Mul oli plaan kirjutada täna hoopis teisel teemal, aga ootamatult kerkis pealkirjas sõnastatud küsimus. Mul oli kunagi sviiter (veel blogi-eelsel ajastul), pilt on nähtav siin kõigile (ei pea Ravelrys registreeruma). See oli mu esimene sviiter, ülevalt alla raglaan. Kaelus oli liiga avar, ja kuigi sviiter oli täiesti kantav, arvasin, et nüüd oskaks paremini kuduma. Harutasin üles, pesin lõnga ära, hakkasin kuduma. Kuna kahekordne 8/2 Raasiku villane on hirmus soe, siis arvasin, et jakk oleks parem. Täna kudusime koos oma sõpruskonnaga ja siis tekkis küsimus, kas tulevad nööbid ja varrukad või mitte. Nööbi küsimus on lihtne, mõtlesin, et paar suuremat nööpi võiks olla. Varrukatega on aga keeruline. Ühelt poolt on ilma varrukateta päris kena. Teiselt poolt kui on nii soe kudum, siis tundub loogiline, et kasvõi lühikesed varrukad võiksid olla. Nüüd ei oska ma enam midagi ise arvata. Koon veel edasi ja ehk asi selgub hiljem.
Today I planned to write about an entirely different matter but the question asked in the title of this post came up. Once I had a sweater (it was in the pre-blog era), the pictrue is available here (registration on Ravelry is not needed, visible to all). It was my first sweater, a top-down raglan. The neck opening was too broad and, although the sweater was quite wearable, I decided that now I could knit much better. I frogged it and washed the yarn and started knitting. Since Raasiku factory yarn 8/2 held double is awfully warm, I opted for a jacket. Today we knitted in a company of friends and then the question came up: should there be buttons and sleeves or not. The buttons question is a simple one, I thought a couple of large buttons would be fine. But it is more complicated with the sleeves. On one hand, it looks quite nice without the sleeves. On the other hand, it is such a warm knit that it seems logical to have sleeves, even short ones. Now I am confused and unable to express any opinion. I will knit further and maybe the matter will be resolved later.
laupäev, 31. august 2013
neljapäev, 29. august 2013
Vana sviitri uued pildid/New pictures of an old sweater
Mõned ehk mäletavad seda sviitrit. Nüüd otsustasin, et võiks teha uued ja paremad pildid. Kristiina on õnneks Eestis ja tuli lahkesti appi.
Some may remember this sweater. Now I decided that I could do with some new and better pictures. Kristiina is in Estonia, forutunately, and she was kind to help out.
Varsti tuleb selle sviitri õpetus. See on nn põhikonstruktsioon, üsna lihtne. Kes ei taha kahevärvilist, võib teha ühe- või kasvõi kolmevärvilise. Uued pildid on ka Ravelrys.
There will be a pattern soon. This is so-called basic construction, which is rather easy. If you don't like two-coloured, you can do one-coloured or even three-coloured. New pictures are on Ravelry as well.
Kõige uuema sviitri pildid panen üles lähiajal. Raglaani kohta kirjutan rohkem ja teen ka õpetuse, kui on piisavalt soovijaid.
I will upload the pictures of the newest sweater in the nearest future. There will be more on raglan and I will write up a pattern if there are enough people who want it.
Some may remember this sweater. Now I decided that I could do with some new and better pictures. Kristiina is in Estonia, forutunately, and she was kind to help out.
Varsti tuleb selle sviitri õpetus. See on nn põhikonstruktsioon, üsna lihtne. Kes ei taha kahevärvilist, võib teha ühe- või kasvõi kolmevärvilise. Uued pildid on ka Ravelrys.
There will be a pattern soon. This is so-called basic construction, which is rather easy. If you don't like two-coloured, you can do one-coloured or even three-coloured. New pictures are on Ravelry as well.
Kõige uuema sviitri pildid panen üles lähiajal. Raglaani kohta kirjutan rohkem ja teen ka õpetuse, kui on piisavalt soovijaid.
I will upload the pictures of the newest sweater in the nearest future. There will be more on raglan and I will write up a pattern if there are enough people who want it.
teisipäev, 27. august 2013
Kui mainida ülevalt alla kudumist, siis paljudele tuleb esimesena pähe just raglaan. Ravelrys on mitu raglaani-teemalist rühma (inglise- ja saksakeelseid), seal pakutakse mitmesuguseid kalukaatoreid jne. Päris üksikasjalik ingliskeelne käsitlus on selles blogis. Kes loeb saksa keeles, võib vaadata postituste sarja siin (võib valida silti RVO, see on standardne saksa lühend Raglan von Oben - ülevalt alla raglaan).
If one mentions top down knitting, for many knitters the very first thought would be raglan. There are several raglan-topic groups on Ravelry (in English and in German) where several calulstors are offered. Quite a detail treatment in English is offered in this blog. If you read German, you can follow a series of posts here (you can follow the RVO tag, which is a standard German abbreviation Raglan von Oben - top down raglan).
Kindlasti on igal kudujal oma võtteid. Üks hea nõks, mida kirjeldavad mõlemad ülalmainitud blogid (ja vist ka Barbara Walker oma kuulsas raamatus), et kui varrukad on eraldatud, tuleb kaenla alla luua mõned silmused (ja mitte lihtsalt ühendada esi- ja seljatükid), nii istub seljas paremini. Olen nõus ja ise teen alati nii. Aga mul on veel üks nipp. Kujutage ette, et esi-/seljatüki laius on juba paras, samas varrukate eraldamiseks ja ühendamiseks on esi- ja seljatükk pisut lühike. Üks võimalus on näiteks kasvatada ainult varrukate osas ja mitte kere osas. Aga veel üks võimalus on selline: eraldada varrukad ning kududa esi- ja seljatükk eraldi paar sentimeetrit, pärast seda aga ühendada, luues kaenlaaluste jaoks silmuseid. Nõnda tegin ka seekord. Kui huvitab, võin mõnes järgmises postituses seletada pikemalt.
Certainly every knitter has his/her own tricks. A nice tip is described by both above-mentioned bloggers (and probably by Barbara Walker in her famous book): after the separation of the sleeves it is wise to cast on some stitches for underarms (and not just join the back and the front piece), because this gives a better fit. I agree and always do this. But I have one trick more. Imagine that the back and the front piece have a sufficient width but their length is still insufficient for separation of the sleeves and joining. An option would be to increase the sleeves only and not the torso part. But there is yet another option: to separate the sleeves and to work the front and the back piece separately for a couple of centimetres and then to join them, adding stitches for underarms. I did it this time, too. If you are interested, I can give more details in one of the future posts.
Seekord tahtsin, et raglaani kasvatused oleksid nähtavad. Ja jälle on kokku pandud kaks lõnga: mohääri (Linie 235, Online) ja meriinot (Austermann Merino Lace).
This time I wanted raglan increases to be visible. And I mixed two yarns once again: mohair (Linie 235, Online) and merino (Austermann Merino Lace).
If one mentions top down knitting, for many knitters the very first thought would be raglan. There are several raglan-topic groups on Ravelry (in English and in German) where several calulstors are offered. Quite a detail treatment in English is offered in this blog. If you read German, you can follow a series of posts here (you can follow the RVO tag, which is a standard German abbreviation Raglan von Oben - top down raglan).
Kindlasti on igal kudujal oma võtteid. Üks hea nõks, mida kirjeldavad mõlemad ülalmainitud blogid (ja vist ka Barbara Walker oma kuulsas raamatus), et kui varrukad on eraldatud, tuleb kaenla alla luua mõned silmused (ja mitte lihtsalt ühendada esi- ja seljatükid), nii istub seljas paremini. Olen nõus ja ise teen alati nii. Aga mul on veel üks nipp. Kujutage ette, et esi-/seljatüki laius on juba paras, samas varrukate eraldamiseks ja ühendamiseks on esi- ja seljatükk pisut lühike. Üks võimalus on näiteks kasvatada ainult varrukate osas ja mitte kere osas. Aga veel üks võimalus on selline: eraldada varrukad ning kududa esi- ja seljatükk eraldi paar sentimeetrit, pärast seda aga ühendada, luues kaenlaaluste jaoks silmuseid. Nõnda tegin ka seekord. Kui huvitab, võin mõnes järgmises postituses seletada pikemalt.
Certainly every knitter has his/her own tricks. A nice tip is described by both above-mentioned bloggers (and probably by Barbara Walker in her famous book): after the separation of the sleeves it is wise to cast on some stitches for underarms (and not just join the back and the front piece), because this gives a better fit. I agree and always do this. But I have one trick more. Imagine that the back and the front piece have a sufficient width but their length is still insufficient for separation of the sleeves and joining. An option would be to increase the sleeves only and not the torso part. But there is yet another option: to separate the sleeves and to work the front and the back piece separately for a couple of centimetres and then to join them, adding stitches for underarms. I did it this time, too. If you are interested, I can give more details in one of the future posts.
Seekord tahtsin, et raglaani kasvatused oleksid nähtavad. Ja jälle on kokku pandud kaks lõnga: mohääri (Linie 235, Online) ja meriinot (Austermann Merino Lace).
This time I wanted raglan increases to be visible. And I mixed two yarns once again: mohair (Linie 235, Online) and merino (Austermann Merino Lace).
pühapäev, 25. august 2013
Jälle lõngade kokkusegamisest/Once again on yarn combinations
Selle sviitri sain valmis vahetult enne Vilniuse reisi juulis. Aga ei jõudnud pildistada lasta ega võtnud kaasa, sest nii hirmsoe asjaga pole suvises Leedus midagi peale hakata. Nüüd näitan. Kristiina, suur tänu piltide eest!
I finished this sweater precisely before my Vilnius trip in July. But I did not have time to get it photographed, neither I took it with me because there is no use for such an awfully warm sweater in summer in Lithuania. Now I am showing it. Kristiina, many thanks for the photos!
Mul oli alles 50 g BBB Filati Merinos Extra meriinot. Seda jätkub täiesti üheks sviitriks. Panin kokku musta Raasiku villasega. Tulemus on pisut ebaühtlane värv. Muidugi pole sinna mingit mustrit vaja, labane parempidine (või labane pahempidine) sobib kõige paremini. Küll aga rips pole ka paha, nagu näha eelviimasel fotol. Teine kord võib proovida veel jämedamat varraast, sest kude on hästi tihke.
I had 50 g of BBB Filati Merinos Extra merino left. It is quite enough for a sweater. I combined it with black Raasiku factory yarn. The result is an uneven colour. Of course you don't need any patterns here, stockinette (or reverse stockinette) is the best. But also garter stitch is not bad, as you can see from the penultimate picture. Next time I will try a bigger needle because the fabric is quite dense.
Lõng/Yarn: 1) BBB Filati Merinos Extra (100 g/1500 m), ~50 g; 2) Aade Lõng 8/2 (100 g/400 m), ~180 g.
Vardad/Needles: 4 mm, 4,5 mm
Ravelry (nähtav kõigile/visible to all)
I finished this sweater precisely before my Vilnius trip in July. But I did not have time to get it photographed, neither I took it with me because there is no use for such an awfully warm sweater in summer in Lithuania. Now I am showing it. Kristiina, many thanks for the photos!
Mul oli alles 50 g BBB Filati Merinos Extra meriinot. Seda jätkub täiesti üheks sviitriks. Panin kokku musta Raasiku villasega. Tulemus on pisut ebaühtlane värv. Muidugi pole sinna mingit mustrit vaja, labane parempidine (või labane pahempidine) sobib kõige paremini. Küll aga rips pole ka paha, nagu näha eelviimasel fotol. Teine kord võib proovida veel jämedamat varraast, sest kude on hästi tihke.
I had 50 g of BBB Filati Merinos Extra merino left. It is quite enough for a sweater. I combined it with black Raasiku factory yarn. The result is an uneven colour. Of course you don't need any patterns here, stockinette (or reverse stockinette) is the best. But also garter stitch is not bad, as you can see from the penultimate picture. Next time I will try a bigger needle because the fabric is quite dense.
Lõng/Yarn: 1) BBB Filati Merinos Extra (100 g/1500 m), ~50 g; 2) Aade Lõng 8/2 (100 g/400 m), ~180 g.
Vardad/Needles: 4 mm, 4,5 mm
Ravelry (nähtav kõigile/visible to all)
neljapäev, 22. august 2013
Sinine jakk/Blue jacket
Nüüd võib näidata. Kristiina, tänan suurepäraste fotode eest! Pildistamiseks ideaalne ilm, taustaks Tallinna Raekoda.
Now I can show it. Kristiina, thanks for wonderful pictures! The weather was ideal for taking pictures and the Tallinn Townhall as a background.
Lõng/Yarn: Riga (Midara), 50 % vill/wool, 50 % akrüül/acrylic, 50 g/250 m, < 200 g
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm, 3,5 mm
Now I can show it. Kristiina, thanks for wonderful pictures! The weather was ideal for taking pictures and the Tallinn Townhall as a background.
Lõng/Yarn: Riga (Midara), 50 % vill/wool, 50 % akrüül/acrylic, 50 g/250 m, < 200 g
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm, 3,5 mm
kolmapäev, 21. august 2013
Valmis kududa pole raske, küll aga on tihtilugu raske leida õiged nööbid. Tallinnas on õnneks olemas Karnaluks, kus saab nööpe odavalt. Aga probleem on see, et valik on suur, nööbid on vähemalt kolmes erinevas kohas. Hea veel, et on sorteeritud värvi järgi. Tihti on nii, et ettekujutus on üks, koha peal selgub aga, et sobivad hoopis teised nööbid. Niisugustel puhkudel on alati vaja nn diagnoosida: mis häirib, mida tahaks teistmoodi. Näiteks selgub, et nööp ei tohi olla läikiv või vastupidi või et see ei ole oluline. Siiski ei saa öelda, et oleks täna väga palju aega veetnud nööpe valides. Nii et lähiajal tulevad ka pildid. Siinsetel piltidel on värv väga vale.
It is not hard to knit up something but sometimes it is rather difficult to find right buttons. Fortunaetly, there is the Karnaluks shop in Tallinn and there you can get buttons for a quite low price. But the problem is that the choice is wide and they keep buttons at least in three places. At least, they have buttons sorted according to their colours. Very often you have a certain idea but you discover on the spot that you need quite a different kind of buttons. In such cases it is always good to diagnose, so to say: what bothers, what should be different. For instance, it becomes clear that the button cannot be shiny or on the contrary or that this is totally irrelevant. Still I cannot say that I spent today a very long time choosing buttons. It means that pictures are coming soon. The colour is completely wrong in these pictures.
It is not hard to knit up something but sometimes it is rather difficult to find right buttons. Fortunaetly, there is the Karnaluks shop in Tallinn and there you can get buttons for a quite low price. But the problem is that the choice is wide and they keep buttons at least in three places. At least, they have buttons sorted according to their colours. Very often you have a certain idea but you discover on the spot that you need quite a different kind of buttons. In such cases it is always good to diagnose, so to say: what bothers, what should be different. For instance, it becomes clear that the button cannot be shiny or on the contrary or that this is totally irrelevant. Still I cannot say that I spent today a very long time choosing buttons. It means that pictures are coming soon. The colour is completely wrong in these pictures.
pühapäev, 18. august 2013
Tegelikult on jakk peaaegu kuiv. Värv on reaalsuses palju tumedam ja sügavam. Peab veel hankima sobivad nööbid. Korralikud pildid kunagi tuleval nädalal.
Actually, the jacket is almost dry. In reality, the colour is much darker and deeper. I will have to get suitable buttons. Proper pictures due sometimes next week.
Kooskudumisel osaleb palju rahvast. Mitmed kasutavad samuti mohääri ja linase kombinatsiooni. Ootan juba tulemusi ja pilte!
There are many knitters taking part in the KAL. Quite several are using mohair and linen. I am looking forward to the results and pictures!
Actually, the jacket is almost dry. In reality, the colour is much darker and deeper. I will have to get suitable buttons. Proper pictures due sometimes next week.
Kooskudumisel osaleb palju rahvast. Mitmed kasutavad samuti mohääri ja linase kombinatsiooni. Ootan juba tulemusi ja pilte!
There are many knitters taking part in the KAL. Quite several are using mohair and linen. I am looking forward to the results and pictures!
reede, 16. august 2013
Kooskudumine jätkub/Knitting together is going on
Üle 30 inimese on Ravelrys avaldanud soovi koos kududa. Näitan, mida olen vahepeal teinud. Koon juba nööbiliiste.
More than 30 persons have signed up for the KAL on Ravelry. Here is what I have done so far. I am already knitting the button bands.
More than 30 persons have signed up for the KAL on Ravelry. Here is what I have done so far. I am already knitting the button bands.
kolmapäev, 14. august 2013
Kooskudumine on alanud/Knitting along has started
Ja siin on minu töö. Valgustusega on selles korteris probleem, aga üldjoontes on arusaadav. Pildid on kronoloogilises järjekorras. Viimasel pildil on varruka ülaosa. Praegu on teine varrukas poole peal.
And here is my work. There are problems with the light in this flat but you can get the idea. The pictures are in the chronological order. The bottom picture shows the upper part of the sleeve. I am in the middle of the second sleeve.
And here is my work. There are problems with the light in this flat but you can get the idea. The pictures are in the chronological order. The bottom picture shows the upper part of the sleeve. I am in the middle of the second sleeve.
esmaspäev, 12. august 2013
Kooskudumine Ravelrys/KAL on Ravelry
Nagu lubatud, avasin Ravelrys kooskudumise. See pole tavaline õpetus, vaid pigem retsept (inglise keeles öeldakse: pattern recipe): konstruktsiooni seletus, mustri näited ja kirjeldus, kuidas tegin oma rohelise jaki. Kes on Ravelrys ja soovib ühineda, tere tulemast siia.
As promised, I opened a KAL on Ravelry. This is not a pattern in the usual sense but a pattern recipe: explanation of the construction, examples of stitch patterns and a description how I made my green cardigan. If you are on Ravelry and wish to join, welcome here.
As promised, I opened a KAL on Ravelry. This is not a pattern in the usual sense but a pattern recipe: explanation of the construction, examples of stitch patterns and a description how I made my green cardigan. If you are on Ravelry and wish to join, welcome here.
pühapäev, 11. august 2013
Linane+ nr. 3/Linen+ no 3
Sviiter on valmis ja peab ütlema, et pisut ebaühtlane värv ei jää hästi fotodele. Sellegipoolest olen piltidega rahul, Sonata, suur tänu!
The sweater is finished and I have to say that the slightly uneven colour of the fabric is difficult to photograph. Still, I am satisfied with the pictures, thank you very much, Sonata!
Lõng/Yarn: linane/linen (SIŪLAS), 100 g/500 m, ~150 g & merino (~ 100 g/1500 m), ~45 g
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm, 3,5 mm
Meriino metraažiga on huvitav lugu. Ostsin selle väiksest vanakraamipoest Mezgimo Zona kõrval. Varem müüdi seal lõngu tokkides ja kerades, nüüd aga müüakse mingil määral ka pooli pealt. Perenaine ütles, et tellib vabrikutest. Koostis on teada, metraaž aga mitte. Antud juhul oli vaid näha, on hästi peenike. Kerisime väikse kera, 2 grammi kerimine võttis suhteliselt palju aega. Siis mõõtsime, mitu meetrit on, ja arvutasime. Saime arvu 100 g/850 m, kuid kulunud lõnga järgi tundub, et on hoopis rohkem. Mul on veel 55 g meriinot alles, saab veel ühe sviitri kombinatsioonis teise lõngaga.
As far as the metrage of the merino is concerned, it is an interesting story. I bought it from a little second-hand shop near Mezgimo Zona. Earlier they had some yarns in balls and skeins but now they sell also bobbin yarns. The owner told me she orders from factories. The fiber composition is known but not the metrage. In this case the only obvious thing was that the yarn is very thin. We wound a small ball and winding 2 g of the yarn took relatively much time. Then we measured the metrage and calculated. We obtained 100 g/850 m but based on the used up yarn I think the metrage is much bigger. I have 55 g of merino remaining and it is enough to combine with another yarn for another sweater.
The sweater is finished and I have to say that the slightly uneven colour of the fabric is difficult to photograph. Still, I am satisfied with the pictures, thank you very much, Sonata!
Lõng/Yarn: linane/linen (SIŪLAS), 100 g/500 m, ~150 g & merino (~ 100 g/1500 m), ~45 g
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm, 3,5 mm
Meriino metraažiga on huvitav lugu. Ostsin selle väiksest vanakraamipoest Mezgimo Zona kõrval. Varem müüdi seal lõngu tokkides ja kerades, nüüd aga müüakse mingil määral ka pooli pealt. Perenaine ütles, et tellib vabrikutest. Koostis on teada, metraaž aga mitte. Antud juhul oli vaid näha, on hästi peenike. Kerisime väikse kera, 2 grammi kerimine võttis suhteliselt palju aega. Siis mõõtsime, mitu meetrit on, ja arvutasime. Saime arvu 100 g/850 m, kuid kulunud lõnga järgi tundub, et on hoopis rohkem. Mul on veel 55 g meriinot alles, saab veel ühe sviitri kombinatsioonis teise lõngaga.
As far as the metrage of the merino is concerned, it is an interesting story. I bought it from a little second-hand shop near Mezgimo Zona. Earlier they had some yarns in balls and skeins but now they sell also bobbin yarns. The owner told me she orders from factories. The fiber composition is known but not the metrage. In this case the only obvious thing was that the yarn is very thin. We wound a small ball and winding 2 g of the yarn took relatively much time. Then we measured the metrage and calculated. We obtained 100 g/850 m but based on the used up yarn I think the metrage is much bigger. I have 55 g of merino remaining and it is enough to combine with another yarn for another sweater.
reede, 9. august 2013
Eile Mezgimo Zonas/Yesterday at Mezgimo Zona
Nagu alati, oli tore Mezgimo Zona lõngapoes õpetada. Koos oli palju vanu tuttavaid, aga ka uusi. Kokku oli 20 inimest, pood oli rahvast täis. Sonata tegi paar pilti, tänan!
As always, it was fun to teach at the Mezgimo Zona yarn shop. Many familiar people arrived and there were some new knitters as well. There were 20 attenders and the shop was full. Sonata took some pictures, many thanks!
Veel uudiseid: varsti alustame Ravelrys sakilise mustri ja sallkraega jaki kooskudumist (hiljutise rohelise jaki vaimus). Annan teada ka siin. Kes tahab rohkem teada linase lõnga kombinatsioonist, soovitan Mia postitust siin.
Some news: I will soon start KAL on Ravelry for a zigzag patterned cardigan with a shawl collar (in the spirit of my green cardigan). I will let you know also on my blog. To those who wish to know more about combinations of linen, I recommend Mia's post here.
As always, it was fun to teach at the Mezgimo Zona yarn shop. Many familiar people arrived and there were some new knitters as well. There were 20 attenders and the shop was full. Sonata took some pictures, many thanks!
Some news: I will soon start KAL on Ravelry for a zigzag patterned cardigan with a shawl collar (in the spirit of my green cardigan). I will let you know also on my blog. To those who wish to know more about combinations of linen, I recommend Mia's post here.
teisipäev, 6. august 2013
Probleem, mis pole tegelikult probleem/A problem which is not really a problem
Mõni probleem on seda ainult nime poolest. Mõtlesin, et teen linasest ja peenikesest meriinost suure torukraega sviitri. Teatavasti võib alustada kohe torust, võib aga kududa esialgu kogu sviiter (s.o. kujundada kaelus jms) ja alles siis kududa külge toru. Valisin teise võimaluse. Siis hakkas mulle kaelaava kuju kangesti meeldima ja hakkasin arutlema, et ei teegi kraed. Siis aga tekkis küsimus, mida muud huvitavat teha, sest mingi väike detail peaks olema, kuigi kudum on minimalistlik (kunagi varem kirjutasin, et minimalism ei ole küündimatus ega kujutlusvõime puudumine).
Certain problems are problems in name only. I wanted to make a sweater with a large tube collar from linen and merino. As you know, you can start from the tube or you can make the entire sweater in the beginning (that is, shape the neck opening etc) and to knit the tube later on. I decided to take up the second option. Then I became fond of the neck opening and I started thinking that I would not make the collar. Then the quesiton followed what other little details I could add, although this is a minimalist garment (some time ago I wrote that minimalism is not lack of skills and imagination).
Lahendus on lihtne: ripsitriibud varruka otstel. Neid tuleb veel vöökohale. Väga reljeefseteks triipudeks pole lõngakombinatsioon sobiv, aga ka sellised sümboolsed triibud toimivad täiesti.
The solution is very simple: purl stripes at the bottom of the sleeves. I will make the stripes on the waist line, too. This combination of yarn is not suitable for textured stripes but even such symbolic stripes work quite fine.
Certain problems are problems in name only. I wanted to make a sweater with a large tube collar from linen and merino. As you know, you can start from the tube or you can make the entire sweater in the beginning (that is, shape the neck opening etc) and to knit the tube later on. I decided to take up the second option. Then I became fond of the neck opening and I started thinking that I would not make the collar. Then the quesiton followed what other little details I could add, although this is a minimalist garment (some time ago I wrote that minimalism is not lack of skills and imagination).
Lahendus on lihtne: ripsitriibud varruka otstel. Neid tuleb veel vöökohale. Väga reljeefseteks triipudeks pole lõngakombinatsioon sobiv, aga ka sellised sümboolsed triibud toimivad täiesti.
The solution is very simple: purl stripes at the bottom of the sleeves. I will make the stripes on the waist line, too. This combination of yarn is not suitable for textured stripes but even such symbolic stripes work quite fine.
pühapäev, 4. august 2013
Linane+ nr.2/Linen+ no. 2
Mohääri ja linase kombinatsioon on päris meeldiv. Igaüks toob midagi oma: mohäär annab pisut faktuuri (kude on reljeefsem) ja linane annab langevust. Rasa, tänan pildistamast!
The combination of mohair and linen is quite pleasant. Each one adds something: mohair gives more texture (the fabric has a better stitch definition) and linen gives draping. Rasa, thanks for taking photos!
Lõng/Yarn: 1) linane/linen (100 g/500 m), ~ 145 g; 2) mohäär/mohair (25 g/240 m), ~ 70 g.
Vardad/Needles: 4 mm, 4,5 mm
The combination of mohair and linen is quite pleasant. Each one adds something: mohair gives more texture (the fabric has a better stitch definition) and linen gives draping. Rasa, thanks for taking photos!
Lõng/Yarn: 1) linane/linen (100 g/500 m), ~ 145 g; 2) mohäär/mohair (25 g/240 m), ~ 70 g.
Vardad/Needles: 4 mm, 4,5 mm
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