively new colour combination (of course, the yarn is Aade lüng 8/2); unfotunately, absent from the factory home page. I will reveal as much that the knit is meant for someone else. 
Alumise pildi minust ja kudumist tegi Mia.
The bottom picture of myself and the knit was taken by Mia.

pühapäev, 27. mai 2012

Ühe sviitri lugu/A story of a sweater

Jutt tuleb sellest sviitrist. Sviiter sai valmis umbes aasta tagasi, Käsitöö tahtis avaldada ja sügisnumbri asjade pildistamisega oli kiire. Pidin ruttu toimetusse viima, endale ei jõudnudki pildistada. Pärast aga juhtus nii, et stilist ja ühtlasi modell Helina Risti soovis sviitrit endale, kinkisin ära. Kui Käsitöö 2011/3 ilmus, siis millegipärast unustasin postitamata.
It is about this sweater. The sweater was finished about a year ago and the Käsitöö magazine wanted to publish the pattern and was in a hurry to photograph everything at once for the autumn issue. I had to quickly hand over the sweater and had not had time to have pictures made for my own purpose. Then the stylist and the model (in the same person) Helina Risti wished to have the sweater and I gave it to her. After the 2011/3 issue had been published, for some reason I forgot to post here.
Pilt/Picture: Laura Kallasvee (tema lahkel loal/with her kind permision)
Modell ja stiil/Model and style: Helina Risti
Käsitöö 2011/3
Miks ma seda räägin? Sest selle postituse kommentaaris mainis Heli, et tipp-modelli saates oli Helina Ristil see sviiter seljas. Kuna ma televiisorit ei vaata, siis sain teada alles Heli käest. Leidisn võrgust pildi, värvid on kahjuks täiesti valed. Aga päris tore, selline kaudne tunnustus!
Why am I talking about this? Because in her comment to this post Heli mentioned that in the Estonian Top Model TV show Helina Risti was wearing the sweater. I learned it from her since I don't watch TV. Here is a picture I found on the web (if you don't read Estonian, no problem, the story there is completely irrelevant as far as knitting is concerned), unfortunately, the colours are all wrong. But this is quite nice, such an indirect acknowledgement!

reede, 25. mai 2012

Schnelli punane/Schnelli red

Schnelli tiigi ääres oli eile õhtul ilus olla. Kristiina tegi pildid ja, saates mulle, pani pealkirjaks "Schnelli punane". Polegi vaja enam mõelda, mis on kudumi nimi (seda on Ravelrys vaja). Aitäh, Kristiina!
It was nice yesterday in the evening at the Schnelli pond. Kristiina took pictures and title her e-mail "Schnelli punane" (Schnelli red). I don't have to think anymore what the name of the project is (needed on Ravelry). Thank you, Kristiina!
Tänan kõiki, kes võtsid osa krae arutelust (eelmise postituse kommentaarid). Ilma kraeta oleks olnud ka kena, aga siis oleks olnud täiesti tavaline top, tekib küsimus, milleks kududa.
Thank you all who discussed the collar (comments to the previous post). Without a collar it would have turned out nice but just an ordinary top; one can ask why to bother knitting.
Lõng/Yarn: Katia Syros, 50 g/280 m, 45 % polüester/polyester, 28 % puuvill/cotton, 27 % akrüül/acrylic, 3 tokki/3 skeins.
Vardad/Needles: 2,5 mm, 3 mm

teisipäev, 22. mai 2012

Krae/The collar

Mis puutub kraesse, on kaks erinevat koolkonda. Üks väidab, et varrukatega topil ei saa olla suurt kraed definitsiooni järgi, sest on emb-kumb: kas suvine asi, siis kraega on palav, või kui juba talvekudum, siis olgu varrukatega või vähemalt soojast lõngast. Teine väidab, et krae on iluasi ja ei sõltu varrukate olemasolust või puudumisest. Nõustun viimase arvamusega.
As far as collar is concerned, there are two different schools of thought. The first claims that a sleeveless top cannot have a big collar by definition because it is either-or business: either it is a summer knit and then it will be too hot to go around with a big collar or, if it is supposed to be a winter garment, then it should have sleeves or at least should be from a warm yarn. The second one claims that a collar is a matter of decoration and does not depend on sleeves or their absence. I concur with the second one.
Krae "sööb" palju lõnga. Kavatsen seda veel suuremaks kududa.
A collar "eats up" a lot of yarn. I am going to make it bigger. 

pühapäev, 20. mai 2012

Kooskudumine/Knitting together

Täna kudusime koos neljakesi. Arutasime igasuguseid kudumisplaane, kes mida kooma hakkab. Alumine pilt on Kristiina tehtud. Avel on käes kollasest mohäärist top, Helinil türkiisi ülemineku sokilõngast top, Kriistiinal on kombinatsioon mustast ja ülemineku villalõngast.
Today four of us knitted together. We discussed all kind of knitting plans, who is going to knit what. The bottom picture was taken by Kristiina. Ave has a yellow mohair top in her hands, Helin has a top from turquoise variegated sock yarn, Kristiina has a combination of a black and variegated wool. 

Aitäh kõiglie, tore oli!
Thank you all, it was nice!

laupäev, 19. mai 2012

Mitmesuguseid pilte/Various pictures

Selles postituses näitan mitmeid pilte. Sain lõpuks oma Käsitöö eksemplari. Kaas:
In this post I will show various pictures. Finally , I got my copy of the Käsitöö magazine. The cover: 
Päris huvitav, et stilist on otsustanud kokku sobitada jaki  baretiga.
It is quite remarkable that the stylist has decided to combine the jacket with a beret:
Sest just seda tegin omal ajal mina (täiesti spontaanselt):
Because I did exactly the same (completely on an impuls) when I got pictures taken:
 See ürp...
This wrap...
 ... on selline:
... is like this:
Top näeb välja fotol pisut lillakam, tegelikult on tumehall, aga mul pole midagi selle vastu. Kui sellel firmal oleks ka lillakas toon, oleks suurepärane, aga suvelõngade värvid on minu igavene probleem.
The top looks more purple in the picture, in fact, it is dark-gray but I don't mind. If that company had the yarn coming also in such a purple shade, it would be wonderful but the colour choice of summer yarns is my eternal problem.
Eile pildistas mind Kristiina Tammsaare pargis. Tahtsin, et seeliku muster paistaks paremini. Aitäh, Kristiina!
Yesterday Kristiina took pictures in Tammsaare Park. I wanted the stitch pattern of the skirt to be more visible. Thank you, Kristiina!

Ja lõpuks minu praegune kudum. Pildistasin vastu akent, on näha, et lõng on peenike.
And finally, my current project. I photographed it against the window and you can see that the yarn is rather thin.

neljapäev, 17. mai 2012

Vahelduseks/For a change

Vahelduseks midagi väga lihtsat, ilma õpetuse avaldamise kohustuseta.
Something simple for a change, without an obligation to publish a pattern.

teisipäev, 15. mai 2012

Sinised vausabad/Blue horseshues

Valmis! Tänan Anut piltide eest. Olen ise seelikuga rahul (nagu näete, see on seelik, mitte sall). Nagu alati, õmblusteta. Kudusin põiki, see oli päris põnev.
Finished! Thank you, Anu, for taking the pictures. I am satisfied with the skit (as you see, it is a skirt and not a shawl). As usual, seamless. I knitted sideways, it was fun.

Konstruktsiooni arendan edasi, sellel on potentsiaali.
I will develop the construction, it has a potential.

pühapäev, 13. mai 2012

See ei ole sall/This is not a scarf

Paistab, et pean tekitama eraldi sildi "see ei ole ...", see on juba kolmas kord, kui seda vaja läheb. Esimene kord oli siin, teine siin.
It appears that I have to introduce a separate tag "this is not ..." because this is the third time when it is needed. I used it here for the first and here for the second time.

Ei tea, millal saab teha korralikud pildid, sest praegu on kiire aeg. Aga uskuge tõepoolest, et see ei ole sall.
I have no idea when I will have proper pictures taken because it is rather hectic time now. But please believe me, this is not a scarf.

reede, 11. mai 2012

Vausabakirjast uuesti/On horseshue pattern again

Praegu pole eriti aega kirjutada. Näitan lühidalt, mis on käsil.
I have little time to post now. I will briefely show what I am up to.
Mõni muster pääseb mõjule, kui seda on palju. Ei tea, kas minu konstruktsioonikatsetus mängib välja või mitte, kuid mustriline pind meeldib igal juhul. Värv on absoluutselt vale, aga muster on nähtav.
Some patterns have an effect only when they are ample. I am not sure whether my construction experiment will work but the pattern fabric is to my liking in any case. The colour is absolutely wrong but you can see the pattern.

kolmapäev, 9. mai 2012

Vana "Siluett"/An old issue of the Siluett magazine

Aeg-ajalt vaatan raamatupoes vanu ajakirju, mõnikord ostan endale. Selles Siluetis on mitu kudumit.
From time to time I explore old magazines in bookshops and sometimes buy some. There are several knits in this issue of Siluett.
Õpetused on väga üldsõnalised, ei mingit silmuste arvu või lõnga metraaži. Tõsi küll, mustriskeemid on olemas. Selles numbris arutatakse kampsuneid ja mütse.
Patterns have a very general wording, no stitch count neither yardage. Still, there are charts. In the current issues sweaters and hats are presented.

Mis aga mulle meeldib, on see kudum, mis on teises rubriigis, kus räägitakse hoopis õmblemisest. Mingeid näpunäiteid sviitri kohta pole, samuti pole teada, kas varrukad on pikad ja kas seljatükil on ka mustrer. Samas ei ole siin vaja mingit õpetust. Lihtsad rombid, soovi korral võib teha mustri igal pool. Sobiks villane lõng, aga ka näiteks mitte väga paks puuvillane.
What I do like is this sweater in a completely different section that discusses sewing. No instructions about the sweater are offered and we do not know either whether the sleeves are long and whether the back piece has the diamond pattern as well. At the same time one does not need a pattern here. Plain diamonds and if one wishes, one can knit the pattern everywhere. Wool would be suitable as well as not too thick cotton. 

esmaspäev, 7. mai 2012

Vausabakiri/Horseshue pattern

Vausabakiri on ilmselt universaalne muster. Sobib paljudele lõngadele, muuhulgas linasele. On lihtne (sobib algajale kudujale). Veel on tal hulk kasulikke omadusi, millest räägin kunagi hiljem.
Horseshue pattern is probably a universal sitch pattern. It is suitable for many yarns, linen included. It is easy (fine for beginners). It has a whole lot of useful characteristics that I will talk about sometimes later.

laupäev, 5. mai 2012

Tumepunane/Dark red

Kartsin juba, et seegi värv on kapriisne ja ei taha piltidel välja tulla, aga Kristiina kinnitas, et sellega on lihtsam, kui türkiisiga. Kudum ise on üsna minimalistlik. Piltidel, kus jakki seljas pole, on näha, et põhiline on siin konstruktsioon ja siluett. Tänan piltide eest, Kristiina!
I was already worried that this colour will be moody as well and would not show appropriately in the pictures but Kristiina reasured me that it is easier than in the case of turquoise. The garment is quite minimalist. In the pictures where I don't wear a cardigan you can see that it is the construction and the shape that is emphasized here. Thanks for the pictures, Kristiina!


Lõngaga olen rahul. Ei ole liiga jäme, sobib reljeefseteks mustriteks.
I am quite satisfied with the yarn. Not too thick and stitch definition is great.
Ravelry link

reede, 4. mai 2012

Uued lõngad W&W poes/New yarns at W&W shop

Eile sai W&W poes imetleda uusi suvelõngu. Tore, et lõngad on pooli peal, saab kohe väikse proovilapi kududa ja otsustada, kas tahta või mitte.
Yesterday I had a chance to admire new summer yarns at W &W shop. It is awfully nice that the yarns are on bobbins and you can make a small swatch immediately in order to decide whether you want it.
Värve ja koostiseid oli mitmesuguseid: küll lina ja viskoosi segu, küll paela moodi lõngad, küll nöörjad.
There was plenty of colours and fibers: linen-rayon blends, tape yarns, rope-like yarns.
Keritakse ja ostetakse.
The yarns are being wound and bought.
Rõõmsad uudistajad ja ostjad.
Happy admirers and buyers.
Ei pea kohe endale suurt hulka ostma, rõõmu saab lõngade vaatamisest ja teiste kudujatega suheldes.
You don't have to buy a lot, it is fun just to look at the yarns and to talk to fellow knitters.
Aitäh kõigile, tore oli!
Thank you, everybody, it was fun.