Mõlemad varrukad on valmis. Kummalegi varrukale on kulunud 2 tokki lõnga (100 g). Aga olen harjunud pigem mõelda meetrites. 200 m varruka kohta ei ole väga palju, seda enam, et muster on reljeefne ja nõuab palju lõnga. Pidin harutama 2 korda ja 3-ndal korral sain lõpuks õige kahanduste rütmi.
Both sleeves are finished. I used up 2 balls of yarn (100 g) for each sleeve. But I would rather think in metres. 200 m per sleeve is not so much, especially because the pattern is textured and demands a lot of yarn. I had to rip 2 times and got the right pace of decreases on the 3rd attempt.
Tahaks sellise mustriga kududa midagi peenemast lõngast.
I would like to knit something from a thinner yarn with this stitch pattern.
pühapäev, 29. juuni 2014
reede, 27. juuni 2014
Suvine kudumine/Summer knitting
Eile või üleeile küsiti mu käest, et kas ma koon suvel villasest jms raskest lõngast. Vastasin muidugi jaatavalt, sest kõik oleneb sellest, mis idee mul parajasti on. Võin vabalt kududa mohääri suvel ja linast talvel. Nüüd on käsil villane jakk. Suurus on suur (või meeste asjade puhul tundub nii), sellepärast edeneb aeglaselt.
Yesterday or the day before yesterday I was asked whether I knit with wool or any other heavy yarn in summer. Of course my answer was positive because everything depends on what idea I have at the moment. I can easily work with mohair in summer and linen in winter. Now I am working on a wool jacket. The size is quite large (or it seems so in man's sweaters), so it is progressing slowly.
Värvi ei saa õigeks, sinine on pildistamisel kapriisne.
I am unable to get the colour right, blue is a moody colour for photography.
Yesterday or the day before yesterday I was asked whether I knit with wool or any other heavy yarn in summer. Of course my answer was positive because everything depends on what idea I have at the moment. I can easily work with mohair in summer and linen in winter. Now I am working on a wool jacket. The size is quite large (or it seems so in man's sweaters), so it is progressing slowly.
Värvi ei saa õigeks, sinine on pildistamisel kapriisne.
I am unable to get the colour right, blue is a moody colour for photography.
kolmapäev, 25. juuni 2014
Jälle kena muster/A beautiful stitch pattern again
Jälle lihtne ja kena muster. Lõng on Dropsi Karisma, 100 % vill, 50 g/100 m. Õige värv on palju tumedam, sinist on üldse raske pildistada.
Another simple and nice pattern again. The yarn is Karisma by Drops, 100 % wool, 50 g/100 m. The true colour is deeper, it is hard to photograph blue.
Kooskudumine Ravelrys on alanud, ühinege! Sellest kirjutasin siin. Mul on plaanis veel üks kudum, mida hakkaks koos kuduma.
The KAL on Ravelry has started, please join! I worte here about it. I plan to make another garment in order to knit together.
Another simple and nice pattern again. The yarn is Karisma by Drops, 100 % wool, 50 g/100 m. The true colour is deeper, it is hard to photograph blue.
Kooskudumine Ravelrys on alanud, ühinege! Sellest kirjutasin siin. Mul on plaanis veel üks kudum, mida hakkaks koos kuduma.
The KAL on Ravelry has started, please join! I worte here about it. I plan to make another garment in order to knit together.
esmaspäev, 23. juuni 2014
Sviiter edeneb, mõlemad varrukad on valmis, nüüd koon ringselt alla.
The sweater is progressing, both sleeves finished and I am working downwards in the round now.
Ravelrys alustasin musta kimono topi kooskudumist. Tahaks midagi taolist mohäärist. Võib-olla pisut vabama istuvusega. Kui olete Ravelrys, võite liituda siin.
On Ravelry I started KAL of the black kimono top. I would like something of the kind from mohair. Probably, with a slightly bigger ease. If you are on Ravelry, you can join in here.
The sweater is progressing, both sleeves finished and I am working downwards in the round now.
Ravelrys alustasin musta kimono topi kooskudumist. Tahaks midagi taolist mohäärist. Võib-olla pisut vabama istuvusega. Kui olete Ravelrys, võite liituda siin.
On Ravelry I started KAL of the black kimono top. I would like something of the kind from mohair. Probably, with a slightly bigger ease. If you are on Ravelry, you can join in here.
laupäev, 21. juuni 2014
Suur sviiter/Big sweater
Ütleme, suhteliselt suur. Mõte on, et sobiks nii naisele kui mehele. Seega kui proovida endale selga, peaks olema üsna vaba, aga siiski mitte liiga vaba. Siin on näha, et kudum ongi laiem, kui tavaliselt kannan.
Let us say, a relatively big one. The idea is to make a sweater suitable both for women and men. Thus, it should have a loos fit on me but not too loose. Here you can see that the garment is wider than I usually wear.
Õige värv on midagi vahepealset.
The true colour is something in-between.
Lõng on Dropsi Cotton Light. Päris meeldiv lõng, aga suhteliselt lõdva keeruga, seetõttu soovitan kindlasti terava otsaga vardaid.
The yarn is Cotton Light by Drops. It is quite pleasant but relatively weakly spun, so I recommend needles with sharp points.
Let us say, a relatively big one. The idea is to make a sweater suitable both for women and men. Thus, it should have a loos fit on me but not too loose. Here you can see that the garment is wider than I usually wear.
Õige värv on midagi vahepealset.
The true colour is something in-between.
Lõng on Dropsi Cotton Light. Päris meeldiv lõng, aga suhteliselt lõdva keeruga, seetõttu soovitan kindlasti terava otsaga vardaid.
The yarn is Cotton Light by Drops. It is quite pleasant but relatively weakly spun, so I recommend needles with sharp points.
neljapäev, 19. juuni 2014
Jyväskylä lõngapoode/Some yarn shops in Jyväskylä
Olen praegu Jyväskyläs ja hakkan täna koju sõitma. Eile käisin kesklinnas ringi ja leidsin 3 lõngapoodi. Linn pole kuigi suur, aga sinna mahub mitu lõngapoodi. Esimene, kuhu sattusin, on Pikkulinna. Lõngad on mulle enamasti tuttavad, aga mind köitis hulk vanu ajakirju. Istusin maha, hakkasin vaatama. Nt Sandnes, mida Eestis ei ole. Olen varemgi seda Soomes käies näinud, aga nüüd sai rahulikult lehitseda. Vanu numbreid saab osta. Mulle meeldivad sealsed selge joonega lihtsad kudumid.
I am in Jyväskylä now and will leave today. Yesterday I went to the centre and found 3 yarn stores. The town is not big at all but it fits several yarn stores. The first one that came across was Pikkulinna. Most of yarns were familiar to me but some old knitting magazines caught my attention. I sat down and started reading. For instance, they have Sandnes that we don't have in Estonia. I've seen it earlier during my trips to Finland but now I could browse as long as needed. It is possible to purchase old issues. I like clear-cut, simple knits they publish.
Järgmine oli Poppeli. Sisenedes nägin, et seal ripub üks väga tuttav kudum (hall topp järgmisel pildil), ainult kootud buklee lõngast, mitte mohäärist. Müüja küsiski, ega mina pole juhuslikult selle autor. Jäime juttu rääkima. Poppeli ümber koondunut kudujatel on plaan sõita Eestisse, lubasin nendega kokku saada. Mõni majandusteadlane võiks uurida nn käsitööturismi Eestis. Usun, et see on oluline ja mitte ainult majanduslikult, vaid ka Eesti maine jaoks.
The next one was Poppeli. After entering I noticed a very familiar knitted top (the grey one in the next picture), only that it has been knitted from bouclé yarn and not mohair. The owner asked whether by any chance I was not the author. We had a chat. Knittes that frequent Poppeli plan a trip to Estonia and I promised to meet them. An economist should make a research on so-called craft tourism in Estonia. I belive it is substantial and not only from economy point of view but also for Estonia's reputation.
Lõpuks läksin TitiTyysse, mis asub vanas puumajas. See on armas koht. Kolm pisikest tuba on täis lõngu, kudumeid ja kudumisraamatuid. Seal müüakse üsna palju käsitsi värvitud lõngu. Hinnad on kõrged, kuigi lõngad on üpris ilusad.
Finally I went to TitiTyy that is situated in an old wooden building. It is a lovely place. Three tiny rooms are filled with yarns, knits and knitting books. There are many hand-dyed yarns there. The prices are quite high but the yarns are really beautiful.
I am in Jyväskylä now and will leave today. Yesterday I went to the centre and found 3 yarn stores. The town is not big at all but it fits several yarn stores. The first one that came across was Pikkulinna. Most of yarns were familiar to me but some old knitting magazines caught my attention. I sat down and started reading. For instance, they have Sandnes that we don't have in Estonia. I've seen it earlier during my trips to Finland but now I could browse as long as needed. It is possible to purchase old issues. I like clear-cut, simple knits they publish.
Järgmine oli Poppeli. Sisenedes nägin, et seal ripub üks väga tuttav kudum (hall topp järgmisel pildil), ainult kootud buklee lõngast, mitte mohäärist. Müüja küsiski, ega mina pole juhuslikult selle autor. Jäime juttu rääkima. Poppeli ümber koondunut kudujatel on plaan sõita Eestisse, lubasin nendega kokku saada. Mõni majandusteadlane võiks uurida nn käsitööturismi Eestis. Usun, et see on oluline ja mitte ainult majanduslikult, vaid ka Eesti maine jaoks.
The next one was Poppeli. After entering I noticed a very familiar knitted top (the grey one in the next picture), only that it has been knitted from bouclé yarn and not mohair. The owner asked whether by any chance I was not the author. We had a chat. Knittes that frequent Poppeli plan a trip to Estonia and I promised to meet them. An economist should make a research on so-called craft tourism in Estonia. I belive it is substantial and not only from economy point of view but also for Estonia's reputation.
Lõpuks läksin TitiTyysse, mis asub vanas puumajas. See on armas koht. Kolm pisikest tuba on täis lõngu, kudumeid ja kudumisraamatuid. Seal müüakse üsna palju käsitsi värvitud lõngu. Hinnad on kõrged, kuigi lõngad on üpris ilusad.
Finally I went to TitiTyy that is situated in an old wooden building. It is a lovely place. Three tiny rooms are filled with yarns, knits and knitting books. There are many hand-dyed yarns there. The prices are quite high but the yarns are really beautiful.
teisipäev, 17. juuni 2014
Väike peatus Helsingis/A short stop in Helsinki
Täna saabusin Helsingisse, et mõne tunni pärast sõita edasi põhja poole. Mial oli aega, et kokku saada, juua tassi kohvi ja kududa koos. Nii et paar tundi laeva ja rongi vahel kulus mõnusasti. Pildistasime vastastikku.
Today I arrived to Helsinki in order to move on further in the nortern direction in a couple of hours. Mia had some time to meet up, have a cup of coffe and knit together with me. So I had a pleasant couple of hours. We took each other's pictures.
Muide, mulle meeldis väga kudum Mia seljas. See on puuvillasest lõngast, lihtne raglaan. Mõtlen juba hulk aega, et millegipärasat pole ammu raglaani kudunud.
By the way, I like a lot Mia's jacket. It is a simple raglan from a cotton yarn. I've been thinking for a while that for some reason I have not knitted raglan for a long time.
Today I arrived to Helsinki in order to move on further in the nortern direction in a couple of hours. Mia had some time to meet up, have a cup of coffe and knit together with me. So I had a pleasant couple of hours. We took each other's pictures.
Muide, mulle meeldis väga kudum Mia seljas. See on puuvillasest lõngast, lihtne raglaan. Mõtlen juba hulk aega, et millegipärasat pole ammu raglaani kudunud.
By the way, I like a lot Mia's jacket. It is a simple raglan from a cotton yarn. I've been thinking for a while that for some reason I have not knitted raglan for a long time.
pühapäev, 15. juuni 2014
Must sakiline kimono/Black zigzag patterned kimono
Näitan lubatud pilte. Malle ja Anne, tänan pildistamast! Varsti korraldan Ravelrys kooskudumise.
Here are the promised pictures. Malle and Anne, thanks for the photosession! I am organizing a KAL on Ravelry soon.
Lõng/Yarn: Cotton Stretch (Katia), 87 % puuvill/cotton, 13 % polüester/polyester, 50 g/170 m, ~200 g.
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm
Here are the promised pictures. Malle and Anne, thanks for the photosession! I am organizing a KAL on Ravelry soon.
Lõng/Yarn: Cotton Stretch (Katia), 87 % puuvill/cotton, 13 % polüester/polyester, 50 g/170 m, ~200 g.
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm
kooskudumine/knitting together,
laupäev, 14. juuni 2014
Kooskudumise pilte/Pictures of knitting together
Tore oli üle hulga aja kõigiga kohtuda! Tegin mitu pilti ja ka Malle pildistas minu kaameraga. Kuna ilm oli vihmane ja tuuline, olime sees, Pärl ja Lõngad poes.
It was nice to knit together with everyone after a while! I took several pictures and Malle took some with my camera. As the weather was rainy and windy, we were inside in the Pärl ja Lõngad shop.
Õpetajal on alati hea meel, kui õpilased kasutavad õpitut. Anne tuli uhkustama oma kudumiga, konstruktsiooni õpetasin talvel.
A teacher is always glad to see that students actually use what they've learned. Anne came to boast with her sweater based on the construction I taught in winter.
Kinkisin ära mõned kudumid. Maris leidis sobiva jaki ja, olles kuulda saanud, et mulle maitsevad rõngikud, autasustas mind niisuguse kaelakeega:
I gave away several knits. Maris got a jacket that suited her and, after having heard that I like small bagels, awarded me with this necklace:
Homme näitan ühe valmiskudumi pilte.
Tomorrow I will show pictures of a finished garment.
It was nice to knit together with everyone after a while! I took several pictures and Malle took some with my camera. As the weather was rainy and windy, we were inside in the Pärl ja Lõngad shop.
Õpetajal on alati hea meel, kui õpilased kasutavad õpitut. Anne tuli uhkustama oma kudumiga, konstruktsiooni õpetasin talvel.
A teacher is always glad to see that students actually use what they've learned. Anne came to boast with her sweater based on the construction I taught in winter.
Kinkisin ära mõned kudumid. Maris leidis sobiva jaki ja, olles kuulda saanud, et mulle maitsevad rõngikud, autasustas mind niisuguse kaelakeega:
I gave away several knits. Maris got a jacket that suited her and, after having heard that I like small bagels, awarded me with this necklace:
Homme näitan ühe valmiskudumi pilte.
Tomorrow I will show pictures of a finished garment.
neljapäev, 12. juuni 2014
Hea harjutus/Good exercise
Olen juba hulk aega mõelnud, et võiks disainida midagi sellist, nagu pildil.. Ainult et pilt tuli ette Pinterestis alles paar päeva tagasi. Tehniliselt võib tegutseda nii, nagu kirjeldatud selles postituses, ainult kahandused tuleb paigutada teisiti.
I've been thinking for a while that I could design something like the garment in the picture. But I came across the picture as late as a couple of days ago. From the technical point of view, it is possible to procede as described in this post, only that decreases should be placed in a different way.
Homme hakkan kodu poole sõitma. Tuletan meelde, et ootame kõiki kooskudumisele laupäeval, 14. juunil Pärl ja Lõngad poodi kl 11-ks.
Tomorrow I will start my trip home. I remind that everyone is welcome to our knitting together on Saturday, 14 June at Pärl and Lõngad shop from 11 a.m. on.
I've been thinking for a while that I could design something like the garment in the picture. But I came across the picture as late as a couple of days ago. From the technical point of view, it is possible to procede as described in this post, only that decreases should be placed in a different way.
Homme hakkan kodu poole sõitma. Tuletan meelde, et ootame kõiki kooskudumisele laupäeval, 14. juunil Pärl ja Lõngad poodi kl 11-ks.
Tomorrow I will start my trip home. I remind that everyone is welcome to our knitting together on Saturday, 14 June at Pärl and Lõngad shop from 11 a.m. on.
esmaspäev, 9. juuni 2014
Edeneb, aga mitte nii kiiresti/It is progressing but not very quickly
Pole aega kirjutada ja kududa. Sall kasvab, kuigi mitte nii kiiresti. Esimene tokk pole veel otsas. Pildistasin toolil, et oleks aru saada, kui palju on juba kootud.
No time to write or to knit. The scarf is growing but not quite fast. The first ball is not finished yet. I took the picture on a chair in order for you to get an idea about the size.
No time to write or to knit. The scarf is growing but not quite fast. The first ball is not finished yet. I took the picture on a chair in order for you to get an idea about the size.
laupäev, 7. juuni 2014
Reisikudum/Travel project
Milline kudum on hea reisikudum? Oleks hea,
kui see ei võtaks palju ruumi ja oleks kerge. Võib-olla ka selline, mida ei pea
selga proovima (rätik, sall vms). Kui on ikka midagi, mida peaks küll kududes
proovima, nt sviiter või jakk, siis oleks parem, kui kõik kalkulatsioonid
oleksid tehtud ja töö alustatud (alustada kusagil laevas või bussis pole eriti
mugav, kuigi ka seda on tehtud). Antud juhul on nii, et mul on just vaja kududa
salli, mis sobib reisikudumiks. Lihtne, aga samas meeldiv muster.
What project is a suitable travel project? It
would be nice if it takes up little space and is light. Maybe something that you
don’t have to try on (a shawl, a scarf etc). But if it is something that has to
be tried on as you go, a sweater or a jacket, it would be good to have all
calculations ready and to have the project started beforehand (it is not handy
to start a serious knit on the buss or ferry, although I have done it
occasionally). In this case I really had to start a scarf, which is a nice
travel project. The pattern is simple, yet pleasant.
kolmapäev, 4. juuni 2014
Mitmeid asju/Various matters
Esiteks, kudum on valmis ja kuivab. Kiidan lõnga ja kahju on, et on ainult üks sobiv värv.
First, the project is finished and it is drying. I enjoyed the yarn and it is too bad that there is only one colour that suits me.
Teiseks, pean mõneks ajaks ära sõitma ja ei pruugi eriti palju postitada. Ja kolmandaks, ootan kõiki soovijaid 14. juunil kooskudumisele, sest on teatavasti Rahvusvaheline Avalikult Kudumise Päev (kl 11 Solarise Keskuses Pärl ja Lõng poes). Vastan meeleldi küsimustele, mis puudutavad õmblusteta kudumist.
Second, I will be away for some time and probably will not post very frequently. Third, I am expecting all of you who wish to knit together on June 14, as it is International Day of Knitting in Public (at 11 a.m. in Pärl ja Lõng store at Solaris Centre). I will gladly answer questions concerning seamless knitting.
First, the project is finished and it is drying. I enjoyed the yarn and it is too bad that there is only one colour that suits me.
Teiseks, pean mõneks ajaks ära sõitma ja ei pruugi eriti palju postitada. Ja kolmandaks, ootan kõiki soovijaid 14. juunil kooskudumisele, sest on teatavasti Rahvusvaheline Avalikult Kudumise Päev (kl 11 Solarise Keskuses Pärl ja Lõng poes). Vastan meeleldi küsimustele, mis puudutavad õmblusteta kudumist.
Second, I will be away for some time and probably will not post very frequently. Third, I am expecting all of you who wish to knit together on June 14, as it is International Day of Knitting in Public (at 11 a.m. in Pärl ja Lõng store at Solaris Centre). I will gladly answer questions concerning seamless knitting.
esmaspäev, 2. juuni 2014
Kasvab/It is growing
Kudum kasvab.
The knit is growing.
Hästi lihtne muster, aga mulle meeldib seda kududa.
It is such a simple pattern but I like knitting it.
The knit is growing.
Hästi lihtne muster, aga mulle meeldib seda kududa.
It is such a simple pattern but I like knitting it.
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