First of all, the white cardigan. I have this much (a vest prototype):
Muster on lihtne, aga seda on mõnus kududa. Siin näeb seda lähemalt:
The stitch pattern is easy but quite nice to knit. Here is a closer view:
Side view:
Ruth, tänan piltide eest! Mul oli seljas Baklažaani-nimeline vest. Otsustasime, et võiks ka sellest uusi pilte teha:
Ruth, thank you for the pictures! I had my Baklažaan (Aubergine) named vest. We decided to take new picutres:
Täna sain rõõmsa teate Tiinalt, kes oli proovikudujaks. Nüüd tema vest sai valmis mõningate modifikatsioonidega (pisut pikem) ja pealegi hästi tuntud lõngast, nimelt Dropsi alpakast. Eksootilise lõnga (s.o. välismaalaste, mitte meie jaoks) pakkumine õpetuses võib tekitada raskusi, nii et antud juhul läks hästi, et Dropsi alpaka ja Elotroi Liisu on jämeduse poolest sarnased. Tiina vesti saab näha siin ja siin. Varsti tuleb tasuta õpetus.
Today I received good news from Tiina who was test-knitting for me. Now her vest is completed after some modifications (she made it a little bit longer) and, what's more, from a well known yarn, namely, Drops alpaca. Suggesting exotic yarns (that is, exotic not to us but to foreigners) may create problems, so it all went well, Drops alpaca and Elotroi Liisu are approximately of the same weight. Tiina's vest can be seen here and here. The pattern (free) will appear soon.
Midagi uut Pronksi poes: saabus järjekordne hulk peenvillast (pitsilõnga). Värve on palju:
Something new from Pronksi shop: a new portion of thin wool (laceweight) has arrived. Plenty of colours:

See värv meeldis mulle väga, pildistasin eraldi. See on n-ö "minu" roheline.
See värv meeldis mulle väga, pildistasin eraldi. See on n-ö "minu" roheline.
I liked this colour very much and took a separate picture. It is "my" green, so to say.