Kui täna Pronksi poodi jõudsin, mohäärid Leedust olid juba saabunud. Need on Alvita Kid mohäärid, samu värve müüakse ka toki kaupa, aga nüüd saab osta pooli pealt (seega saab kerida lasta just niipalju, kui on vaja). Kahju vaid, et "minu värve" eriti pole.
As I got to the Pronksi yarn shop today, mohair had arrived from Lithuania. These are Alvita Kid mohair yarns, the same colours are available in balls but now one can get them from bobbins (you can have the exact quantity you need). Regrettably, "my colours" are not among them.

Sall sai pingutatud ja pildistatud. Ei saanud õiget värvi pildi peale, kogu aeg tuli liiga hall, seetõttu tegin pildi must-valgeks, vähemalt muster on nähtav.
The scarf has been blocked and pictures taken. I could not get a picture with the right colour, it appeared too grey all the time, so I rendered it black-and-white and at least the stitch is visible.

Minu ürp. Nüüd kere osa on valmis. Enne varrukate alustamist oli pilt selline:
Now my wrap. The torso part is ready. Before starting the sleeves, the picture was as follows:

Ja eest:
And the front:

Kudumisklubis ei ole veel eriti palju liikmeid. Loodan, et asi paraneb. Siiski,
Terje tuli kohale ja kudusime koos.
The knitting club has not yet gained many members. I hope it will improve. Still, Terje came and we knitted together.

Ja Anu tuli ka ühispilidle.
And Anu joined us for a picture to be taken.

Veel niipalju huvitavat, et
Terhi oli parajasti Tallinnas ja astus poodi just siis, kui meie seal kudusime. Nüüd tutvusime ka reaalselt, enne olime suhelnud vaid virtuaalselt. Võib-olla tuleb ta uuesti kevadel, siis on rohkem aega.
And on top of that, Terhi was in Tallinn and entered the store exactly as we were knitting there. Now we got acquainted in the real world and before that we had communicated only in the virtual world. Maybe she will come again in Spring and there will be more time.