reede, 29. juuni 2012


Seekord on jutt lühike. Lahendan järjekordset probleemi. Mõtlen, milline peaks olema sats. Mitte selline. Mis on hea mohäärile ja peenvillasele, ei pruugi olla hea puuvillale. Kas sats on antud juhul üldse õige disainielement, on ka küsimus.
This time I will be brief. I am solving another problem. I am thinking, what kind of ruffle would be suitable. Not like this one. What is good for mohair and laceweight wool, is not necessarily good for cotton. And whether ruffles are a right kind of design element here is yet another question.

teisipäev, 26. juuni 2012

Kooskudumine ja kingitus/Knitting together and a gift

Täna sain kokku Annega, kes tuli Soomest üle hulga aja (vasakul) ja Avega (paremal). Nagu näha, mõlemad koovad usinasti. Mõlemad alustavad kolmnurkset rätikut.
Today I met with Anne who arrived from Finland after a long break (left) and with Ave (right). As you can see, both knit diligentrly. Both are in the beginning of a triangular shawl.
Selle pildi tegi Ave. Nagu näha, mina pole nii usin, vaatan kaamerasse. Ja ei koo rätikut, vaid midagi muut.
This picture was made by Ave. As you can see, I am not very diligent, I am looking into the camera. And I am not knitting a shawl but something else.

See oli päris kena kohtumine, vaatamata vihmasele ilmale. Jõudsin koju ja kodus oli ootamas selline üllatus!
It was a nice meeting despite of the rainy weather. I got home where this surprise had been waiting for me!
Lidia on hea sõber Ravelryst. Suhtleme tihti, vahetame arvamusi. Loen tema blogi ja tema loeb minu oma. Selge, et Eestis ja USA-s on väga erinev lõngavalik. Muidugi saab meie ajal tellida internetist, aga tavaliselt ma seda ei tee, sest tahan lõnga katsuda ja veenduda, et värv on sobiv. Ja lõnga puudust Eestis pole. Samas on väga tore ja õpetlik kududa mõnest tundmatust lõngast. Ja üllatuslõng on tõesti kena, eriti, kui värv ja tekstuur sobib. See on Shibui firma 100 % linane, 50 g/225 m. Lõng on nagu peenike kootud nöör. Aitäh, Lidia!
Lidia is my good friend from Ravelry. We often correspond and exchange opinions. I regularly read her blog and she does mine. It is clear that Estonia and USA differs much as far as yarn choice is concerned. Of course, nowadays you can order yarns via internet but I usually don't do this because I want to touch the yarn and to be sure about colours. And there is no lack of yarn in Estonia. At the same time, it is nice and instructive to knit something from an unknown yarn. And a surprise yarn is really nice especially when the colour and the texture are pleasant. This one is 100 % linen (by Shibui), 50 g/225 m. The yarn is like a thin knitted rope. Thank you, Lidia!

pühapäev, 24. juuni 2012

Vana muster uutmoodi/An old stitch pattern in a new way

Mulle meeldib otsida tuttavate mustrite variatsioone. Siis näeb mustri kohandamisvõimalusi. Haapsalu salli raamatus on vist tavaline eesti variant, kus kõik silmused on parempidised. Seal nimetatakse seda "tornikirjaks". Ma ei tea, kas sellel mustril on olemas konventsionaalne ingliskeelne nimi. Nt Vogue Knitting Stitchionary 5. osas on selle nimi "pretty plumage". Hiina ja jaapani mustrikogumikes on erineva laiusega variante, kõige kitsam on vist 8 silmust. Kusagil nägin pilti, kus laius on traditsiooniline, 10 silmust, aga on ka pahempidiseid silmuseid. Tundus just sobiv. Siin on tööpilt (pesemata ja pingutamata).
I like to look for variations of a familiar stitch pattern. Then you can see possibilities for adaptation. Haapsalu Shawl book probably has a traditional Estonian version with all knit stitches. It is called "tornikiri" (tower stitch) there. I have no idea whether the stich has a conventional name in English. For instance, Vogue Knitting Stitchionary lables it "pretty plumage". Chinese and Japanese stitch dictionaries present versions with different width, the narrowest is probably 8 stitches. I have seen a photo somewhere where the width is traditional (10 stitches) but with purl stitches. It seemed to be exactly what I need. Here is a working picture (nor moistened nor blocked)-

neljapäev, 21. juuni 2012

Tõeline roheline/Real Green

Kristiina, aitäh piltide eest! See on tõeline roheline! Tänase ilma puhul üsna soe kudum, kuid teatavasti on Eesti suvi lühike, nii et on palju võimalusi kanda sooje kudumeid. Ma ei koo hooaja järgi, mõnikord koon paksu villast keset suvepalavust ja kerget linast suure pakasega. Oleneb, mis ideid parajasti on.
Kristiina, thanks for the pictures! This is the Real Green! It is a bit hot for today's weather but as you all know Estonian summer is short and there will be a lot of time to wear knits. I usually do not work according to seasons, sometimes I knit thick woolen garments in the middle of a hot summer and light linen wear during a cold winter.


kolmapäev, 20. juuni 2012


Mõtlesin, et kuigi varruka ja külje mustri erinevus pole suur, eklektilisus häirib siiski. Õnneks oli lihtne parandada. Varruka muster on samasugune, nagu külje muster, ainult kitsam. Nüüd ei ole mul tunnet, et korraga on liiga palju erinevaid asju, mis kokku ei kuulu.
I was thinking that even if the difference between the patterns on the sleeves and on the sides is not big, a general eclectic impression bothers me. Luckily it was easy to improve the whole thing. Now pattern on the sleeve is basically the same as on the sides, only narrower. And I don't have this feeling that there are too many different things that do not belong together.
Niisutatud ja kuivamas.
Moistend and drying. 

pühapäev, 17. juuni 2012


Tavaliselt olen mustrite kombineerimisel väga ettevaatlik. Ei tea, mis nüüd juhtus. Tundub, et asi on päris eklektiline. Kõigil piltidel on täitsa vale värv, see on tegelikult tumeroheline. Esimesel pildil on muster, mis asub õlal ja varruka keskel.
Usually I am very careful in combination of different patterns. What is it now? It seems that the whole thing is rather eclectic. The colour is completely wrong in all pictures, in reality it is dark green. In the first picture you see the stich on the shoulders and in the middle of the sleeve.
Siin on küljemuster. Tegelikult sama, ainult erineva laiusega ja ümberringi pole õhksilmuseid ja kokkukootud silmuseid.
And here is the pattern on the side. Actually, it is the same, only the width is different and it is not surrounded by yarnovers and k2 tog's.
Ja see on põhimuster. Esialgu mõtlesin, et ei ole kindel, aga nüüd meeldib see mulle tõsiselt.
And here is the main pattern. At first I thought I was not sure but now I like it quite a lot.
Kõik muu, istuvus jms on korras. Küsimus: kas pole liiga palju erinevaid asju koos?
Everything else, the fit etc is fine. The question is: isn't there too much different things piled up?

reede, 15. juuni 2012

Rohelise lõnga otsingul/In search of a green yarn

Mõnikord võtan endale pähe, et tuleb teatud värvi kudum. Hakkasin otsima sobivat rohelist. Paistab, et rohelisega on probleeme. Punane on isegi kapriisne värv (nt mulle sobivad sellised varjundid, kus pole roosakat, oranžikat ega pruunikat varjundit), aga rohelisega paistab lugu veel hullem olevat. Mis teha, oliivikarva jms heledamad/soojemad toonid ei sobi, siis oleks vaja smaragdrohelist või sinakasrohelist. Ja kui on veel hulk kitsendusi, nt mingil põhjusel ei sobi mohäär jne, siis on päris raske. Kas lõng meeldib, aga pole õiget rohelist, või on õiget tooni, aga lõng ei sobi kavandatud mustriks. Siiski tundub, et sain, mida vajan. Pildil on värv sinakam, kui tegelikkuses. Nagu näha, ka pärast niisutamist ei kadunud reljeef kuhugi. Eks siis vaatame, aga värviga olen rahul.
Sometimes I get an idea that the next project should be of a certain colour. I started looking for a suitable green yarn. It appears that green is a problem. Red is a moody colour enough (for instance, only those shades suit me that have neither pinkish, orange  nor brownish hues), but it seems that with green it even more complicated. What can I do if olive green and other fair/warm shades do not suit me; I need emerald green or blueish green. And if there is a whole bunch of other limitations (for instance, mohair is not a choice), then it is really difficult. For instance, the yarn is suitable but there is no right kind of green, or the colour is perfect but the fiber is not good for a particular stitch pattern. Still, I think I've got what I need. In the picture the colour is more blueish than in reality. As you can see, after drying the stitch definition has not disappeard. Well, we shall see but at least I am satisfied with the colour.

kolmapäev, 13. juuni 2012

Suure vardaga kiiresti/With big needles and fast

On kudujaid, kes ei taha töötada 3 mm-st jämedama vardaga! Vastupidi, on neid, kes ei taha midagi peenemat kui 4 mm. Mul pole mingeid reservatsioone. Kui on vaja, koon ka 1,5 mm vardaga, olen kudunud ka 12 mm-ga. Vahelduseks aga on päris tore kududa suure vardaga. See jakk sai väga kiiresti valmis.
There are knitters who do not wish to work with needles thicker than 3 mm! In contrast to that there are some who do not want anything thinner than 4 mm. I have no reservations. When needed, I knit also with 1.5 mm but I have also knitted with 12 mm. For a change, it is rather pleasant to knit with big needles. This jacket materialized in no time.

Pildite eest tanän Estat, W&W poe müüjat.
Esta of W&W yarnshop, thank you for taking pictures.

pühapäev, 10. juuni 2012

2 1-s, 2. osa ja kooskudumine/2 in 1, Part 2 and knitting together

Nüüd näitan 2. osa, esimene on siin. Kristiina, tänan piltide eest!
Now I am presenting Part 2, you can see Part 1 here. Kristiina, thanks for the pictures!

Mitmed inimesed, kes on näinud mõlemat osa korraga, ei saanud aru, mida on neil kudumitel ühist. Kas oskate ära arvata? Konstruktsioon on sama, aga veel?
Several people who saw both garments at once could not figure out what these knits have in common. Can you guess? The construction is the same but what else?

Meil oli eile päris kena kooskudumine. Kohal olid soome kudujad Mia, Helena ja Tuija, meie seltskonnast olid: Kristiina, Ave ja mina. Eks külalised ise räägi oma blogides, mis lõngu nad Eestist hankisid!
Yesterday we had a beautiful knitting together. Finnish knitters Mia, Helena and Tuija visited us and our group was present: Kristiina, Ave and me. Let the guests tell in their blogs what yarns they purchased in Estonia!
Aitäh kõigile! Thank you all! Kiitos kaikille!

laupäev, 9. juuni 2012

2 1-s, 1. osa/2 in 1, Part 1

Sviiter on valmis. Värvid sobivad Helinile suurepäraselt. Nagu tema jaoks loodud.
The sweater is finished. The colours are perfect for Helin. As if created especially for her.

Ma ei hakka uuesti kirjutama Raasiku lõnga võludest. Vaadake ise. Aga nagu pealkirjast näha, see on üks osa. Varsti tuleb teine, nii et külastage mind palun varsti uuesti.
I am not going to describe the magic of the Raasiku factory yarn. You can see for yourself. And as you understand from the title, this is Part 1 of 2. The second is coming soon, so please do visit by blog soon.

neljapäev, 7. juuni 2012

Veel mitmeid pilte/Some more pictures

Head lugejad, kahe ülemise pildi osas tuleb varsti selgus. Luban näidata midagi lähiajal.
Dear readers, as far as the two top pictures are concerned, everything will be clear soon. I promise to show something in the nearest future.

Siin on proovilapp. Suurepärane jäme linane lõng, mis on nagu nöör. Värvilt ebaühtlane, ei taha mingeid keerulisi mustreid (üksik ripsiriba keset parempidist pinda pole aga paha). Proovilapp on 6 mm vardal, tundub paras. Lõng on pärit W&W-st, hiljuti oli seal suur suvelõngade tutvustus/müük.
Here is a swatch. A wonderful thick linen yarn, something rope-like. The colour is somewhat uneven and does not tolerate complicated patterns (but a single row of garter stich amidst stockinette is not bad at all). The swatch is on 6 mm needles, seems suitable. The yarn is from W& W where recently a big presentation/sale of summer yarns took place recently.

esmaspäev, 4. juuni 2012

Kaks pilti/Two pictures

Esialgu näitan kaks pilti. Loodetavasti saab hiljem pikemalt rääkida ja rohkem näidata.
I am showing two pictures for starters. Hopefully, there will be more to tell and to show later.

laupäev, 2. juuni 2012

Mustrid ja nende kahandamine/Stitch patterns and decreasing

Räägime natuke tehnilist juttu. Tihti on selline lugu, et on vaja kahandusi teha, aga kuidas seda teha, kui on mõni pitsimuster? Ma ei taha öelda, et sellel probleemil on alati olemas lahendus, kuid paljud mustrid lubavad siiski midagi teha. On kasulik teha endale skeem. Põhiliselt on kaks võimalust: 1) kahandada mustrikorra äärest ja 2) kahandada mustrikorra seest. Esimesel pildil on täismustrikord:
Let us talk about some technical staff. It often happens that you need to make decreases but don't know how to do it since you have a lace pattern. I am not saying that the problem always has a solution but many stitch patterns let doing something about them. It is useful to draw a chart. In general, there are two possibilities: 1) to decrease at the edges and 2) to decrease from within. The first picture is a whole pattern repeat:
Õhksilmuste ja kokkukootud silmuste arv on tasakaalus. Järelikult, võib kududa 2 kokku mustri järgi, õhksilmust tegemata. Siis ei ole kahandus kaootiline, vaid korrapärane. Kui teha seda üks kord, väheneb mustrikord 2 silmuse võrra. Alumisel pildil on näide: 7. reas jätsin õhksilmuse välja (tühi ruut ei tähenda midagi, vaid näitlikustab, et silmust ei ole). 9.reas tegin vastavad muudatused. Järgmine mustrikord (joone kohal) on juba 15 silmusega.
The number of yarnovers and k2tog (or ssk) is in balance. That means that you can k2tog according to the pattern but without a yarnover. Thus, decreases will be regular and not chaotic. If you do this once, the stitch pattern will diminish by 2 stitches. The picture below is an example: in row 7 I omitted yarnover (an empty square has no value but demonstrates that there is no stich). In row 9 I restructured the pattern. The next pattern repeat (beyond the line) has now 15 stitches.

Veel üks asi, mis on mõnikord kasulik, nimelt poolik mustrikord. Kui muster on sümmeetriline, siis võib seda nõksu kasutada. Näiteks on meelepärane muster ja isegi õpetus, aga selgub, et täisarv mustrikordi ei mahu (nii võib juhtuda, kui lõng ja kudumistihedus on hoopis teistsugune, kui õpetuses kirjas, ja eriti siis, kui mustrikord on lai). Siis tuleb appi poolik mustrikord. Olen ise kasutanud seda mitmes õpetuses, kui on vaja kirjutada mitmele suurusele.
Another matter that may be sometimes useful is a half of a pattern repeat. When a pattern repeat is symmetrical, you can use the trick. For instance, you have a pattern repeat to your liking and possibly a pattern but it turns out that you cannot fit in a whole number of repeats (this can happen when the yarn and the gauge differes a lot from those in the instruction and especially when the pattern repeat is wide). In that case a half or pattern comes to rescue. I have used this solution in several patterns when I had to write for several sizes.