Sain sviitri valmis, kuigi konstruktsiivses mõttes ei ole siin midagi uut. Aga mõnikord on hea n-ö läbi kududa vana läbiproovitud mall. Antud juhul lõngade vaheldus töötas hästi kokku triibulise mustriga. Korralikud pildid kunagi sel nädalal.
I finished the sweater, although there is nothing new as far as the construction is concerned. Still, sometimes it is good to knit up an old and trustworthy model. In this case alternation between yarns worked well together with the striped pattern. Proper pictures some time this week.
esmaspäev, 30. september 2013
reede, 27. september 2013
Hea Villa näitus/Good Wool Exhibition
Vill on muidugi hea, aga siin on jutt Hea Villa Seltsi näitusega. Tallinnas Eesti Käsitöö Maja galeriis (Pikk 22) võib vaadata pestud ja pesemata villa, näha käsitsi kedratud lõngu, lugeda lammaste ja villasortide kohta. Kahju ainult, et lõnga osta ei saa. Hakkasin juba unistama, et lähen näitusele ja ostan sealt kampsunijagu lõnga. Hea Villa Seltsi koduleht on siin. Seltsiliikmed on ka blogipidajad, võib vaadata nende kodulehti.
Wool is definitely good but I am talking about the exhibition organized by Good Wool Society (Hea Villa Selts). If you are in Tallinn (Eesti Käsitöö Maja galerii, address Pikk 22), you can see washed and unwashed wool, hand-spun yarns, as well as read about lambs and wool sorts. It's a pity you cannot buy wool there. I was already dreaming about going to the exhibition and buying wool for a sweater. The hompage of the Society is here (in Estonian only). The members have their blogs and you can just follow the links.
Wool is definitely good but I am talking about the exhibition organized by Good Wool Society (Hea Villa Selts). If you are in Tallinn (Eesti Käsitöö Maja galerii, address Pikk 22), you can see washed and unwashed wool, hand-spun yarns, as well as read about lambs and wool sorts. It's a pity you cannot buy wool there. I was already dreaming about going to the exhibition and buying wool for a sweater. The hompage of the Society is here (in Estonian only). The members have their blogs and you can just follow the links.
neljapäev, 26. september 2013
Igavene küsimus: varrukate pikkus/Eternal question: the length of the sleeves
Tõesti, pole aimu, mida teha. Proovisin selga, tundus, et lühike varrukas on päris kena. Pealegi mul on seda tüüpi sviitreid pika ja 3/4 varrukaga. Samas kuna kasutan ka mohääri, ei ole see päris suvine kudum.
Really, I have no idea about what I should do. I tryed it on and it appeared that a short sleeve looks rather nice. Besides, I have a sweater with long sleeves and 3/4 sleeves in a similar style. At the same time, I am using mohair as well and it is not quite a summer knit.
Palun arvamusi!
Please tell me what you think!
Really, I have no idea about what I should do. I tryed it on and it appeared that a short sleeve looks rather nice. Besides, I have a sweater with long sleeves and 3/4 sleeves in a similar style. At the same time, I am using mohair as well and it is not quite a summer knit.
Palun arvamusi!
Please tell me what you think!
teisipäev, 24. september 2013
Kooskudumine Ravelrys/Knitting along on Ravelry
Annan teada, et varsti algab uus kooskudumine Ravelrys. Koome koos Kahevärvilist sviitrit:
This is to let you know that a new KAL on Ravelry will start soon. We will knit together the Double-coloured sweater:
This is to let you know that a new KAL on Ravelry will start soon. We will knit together the Double-coloured sweater:
Kõik üksikasjad on Ravelrys Artemis Adornments rühmas siin.
All details are on Ravelry in the Artemis Adornments group here.
laupäev, 21. september 2013
3 korda must/3 times black
Kristiina tõi mulle Austraaliast musta bambust. Ta teab, et mulle meeldib must. Küsimus on aga selles, et bambus võib välja venida, seetõttu oleks vaja talle kaaslast. Esialgu mõtlesin, et panen kokku mohääriga. Siis aga tekkis selline mõte, et kombineerin, aga ei koo 2 lõnga korraga, vaid teen triibud. Mohääriga sobib kokku Dropsi Glitter, mis vaevu helgib, samas annab tugevust.
Kristiina brought me some black bamboo from Australia. She knows I like black. However, the problem is that bamoo can be rather stretchy, that is why it needs a companion. I thought in the beginning that I will put it together with mohair. Then it occured to me that I will combine them but not knit 2 strands together; instead, I will make stripes. Glitter by Drops goes well together with mohair, its shine is almost invisible but it gives some structure to the fabric.
Neist kolmest tegin niisuguse proovilapi. Tean, et musta on päris raske pildistada, aga mulle meeldib väga seda kanda.
From these three I made this swatch. I know that black is difficult to photograph but I like wearing it very much.
Kristiina brought me some black bamboo from Australia. She knows I like black. However, the problem is that bamoo can be rather stretchy, that is why it needs a companion. I thought in the beginning that I will put it together with mohair. Then it occured to me that I will combine them but not knit 2 strands together; instead, I will make stripes. Glitter by Drops goes well together with mohair, its shine is almost invisible but it gives some structure to the fabric.
Neist kolmest tegin niisuguse proovilapi. Tean, et musta on päris raske pildistada, aga mulle meeldib väga seda kanda.
From these three I made this swatch. I know that black is difficult to photograph but I like wearing it very much.
neljapäev, 19. september 2013
Mitmeid mõtteid/Various thoughts
Mulle meeldib kanda lihtsaid asju (ka kudumeid), lisades markantseid ehteid jm dramaatilisi detaile. Oma stiili iseloomustaks väljendiga "dramaatiline minimalism". Kuidas aga teha nii, et lihtsaid kudumeid oleks ühtlasi huvitav kududa? Mõnikord ripskude või labane parem-/pahempidine on hea lahendus (lõnga olemuse tõttu), aga kogu aeg ei tahaks niimoodi kududa. Mõtlesin, et võiks proovida palmikuid, nad on piisavalt jõulised. Püüan oma mõtteid veel täpsemalt sõnastada. Muuseas leidsin niisuguse kena lehekülje, kus on palju mustreid, k.a. palmikud. Vaadake ka!
I like to wear simple garments (including knitwear) with an addition of noticable pieces of jewelry and other dramatics details. I would describe my style as "dramatic minimalism". But how can one make knitting of simple knitwear interesting at the same time? Sometimes garter stitch or (reversed) stockinette is a fine solution (because of the nature of a particular yarn) but I don't want to knit in this way all the time. I think I could try cables, they are quite powerful (again this Estonian word "jõuline" that is so difficult to translate!). I will try to formulate my thoughts in a more precise manner. By the way, I came across this lovely site with a lot of stitch patterns, including cables. Please have a look!
I like to wear simple garments (including knitwear) with an addition of noticable pieces of jewelry and other dramatics details. I would describe my style as "dramatic minimalism". But how can one make knitting of simple knitwear interesting at the same time? Sometimes garter stitch or (reversed) stockinette is a fine solution (because of the nature of a particular yarn) but I don't want to knit in this way all the time. I think I could try cables, they are quite powerful (again this Estonian word "jõuline" that is so difficult to translate!). I will try to formulate my thoughts in a more precise manner. By the way, I came across this lovely site with a lot of stitch patterns, including cables. Please have a look!
teisipäev, 17. september 2013
Tõsiselt soe jakk/A seriously warm jacket
Mõni aeg tagasi valminud jakk on nüüd pildistatud. Kristiina, suur tänu!
A jacket finished some time ago has been photographed. Kristiina, many thanks!
Lõng/Yarn: Aade lõng 8/2 (100 % vill/wool, 100 g/400 m) kahekordselt/held double.
Vardad/Needles: 5,5 mm
Ma ei tea, kui palju lõnga kulus, peaks kaaluma.
I don't know how much yarn I've used up, I should get it weighed.
A jacket finished some time ago has been photographed. Kristiina, many thanks!
Lõng/Yarn: Aade lõng 8/2 (100 % vill/wool, 100 g/400 m) kahekordselt/held double.
Vardad/Needles: 5,5 mm
Ma ei tea, kui palju lõnga kulus, peaks kaaluma.
I don't know how much yarn I've used up, I should get it weighed.
pühapäev, 15. september 2013
Uus algus/A new beginning
Pole eriti aega kirjutada. Pean midagi läbi mõtlema, selgusele jõudma ja siis kirjutan põhjalikumalt, kiirustades pole mõtet. Näitan pilte, mis on töös. Hoiatan, et värv on vale.
I don't have very much time to write. I have to think over certain things and to achieve clarity and then will write more, since it does not make sense to post in a hurry. Here is what I am working on. Warning: the colour is all wrong.
Sakilisi jakke valmib järjest. Kui on huvi, vaadake Mia blogist ja Maretis blogist.
More and more zigzag jackets are being finished. If you care, take a look in Mia's blog and Maret's blog.
I don't have very much time to write. I have to think over certain things and to achieve clarity and then will write more, since it does not make sense to post in a hurry. Here is what I am working on. Warning: the colour is all wrong.
Sakilisi jakke valmib järjest. Kui on huvi, vaadake Mia blogist ja Maretis blogist.
More and more zigzag jackets are being finished. If you care, take a look in Mia's blog and Maret's blog.
neljapäev, 12. september 2013
Jälle diagonaalid/Diagonals again
Ma ei väsi diagonaalidest. Sain valims selle lihtsa salli, korralikud pildid kunagi järgmisel nädalal. Olen lõngaga rahul. See sobiks kokku mohääriga. Nüüd on Midara lõngu saada ka Tallinnas Pärl ja Lõngad poest (Solarise keskuses).
I cannot get enough of diagonals. I have finished this simple scarf and proper pictures are due some time next week. I am pleased with the yarn. It is combinable with mohair. Now Midara yarns are available in Tallinn as well at Pärl ja Lõngad shop (Solaris centre).
I cannot get enough of diagonals. I have finished this simple scarf and proper pictures are due some time next week. I am pleased with the yarn. It is combinable with mohair. Now Midara yarns are available in Tallinn as well at Pärl ja Lõngad shop (Solaris centre).
esmaspäev, 9. september 2013
Mitmesugust/Various matters
Minu eksperiment (vt eelmine postitus) ei kandnud vilja. Ilmselt pitsimustri ja ripskoe kudumistiheduse erinevuse tõttu ei kasvanud kudum ühtlaselt, pitsiosa on pikem. Ja kudumistiheduse vahe oli kuidagi liiga ilmne. Muidugi võiks seda omadust ka teadlikult kasutada, aga lükkan eksperimendi edaspidiseks. Asi on selles, et pean kingituse valmis saama teatud ajaks. Mõtlesin, et olgu lihtne diagonaalse mustriga sall. Kingisaaja kannab ka hea meelega musta ja on pigem minimalist.
My experiment (see the previous post) has not been fruitful. Probably, because of the difference in the gauge of the lace part and the garter part the fabric did not grow evenly and the lace part was longer. And the difference in the gauge was somehow too apparent. Of course you can use this feature consciously but I decided to postpone the experiment. The thing is that I have to finish the present on time. I think it could be a simple scarf with a diagonal pattern. The recepient is also fond of black and has a rather minimalist taste.
Ja vanadest asjadest. Mõnikord on nii, et kudum meeldib, aga mingil põhjusel ei kanna seda. Siis on hea kellelegi kinkida. Üks talvel kootud sviiter on leidnud uue omaniku. Sain ka pildid, aitäh, Monika!
And some old matters. Sometimes you like the finished knit but for some reason you don't wear it. It is good to give a present to someone. One of the sweaters I made in winter has found a new owner. I have the pictures, too, thanks, Monika!
My experiment (see the previous post) has not been fruitful. Probably, because of the difference in the gauge of the lace part and the garter part the fabric did not grow evenly and the lace part was longer. And the difference in the gauge was somehow too apparent. Of course you can use this feature consciously but I decided to postpone the experiment. The thing is that I have to finish the present on time. I think it could be a simple scarf with a diagonal pattern. The recepient is also fond of black and has a rather minimalist taste.
And some old matters. Sometimes you like the finished knit but for some reason you don't wear it. It is good to give a present to someone. One of the sweaters I made in winter has found a new owner. I have the pictures, too, thanks, Monika!
laupäev, 7. september 2013
Rätiku ja salli vahepealne/Something between a shawl and a scarf
Alustasin uut kudumit. Modifitseerin pisut juba tuttavat konstruktsiooni. Ainult et ei tule päris kolmnurkne: keskel tuleb sirge osa ilma kasvatusteta.
I started a new knit. I am modifying a familiar construction. It will not be a triangle: there will be a straight section without decreases in the middle.
Lõng on hea tuttav Roma (Midara), 100 % villane, 100 g/750 m. Pildil on näha, et on alanud sirge sektsioon.
The yarn is the old good Roma (Midara), 100 % wool, 100 g/750 m. The picture demonstrates that the straight section has already been started.
I started a new knit. I am modifying a familiar construction. It will not be a triangle: there will be a straight section without decreases in the middle.
Lõng on hea tuttav Roma (Midara), 100 % villane, 100 g/750 m. Pildil on näha, et on alanud sirge sektsioon.
The yarn is the old good Roma (Midara), 100 % wool, 100 g/750 m. The picture demonstrates that the straight section has already been started.
neljapäev, 5. september 2013
Käsitöö Sügis 2013/Käsitöö magazine Autumn 2013
Ajakiri ilmus juba hulk aega tagasi. Siin on mõned tuttavad ja mitte väga tuttavad mudelid.
The magazine is out for quite some time. Here are some familiar and not so familiar knits.
Rohelist jakki pole ma siin näidanud. Panen kunagi kevadel tehtud pildi.
I have not shown the green jacket before. This picture was taken sometimes in spring.
The magazine is out for quite some time. Here are some familiar and not so familiar knits.
Rohelist jakki pole ma siin näidanud. Panen kunagi kevadel tehtud pildi.
I have not shown the green jacket before. This picture was taken sometimes in spring.
esmaspäev, 2. september 2013
Lilla raglaan/Purple raglan
Näitan nüüd oma raglaani. Ilm muutub kalendri järgi, nüüd on september ja vastav ilm, nii et varsti läheb selliseid sviitreid vaja. Kirstiinale suur tänu pildistamast!
Here is my raglan. The weather is changing in accordance with the calendar, it is september and the weather is appropriate to that month, so such sweaters will be needed quite soon. Many thanks to Kristiina for the pictures!
Lõng/Yarn: 1) Hommage (Online), 76 % mohäär/mohair, 24 % nailon/nylon, 25 g/230 m, ~ 65 g; 2) Merino Lace (Austermann), 100 % meriino/merino, > 50 g
Vardad/Needles: 4,5 mm, 5,5 mm
Here is my raglan. The weather is changing in accordance with the calendar, it is september and the weather is appropriate to that month, so such sweaters will be needed quite soon. Many thanks to Kristiina for the pictures!
Lõng/Yarn: 1) Hommage (Online), 76 % mohäär/mohair, 24 % nailon/nylon, 25 g/230 m, ~ 65 g; 2) Merino Lace (Austermann), 100 % meriino/merino, > 50 g
Vardad/Needles: 4,5 mm, 5,5 mm
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