laupäev, 29. september 2018

Sall on valmis/The scarf is completed

Praegu näitan paar klõpsu.
Just a couple of shots now.

neljapäev, 27. september 2018

Rätikute töötuba laupäeval/Shawl construction class on Saturday

Kuulsin, et registreerunud on 12 inimest, täitsa palju. Ootan juba laupäeva.
I've heard that 12 people had signed up for the class, it is quite a lot. I am looking forward to the Saturday class.
Kõik osalejad saavad pealekauba ühe rätiku õpetuse (hiljem ilmub ka inglise keeles).
All participants will get a free shawl pattern (it will appear later in English as well).

teisipäev, 25. september 2018

Kasvab aeglasaelt/It is growing slowly

Kuna tegelen reisil muude asjadega ja pole eriti aega kududa, siis sall kasvab aeglaselt. Aga juba on aimu, milline ta tuleb.
As I am busy with other things on my trip and have little time to knit, the scarf is growing slowly. But you can get an idea what it is going to be.

pühapäev, 23. september 2018

Reisikudum/A travel knit

Tütre sviiter on juba niisuguses staadiumis, et ei tahaks lühikesele sõidule kaasa võtta. Kõik on selge, peaks kuduma u 20-25 cm alla. Samas on mul praegu mitu salli või rätikut järjekorras (ja potentsiaalselt veel üks sviitri tellims). Alustasin praegu salli Diteksasele (õpetus ilmub nende blogis). Järgmisena on sall Domus Linumile, sirbikujuline rätik ühele tellijale ja siis üks sall Adele's Mohair'ile.
My daughter's sweater is already at such a stage that I would not take it with me on trip. Everything is clear and I have to knit some 20-25 cm downards. At the same time I have a queue of several scarves or shawls (and potentially also a sweater order). I've started a shawl for Diteksas (the pattern will be on their blog). Next will be a scarf for Domus Linum, a sickle-shaped shawl on order and then another scarf for Adele's Mohair.
Muster on augkude ja sooniku vaheldus. Selgus, et see lõng ei armasta üldse ripsi.
The pattern is eyelets and ribbing alternation. It became clear that this yarn does not like garter stitch.

reede, 21. september 2018

Sviitrist ja muudest plaanidest/About the sweater and other plans

Sviiter edeneb, mõlemad varrukad on olemas, edasi on kõik lihtne.
The sweater is progressing, now both sleeves are finished and from now on it is quite easy.
Eelmises postituses lubasin rääkida varrukast. Nagu näete, kuna see on ovresized ja oma olemuselt sirge joonega sviiter, on ka käeauk sirge ja kõik varruka silmused korraga üles korjatud. Parema istuvuse jaoks tegin aga alguses natuke lühikesi ridu, siis varrukas on kere suhtes natuke diagonaalis.
In the previous post I promised to talk about the sleeve construction. As you see, since it an oversized sweater with no shaping, the armhole is straight as well and all sleeve stitches are picked up at once. However, for a better fit I made some short rows, so the sleeve has a slight angle.
Siin on ka muid detaile, aga sellest räägime, kui sviiter on valmis. Varem lubasin rääkida plaanidest. Kõik ei mahu ühte postitusse, aga kirjutan vähemalt natuke kahest järgmisest kudumist.
The sweater has some other details, too, but we shall talk about them after completion. Earlier I promised to write about my plans. I cannot fit everything into a single post but will give some idea at least about the two next knits.
Ülemisel pilidil on vana tuttav mohäär (vt siin). Seekord sellest tuleb sall, proovime, kuidas selle salli muster sobib mohäärile.
In the top pic you see an old acquaintance, mohair I used here. This time it will be a scarf, we shall see how this pattern looks in mohair.
Ja punane on ka vana tuttav kombinatsioon, Angora 2 ja Haapsalu. Sellest tuleb üks tellimus, sirbikujuline rätik. Tellijaga käisime Domus Linum poes, vaatasime rätikuid, talle meeldis eelmise aasta kruiisirätiku kuju ja muster, aga Eesti villane on tema jaoks liiga kare. Tuleb selline rätik, ainult teisest lõngast.
And the red yarns are also a familiar combination, Angora 2 and Haapsalu. It will be a knit on order, a sickle-shaped shawl. We visited Domus Linum store and she tried various shawls there and liked the shape and the stitch pattern of the cruise shawl from the last year but Estonian wool seemed too coarse for her. So it will be the same pattern but from different yarns.

kolmapäev, 19. september 2018

Sviiter tütrele/A sweater for my daughter

Teen nüüd tütrele sviitri, see on selle kollase mitte-identne kaksik. Laiuses on tihedus enam-vähem sama, aga  kõrguses (s.o. ridade tihedus) mitte. Seetõttu on kalkulatsioon sarnane, aga mitte päris sama. Varrukatel on pisut teistsugune konstruktsioon, aga sellest kirjutan hiljem, kui on rohkem kootud.
I am making a sweater for my daugther, it is a non-identical twin of this yellow sweater. The gauge in the width is more or less the same but not in the hight (that is, row gauge). For this reason my calculations is similar but not exactly te same. The sleeves have a slightly different construction but I will write about this once I will have knitted some more.

esmaspäev, 17. september 2018

Jakk on valmis/The cardi is completed

Nagu teate, vahepeal pidin pooleli jätma, sest lõnga ei jätkunud. Kudusin lõnga oodates muid asju. Sain valmis juba reedel, aga kahekordne linane lõng kuivab kaua ja ka praegu on jakk pisut niiske.
As you already know, I had to put it away for a while because I had run out of yarn. I knitted other things while waiting for the additional yarn to arrive. The cardi was completed already on Friday but it takes a lot of time for linen held double to dry and even now the cardi is slightly moist.
Lõng/Yarn: linane/linen (Siūlas), 100 g/500 m, ~ 500 g (kahekordselt/held double)
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm

laupäev, 15. september 2018

Veel salli pilte/More pics of the scarf

Sall tuli tõesti kerge ja meeldiv. Teen sellise veel Adele's Mohair lõngast (aga mitte mohäärist, vaid peenikesest meriinost). Õpetus tulemas. Plaanidest kirjutan järgmises postituses, sest ootamatult on tekkinud järjekord.
The scarf turned out really light and pleasant. I will make another of the kind from Adele's Mohair yarn (but not from mohair, rather from thin merino). Pattern is coming. I will write more about my plans in one of the nest posts because the queue has grown somehow unexcpectedly.
Alljärgnevate piltide värv on õige.
The colour in the following pictures is true.
Lõng/Yarn: Aade Lõng 8/1 (100 g/800 m), ~ 83 g (664 m)
Vardad/Needles: 4,5 mm

neljapäev, 13. september 2018

Sall on valmis/The scarf is completed

Pärast pesemist ja pingutamist tekkis mõnus koepind. Mõõtsin salli enne pesemist: 38 cm x 164 cm. Pärast pesemist on 38 cm x 202 cm. Nii et augulise mustri puhul peab arvestama, et venib pikkusesse. Kududes rullusid ääred mingil määral, pärast pingutamist enam mitte. Puhas villane on ikka väga tänuväärne lõng.
After washing and blocking the fabric became very pleasant. I measured the scarf prior to washing: 38 cm x 164 cm. After washing and blockin it is 38 cm x 202 cm. So you should count on stretching in the length after washing. While knitting, the edges were slightly curling but not after blocking. Pure wool is such a prescious fiber.
Hiljem pildistan ka õues.
Later I will take pictures outdoors.

teisipäev, 11. september 2018

Kohtumine Helsingis/A meeting in Helsinki

Eile kohtusime Helsingis Marianne, Adele ja paljude kohalike kudujatega. Villisilkki poe vägev sisustus.
Yesterday we got together in Helsinki: Marianne, Adele and many local knitters. Splendid interior of the Villisilkki store.
Rätikute hunnik. Minu oma on hall.
A pile of shawls. Mine is the grey one.
Adele räägib oma lõngadest ja värvikaardist.
Adele talks about her yarns and the range of colours she offers.
Adele pildistab minu rätikut.
Adele takes a picture of my shawl.

pühapäev, 9. september 2018


Kollase villase salli pidin alustama otsast peale. Ei tundunud õige. Nüüd vist sain järje peale.
I had to start the yellow scarf all over again. It did not seem right. Now it appears working.
Hiljem tuleb ka õpetus. Samuti tuletan meelde, et 29.09 toimub rätikute konstrueerimise töötuba, osalejad saavad tasuta uhiuue õpetuse.
There will be a pattern later. This is also to remind that 29.09 I am teaching shawl construction class and the participants will get a free brand-new pattern.

reede, 7. september 2018


Sain rätiku valmis, ei ole veel kaalunud, arvan, et kulus umbes 60-70 g, ehk 500-600 m vahel.
The shawl is finished and I have not yet weighed it, I think about 60-70 g or about 500-600 m was used up.

Õige värv on esimesel pildil. Õpetus tulemas.
The true colour is in the first picture. Pattern coming.

kolmapäev, 5. september 2018

Stockholmi rätik/Stockholm shawl

Burda Style Finland käsitöö kruiisi jaoks disainitud rätiku (Stockholm Shawl) õpetus on Ravelrys üleval.
The pattern for Stockholm Shawl for Burda Style Finlad handicraft cruise is live on Ravelry.
Nagu kogemus näitab, võib kududa ka linasest või villasest lõngast (alumisel fotol on linane variant Mezgimo Zona jaoks).
As extablished, you can use linen or wool (a linen version for Mezgimo Zona store in the bottom picture)

esmaspäev, 3. september 2018

Sama Angora 2-st/The same from Angora 2

Mul on Domus Linumist ka helesinist Angora 2 lõnga. Mõtlesin, et proovin sama mustrit sellest lõngast. Vardad on lausa 6 mm, see muster tahab jämedat varrast.
I also have some light blue Angora 2 from Domus Linum. I thought to try the same pattern in this yarn. I am using 6 mm needles because this stitch pattern requires thicker needles.
Pildil tundub peaaegu valge, aga tegelik värv on helesinine. Rätik kasvab kiiresti.
It appears almost white in the pictures but in reality it is lgiht-blue. The shawl is growing fast.

laupäev, 1. september 2018

Jätkame/Carrying on

Veel paar salli pilti. Ja must-valge on ikka väga hea variant, värve ei näe, aga näeb tekstuuri jms.
Some more pics of the scarf. And black-and-white photo is such a good option: although you cannot see colours, you see the texture.
Alustasin veel ühte nn isekalduvat rätikut, see on Aade Lõng 8/1-st, Domus Linum poe jaoks. Lõnga tõi tütar oma maakodust, eelmiselt omanikult on maamajas jäänud palju lõngajääke. Sain kohe aru, et see on just see lõng. Võrreldes esimese variandinga on siin üks väike muutus. Õpetus tuleb septembri lõpus.
I started yet another so-called self-slanting shawl, it is from Aade Lõng 8/1 wool for Domus Linum. My daughter brought the yarn from her country house, as the previous owner had left behind a lot of yarn leftowers. I immediately identified the yarn. Compared to the first version, there is a minor modification. Pattern coming in the end of September.