Midagi väga lihtsat. Vilniuses on olemas selline pood nimega Diteksas. Koduleht ei ole kuigi huvitav. Aga poes müüakse poolilõnga. Valik ei ole süstemaatiline, küll aga on seal alati mitmesugust mohääri, muu on juhuslik. Sel aastal lisandus veel hulk peenvillast, peenikest meriinot jms. Kui lõngapoodi lähen, esimesena langeb pilk hallidele ja mustadele toonidele, nii juba on. Ja kui on riiulis mustjashall mohäär, siis käsi ise sirutub selle järele.
Something very simple. In Vilnius, there is a yarn store named Diteksas. The homepage is not exactly informative. But the store stocks yarns on bobbins. The choice is not systematic but there is always many sorts of mohair (everything else is random). This year they have added a stock of laceweight wool and merino. When I go to a yarn store, first of all my glance travels towards grays and blacks, this is how it is. And when there is a black-gray mohair on the shelf, my hand goes after it automatically.
Siin on pisut heledam pilt, et oleks näha mustrit. Mitte midagi erilist, ripskude ja labane parempidine.
Here is a little lighter picture to see the stitch patterns. Nothing special, garter stitch and stockinette.
Metraaži kohta ei ole müüjatel mingit aimu. Siiski olen juba kudunud piisavalt palju mohääri, et selle kohta midagi öelda. Pakun välja, et see on tavalise jämedusega peenike mohäär, 25 g/210-250 m. Tavaliselt koon sellist vardaga 4 mm ja ka antud juhul sobib see hästi. Teine lõng on imepeenike poolvillane, siin võib juba rääkida kilomeeteritest, mitte meetritest. Tundub, et see on midagi 100 g/1600-1700 m, aga võiks kindluse mõttes võrrelda millegi tuttavaga. Kerad tunduvad hästi väiksed, kuigi ostsin kumbagi lõnga 100 g (mohäärikampsuniks läheb mul tavaliselt midagi 70-80 g ringis). Prillid on võrdluseks, et näeksite kerade suurust.
The salespersons have no idea about the yardage. Still, I have knitted quite a lot of mohair to be able to say something on the matter. I suggest that it is a common weight/metrage of a thin mohair, 25 g/210-250 m. Usually I knit it with 4 mm needles and it suits well in this case, too. The other yarn is an extremely thin half-wool, here you can talk about kilometres rather than metres. It appears like something 100 g/1600-1700 m but to be on the safe side I should compare with something I know. The balls seem to be rather small, although I bought 100 g of each yarn (for a mohair sweater I usually need around 70-80 g). The glasses are for the sake of comparison, so that you can estimate the size of the yarn balls.