Minu käest küsitakse kimono lõike kohta. Seletan, kuidas olen kudunud. Graafika on siin väga primitiivne; siiski loodan, et on selge. Alustame punasest joonest (mõtteline õlajoon). Loome abilõngaga. Silmuste arv = 2 varruka pikkust + pikkus õlast õlani. Koome õlajoonest niipalju, et varrukad oleks paraja laiusega. Nõnda tekib ristkülik (must).
I have been asked about the kimono pattern. Here is an explanation how I do it. The drawing is rather primitive but I hope it will be clear. We start from the red line (imaginary shoulder line). Make a provisional cast on. The number of stitches = 2 x the length of one sleeve + the distance from shoulder to shoulder. Knit from the shoulder line as much as to get the desired width of the sleeve. In this way you get a rectangle (the black one).
Siis otsustame, kui lai on kaelus. Vastavalt sellele võtame abilõngad välja paremalt ja vasakult. Keskel jäävad silmused abilõngale (kaelus). Paneme silmused vardale (rohelised jooned). Võib kududa pisut kumbagi õlga eraldi. Siis on eest kaelus pisut sügavam.
Then we have to determine the width of the neck opening. According to this remove the provisional cast on from left and from right. In the middle, some stitches will remain on the waste yarn (the neck opening). Place the stitches on the needles (green lines). You can knit a little bit each shoulder separately. In this way the opening is slightly lower in the front.
Nüüd ühendame. Alustame paremast äärest, koome kaelaaugu suunas, loome abilõngaga niipalju silmuseid, kui on jäänud seljatüki abilõngale ja koome need silmused põhilõngaga, koome edasi vasaku õla silmused. Edasi koome samasuguse ristküliku, nagu seljatüki puhulgi (sinine ristkülik). Proovime selga aeg-ajalt. Kui varruka laius on piisav, paneme töö õlajoont pidi kokku ja koome kokku varrukad (lillad jooned). Alles jäävad kere silmused. Nüüd koome ringselt. Hiljem võtame abilõngad välja, paneme silmused vardale, nii on hea kaelust viimistleda. Või kui on tahtmist teha suur krae, võib kududa otsa toru.
Now we join the front part. Start from the right edge, knit in the direction of the neck opening. Cast on with a waste yarn as many stitches as you have on the waste yarn for the neck opening on the back piece. Knit these stitches with the main yarn and then knit the stitches of the left shoulder. Then work as you did with the back piece (blue rectangle). Try on as you go. When the width of the sleeves is right, fold the work along the shoulder line and knit together the sleeves (purple lines). You will end up with the stitches for torso. Now work in the round. Later remove the waste yarn and place the stitches on the needle: the finnishing of the neck opening will be simple. If you want a big colalr, you can knit a tube.
Tekib küsimused, mis mustreid valida. Alustuseks võiksid olla mõned vertikaalsed ja mitte väga laiad mustrid. Esiteks, saab kergelt reguleerida silmuste arvu mustrikordade vahel. Teiseks, kui mustrikord pole väga lai, siis võib reguleerida ka mustrikordade arvu.
One may ask what stitch patterns to choose. For the beginning, you can take some vertical patterns, whereas the pattern repeat should not be too wide. First, you can adjust the number of stitches between the patterns. Second, when a repeat is not too wide, you can easily adjust the number of repeats.
Minu kudum on praegu selline. Kui see oleks sviiter, oleks vaja veel 15-20 cm, aga koon pikemalt.
My project looks like this now. If it were a sweter, some 15-20 cm would be needed but I am going to make it a longer garment.