reede, 31. august 2012

Rätiku pilte/Pictures of the shawlette

Ja nüüd pilte. Lidia, suur tänu lõnga eest!
And now some pictures. Dear Lidia, thanks for the yarn!
 Pildid/Pictures: Anu
Lõng/Yarn: Shibui Knits linen (100 % lina/linen, 50 g/225 m), 2 vihti/skeins
Vardad/Neeldes: 3 mm 

kolmapäev, 29. august 2012


Näitan rätiku pilte, kahjuks mitte enda kaelas, sest täna puudus mul fotograaf.
Here are the pictures of the shawlette, unfortunately, not modelled ones because I had no photographer today.

Hall linane lõng sobib kokku merevaiguga. Sellel pildil on ka õiged värvid.
Grey linen goes together with amber. This picture renders true colours.
Hall ja must sobivad kokku - aga muidugi, minu põline kombinatsioon!
Grey and black match well - but of course, my basic combination!

esmaspäev, 27. august 2012


Lubasin kirjutada rätikust, aga näitan hoopis varem valmis saanud jakki! Ilm sobis pildistamiseks, Anu tegi pildid.
I promised to write about the shawl but show the jacket I made earlier! The weather was suitable for photography and Anu took the pictures.

Kes mind tunnevad, ütlevad kohe, et see on väga minulik jakk. Saab üsna palju kantud, usun ma. Pean kaaluma, palju kumbagi lõnga (mohääri ja villast) on alles, siis saan öelda, palju kumbagi lõnga kulus. Igatahes mohäär + peenvillane = mõnus koepind.
Those who know me, immediately say that this is very much "my" jacket. I believe it will get a lot of wear. I have to weigh the remaining balls in order to learn how much of each yarn (mohair and wool) is remaining, then I will be able to say how much of each yarn I have used. In any case, mohair + laceweight wool ) = beautiful knitted fabric.

pühapäev, 26. august 2012

Jälle kodus/At home again

Jälle kodus, aga seekord pole pilte. Annan teada, et mõned pildid pannen üles homme ja räägin töös olevast kudumist.
At home again but no pictures this time. This is to let you know that I will upload some pictures tomorrow and talk about my knit in progress.

kolmapäev, 22. august 2012


Tuli meelde, et pole ammu rätikuid kudunud. Tundub, et väga soojad rätikud ei leia eriti kasutust (v.a. talvel mantliga jne). Aga tahaks ka sellist, mis oleks ilu pärast. Alustasin paar päeva tagasi.
I realized I have not knitted shawls for some time. It appears that there is no much use for very warm shawls (except in winter with my overcoat). But I would like something as an adornment. I started one a couple days ago.

pühapäev, 19. august 2012

Kodus/At home

... et homme jälle reisile minna. Jakk on valmis, korralikud pildid kunagi hiljem.
... in order to go on another trip tomorrow. The jacket is finished, modelled pictures will be somewhat later.
Alumine pilt näitab tegelikku värvi. Tuletan meelde, et üks lõng on kergelt ebaühtlase värviga mohäär ja teine on hästi peenike must poolvillane. Lõngakulu saan täpsustada siis, kui tagasi olen.
The bottom picture demonstrates the true colour. Just to remind, one of the yarns is a slightly unevenly dyed mohair and the other is a rather thin black wool and polyamide blend. I will be able to determine how much yarn was used upon my return.

reede, 17. august 2012

Poolteist varrukat/One and a half sleeve

Sellise pealkirjaga postitusi on mul vist varemgi olnud. Üks varrukas on valmis, teine pooleli. Enne teise varruka alustamist kaalusin ära, kui palju lõnga on mul jäärel. Mohääri oli 59 g ja peenvillast 81 g! Vaatame, kui pikk jakk lõpuks tuleb.
I think I have had posts with the same title. One sleeve is finished and the other is in progress. Before starting the second sleeve I put on the scale the remaining yarn. There was 59 g of mohair and 81 g of laceweight yarn! We shall see how long the jacket will be.

kolmapäev, 15. august 2012

Lihtne kudum/A simple knit

Midagi väga lihtsat. Vilniuses on olemas selline pood nimega Diteksas. Koduleht ei ole kuigi huvitav. Aga poes müüakse poolilõnga. Valik ei ole süstemaatiline, küll aga on seal alati mitmesugust mohääri, muu on juhuslik. Sel aastal lisandus veel hulk peenvillast, peenikest meriinot jms. Kui lõngapoodi lähen, esimesena langeb pilk hallidele ja mustadele toonidele, nii juba on. Ja kui on riiulis mustjashall mohäär, siis käsi ise sirutub selle järele.
Something very simple. In Vilnius, there is a yarn store named Diteksas. The homepage is not exactly informative. But the store stocks yarns on bobbins. The choice is not systematic but there is always many sorts of mohair (everything else is random). This year they have added a stock of laceweight wool and merino. When I go to a yarn store, first of all my glance travels towards grays and blacks, this is how it is. And when there is a black-gray mohair on the shelf, my hand goes after it automatically.
Siin on pisut heledam pilt, et oleks näha mustrit. Mitte midagi erilist, ripskude ja labane parempidine.
Here is a little lighter picture to see the stitch patterns. Nothing special, garter stitch and stockinette. 
Metraaži kohta ei ole müüjatel mingit aimu. Siiski olen juba kudunud piisavalt palju mohääri, et selle kohta midagi öelda. Pakun välja, et see on tavalise jämedusega peenike mohäär, 25 g/210-250 m. Tavaliselt koon sellist vardaga 4 mm ja ka antud juhul sobib see hästi. Teine lõng on imepeenike poolvillane, siin võib juba rääkida kilomeeteritest, mitte meetritest. Tundub, et see on midagi 100 g/1600-1700 m, aga võiks kindluse mõttes võrrelda millegi tuttavaga. Kerad tunduvad hästi väiksed, kuigi ostsin kumbagi lõnga 100 g (mohäärikampsuniks läheb mul tavaliselt midagi 70-80 g ringis). Prillid on võrdluseks, et näeksite kerade suurust.
The salespersons have no idea about the yardage. Still, I have knitted quite a lot of mohair to be able to say something on the matter. I suggest that it is a common weight/metrage of a thin mohair, 25 g/210-250 m. Usually I knit it with 4 mm needles and it suits well in this case, too. The other yarn is an extremely thin half-wool, here you can talk about kilometres rather than metres. It appears like something 100 g/1600-1700 m but to be on the safe side I should compare with something I know. The balls seem to be rather small, although I bought 100 g of each yarn (for a mohair sweater I usually need around 70-80 g). The glasses are for the sake of comparison, so that you can estimate the size of the yarn balls. 

esmaspäev, 13. august 2012

Linane kleit/Linen dress

Valmis! Muidugi on tänavu suvel kõik vastupidi: kui oli ligi 30 kraadi, pildistame sviitreid, nüüd on peaaegu sügisene ilm ja pildistame selliseid kleite! Aga pole midagi. Avele tänu pildistamise eest.
Finished! This summer everything is the other way round: when it was about 30 degrees, we got sweaters photographed, now it is almost autumn and we are making pictures of such dresses! But it is all right. Many thanks for photos, Ave.
Kleit on pisut 1920-ndate stiilis, tekkis kiusatus fotosid pisut töödelda. Taustaks on Vilniuse vana hoov, olgu siis pisut stiliseeritud pilt.
The dress is somewhat in the 1920s style and I was tempted to play with the photos. The backround is an old courtyard in Vilnus, so let the photos have a slight stilization.

reede, 10. august 2012

Veel pilte/Some more pictures

Tuleb vähe juttu, ainult mõned pildid. Selline on üldpilt praegu.
There is no big story, only some pictures. This is a general view as of now.
The stitch pattern. 
Siin on seeliku osa algus.
Here is the beginning of the skirt.

teisipäev, 7. august 2012

Lühike uuendus/Short update

Praegu ei õnnestu kirjutada kuigi tihti. Näitan, mis on töös. Selle üsna algelise pildi järgi ei ole veel palju näha. Lõng on leedu linane kahekordselt.
Currently, it is difficult to update regularly. Here is what I am working on. From this really primary glimpse you cannot understand much. The yarn is Lithuanian linen held double.

laupäev, 4. august 2012

Roheline valmis/The green one is finished

See oli tõesti kerge probleemitu kudum. Kerge ka otseses mõttes.
This was really an easy unproblematic knit. Easy and light in the literal sense (sorry, it is difficult to render the Estonian word play where the same word means "easy" and "lihgt").
Seega sain suure kraega sviitri vähem kui ühest tokist. Kulus vähem kui 750 m. Avele suur tänu piltide eest!
Thus I got a sweater with a big collar from less than one ball of yarn. I needed less than 750 m. Many thanks for the pictures, Ave! 
Lõng/Yarn: Angora-2 (Midara), 50 % mohäär/mohair, 20 % vill/wool, 30 % akrüül/acrylic, 100 g/750 m,~ 85 g
Vardad/Needles: 4 mm (kere ja varrukad/torso and sleeves), 5 mm & 5,5 mm (krae/collar)
Pildid/Pictures: Ave

reede, 3. august 2012


Eile õpetasin Mezgimo zona poes põiki kudumist. Esialgu koguneme ja koome.
Yesterday I taught sideways knitting in Mezgimo zona. At first people gathered and just knitted.

Näitasin pilte oma arvutist, taga on improviseeritud tahvel (vineeri tükk pealekleebitud paberiga).
I showed pictures from my computer and there is an improvised blackboard behind me (a piece of plywood with a paper attached to it).

Nagu näha, pood oli täis.
As you can see, the shop was full.
Mind võeti vastu väga südamlikult, aitäh!
My talk was received very warmly, thank you!
Labai ačiū už šiltą priėmima!

kolmapäev, 1. august 2012

Poolteist varrukat/One and a half sleeves

Selline pilt on praegu. Loodan, et teine varrukas saab lõpetatud kiiresti. Mul oli esialgu plaan teha krae soonikus, kuid soonik 1 x 1 on selle lõngaga kuidagi ebahuvitav. Peaks mõtlema veel midagi, võiks olla lihtne kude. Liiga palju pitsi pole hea.
This is how it looks now. I hope to finish the second sleeve shortly. In the beginning I had a plan to make the collar in ribbing but 1 x 1 ribbing looks rather uninteresting in this yarn. It is necessary to thing about soemthing else, some simple stitch. Too much lace does not sound right.
Väike kuulutus neile, kes on juhtumisi Vilniuses: homme kl 17 õpetan põiki kudumist Mezgimo zona lõngapoes. Eelmisel aastal õpetasin ka, mul jäi hea mälestus.
An anouncement for those who happen to be in Vilnius now: tomorrow at 5 p.m. I am teaching sideways knitting at Mezgimo zona yarn store. Last year I taught there as well and have nice memories.