pühapäev, 14. mai 2017

Topp linasest ja villasest/Linen-wool top

Topi piltide eest tänan Maiut. Millegipärast tekkis mõnel pildil kummaline valgusefekt.
Thanks to Maiu for the pictures. For unknown reasons some pictures have a strange light effect.
Aga pole midagi, must topp on ikka must topp.
But this is not a problem, a black top remains a black top.
Leidsin internetilehe, kus saab tasuta mängida igasuguste efektidega.
I found an internet site where one can play with various photo effects for free.

Lõng/Yarn: 1) Lino (Katia), 100 % linane/linen, 50 g/150 m, ~ 600 m; 2) Haapsalu (Midara), 100 % vill/wool, 100 g/1400 m, ~ 600 m
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm, 3,5 mm

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