Nagu näha, mul on vestihakatis juba olemas. On kootud niipalju, et värvide vaheldus on nähtav.
As you can see I have a vest prototype already done. The size is enough to see the colour transition.
Sellest saab hõlmik. Praegu kasvatan igas parempidises reas 1 s kummaski otsas.
It will be a wrap. Now I increase 1 st at each edge in every right side row.
Ilmselt tuleb küljele nööp või paar. Arvan, et ilusate mustade nööpidega ei tohiks olla probleeme.
Probably there will be a button or a couple of buttons at the side. I belive, getting a beautiful black button should not pose a problem.
Nüüd hakkab must triip jälle punaseks minema. Värvid piltidel on enam-vähem õiged.
Now the black stripe is slowly changing into red. The colours in the pictures are more or less true.
pühapäev, 30. mai 2010
reede, 28. mai 2010
Mustri valimine/Choosing a stitch pattern
Mul on Evilla puna-musta lõnga. Iseenesest on lõng tuttav. Ometi on mustri valimine paras pähkel.
I have some Evilla red-black yarn. As the matter of fact, the yarn is familiar. Still, choosing a stitch pattern may be rather difficult.
Kumbagi värvi on raske pildistada, punane on punasem kui pildil.
It is difficult to capture both colours, the red should be more red than here.
Nüüd mustrite juurde. Mõnikord on nii, et näen mustrit ja see määrab kogu kudumi: lõnga jne. Siiski tavaliselt on teisiti. Minu jaoks on esimene konstruktsioon, mis määrab lõnga ja siis mustri. Või mõnikord on nii, et lõng määrab konstruktsiooni ja mustri. Tuttava lõnga puhul on teada, mis mustrid ja konstruktsioonid sobivad jne. Seega võiks öelda, et polegi probleemi. Ometi peab mul olema äratundmine, et just seda mustrit tahan. Mõned kordused on vältimatud, sest head mustrit tahaks kasutada mitmel pool, erinevates kudumites, erinevates kombinatsioondes jne. Samas tahaks midagi uut ka.
Now to the stitch patterns. Sometimes I see a stitch pattern and it determines the whole project: the yarn etc. However, usually it goes in a different way. For me the first thing is a construction that determines the yarn and then the stitch pattern. Or sometimes the yarn determines the construction and the pattern. If the yarn is familiar, you know what constructions and patterns are suitable etc. Thus, one can say, there is no problem in this case. Still, I have to realize that this is the stitch pattern I want. Some repetitions are inevitable because you want to use a nice stitch pattern in different projects, different combinations etc. At the same time you want something new.
Mõni muster annab end hästi kohendada ja mugandada. Täna hommikul proovisin ka lehemustreid, mis mulle tavaliselt meeldivad, ometi polnud seda tunnet, et on õige. Ei hakka lugejaid väsitama ega loetlema, mida kõike olen proovinud. Lõpuks mõtlesin, et olgu siis selline muster. Et ei oleks igav kududa, võib vahepeal teha mõne rea ripskoes.
Some patterns are easily adaptable and modifiable. Today in the morning I tried several leaf patterns that usually are to my liking; however, I did not get the feeling that these were right ones. I will not bore the readers and will not list everything I tried out. Finally I decided that it should be this pattern. In order to make knitting more exiting it is possible to knit some rows in garter stitch.
I have some Evilla red-black yarn. As the matter of fact, the yarn is familiar. Still, choosing a stitch pattern may be rather difficult.
Kumbagi värvi on raske pildistada, punane on punasem kui pildil.
It is difficult to capture both colours, the red should be more red than here.
Nüüd mustrite juurde. Mõnikord on nii, et näen mustrit ja see määrab kogu kudumi: lõnga jne. Siiski tavaliselt on teisiti. Minu jaoks on esimene konstruktsioon, mis määrab lõnga ja siis mustri. Või mõnikord on nii, et lõng määrab konstruktsiooni ja mustri. Tuttava lõnga puhul on teada, mis mustrid ja konstruktsioonid sobivad jne. Seega võiks öelda, et polegi probleemi. Ometi peab mul olema äratundmine, et just seda mustrit tahan. Mõned kordused on vältimatud, sest head mustrit tahaks kasutada mitmel pool, erinevates kudumites, erinevates kombinatsioondes jne. Samas tahaks midagi uut ka.
Now to the stitch patterns. Sometimes I see a stitch pattern and it determines the whole project: the yarn etc. However, usually it goes in a different way. For me the first thing is a construction that determines the yarn and then the stitch pattern. Or sometimes the yarn determines the construction and the pattern. If the yarn is familiar, you know what constructions and patterns are suitable etc. Thus, one can say, there is no problem in this case. Still, I have to realize that this is the stitch pattern I want. Some repetitions are inevitable because you want to use a nice stitch pattern in different projects, different combinations etc. At the same time you want something new.
Mõni muster annab end hästi kohendada ja mugandada. Täna hommikul proovisin ka lehemustreid, mis mulle tavaliselt meeldivad, ometi polnud seda tunnet, et on õige. Ei hakka lugejaid väsitama ega loetlema, mida kõike olen proovinud. Lõpuks mõtlesin, et olgu siis selline muster. Et ei oleks igav kududa, võib vahepeal teha mõne rea ripskoes.
Some patterns are easily adaptable and modifiable. Today in the morning I tried several leaf patterns that usually are to my liking; however, I did not get the feeling that these were right ones. I will not bore the readers and will not list everything I tried out. Finally I decided that it should be this pattern. In order to make knitting more exiting it is possible to knit some rows in garter stitch.
Proovilapp on väike, värvivaheldust veel pole. Muide, üleminekulõnga puhul on alati nii, et proovilapp ei anna täit ettekujutust, saab vaid näha mustrit. Proovilapp on väiksem, lõng jaotub teisiti kui päriskudumis, seetõttu värvivaheldus on nagu loterii.
The swatch is small and there is no transition of colours yet. By the way, with a variegated yarn it is always so that a swatch does give you the whole picture, you are only able to see the stitch pattern. A swatch is smaller and the yarn distribution is different than in a "real" project, that is why colour transition is like a lottery.
kolmapäev, 26. mai 2010
Linnasuvi/Urban summer
Nüüd on top valmis ja pildistatud. Mul oli kohe selge, et selle nimi on "Linnasuvi". Suvine, aga samas saab linnas kanda ja üldse on seline urbanistlik, kui see definitsioon sobib.
Now the top is finished and pictures taken. It was immediately clear to me that its name is "Urban summer". A summer top but at the same time quite suitable for wearing in the city and a kind of urban thing, if such a definition makes any sense.
Pildid on Pronksi poes tehtud.
The pictures are taken in the Pronksi yarn shop.
Now the top is finished and pictures taken. It was immediately clear to me that its name is "Urban summer". A summer top but at the same time quite suitable for wearing in the city and a kind of urban thing, if such a definition makes any sense.
Pildid on Pronksi poes tehtud.
The pictures are taken in the Pronksi yarn shop.
Pood on keldris, kus on palju ruumi. Leidsime pildistamiseks sellise koha:
The shop is in a rather spacious cellar. We found this place to take pictures:
Olen ise rahul, mul on nüüd must kudum olemas!
Olen ise rahul, mul on nüüd must kudum olemas!
I am quite glad because I have a black piece of knitwear!
teisipäev, 25. mai 2010
Midagi musta/something black
Tänan kõiki, kes salli ja selle mustrit kommenteerisid! Nüüd kinnitan, et viskoosisegune lõng kõlbab pitsisallideks ja rätikuteks küll! Aga nüüd midagi uut, alustasin üleeile õhtul.
Thank you all who commented on the scarf and the stitch pattern! Now I confirm that a rayon blend is suitable for lace scarves and shawls! And here is something new, started in the evening two days ago.
Lihtne minimalistlik konstruktsioon. Esimesel pildil on näha, et külgedel on mõned pahempidised read. Alumine äär tuleb ilmselt mõni rida ripskoes. Varrukatele koon veel mõne rea juurde ja samuti lõpetan ripskoega.
Thank you all who commented on the scarf and the stitch pattern! Now I confirm that a rayon blend is suitable for lace scarves and shawls! And here is something new, started in the evening two days ago.
Sest kuidas on võimalik, et mul pole musta kudumit! Must on mu lemmikvärve. Siin on passe osa lähemalt:
Because it is unbelievable that I have no black knitwear! Black is one of my favourite colours. Here is a close view of the yoke:
Lihtne minimalistlik konstruktsioon. Esimesel pildil on näha, et külgedel on mõned pahempidised read. Alumine äär tuleb ilmselt mõni rida ripskoes. Varrukatele koon veel mõne rea juurde ja samuti lõpetan ripskoega.
It is a simple minimalist construction. In the upper picture you can see some purl stitches on the sides. The lower edge will probably be in garter stitch. I will add some rows to the sleeves and end in garter stitch as well.
Lõng on pehme, hangitud Karnaluksist. Tootja kohta pole kahjuks mingit infot. Ravelry andmebaasis seda lõnga pole. Sellepärast panen siia sildi pildid.
The yarn is soft, I bought it in Karnaluks. Unfortunately there is no information about the manufacturer whatsoever. The yarn lacks from Ravelry data base. For this reason I am posting pictures of the label.
Lõngamüügi uudiseid: 5. juunil toimub Pronksi poes jälle Evilla lõngade müük. Tulge kindlasti ostma ja niisama vaatama!
Yarn sales news: Evilla yarn sale will take place at Pronksi shop (Viru 13, Tallinn). You are very welcom to buy and just to have a look!
Evilla lõng/Evilla yarn,
pühapäev, 23. mai 2010
Vesihall lehesall/Water-gray leaf scarf
Salli nimi sai selline Ruth abiga. Aitäh! See pilt on tehtud vanalinnas, nimelt Laboratooriumi tänava alguses.
The name of the scarf may sound clumsy in English but in Estonian it is a rhyme. Water-gray is a name for a light shade of gray in Estonian. The name was coined with the help of Ruth. Thank you! I took the picture in the Old Town at the beginning of Laboratooriumi street.
See on meie maja ees rohu sees.
This is on the grass in front of our house.
Kodus tegin veel mitmesuguseid pilte.
I took a variety of pictures at home.
The name of the scarf may sound clumsy in English but in Estonian it is a rhyme. Water-gray is a name for a light shade of gray in Estonian. The name was coined with the help of Ruth. Thank you! I took the picture in the Old Town at the beginning of Laboratooriumi street.
See on meie maja ees rohu sees.
This is on the grass in front of our house.
Kodus tegin veel mitmesuguseid pilte.
I took a variety of pictures at home.
By the way, the so-called wrong side looks fine as well.
Mõtlesin, et kaelas ei õnnestugi täna pildistada, pole fotograafi. Kuid abikaasa oli lahkesti nõus, siin on veel mõned pildid.
I thought I will not get pictures with me wearing the scarf, as there is no photographer. However, my husband kindly agreed to help, here are some more pictures.
Lõng/Yarn: Schachenmayer Nomotta Idena Brilliant (5o g/110 m), 4 tokki/4 skeins
Lõng/Yarn: Schachenmayer Nomotta Idena Brilliant (5o g/110 m), 4 tokki/4 skeins
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm
Pildid/Pictures: minu mees/my husband
Peab ütlema, et lõng kuivab suhteliselt kaua. Üleeile õhtul tegin märjaks ja pingutasin, eile oli veel niiske.
I have to say that the yarn dries relatively long. I moistened the scarf and blocked the day before yesterday and it was still damp yesterday.
reede, 21. mai 2010
Valmis ja kuivab/Finished and blocking
Olen juba palju kirjutanud, et mulle meeldib see muster. Täna lõpetasin, tegin salli märjaks ja pingutasin kergelt. Jäin mustrit imetlema. Tehniliselt väga lihtne, aga ometi nii võluv.
I have written many times that I like this stitch pattern. Today I finished and slightly blocked the scarf. I could not help admiring the stitch pattern. So easy technically but so charming.
Märjalt on värv pisut heledam, peaaegu valge. Loodetavasti homseks kuivab ära ja saab normaalseid pilte.
Märjalt on värv pisut heledam, peaaegu valge. Loodetavasti homseks kuivab ära ja saab normaalseid pilte.
The colour is slightly lighter when the fabric is moist, almost white. Hopefully it will get dry tomorrow and there will be normal pictures.
Mõeldes järgmisest kudumist käisin täna Karnaluksis. Sõbralik müüja ütles, et homme on kindlasti palju rahvast oodata, laupäeval tullakse Soomest. Üks soomlane olevat öelnud, et võikski sinna poodi ööseks jääda. Mõistan teda väga hästi. Soovitasin arendada lõnga- ja käsitööturismi. Kui on olemas ooperipaketid jms, miks mitte käsitööpaketid. Reisibüroo võiks
müüa nt laevapileteid, majutust ja varustada infoga oluliste lõngapoodide kohta. Kohapeal võiks olla mõni kooskudumine, lõngavabriku külastus, meistriklass jms. Kes soovib, sellele kudmumisalase eesti keele lühikursus. Olen kehv ärinaine, ei tea, kas tasub ära, aga huvi meie lõngapoodide ja ka eesti lõngade vastu on suur.
Mõeldes järgmisest kudumist käisin täna Karnaluksis. Sõbralik müüja ütles, et homme on kindlasti palju rahvast oodata, laupäeval tullakse Soomest. Üks soomlane olevat öelnud, et võikski sinna poodi ööseks jääda. Mõistan teda väga hästi. Soovitasin arendada lõnga- ja käsitööturismi. Kui on olemas ooperipaketid jms, miks mitte käsitööpaketid. Reisibüroo võiks
müüa nt laevapileteid, majutust ja varustada infoga oluliste lõngapoodide kohta. Kohapeal võiks olla mõni kooskudumine, lõngavabriku külastus, meistriklass jms. Kes soovib, sellele kudmumisalase eesti keele lühikursus. Olen kehv ärinaine, ei tea, kas tasub ära, aga huvi meie lõngapoodide ja ka eesti lõngade vastu on suur.
Whith the next project in mind I visited Karnaluks today. A friendly saleswoman told me that tomorrow there will be a lot of people because Finnish tourists come on Saturday. One Finnish knitter had said (so she told me) that she would gladly stay over night in the shop. I understand this very well. I suggested developing yarn and craft tourism. If there are opera etc trip packages, why not yarn packages? A travel agency could sell boat tickets, provide lodgings and basic information about yarn shops. On the spot one could organize a knitting together session, a visit to a yarn factory, a master class etc. For those who wish maybe a little course in Estonian for knitters. I am no businesswoman, maybe this is not worth it; still, the interest towards our yarn shops and Estonian yarns is high.
neljapäev, 20. mai 2010
Lehelist ja pitsilist/Leafy and lacy
Alustasin täna 4. tokki. Jälle pilt tugitoolis.
I started the 4th skein today. Here is a picture in the armchair again.
Võib-olla on mõni märganud, et alustasi salli abilõngaga. See on sellepärast, et mõtlein teha otstele mõne pitsilise mustri. Nüüd otsustasin, et teen õige selle ääremustri ühes otsas valmis, siis tean, kui palju lõnga mul jääb.
Maybe some of you have noticed that I had started this scarf with a provisional cast-on. This is because I intended to knit some lace in the beginning and in the end. Now I decided to knit this lace pattern in order to know how much yarn is left.
Ei tea, kas see kombinatsioon on ilus, aga mul oli kohe selline mõte, et kogu sall on lehemustriga ja ääremuster on laineline. Muidugi praegu on raske öelda, sest sall on veel pingutamata.
teisipäev, 18. mai 2010
Kasvab/It is growing
Midagi erilist pole öelda ega näidata. Sall kasvab. Pildistasin tugitoolil, et oleks enam-vähem aimu praegusest pikkuses.
I have nothing special to say or to show. The scarf is growing. I took this picture on an armchair so that one could get an idea of the present length.
Pildistasin ka niimoodi, et sall ripub.
I took a picture of the hanging shawl.
Ja siin näeb ka mustrit.
And here you can see the lace pattern.
Riski vältimiseks hankisin veel ühe toki. Nüüd on mul teine tokk peaaegu otsas ja veel kaks on olemas. Muster on mõnus, seda on meeldiv kududa, jääb kohe meelde. Seda mustrit kasutaks kindlasti ka edaspidi. Oleks nagu leht, siiski mitte väga naturalistlik.
In order to avoid risks I bought one more skein. By now I have almost used up the second skein and there are two more. The stitch pattern is pleasant, it is lovely to knit and it can be instantly memorized. I would definitely use this stitch pattern more. It reminds of leaves but is not too naturalistic.
I have nothing special to say or to show. The scarf is growing. I took this picture on an armchair so that one could get an idea of the present length.
Pildistasin ka niimoodi, et sall ripub.
I took a picture of the hanging shawl.
Ja siin näeb ka mustrit.
And here you can see the lace pattern.
Riski vältimiseks hankisin veel ühe toki. Nüüd on mul teine tokk peaaegu otsas ja veel kaks on olemas. Muster on mõnus, seda on meeldiv kududa, jääb kohe meelde. Seda mustrit kasutaks kindlasti ka edaspidi. Oleks nagu leht, siiski mitte väga naturalistlik.
In order to avoid risks I bought one more skein. By now I have almost used up the second skein and there are two more. The stitch pattern is pleasant, it is lovely to knit and it can be instantly memorized. I would definitely use this stitch pattern more. It reminds of leaves but is not too naturalistic.
pühapäev, 16. mai 2010
Viskoosi-puuvilla vaimus/In the spirit of rayon-cotton blend
Nagu enne kirjutasin, kavatsen nüüd kududa suvesalli. Mõtlesin, et äkki sama Brilliant (viskoosi-puuvilla segu) sobiks. Läksin eile Karnaluksi, kus juba enne kl 10 oli hästi palju rahvast. Vaatasin üle, mis on võimalused. Selgus, et suverätiku lõngu ei olnud kuigi palju (või arvasin seda oma teadmatuses, kui keegi teab mind parandada, andku teada). Arvasin, et tavaline puuvillane lõng ei ole kuigi hea variant. Mitmed muidu sümpaatsed suvelõngad olid liiga jämedad või ebaühtlased, mis on küll kena, ainult mitte pitsimustri puhul. Otsustasin ikka sama Brilliandi kasuks. Võtsin helehalli 3 tokki.
As I wrote earlier, I am going to knit a summer scarf. I thought that maybe the very same Brilliant (rayon-cotton blend) would be suitable. Yesterday I visited Karnaluks that was crowded even before 10 o'clock in the morning. I reviewed the options. It became clear that not many summer shawl/scarf yarns are available (or this was just my ignorant opinion; if you know otherwise, please correct me). I thought that a plain cotton yarn is not the best option. Otherwise lovely yarns were either too thick or uneven, which may be nice but not in the case of a lace pattern. I opted for the same Brilliant. I bought 3 skeins.
Hommikul oli mul niipalju (ülemine pilt), nüüd on pisut rohkem, 5 mustrikorda (alumine pilt).
In the morning I had this much (top), now I have slightly more, 5 repeats (bottom).
Muster on vana hea lehemuster. Võib-olla liiga tavaline, aga see on mulle kuidagi armas.
The stitch pattern is a good old leaf pattern. Maybe too common but I like it for some reason.
Mis on aga hämmastav: lõnga kulub palju. Mul on 1. tokk peaaegu otsas ja kootud jupp pole eriti pikk, u. 33 cm. Järel on veel 2 tokki.
What is astounding: the yarn disappears very quickly. The 1st skein is almost finished and the knitted portion is not exactly long, some 33 cm. I have 2 skeins remaining.
Küsimus asjatundjatele: kas 3-st tokist ei jätku (summaarne lõnga pikkus on 330 m)? Ma ei taha väga suurt ja laia salli. Veel üks küsimus: kas viskoos allub pingutamisele? Mõtlesin, et teen märjaks ja pingutan kergelt.
A question to experts: isn't 3 skeins enough (total length 330 m)? I don't want a very long or broad scarf. Another question: whether rayon allows blocking? I intend to moisten the scarf and to block it slightly.
Ja üldine küsimus: mis suverätiku lõngu oskate soovitada?
And a general question: what kind of summer shawl/scarf yarns can you recommend?
As I wrote earlier, I am going to knit a summer scarf. I thought that maybe the very same Brilliant (rayon-cotton blend) would be suitable. Yesterday I visited Karnaluks that was crowded even before 10 o'clock in the morning. I reviewed the options. It became clear that not many summer shawl/scarf yarns are available (or this was just my ignorant opinion; if you know otherwise, please correct me). I thought that a plain cotton yarn is not the best option. Otherwise lovely yarns were either too thick or uneven, which may be nice but not in the case of a lace pattern. I opted for the same Brilliant. I bought 3 skeins.
Hommikul oli mul niipalju (ülemine pilt), nüüd on pisut rohkem, 5 mustrikorda (alumine pilt).
In the morning I had this much (top), now I have slightly more, 5 repeats (bottom).
Muster on vana hea lehemuster. Võib-olla liiga tavaline, aga see on mulle kuidagi armas.
The stitch pattern is a good old leaf pattern. Maybe too common but I like it for some reason.
Mis on aga hämmastav: lõnga kulub palju. Mul on 1. tokk peaaegu otsas ja kootud jupp pole eriti pikk, u. 33 cm. Järel on veel 2 tokki.
What is astounding: the yarn disappears very quickly. The 1st skein is almost finished and the knitted portion is not exactly long, some 33 cm. I have 2 skeins remaining.
Küsimus asjatundjatele: kas 3-st tokist ei jätku (summaarne lõnga pikkus on 330 m)? Ma ei taha väga suurt ja laia salli. Veel üks küsimus: kas viskoos allub pingutamisele? Mõtlesin, et teen märjaks ja pingutan kergelt.
A question to experts: isn't 3 skeins enough (total length 330 m)? I don't want a very long or broad scarf. Another question: whether rayon allows blocking? I intend to moisten the scarf and to block it slightly.
Ja üldine küsimus: mis suverätiku lõngu oskate soovitada?
And a general question: what kind of summer shawl/scarf yarns can you recommend?
reede, 14. mai 2010
Selle kudumi nimi on loomulikult Metall. Vapustav metallne värv ja sära! Täna tegelesin veel alumise äärega, kudusin mitu rida ripskoes, et keerdu ei läheks. Siin on krae keerdus, aitab küll. Ilm on ilus, sain tütre nõusse ja ta tegi pilte meie õues ja maja ees.
The name of this project is Metal, naturally. Such extraordinary metallic colour and shine! Today I dealt with the lower edge, I knit this in garter stitch in order to prevent curling. The collar is curly, that's enough. The weather is nice, I persuaded my daughter and she took some photos in our yard and in front of our house.
The name of this project is Metal, naturally. Such extraordinary metallic colour and shine! Today I dealt with the lower edge, I knit this in garter stitch in order to prevent curling. The collar is curly, that's enough. The weather is nice, I persuaded my daughter and she took some photos in our yard and in front of our house.
Maja on hall. Minu meelest sobib seda kudumit demonstreerida maja taustal.
A contrast between the house and the door.
Pildid/Pictures: tütar/my daughter
Lõng/Yarn: Schachenmayr Nomotta Idena Brilliant (50 g/110 m), 58 % viskoos/58 % rayon, 42 % puuvilla/42 % cotton, 5 tokki/5 skeins.
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm
Keskel on vausabakirja modifikatsioon, mis jätkab krae kahanduste riba.
A modification of horse shue lace pattern in the middle continues the line of decreases.
Mõtlen nüüd, et järgmisena tuleb mõni suverätik. Huvitav, kas samasugune viskoosi-puuvilla segu sobiks või ei ole see pitsimustritele kohane lõng.
Now I am thinking about a summer shawl. I am curious whether the same kind of rayon-cotton blend would fit or it is not suitable for lace patterns.
kolmapäev, 12. mai 2010
Top on peaaegu valmis, kavatsen kududa 5. toki lõpuni. Pikkus on ka päris sobiv. Muster on nüüd nähtav, kuigi seda pinda on väga raske pildistada.
The top is almost finished, I am going to knit to the end of the 5th skein. The length is suitable as well. Now the stitch pattern is visible, although it is difficult to photograph the fabric.
Krae osa:
The part with the collar:
Käeaukude ümber ja külgedel on ripskude:
Garter stitch is around the armholes and along the sides:
Lõng läigib ilusti ja paistab, et on niisuguse konstruktsiooni jaoks just sobiv.
The yarn has a nice shine and appears to be suitable for this construction.
The top is almost finished, I am going to knit to the end of the 5th skein. The length is suitable as well. Now the stitch pattern is visible, although it is difficult to photograph the fabric.
Krae osa:
The part with the collar:
Käeaukude ümber ja külgedel on ripskude:
Garter stitch is around the armholes and along the sides:
Lõng läigib ilusti ja paistab, et on niisuguse konstruktsiooni jaoks just sobiv.
The yarn has a nice shine and appears to be suitable for this construction.
esmaspäev, 10. mai 2010
Lõngamuljeid/Yarn impressions
Nagu pealkiri ütleb, kavatsen jagada muljeid viskoosi-puuvilla lõngast. Lõng on hästi sile ja kena läikega. Muidugi lõheneb kergesti, kui kogemata ajad varda valesti sisse, aga mul on palju hullemaid kogemusi YarnArt Summer-nimelise lõngaga. Kuigi lõng on libe, paradoksaalsel kombel tundub metallvarras parem kui puuvarras.
As the title says, I am going to share the rayon-cotton blend impressions. The yarn is very smooth and has a nice shine about it. Of course it splits if you accidentally insert a needle in a wrong way; however, I have much worse experience with YarnArt Summer. Although the yarn is slippery, paradoxically, metal needles seem better than wooden needles.
Muster pole eriti nähtav. Siiski on mingi vihje. Tahtsin, et nurkkrae kahandamised jätkuksid mustris, loodetavasti kahandamiste rada on nähtav.
The stitch pattern is not much visible. Still there is a kind of hint. I wanted the double decreases of the collar to continue in the pattern; hopefully, the chain of double decreases is visible.
Kuigi lõng ise on sile ja pehme, kootav pind ei ole ühtlane. See pole mingi probleem, selles on oma võlu. Pasitab, et ei tasu mustritega üle koormata. Vähemalt praegu tundub nii.
Although the yarn is smooth and soft, the fabric is uneven. It is not exactly a problem, in fact, it has its own charm. It appears that it is not a wise idea to exaggerate with lace patterns. At least it seems so for now.
Kootud on niipalju:
So far I have this much:
As the title says, I am going to share the rayon-cotton blend impressions. The yarn is very smooth and has a nice shine about it. Of course it splits if you accidentally insert a needle in a wrong way; however, I have much worse experience with YarnArt Summer. Although the yarn is slippery, paradoxically, metal needles seem better than wooden needles.
Muster pole eriti nähtav. Siiski on mingi vihje. Tahtsin, et nurkkrae kahandamised jätkuksid mustris, loodetavasti kahandamiste rada on nähtav.
The stitch pattern is not much visible. Still there is a kind of hint. I wanted the double decreases of the collar to continue in the pattern; hopefully, the chain of double decreases is visible.
Kuigi lõng ise on sile ja pehme, kootav pind ei ole ühtlane. See pole mingi probleem, selles on oma võlu. Pasitab, et ei tasu mustritega üle koormata. Vähemalt praegu tundub nii.
Although the yarn is smooth and soft, the fabric is uneven. It is not exactly a problem, in fact, it has its own charm. It appears that it is not a wise idea to exaggerate with lace patterns. At least it seems so for now.
Kootud on niipalju:
So far I have this much:
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