Mulle tundub, et see teema ei huvita eriti kudujaid, aga mul on oluline enda jaoks sõnastada ja seetõttu panen kirja. Viimaste nädalate jooksul lugesin mitu postitust, mida võib üldistada nii: "sobib" ei ole sama, mis isiklik stiil. Hoiatan, et tuleb pikk tekst.
I have a feeling that this topic does not interest knitters but it is important to formulate it to myself and this is why I am writing this. During the recent weeks I read several posts that can be generalized in the following way: "suits/is flattering" is not synomymous to personal style. Careful, it is a long text.
Üks iisraeli stilist on päris huvitavalt analüüsinud oma blogis (vene keeles) populaarse blogija postituse. Kui te ei loe vene keeles, seal on screen-shotid ja tolle blogija põhiteesid inglise keeles. Blogija tegi eksperimendi, läks mitmesse poodi ja palus sealsete stilistide teenust. Sõnastas nii: tehke, et mulle sobiks figuuri järgi (inglise keeles on olemas sõna "flattering", mida on raske tõlkida, aga et figuur paistaks võimalikult ilus ja kena). Peab ütlema, et proovikabiinis telefoniga pildistades ei saa ikkagi adekvaatset pilti kasvõi nurga tõttu. Blogija laitis peaaegu kõik komplektid maha, tehes järelduse, et ilu on vaataja silmis. Mõni tahab muidugi veel kaugemale minna ja öelda, et paha moetööstus määrib meile pähe jms, ei viitsi jätkata (selle peale ütlen, et see on väga mugav viis panna maha igasugune vastutus, paljugi mida kusagil arvab, inimesel on vabadus oma peaga mõelda ja oma silmaga vaadata). Pealegi on teatud optilisi seaduspärasusi, mis mõjuvad nii või naa, kas seda pidada ilusaks või mitte, on muidugi ise asi.
An Israeli stylist has provided quite an insightful analysis of a post by a popular blogger on her own blog (in Russian). If you don't read Russian, you can see screen-shots and the main conclusions by that blogger in English. The blogger in question made an experiment, she visited several shops and asked for a stylist service. She rendered her request in the following way: she wanted something flattering. One has to say that taking photos in a try-on cabin with a telephon would seldom give you adequate pictures, at least because of the angle. The blogger disliked all outfits and arrived to a conclusion that the beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. One can of course go even further and state that "dreadful fashion industry is imposing images etc" but I don't bother to continue this line of thought (I just say this: it is very convenient to avoid responsibilty; there are many things on offer and many opinions, so what, you are free to use your own intelligence and to look with your own eyes). In addition, there are some optical phenomena that affect you in a certain manner; whether you consider it beautiful or not, is a different matter.
Iisraeli stilist vaatab kaugemale ja sügavamale, nimelt, uurib selle blogija stiili ja teeb järelduse, millega mina olen nõus: neiu enda stiil (või ettekujutus oma minast, kui soovite) on midagi niisugust, mida eesti keeles võiks nimetada (ilma halvustamata): "sitsid-satsid" ja "plikalik": käharad seelikud, lühikesed topid jms. Ilu on muidugi vaataja silmis, kuid sama figuuri võib riietada üsna erinevalt. See, mida pakkusid neiule stilistid, võib tunduda ilus või kole või mittemidagiütlev, aga et talle ei meeldinud, ei tähenda, et ei kaunista figuuri, vaid pigem seda, et ei vasta tema ettekujutusele iseendast. Vene keeles on hea irooniline väljend: сделайте мне красиво (sõna-sõnalt: tehke, et oleks minu jaoks ilus) ja tihti arvatakse, et see on stilisti ülesanne. Aga üks asi, kui teil on vaja luua teatud muljet, ja hoopis teine, kui on vaja leida oma stiil. All on paar pilti, mis visuaalselt meeldivad mulle, kuid ma ise nii ei riietuks.
The Israeli stylist takes it further and goes into the matter, namely, she tries to get into the blogger's style and summarizes it as follows (and I agree): the personal style of the lady (or her self-image, if you wish) is something that you can call in Estonian (without being pejorative): "sitsid-satsid" (lace and ribbons), "plikalik" (girly): fluffy skirts, cropped tops etc. Of course beauty is in the eyes of the beholder but keep in mind that the same body can be dressed in different ways. What the shop stylists offered to the lady may seem nice or ugly or plain nothing but the fact she did not like it does not mean that it is unflattering to her body but rather that it does not correspond to her self-image. There is an ironic expression in Russian: сделайте мне красиво (literally, make it beautiful for me) and people often believe that this exactly what a stylist should do. But these are different things: making a certain impression and, on the other hand, finding your own style. The next picture shows and outfit I like but I would not wear it myself.
Veel üks suurepärane stilist ja rätsep, kellega olen suhelnud ja kes muide peab lugu kudumitest, kirjutas väga näitliku postituse. Ei pea lugema vene keeles, vaadake pilte. Üks taim, mida võib pildistada erineva nurga alt ja erineval taustal (taim ise on ühe ja sama koha peal, muutub ainult fotograafi asend ja tehnika). On väga palju võimalusi, kuid on ka teatud piirid: seda habrast põllutaime on äärmiselt raske pildistada nii, et see tunduks pidulik ja/või majesteetlik. Sellest järeldus, et muidugi saab mängida n-ö ühe ja sama "faktuuriga" , mis on kellelgi antud, proovida erinevaid stiile, kuid teatud asju oleks raske saavutada ja võib ka küsida, kas on vaja.
Yet another wonderful stylist and tailor with whome I have communicated and who, by the way, likes knitting and knitwear, wrote quite a revealing post. You don't have to read Russian, just look at the pictures. There is a plant that can be phtographed from a different angle and with varying backgrounds (the plant is the same and in the same place, only the photograph's position and photogrpahing technique changes). There are many possibilities but some limits as well: this fragile field plant cannot be presented as something festive and/or grand. So you can drive a conclusion that of course you can play the same "frame" you have got and you can try different styles but some things are very hard to achieve and one can ask whether you need this.
Et asi ei oleks nii abstraktne, vaatame nüüd pilti. Mul on liivakella figuur (või sinnapoole). Tean, et klassifikatsioone on mitmesuguseid, aga, ütleme, figuur on selline, kui on olemas talje ning õlad ja puusad on enam-vähem taasakaalus. Kui kirjutada otsinugsse "hourglass body shape" vms, tuleb väga palju linke, pilte ja soovitusi. Mis ei arvesta muidugi eluviisi (kas mul on vaja õhtukleiti või riietust, et metsas kolada - mul ei lähe vaja kumbagi), näo kuju, näojooni ja palju muud. Teoreetiliselt sobiks mulle selline kleit:
In order not to be overly abstract and speculative, let us look at this picture. I have an hourglass-shaped figure (or something approximating). I know that there are different classfications but, let us say, we are talking about a shape whith a clearly defined waist and hwere shoulders and hips are more or lass balanced. If you google "hourglass body shape" or somethging lik this, you'll get many links, pictures and recommendations. Which of course do not take into consideration your life style (do you need an evening outfit or something to walk in the forest? - In my case, neither), neither the shape of your face, facial features and much other things. Theoretically, this dress would fit me:
Tegelikult aga ei vaataks ma seda kleiti pikemalt. Miks? Pole mina. Ei kanna kleite. Ei taha rõhutada taljet ja puusi. Alt laienev seelik on ilus, aga mitte minu jaoks. Ühesõnaga, võib-olla on ilus, aga "see pole mina". Aga milline on "mina"? Kõige esimene pilt (näiteks). Muide, selle komplekti disainer on Donna Karan, kelle looming on mulle üsna sümpaatne. Muidugi, mitte alati ja mitte igas olukorras, aga üks võimalusi. Tuleb vaadata pilte ja püüda aru saada, mis meeldib, mis ei meeldi ja miks. Viimane on väga oluline. Mõned asjad on sellised, mida võib "kodustada". Mõni asi on iseenesest enam-vähem neutraalne ja selle võib paigutada erinevatesse kontekstidesse, kusjuures pilt tuleb ka erinev. Kes soovib, lugegu veel kord seda.
But in reality I would not look twice at this dress. Why? It is not me. I do not waare dresses. I do not want to emphasize the waist and the hips. The widening skirt is beutiful but not for me. To put it short, it may be very nice but "not me". But what is "me"`The very first picture (for instance). By the way, this is an outfit by Donna Karan whose designs I rather like. Of course, not everywhere and not in all situations but it is a possibility. One should look at picturea and try to realize what one likes and what one dislikes and why. The latter is extremely important. Some things are such that they can be "domesticated". Some garments are more or less neutral and can be placed into different context and look differently. If you wish, you can reread this post.
esmaspäev, 31. august 2015
laupäev, 29. august 2015
Uus kooskudumine tulemas/New KAL coming up soon
Uus kooskudumine algab meie Ravelry rühmas 15. septembril. Seekord on koostöö HauteKnit Yarn lõngavärvijaga. Sain kevadel lõnga, kudusin valmis sellise topi ja tegin õpetuse, mida parajasti testitakse. Lõng on väga ilus, kergelt säbruline Ultra Soft Merino Superwash (100 g/450 m).
A new KAL will star in our Ravelry group on 15 September. This time it is a cooperation with HauteKnit Yarn (hand-dyed yarns). I got this yarn in spring, knitted this top and wrote a pattern that is being currently tested. The yarn is beatiful with a sligthly uneven colour: Ultra Soft Merino Superwash (100 g/450 m).
Suurusele S (34) kulutasin 130 g, varras 3,5 mm.
For size S (34) I used 130 g, needles 3.5 mm.
A new KAL will star in our Ravelry group on 15 September. This time it is a cooperation with HauteKnit Yarn (hand-dyed yarns). I got this yarn in spring, knitted this top and wrote a pattern that is being currently tested. The yarn is beatiful with a sligthly uneven colour: Ultra Soft Merino Superwash (100 g/450 m).
Suurusele S (34) kulutasin 130 g, varras 3,5 mm.
For size S (34) I used 130 g, needles 3.5 mm.
neljapäev, 27. august 2015
Töös/Under construction
Näitan pilte. Nüüd tuleb valmis kududa krae + nööbiliist. Ei tea, kas lõnga jätkub, sest ripskude sööb teatavasti palju lõnga. Kujutan ette, kui raske oleks jakk, kui mul oleks mingi raskem villane või meriino!
Here are some pictures. Now I have to finish the collar + button band. I am not sure I have enough yarn because garter stitch is quite a yarn eater. I imagine how heavy the cardigan would be if it were some thicker wool or merino!
Here are some pictures. Now I have to finish the collar + button band. I am not sure I have enough yarn because garter stitch is quite a yarn eater. I imagine how heavy the cardigan would be if it were some thicker wool or merino!
teisipäev, 25. august 2015
Lühike teade/A short announcement
Mu raamatu tõlge soome keelde ilmus just praegu! Mul on väga hea meel. Praegu räägime ka esitlusest, see tuleb ilmselt novembris.
A Finnish translation of my book has just come out! I am very glad. Now we are discussing a possible book presentation, apparently, it will take place in November.
Kirjani suomennos on juuri ilmeistynyt! Minulla on oikein hyvä mieli! Keskustelemme juuri esittelystä, ilmeisesti marraskuussa.
Rohkem infot siin (soome keeles).
More information here (in Finnish).
Lisä tietoa tässä (suomeksi).
A Finnish translation of my book has just come out! I am very glad. Now we are discussing a possible book presentation, apparently, it will take place in November.
Kirjani suomennos on juuri ilmeistynyt! Minulla on oikein hyvä mieli! Keskustelemme juuri esittelystä, ilmeisesti marraskuussa.
Rohkem infot siin (soome keeles).
More information here (in Finnish).
Lisä tietoa tässä (suomeksi).
pühapäev, 23. august 2015
Jolande topp/Top by Jolande
Olen korduvalt kirjutanud ja rääkinud, et õpetuse järgi või, ütleme, selle motiivil või tõukel tehtud ilusad kudumid on disainerile parim tänu.
I have repeatedly said and written that a nice knit made from my pattern or inspired by it is the best praise for a designer.
Jolande, dank u well!
Suurus L, lõng on Bomul-Lin (Drops), vardad 4 mm. Kena foto, muster on nähtav.
Size L, the yarn is Bomul-Lin (by Drops), needles 4 mm. A beautiful photo and the stitch pattenr is visible.
I have repeatedly said and written that a nice knit made from my pattern or inspired by it is the best praise for a designer.
Jolande, dank u well!
Suurus L, lõng on Bomul-Lin (Drops), vardad 4 mm. Kena foto, muster on nähtav.
Size L, the yarn is Bomul-Lin (by Drops), needles 4 mm. A beautiful photo and the stitch pattenr is visible.
reede, 21. august 2015
Ma ei ole kuigi tihti kudunud palmikuid. Pole midagi nende vastu ja tehniliselt meeldib mulle ka, aga peaksin veel selgusele jõudma, kas palmikutega kudumid sobivad minu stiiliga. Ilmselt oleneb palju nii palmikute paigutusest kui ka lõngast. See kudum on aga tulevase TFW kollektsiooni osa. Eelmisel aastal oli meil palmikutega tuunika, sel aastal otsustasime, et teeks jälle midagi. See "midagi" on suhteliselt suur ja pikk jakk. Eile alustasin, algus nägi välja selline:
I have not knitted cables very often. Nothing against them and I quite like them technically but I have to figure out whether knits with cables fit into my style. Possibly, a lot depends on the placement of cables and on the yarn. This particular knit is a part of the future collection for TFW. Last year we had a tunic with cables and this time we decided to do something again. This "something" will be a a relatively large and long cardi. I started yesterday and the beginning looked as follows:
Nüüd on vaade eest selline:
Now the front look is like this:
Ja tagant:
And back:
Lõng on Angora Gold kahekordsena. Vardad 5 mm. Vaatamata akrüüli 30 %-lisele sisaldusele, ei tundu see üldse "vatine" ega "krigise". Hind on madal ja värve on palju. Mingis mõttes meenutab see Angora 2. Naljatledes kutsun seda "vase mehe Angora 2-ks", mitte hinna tõttu, vaid sellepärast, et seda lõnga saan siit ja Angora 2 saab Leedust (ja Eestis Tartust, ja mitte kõiki värve; interneti kaudu ma ei osta lõnga, sest pean värvi oma silmaga nägema ja lõnga katsuma).
The yarn is Angora Gold held double. Needles 5 mm. Despite of 30 % of acrylic, it feels neither like "cotton balls" nor it "squeaks". The price is low and there is a great choice of colours. In a sense it reminds me of Angora 2. As a joke, I call it "poor man's Angora 2" but not because of the price but because I can get this yarn here and Angora 2 is available in Lithuania (or in Tartu in Estonia and not all colours; I usually don't buy yarn on the net because I have to see the colour and to touch).
I have not knitted cables very often. Nothing against them and I quite like them technically but I have to figure out whether knits with cables fit into my style. Possibly, a lot depends on the placement of cables and on the yarn. This particular knit is a part of the future collection for TFW. Last year we had a tunic with cables and this time we decided to do something again. This "something" will be a a relatively large and long cardi. I started yesterday and the beginning looked as follows:
Nüüd on vaade eest selline:
Now the front look is like this:
Ja tagant:
And back:
Lõng on Angora Gold kahekordsena. Vardad 5 mm. Vaatamata akrüüli 30 %-lisele sisaldusele, ei tundu see üldse "vatine" ega "krigise". Hind on madal ja värve on palju. Mingis mõttes meenutab see Angora 2. Naljatledes kutsun seda "vase mehe Angora 2-ks", mitte hinna tõttu, vaid sellepärast, et seda lõnga saan siit ja Angora 2 saab Leedust (ja Eestis Tartust, ja mitte kõiki värve; interneti kaudu ma ei osta lõnga, sest pean värvi oma silmaga nägema ja lõnga katsuma).
The yarn is Angora Gold held double. Needles 5 mm. Despite of 30 % of acrylic, it feels neither like "cotton balls" nor it "squeaks". The price is low and there is a great choice of colours. In a sense it reminds me of Angora 2. As a joke, I call it "poor man's Angora 2" but not because of the price but because I can get this yarn here and Angora 2 is available in Lithuania (or in Tartu in Estonia and not all colours; I usually don't buy yarn on the net because I have to see the colour and to touch).
mustrid/stitch patterns,
kolmapäev, 19. august 2015
Kiirpilt/Quick picture
Praegu ei tule mingit juttu, lihtsalt paar pilti. Kirjutan varsti mõnest tehnilisest asjast ka.
No story now, just a couple of pictures. I will soon write about some technical stuff.
No story now, just a couple of pictures. I will soon write about some technical stuff.
esmaspäev, 17. august 2015
Mitteametlikud pildid/Non-official pictures
Huvitav, et see sviiter pole mu seljas võimatu, kuigi arvaks vastupidist (sest on nii-öelda liiga palju kõike). Ma ei ole veel aru saanud, miks nii on.
It is interesting that the sweater is not impossible for me to wear, although I would assume the opposite (because the pattern is busy and it has a lot of everything, so to say). I have not yet understood why this is the case.
Maiu, tänan pildistamast! Ametlikud fotod kunagi hiljem.
Maiu, thanks for the photos. Official photos will be sometimes later.
It is interesting that the sweater is not impossible for me to wear, although I would assume the opposite (because the pattern is busy and it has a lot of everything, so to say). I have not yet understood why this is the case.
Maiu, tänan pildistamast! Ametlikud fotod kunagi hiljem.
Maiu, thanks for the photos. Official photos will be sometimes later.
laupäev, 15. august 2015
Kodus/At home
Jõudsin koju. Näitan, mis on töös. Sellest tuleb seelik (mitte mulle endale), lõng on Dropsi siidiga mohäär.
I arrived home. Here is what I am working on. It will be a skirt (not for myself), the yarn is silk mohair by Drops.
Silmuseid on vardal juba suhteliselt palju, sellepärast ei ole näha tegumoodi. Alumisel pildil on pisut näha, et kasvatuste jooned moodustavad spiraale. Väga lihtne ja samas hästi nähtav, nii et mingeid kaunistusi polegi vaja.
At this point there is already quite a lot of stitches on the needle and it is difficult to see the shape. In the bottom picture one can see to an extent that the increas lines form spirals. Rather simple and yet quite visible, so no additional decorations are needed.
I arrived home. Here is what I am working on. It will be a skirt (not for myself), the yarn is silk mohair by Drops.
Silmuseid on vardal juba suhteliselt palju, sellepärast ei ole näha tegumoodi. Alumisel pildil on pisut näha, et kasvatuste jooned moodustavad spiraale. Väga lihtne ja samas hästi nähtav, nii et mingeid kaunistusi polegi vaja.
At this point there is already quite a lot of stitches on the needle and it is difficult to see the shape. In the bottom picture one can see to an extent that the increas lines form spirals. Rather simple and yet quite visible, so no additional decorations are needed.
neljapäev, 13. august 2015
Koepinna pilte/Pictures of the texture
Seda koepinda muudkui pildistaks ja pildistaks!
One cannot help photographing this texture!
Sviiter on muide valmis.
The sweater is finished, by the way.
One cannot help photographing this texture!
Sviiter on muide valmis.
The sweater is finished, by the way.
mustrid/stitch patterns,
teisipäev, 11. august 2015
Varrukatega/With the sleeves
Palavus on jube, Vilniuses on üle 30 kraadi sooja! Pole üldse energiat kirjutada, aga kudumine jätkub. Üks varrukas on valmis ja teine peaaegu valmis.
The heat is terrible, it is more than 30 degrees in Vilius! I have no energy to write but knitting continues. One sleeve is finished and the other almost finished.
The heat is terrible, it is more than 30 degrees in Vilius! I have no energy to write but knitting continues. One sleeve is finished and the other almost finished.
pühapäev, 9. august 2015
Tegutsen/In progress
Valmistun TFW-ks. Selline kahepoolne muster.
Preparing for TFW. This is a reversible stitch pattern.
Preparing for TFW. This is a reversible stitch pattern.
Lõng on Angora 2 kahekordselt, vardad 4,5 mm. Alustasin juba esimest varrukat ka.
The yarn is Angora 2 held double, needles 4.5 mm. I've already started the first sleeve.
Angora 2,
mustrid/stitch patterns,
reede, 7. august 2015
Eilne tund/Yesterday's class
Eile oli koos palju rahvast, vaatamata palavusele. Sonata, aitäh korraldamast ja pildistamast! Kaks esimest pilti on minu tehtud, ülejäänud on Sonata tehtud.
Yesterday a lot of people came to my class despite the heat. Sonata, many thanks for organizing and photos! The first two pictures are taken by myself and the rest by Sonata.
Sonata, ačiū labai!
Mõtleme kooskudumisele Ravelry leedu rühmas (leedu keeles).
We are considering a KAL in the Lithuanian group on Ravelry (in Lithuanian).
Galvojame apie mezgimą kartu Ravelry lietuviškoj grupėje (lietuviškai).
Yesterday a lot of people came to my class despite the heat. Sonata, many thanks for organizing and photos! The first two pictures are taken by myself and the rest by Sonata.
Sonata, ačiū labai!
Mõtleme kooskudumisele Ravelry leedu rühmas (leedu keeles).
We are considering a KAL in the Lithuanian group on Ravelry (in Lithuanian).
Galvojame apie mezgimą kartu Ravelry lietuviškoj grupėje (lietuviškai).
kolmapäev, 5. august 2015
Selle sviitri õpetus ilmub leedu ajakirjas Rankdarbių kraitelė ja siis hiljem ka eesti ja vene keeles ajakirjas Minu käsitööd. Millal, ei tea. Õpetus on toimetusse saadetud ja sviiter viidud pildistamiseks. Need on Sonata tehtud pildid.
The pattern of this sweater will appear in the Lihtuanian crafts magazine Rankdarbių kraitelė and later in Estonian and Russian in the translated version of the journal (Minu käsitööd). I don't know when. The pattern has been sent to the editor and the sweater handed over for the photosession. These pics are taken by Sonata.
Sviiter on hästi lihtne.
The sweater is farily simple.
The pattern of this sweater will appear in the Lihtuanian crafts magazine Rankdarbių kraitelė and later in Estonian and Russian in the translated version of the journal (Minu käsitööd). I don't know when. The pattern has been sent to the editor and the sweater handed over for the photosession. These pics are taken by Sonata.
Sviiter on hästi lihtne.
The sweater is farily simple.
esmaspäev, 3. august 2015
laupäev, 1. august 2015
Mõni pilt/Some pictures
Näitan paar pilti. Kindlasti tuleb ka ajakirja pilt, aga alles hiljem. Mul oli kahtlusi, aga tulemusega olen rahul.
Here are some pictures. Certainly there will be journal pictures but much later. I had some doubts but I am glad with the final result.
Kõige tõelisem värv on esimesel pildil, aga eks siniseid ja türkiise on raske pildistada.
The most true colour is in the first picture; blue and turqoise shades are difficult to render.
Here are some pictures. Certainly there will be journal pictures but much later. I had some doubts but I am glad with the final result.
Kõige tõelisem värv on esimesel pildil, aga eks siniseid ja türkiise on raske pildistada.
The most true colour is in the first picture; blue and turqoise shades are difficult to render.
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