Kursus algab täna. Plaan on selline, nagu eelmisel aastal, aga eks paistab, võib-olla mõni ootamatu ja oluline teema kerkib üles ja olen valmis improviseerima. Täna räägime nn põhikonstruktsioonist. Kui aga keegi arvab, et võiks teie kord teha selline kursus mõnes muus keeles, siis andke teada ja võtke ühendust Rahvaülikooliga. Lõpuks veel paar tehnilist pilti TFW-st. Ootame show'd. Anete Palmiku pilt.
The course starts today. The curriculum (in Estonian) is as last year but we shall see, if some unexpected and relevant topic pops up, I am ready to improvise. Today we talk about so-called basic construction. If someone thinks that such a course could be held in another language, let me know and contact Folk University. Finally, a couple of technical pictures from TFW. Before the show. Pictures by Anete Palmik.
reede, 30. oktoober 2015
kolmapäev, 28. oktoober 2015
Need pole kõik pidid, vaid üks sari. Ühesõnaga, järgneb. Pildistatud NO99 teatri fuajees ja trepikojas. Panen siia mõned pildid, ülejäänud on FB-s ja teatud valik ka Pinterestis.
These are not all pictures, just one photosession. To be contiued. Pictures taken in the lobby and on the staircase of NO99 theatre. I am uploading some of them, the whole album is on FB and some choice on Pinterest.
Piltnik/Photo: Meeli Laidvee
MUA: Raili Salvet, Janeli Kuusk
Modellid/Models: Inge Liina Korm, Kelly Kangur
Eriline tänu/Special thanks: Maiu Sikk
These are not all pictures, just one photosession. To be contiued. Pictures taken in the lobby and on the staircase of NO99 theatre. I am uploading some of them, the whole album is on FB and some choice on Pinterest.
Piltnik/Photo: Meeli Laidvee
MUA: Raili Salvet, Janeli Kuusk
Modellid/Models: Inge Liina Korm, Kelly Kangur
Eriline tänu/Special thanks: Maiu Sikk
pühapäev, 25. oktoober 2015
Pisut puhkust/A little break
Show on läbi, on vaja pisut puhkust. Tänu kõigile ja eelkõige Mattisele!. Pilte jm tuleb hiljem. Tallinna Moenädala korraldajad teavitasid Facebookis, et "lähipäeval on tulekul pilte, pilte, pilte!". Loodan, et mõned neist on ka meie kollektsioonist. Aga nüüd koon lihtsa musta sviitrit (neid pole mu majapidamises kunagi liiga palju) ja valmistun eelseisvaks Rahvaülikooli kursuseks. Niikaua aga panen sellise pildi (Ruta, suur tänu!). See kampsun läks juba meie tubli jumestaja Railile kingituseks.
The show is over and a little break is needed. Many thanks to everyone and especially to Mattis! Pictures etc will appear later. The organizers of Tallinn Fashion Week wrote on Facebook today that "in the nearest days there will be pictures, pictures, pictures coming!" I hope that there will be some pictures of our collection. Now I am knitting a simple black sweater (never too many of them in my household) and preparing for my course at Tallinn Folk University. Just one picture for now (Ruta, many thanks!). This knit has found a happy owner, namely, our diligent make-up artist Raili.
The show is over and a little break is needed. Many thanks to everyone and especially to Mattis! Pictures etc will appear later. The organizers of Tallinn Fashion Week wrote on Facebook today that "in the nearest days there will be pictures, pictures, pictures coming!" I hope that there will be some pictures of our collection. Now I am knitting a simple black sweater (never too many of them in my household) and preparing for my course at Tallinn Folk University. Just one picture for now (Ruta, many thanks!). This knit has found a happy owner, namely, our diligent make-up artist Raili.
reede, 23. oktoober 2015
Juba täna/It is today
Meie moeetendus toimub täna!
Our fashion show takes place today!
Aga see on eilne pilt (Mattis, tänan!), jälgin aknast fotosessiooni, mis toimus maja ees.
And this is a picture from yesterday (thans, Mattis!), I am observing the photo session that took place in front of my house.
Our fashion show takes place today!
Aga see on eilne pilt (Mattis, tänan!), jälgin aknast fotosessiooni, mis toimus maja ees.
And this is a picture from yesterday (thans, Mattis!), I am observing the photo session that took place in front of my house.
kolmapäev, 21. oktoober 2015
Väga lühike postitus/A very short post
Enne moeetendust on käed-jalad tööd täis. Lühike teade siin ja siin. Praegu aga koon lõngadest, mis on oodanud oma aega ja nüüd saab neist asja. Panin kokku Pirtin Kehräämö täisvillast (100 g/360 m) ja tundmatud peenikest mitte väga karvast mohääri.
Before the fashion show we are extremely busy. A short announcement here and here (in Estonian but you can see the pictures). Now I am knitting with a combination of yarns that have been sitting and waiting and now I have use for them. I combined pure wool by Pirtin Kehräämö (100 g/360 m) and an unknown thin not very hairy mohair.
Before the fashion show we are extremely busy. A short announcement here and here (in Estonian but you can see the pictures). Now I am knitting with a combination of yarns that have been sitting and waiting and now I have use for them. I combined pure wool by Pirtin Kehräämö (100 g/360 m) and an unknown thin not very hairy mohair.
esmaspäev, 19. oktoober 2015
Lihtne sviiter/A simple sweater
Mäletate seda postitust? Tegelikult see sviiter on hulk aega valmis, aga pole mahti pildistada (enda seljas ammugi mitte). Mitte midagi erilist. Just minu maitse, kudusin seda suurema hea meelega.
Do you remember this post? Actually, the sweater has been finished for quite some time now but I did not have an opportunity to take pictures (let alone modelled poctures). Nothing special. Just my taste, I knitted it with a great pleasure.
Siin on näha, et soonik on teisest lõngast kootud, puuvill ja peenike meriino (sama meriino, mis on mohäärile seltsiks).
Here you can see that the ribbing is in a different yarn, it is cotton and laceweight merino (the same merino that accompanies the mohair).
Mohäärile meeldib lõtv ja pehme mahakudumine. Mul on mitu nõksu. Mõnikord on selline õhuline äär päris dekoratiivne, polegi vaja mingeid vigureid.
Mohair liks loose and soft bind-off. I have several tricks in my sleeve. Sometimes this airy bind-off is decorative and you don't need other embelishments.
Siin on rohkem näha.
Here you can see more of it.
Do you remember this post? Actually, the sweater has been finished for quite some time now but I did not have an opportunity to take pictures (let alone modelled poctures). Nothing special. Just my taste, I knitted it with a great pleasure.
Siin on näha, et soonik on teisest lõngast kootud, puuvill ja peenike meriino (sama meriino, mis on mohäärile seltsiks).
Here you can see that the ribbing is in a different yarn, it is cotton and laceweight merino (the same merino that accompanies the mohair).
Mohäärile meeldib lõtv ja pehme mahakudumine. Mul on mitu nõksu. Mõnikord on selline õhuline äär päris dekoratiivne, polegi vaja mingeid vigureid.
Mohair liks loose and soft bind-off. I have several tricks in my sleeve. Sometimes this airy bind-off is decorative and you don't need other embelishments.
Siin on rohkem näha.
Here you can see more of it.
laupäev, 17. oktoober 2015
Nüüd on kiire aeg, teeme veel ettevalmistusi. Aga Postimees on meid märganud ja paigutanud ühe pildi. See on kevadiste piltide sarjast, kui oli hästi kiire ja pidime korraldajatele näitama vähemalt midagi.
It is a busy time now, we are still doing preparations. But Postimees (one of the largest Estonian daily papers) has noticed us and uploaded a picture of ours. The pictures is one of the spring series when we had very little time and had to show the organizers at least something.
Pilt/Photo: Anete Palmik
Modell/Model: Sonya Christina Tomson
Jumestus/Make-up: Raili Silvet (OÜ Ilusalv)
Oleme heas seltskonnas! Kogu galerii asub siin.
We are in a good company! The entire galery is here.
It is a busy time now, we are still doing preparations. But Postimees (one of the largest Estonian daily papers) has noticed us and uploaded a picture of ours. The pictures is one of the spring series when we had very little time and had to show the organizers at least something.
Pilt/Photo: Anete Palmik
Modell/Model: Sonya Christina Tomson
Jumestus/Make-up: Raili Silvet (OÜ Ilusalv)
Oleme heas seltskonnas! Kogu galerii asub siin.
We are in a good company! The entire galery is here.
kolmapäev, 14. oktoober 2015
TFW läheneb/TFW is aproaching
... ja meie valmistume!
... and we are preparing!
Pilt/Photo: Meeli Laidvee
Jumestus/Make-up: Raili Salvet (Ilusalv OÜ), Janeli Kuusk
Modellid/Models: Inge Liine Korm (YES RIGHT MODELS), Kelly Kangur
Koht/Venue: NO99 Teater
Jalatsid/Shues: Riverisland
... and we are preparing!
Pilt/Photo: Meeli Laidvee
Jumestus/Make-up: Raili Salvet (Ilusalv OÜ), Janeli Kuusk
Modellid/Models: Inge Liine Korm (YES RIGHT MODELS), Kelly Kangur
Koht/Venue: NO99 Teater
Jalatsid/Shues: Riverisland
esmaspäev, 12. oktoober 2015
Kui ei tea, mida kududa/If you don't know what to knit next
Mida teha siis? Mõni alustab rätikut, mõni alustab sokke. Aga mul on väga selge vastus: kui ei tea, mida kududa, koo mohäärisviiter.
What would you do then? Some would start a shawl, other wold start socks. But I have a definite answer: if in doubt, knit a mohair sweater.
Koos on kaks lõnga: peenike must meriino ja suitsuhall mohäär. Varukkate viimistluseks on teine lõng, ühest varasemast kudumist alles jäänud must puuvillane.
Two strands are hold together: a laceweight black merino and a smoke-grey mohair. There is another yarn for the finishing of the sleeves, some black cotton from a previous knit.
What would you do then? Some would start a shawl, other wold start socks. But I have a definite answer: if in doubt, knit a mohair sweater.
Koos on kaks lõnga: peenike must meriino ja suitsuhall mohäär. Varukkate viimistluseks on teine lõng, ühest varasemast kudumist alles jäänud must puuvillane.
Two strands are hold together: a laceweight black merino and a smoke-grey mohair. There is another yarn for the finishing of the sleeves, some black cotton from a previous knit.
laupäev, 10. oktoober 2015
Midagi dramaatilist/Something dramatic
Näitan rätiku pilte. Lähivaade eelmises postituses (kes pole näinud ja tahab näha mustrit ja tegumoodi, palun siia). Tiina, suur tänu pildistamast! Rätik on pehme ja õrn, aga tegin hoopis karmimat stilistikat. Eks ole, mingi värav, taustal Tallinna hoov, must riietus ja punane rätik.
Here are some pictures of the shawl. A close look in the previous post (if you have not seen the stitch and want to see it, please look here). Tiina, many thanks for taking pictures! The shawl is soft and delicate but I did a much more dramatic styling. So here you are, a gate and a Tallinn courtyard in the baground, black clothes and a red shawl.
Lõng/Yarn: Merino Lace (Austermann), 100 % meriino/merino, 25 g/350 m, ~ 75 g.
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm, 4 mm.
Here are some pictures of the shawl. A close look in the previous post (if you have not seen the stitch and want to see it, please look here). Tiina, many thanks for taking pictures! The shawl is soft and delicate but I did a much more dramatic styling. So here you are, a gate and a Tallinn courtyard in the baground, black clothes and a red shawl.
Lõng/Yarn: Merino Lace (Austermann), 100 % meriino/merino, 25 g/350 m, ~ 75 g.
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm, 4 mm.
neljapäev, 8. oktoober 2015
Aeg-ajalt ununeb, et pitsilisest või augulisest mustrist ei saa aru, kui kudum on pingutamata, eriti nii pehme lõnga puhul. Muretsesin veel, et ääre ja põhiosa tihedus on liiga erinev. Aga ei, nüüd selgub, et pole viga midagi.
From time to time one forgets that a lace or eyelet pattern may be poorly visible before blocking, especially in the case of such a soft yarn. I also worried that the gauge of the body and the edge differs too much. But its fine, now I see that nothing went wrong.
Isegi värv on enam-vähem õige.
Even the colour is more or less right.
Auguline pind on piisavalt lihtne ja piisavalt huvitav. Rätiku konstruktsiooniga peaks veel katsetama, nt võiks muuta kasvatuste ja kahanduste rütmi (lihtsa mustri puhul pole ilmselt raske).
The eyelet texture is simple enough and entertaining enough. I have to experiment with the construction of the shawl, for instance, to try to change the pace of increases and decreases (it is probably not so difficult wiht a simple stitch pattern).
From time to time one forgets that a lace or eyelet pattern may be poorly visible before blocking, especially in the case of such a soft yarn. I also worried that the gauge of the body and the edge differs too much. But its fine, now I see that nothing went wrong.
Isegi värv on enam-vähem õige.
Even the colour is more or less right.
Auguline pind on piisavalt lihtne ja piisavalt huvitav. Rätiku konstruktsiooniga peaks veel katsetama, nt võiks muuta kasvatuste ja kahanduste rütmi (lihtsa mustri puhul pole ilmselt raske).
The eyelet texture is simple enough and entertaining enough. I have to experiment with the construction of the shawl, for instance, to try to change the pace of increases and decreases (it is probably not so difficult wiht a simple stitch pattern).
mustrid/stitch patterns,
teisipäev, 6. oktoober 2015
Väga tänamatu töö on pildistada punast. Pealegi hotellis, kus on väga kehv valgus. Otsustasin, et teen rätikule ääre soonikus. Soonik on dekoratiivne, kavatsen maha kududa üsna lõdvalt.
It is quite a hopeless job to photograph red. Especially in a hotel whith a lousy light. I decided to make a ribbing edge for the shawl.. The ribbing is decorative, I am also going to bind off rather loosely.
Äär on kahekordsest lõngast, varras on ka jämedam. Ei tea, mis välja tuleb. Üldiselt eelistaksin lambavillast ja mitte nii pehmet lõnga, kuigi olen sellest ka kudunud, nt selle rätiku.
The edge is worked with the yarn held double and with thicker needles. I don't know how it will turn out. In general I perfer wool and not such a soft yarn, although I have knitted it earlier, for instance, this shawl.
It is quite a hopeless job to photograph red. Especially in a hotel whith a lousy light. I decided to make a ribbing edge for the shawl.. The ribbing is decorative, I am also going to bind off rather loosely.
Äär on kahekordsest lõngast, varras on ka jämedam. Ei tea, mis välja tuleb. Üldiselt eelistaksin lambavillast ja mitte nii pehmet lõnga, kuigi olen sellest ka kudunud, nt selle rätiku.
The edge is worked with the yarn held double and with thicker needles. I don't know how it will turn out. In general I perfer wool and not such a soft yarn, although I have knitted it earlier, for instance, this shawl.
pühapäev, 4. oktoober 2015
Rätik/A shawl
Üle hulga aja koon kolmnurkset rätikut. Loodetavasti tuleb sellest kingitus.
After quite some time I am knitting a triangular shawl. Hopefully, it will be a present.
Koon põiki, ühest otsast kasvatades kuni tipuni ja siis kahandades. Vaatame, kuidas välja kujuneb.
I am knitting sideways from one end with increases to the tip and then with decreases. We shall see how it turns out.
After quite some time I am knitting a triangular shawl. Hopefully, it will be a present.
Koon põiki, ühest otsast kasvatades kuni tipuni ja siis kahandades. Vaatame, kuidas välja kujuneb.
I am knitting sideways from one end with increases to the tip and then with decreases. We shall see how it turns out.
reede, 2. oktoober 2015
Jälle Meeli jakist/Again about Meeli cardigan
Jutt on ikka sellest jakist. Australia kuduja Ravelry kasutajanimega happyhel on valmis kudunud ja esitanud võistlusele "Australian Alpaca Nationals" käsitöö sektsioonis Sydneys ja sai esikoha! Väga rõõmustav kuulda!
It is about this cardi. The Australian knitter happyhel on Ravelry has knitted the cardigan and entered her cardigan into the Australian Alpaca Nationals - Craft Section in Sydney and won the first place! I am happy to hear it!
Lõng on Alpaca Ultimate 4 ply (50 g/180 m).
The yarn is Alpaca Ultimate 4 ply (50 g/180 m).
It is about this cardi. The Australian knitter happyhel on Ravelry has knitted the cardigan and entered her cardigan into the Australian Alpaca Nationals - Craft Section in Sydney and won the first place! I am happy to hear it!
Lõng on Alpaca Ultimate 4 ply (50 g/180 m).
The yarn is Alpaca Ultimate 4 ply (50 g/180 m).
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