Mia käis eile Tallinnas. Nagu alati, veetsime kenasti aega.
Yesterday Mia visted Tallinn. As usual, we had a nice time together.
Jõudsime ka rätiku pilte teha enne tormi.
We managed to take pictures of the shawl before the storm.
Kiitos! Aitäh! Thank you!
Siin on näha, kui suur on rätik. Saab ümber kaela kaks korda mässida.
Here you can see the true dimensions of the shawl. It is possible to wind it twice around the neck.
1) Tilda, 50 g/160 m, ~130 m
2) Cheope, 50 g/130 m, ~ 220 m
3) Favorito, 50 g/105 m, ~ 315 m
4) Haapsalu, 100 g/1400 m, ~350 m
Kuna lõngade jämedus erines, siis panin peenvillase Haapsalu Tildale ja Cheopele kaaslaseks.
As yarn weight differed, I added Haapsalu to Tilda and Cheope.
Vardad/Neeldes: 4 mm
Üleüldse olen rätiku ja selle konstruktsiooniga rahul, peaks nüüd tegema peenemast lõngast.
In gerenal, I am pleased with the shawl and its construction and should try one from thinner yarns.
pühapäev, 30. aprill 2017
reede, 28. aprill 2017
Klassikaline poolpatent/Classical half-brioche stitch
Seekord klassikaline poolpatent, mitte ripsiga.
This time classical half-brioche stitch, not combined with garter.
Lemmikkombinatsioon, Angora 2 ja Haapsalu.
My favourite yarn combination, Angora 2 and Haapsalu.
This time classical half-brioche stitch, not combined with garter.
Lemmikkombinatsioon, Angora 2 ja Haapsalu.
My favourite yarn combination, Angora 2 and Haapsalu.
kolmapäev, 26. aprill 2017
Rätik on valmis, aga piltidega on ikka probleem, sest rätik on pikk. Muidugi kui ümber kaela mässida, siis pole konstruktsioonist aru saada. Värvide vahetus on küll selgelt nähtav. Just paras praeguse ilmaga, kui pole eriti külm, aga sajab vihma.
The shawl is finished but there is still a problem with pictures because the shawl is long. Of course when I twist it around my neck, it is impossible to understand what the construction is. Still, the change of colours is quite visible. The shawl is suitable for the present weather when it is not cold but it rains.
The shawl is finished but there is still a problem with pictures because the shawl is long. Of course when I twist it around my neck, it is impossible to understand what the construction is. Still, the change of colours is quite visible. The shawl is suitable for the present weather when it is not cold but it rains.
esmaspäev, 24. aprill 2017
Rätik ei mahu pildile/A shawl does not fit into the picture
Sest ta on igavene suur! Ei suutnud välja mõelda, kuidas pildistada. Praegu on vardad sees ja neid on üsna palju.
Because it is so large! I was unable to come up with an idea how to photograph. Now the needles are still in and there are several of them.
Akalaual on rohkem valgust, aga pidin kokku murdma, nii et siin on umbes pool rätikut.
There is more light on the window ledge but I had to fold the shawl to fit it, so here you see aproximately a half of the shawl
Rätik on suhteliselt paks. Lõngadest kirjutan teine kord. Tundub, et konstruktsioon töötab, peaks proovima peenematest lõngadest.
The shawl is relatively thik. I will write about yarns another time. Apparently, the construction works and I have to try it from some thinner yarns.
Because it is so large! I was unable to come up with an idea how to photograph. Now the needles are still in and there are several of them.
Akalaual on rohkem valgust, aga pidin kokku murdma, nii et siin on umbes pool rätikut.
There is more light on the window ledge but I had to fold the shawl to fit it, so here you see aproximately a half of the shawl
Rätik on suhteliselt paks. Lõngadest kirjutan teine kord. Tundub, et konstruktsioon töötab, peaks proovima peenematest lõngadest.
The shawl is relatively thik. I will write about yarns another time. Apparently, the construction works and I have to try it from some thinner yarns.
laupäev, 22. aprill 2017
Viimane tund Tartus ja rätik/My last class in Tartu and the shawl
Täna oli mul Tartu Rahvaülikoolis viimane tund. Väga kena rühm oli. Pildistasin mälestuseks kursuse reklaami.
Today I had my last class at Tartu Folk University. It was a very nice group. I took a picture of the course advertisement.
Rätik sai valmis, tegin paar kiirpilti. Üsna kerge, mõnusa koepinnaga. Peenikest suvelõnga võiks rohkem saadaval olla.
The shawl is finished and I took a couple of quick pictures. It is rather light and the fabric is pleasant. I wish more light summer yarns were available.
Today I had my last class at Tartu Folk University. It was a very nice group. I took a picture of the course advertisement.
Rätik sai valmis, tegin paar kiirpilti. Üsna kerge, mõnusa koepinnaga. Peenikest suvelõnga võiks rohkem saadaval olla.
The shawl is finished and I took a couple of quick pictures. It is rather light and the fabric is pleasant. I wish more light summer yarns were available.
neljapäev, 20. aprill 2017
Rätik/A shawl
See on tellimus. Tegin umbes sarnase eelisel aastal, pilte ei olegi. Juhtus aga nii, et tellija tütar omastas rätiku ja on vaja uut.
This is an order. I made a similar one last year and there are no pictures. It happened so that the client's daughter appropirated the shawl and now there is a need for a new one.
Lõng on Amber (Midara), 100 % puuvill, 100 g/660 m. Vardad 3 mm. Lõng on üpris pehme, samas piisavalt peenike. Seda võiks ka millegagi kombineerida, kui tahta sviitrit või toppi.
The yarn is Amer (Midara), 100 % cotton, 100 g/660 m. Needles 3 mm. The yarn is quite soft and thin at the same time. It can be comined with another yarn if one wants a sweater or a top.
This is an order. I made a similar one last year and there are no pictures. It happened so that the client's daughter appropirated the shawl and now there is a need for a new one.
Lõng on Amber (Midara), 100 % puuvill, 100 g/660 m. Vardad 3 mm. Lõng on üpris pehme, samas piisavalt peenike. Seda võiks ka millegagi kombineerida, kui tahta sviitrit või toppi.
The yarn is Amer (Midara), 100 % cotton, 100 g/660 m. Needles 3 mm. The yarn is quite soft and thin at the same time. It can be comined with another yarn if one wants a sweater or a top.
teisipäev, 18. aprill 2017
Tekk/The blanket
Tekk on valmis. Tegelikult on täiesti võilille värvi.
The blanket is completed. It is entirely in the colour of dandelion.
The blanket is completed. It is entirely in the colour of dandelion.
pühapäev, 16. aprill 2017
reede, 14. aprill 2017
Tibukollane sviiter on valmis/Chicken-yellow sweater is finished
Saingi valmis, nagu kavatsesin. Niisutamisel ei veninud sviiter välja, sobib selga.
I finished it as intended. After moistening it did not stretch, everything fits.
Lõng/Yarn: Cotton 50 g/165 m, ~ 365 g.
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm, 3,5 mm.
I finished it as intended. After moistening it did not stretch, everything fits.
Lõng/Yarn: Cotton 50 g/165 m, ~ 365 g.
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm, 3,5 mm.
kolmapäev, 12. aprill 2017
Tahan sviitri täna valmis saada. Peaks kuduma veel u 20 ringi ja sooniku.
I want to complete the sweater today. I have to knit about 20 rounds and ribbing.
I want to complete the sweater today. I have to knit about 20 rounds and ribbing.
Küljel on paar silmust ripskoes.
There is a couple of stitches in garter stitch on the side.
Arvasin, et saan küll 6 keraga valmis, aga nüüd alustan 7-ndat, seega kulub üle 1000 m. Aga sviiter on suhteliselt lai.
I thought that 6 balls would be enough but now I've just started the 7th, therefore, more than 1000 m will be used up. But the sweater is relatively wide.
esmaspäev, 10. aprill 2017
Poolsteist varrukat/One and a half sleeve
Nüüd on üks varrukas täiesti olemas ja teine pooleli. Tundub, et mingeid probleeme ei ole. Muidugi tuleb veel tükk maad alla kududa.
Now one sleeve is finished and the other one is underway. It seems that there are no problems. Of course, I have to knit the torso quite a bit.
Varrukad on üleni triibulised, ainult mustrikord on laiem, kui kere ülaosas. Vaatasin, et nii sobib paremini. Proportsioonid on kaval asi.
The sleeves have stripes throughout but the pattern repeat is wider than on the top part of the torso. I saw that it looks better. Proportions are tricky things.
Now one sleeve is finished and the other one is underway. It seems that there are no problems. Of course, I have to knit the torso quite a bit.
Varrukad on üleni triibulised, ainult mustrikord on laiem, kui kere ülaosas. Vaatasin, et nii sobib paremini. Proportsioonid on kaval asi.
The sleeves have stripes throughout but the pattern repeat is wider than on the top part of the torso. I saw that it looks better. Proportions are tricky things.
laupäev, 8. aprill 2017
Kooskudumine mais/KAL in May
See kooskudumine toimub eesti keeles Ravelrys siin. Teen retsepti, hiljem ka inglise keeles.
This KAL will be in Estonian on Ravelry here. I will write a pattern recipe and later will make an English one, too.
Sobivad suvised lõngad 50 g/120-160 m.
Suitable summer yarns are 50 g/120-160 m.
This KAL will be in Estonian on Ravelry here. I will write a pattern recipe and later will make an English one, too.
Sobivad suvised lõngad 50 g/120-160 m.
Suitable summer yarns are 50 g/120-160 m.
neljapäev, 6. aprill 2017
Sviiter tütrele/A sweater for my daughter
Tütar tahab avarat kerget sviitrit. Lõng on peenike puuvillane 50 g/160 m.
My daughter wishes a light oversized sweater. The yarn is thin cotton 50 g/160 m.
Varrukad tulevad ka.
There will be sleeves, too.
My daughter wishes a light oversized sweater. The yarn is thin cotton 50 g/160 m.
Varrukad tulevad ka.
There will be sleeves, too.
teisipäev, 4. aprill 2017
Topp/The top
Täna oli ilus ilm, Maiu tegi pilte. Suur tänu!
Today the weather was nice and Maiu took pictures. Thank you!
Lõng/Yarn: Tilda (Svarta Faret), 50 g/150 m (50 % puuvill/cotton, 50 % polüamiid/polyamid), ~600 m.
Vardad/Needles: 3,5 mm, 4 mm
Today the weather was nice and Maiu took pictures. Thank you!
Lõng/Yarn: Tilda (Svarta Faret), 50 g/150 m (50 % puuvill/cotton, 50 % polüamiid/polyamid), ~600 m.
Vardad/Needles: 3,5 mm, 4 mm
pühapäev, 2. aprill 2017
Sall/The scarf
Lõppude lõpuks sai valmis sall. Alustasin mitu korda (vist kolm või neli). Kaja, tänan piltide eest! Mul oli sokilõnga (Fortissima) ja täpselt sama värvi villast (Baltica), selle salli jääk. Panin kokku sokilõnga ja peenvillase (Haaapsalu) ja kui see otsa sai, jätkasin kombinatsiooniga Baltica + Haapsalu.
Finally, the scarf is finished. I started over several times (probably, three or four). Kaja, thanks for the pictures! I had sock yarn (Fortissima) and wool (Baltica) of exactly the same shade, leftovers from this scarf. I combined the sock yarn with laceweight Haapsalu and after having finished it, I continued with the combination Baltica + Haapsalu.
Lõng/Yarn: Fortissima Socka (50 g/210 m), Baltica (50 g/250 m), Haapsalu (460 m)
Vardad/Neeldes: 5,5 mm
Finally, the scarf is finished. I started over several times (probably, three or four). Kaja, thanks for the pictures! I had sock yarn (Fortissima) and wool (Baltica) of exactly the same shade, leftovers from this scarf. I combined the sock yarn with laceweight Haapsalu and after having finished it, I continued with the combination Baltica + Haapsalu.
Vardad/Neeldes: 5,5 mm
sokilõng/sock yarn,
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